' t'.. ' ? ' V ' i NEWS C m ulatm em the District o f West Vanmumfr-Amhleside, HolfyhurH,Weston, Dumiarave P -'t. Caulfeild,Whtlecliff, Et^ HOLLYBURN P.O ., WEST Vj^NCOUVER. B.C., TH URSDAY, FEBRUARY 23r î. 193(̂ No. 39 A N O TH ER CRISIS FILM OF Tliu gigantic see-saw betw een E urope and A sia Operated bv t)ie to ta lita rian s ta te s is beginning to sw ing again . ! ^ d it nmkes little difference to th e resu lt w h e th e r th a t swing is by way of a rran g em en t betw een them o r of an independent policy on the p a rt of Japan . Tlie la tte r coun try is fac ing both m ilita ry and economic tlisasler in China, w hich has been only rendered th e more certain by th e aid in th e shape of finances and w ar m ateria l now being 6xtended to th e la t te r country by E ngland and th e United S tates. W hy, th e re fo re , a t such a ju n c tu re should sire suddenly try to pick a q uarre l w ith R ussia, E ngland and France a t the s a m e 't im e ? ? E ith e r she is doing i t a t th e behest of Germ any and I ta ly in order to m ake it easier fo r these two countries to w ork th e ir will in S p a in 'a n d N o rth ' Africa or her leaders a re try in g to secure, an .alibi fo r th e ir ' failure in China. * ■. Some of the inner h is to ry of , w hat w ent on behind th e scenes in Munich is now com ing t o 'ligh t, and u n fo rtu n a te ly with little . sa tisfac tion to ourselves. F o r instance,- "highly placed Germ ans" cam e to London'*'at th e tim e of th e crisis to .say that, if B rita in stood firm. H itle r.'would.not dare to m arch. ' Again wc| learn th a t; only a t th e l a s t m o m e rtt^ Id M ussolini make m ilitary p rep ara tio n s to support G erm any and^even on . Septentl)GP2f>th he w as speaking ag a in st w ar, h is idea th en being that, if Ita ly did p a rtic ip a te , it would only be a t "a th i rd ' si age" ill the conflict. , Another m ajor c r is is is brew ing in Spain and A frica, and "the pot may boil over" a t any m om ent. Poi] th is th e Non- Intervention P ac t iŝ d irectly , if no t wholly responsible, because in practice it has w orked o u t as non-in tervention ag a in s t th e ' Spanish Governm ent onjy. ' l, . At the p resen t m om ent Mr. C ham berlain is try in g to boy the control of Spain from G eneral Franco'; b u t i t would appear to be very doubtful w h e th e r M ussolini and -Hitler will allow _an>:isuchJinancier!s-scJieme-itoi-rjab-.them-.of-the-f-r-uits-of-their- CAM PBELL RIVER FIR E CONSERVATIVE ASSN. COMING EVENT'S T T m i m - ^ m eeting of th e W est Van- W ednesday, Mai'ch 15ih -- St. Wiiif ̂ u couvcr C onscrvativc Assooiation P a trick 's Card P a rty in the will be held a t 8 p.m. Monday, evening by I.O.D.E, M arch 6 th , in th e Legion Hall, Friday, M arch 17th--St. i»atrickA ssociation a film of 1,000. fe e t depicting the 200 square mile Campbell R iver fire of la s t sum m er will be shown a t 8,p.m. next Monday, F eb ruary 27th, in the Legion Hall. These gripp ing pic when th e Hon. R. L. M aitland, K.C., M.L.A., will be th e speaker. F u r th e r announcem ents will be made in our n ex t issue. ' ~ " Dance in th e O range Hall under auspices of 2nd W est Vancouver Boy Scout grouj). ^ o*- ' ■ ----- .̂.. .................... t u r n of one of Uie la rg est (Ires SC O IT ISH COUNTRY DANCE in the h isto ry of B.C. will be , q n r iF T Y shown by Com m issioners Jam es i 1 1 G.. C unningham and F ran k R- L A D IE S 'S C O IT IS H COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The Ladies' Branch of the Scottish C ountry Dance:S(x;ieiy,Butler, of th e Game D epartm enl.- w , .r ----------v . ; - - ........ All sea ts a re free and th e public .■ W est Vancouver, will hold th e ir i« invited ■ ■ PU C ountry Dance Society will next p ractice a t 8 p.ni., Tuusday', D U KE t h e w o n d e r DOG■N I ■ ■ w \,r %t% AM VM. j A A Wvy vvajji be held a t 8 p.m. on S a tu rd ay of l.'cbruary 28lh, in liio C lachn ir th is week a t th e Clachan. Mem bers a re rem inded th a t th is will be th e first practice of the second term .Here is tru ly a phenomenon of th e anim al kingdom, in as much as', to qhote A lbert Ter- hune, th e world's m ost ̂noted dog m an, such a dog is born onlyi. once in a thousand years. This dog really does not do . . . ...... ................ ......... tr ick s in th e usual sense o f tho Collins, w ere joined to g e th e r in word, b u t m erely obeys th e m atrim ony in St. S tephen's RATEI»AYERS' M EETING Collins-- Dawson ! I In t'he presence of n,,la^:ge con gregation , Miss R oberta S tella Dawson and Mil W arren P rio r !'victory in th a t co u n try a f te r all the-^jood and tre a su re th ey . -^lave-scfuand-e^red-^te-^alc^-t-hat-v-ictory-^tain^--G n-tho^result--■ l 11 •»-» ■ ■. I • • .. «' r. • •, ^ ^ ^ com m ands of h is^^asten in much th e sam e m ariner as an intelli g en t employee would do. In th is way h is so-called tricks a re un lim ited. i ' ■ ; A lbert Terhun^ .used' to claim -thali-alh^dogs "Wpe~color-^blind^ b u t a f te r viewinjg D uke's m ar- The Legion- Hall was crowdcll on Tuesday evening for the m eeting of the. W est Vancouver R atepayers A ssociation, where- g i the main topic of discussion was " transportation^',;. A. H arvey 'S m itlf | roi for the delegation 1!™! the jV-ial Hociation which, reciritly .waitriiP arish Church, W est V ancouver, ..... ......._______ . a t 3 p.m., Monday, F eb ru ary on the Oounoil w ith resolutions,* 20th. To th e s tra in s of bridal stated the Reeve and Council m usic th e lovely young bride were all in" favor of municipal passed down the aisle of th e transpo rta tion both by fe rry and churoh accom panied by h e r bus as fa r as practicable; and ta th e r~ a t""Whi5se' h an T J~ sh e"^a--'that"-the-"Reeve-h1frd~Te'(Tu^^^ hangs the B ritish P rem ie r's'rep u ta tio n . Of course, E ng land's Navy could'blockade Spain w hile FVance held th e P y rennean , border, so m aking i t im possible fo r fu r th e r G erm an or Ita lian troops to reach th a t , country , o r fo r those a lready th e re to ' obtain necessary supplies. T h a t, however, .would m ean w ar, ' to avoid which .W^'haVe'^'up to 'no 'vrsactiriC €d 'eYerytKirig. '"T o date any possib ility of an ex tensive bom bing of civ ilians has been more th an a sufficient d e te rren t. ■- ■ ' -To^some"-these"-t-hings"-may-seem^-to-"be" tdo"^Tar "^away"to~ "velous perform aride he changed given. The. young couple were united by th e recto r; th e Rev. F . A. Ram sey, in th e r i te of the C hurch-o f England. The bride w a s . a ttended by h e r sis ters, the Association to appoint a com m ittee represen ting all sections of the m unicipality to s i t in w ith the Council on the question. As regards , a change in the- ferry schedule th e Council had made no decision to date,*and, th e re fore; i t Was reasonable 'to assum e th a t no change would be made .Pri,jy[arch_i.st..^whate-ver-- was- affect ris, yet in th e la s t ana ly sis th ey have a very d irec t bear- . ing on our lives and business. F o r so long as th e in te rn a tio n a l -outlook--is -u n c e r ta in -a n d -c r is is--follows--crisis--w e-fieed -n o t--- exfiect general business to reach norm alcyi CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR THE CONTROi. O P CA N CER HOLLYBURN h a l I T ^ The West V ancouver U n it of the above organization held a --publio^meet-ing--M onday-evening^ in th e Legion Hall, w hen th e speaker of the eyenirig w as D r. Roy Huggard, sec re ta ry 'o f th e Cancer Committee of th e B-. C. , Medical Association. In troduced by Mr§. R. M. W eir, C hairm an ^ of the Unit, Dr. H u g g ard gave" a very inform ative-address on th e tlisease, its causes, na tu re ,' recognition and - d iag n o sis ,' and treatment. A t p reserit its cause was. not definitely known, b u t in ' , experiments th e d is e a se . had --been,produced in an im als, '.and --IM n y ia e to ts^ d ^ re a te tiie 'd is^- ^se. The cells in th e body lived, in communities an d vVorked to gether, cancer being caused by some of them going wild. Such •wild-cells spread th ro u g h th e bttle d rainage channels, Which was the g re a t reason fo r ^ncer being tre a te d -a t- th e -b e - ^hning to ^ successful- before this spreading occurred. - Thei There vyill be a Y oung People's Service illu stra ted by lan tern vievys a t~ 7 T l5 --prm . tom orrow his opinion, Possibly th e moat ex trao rd in a ry p a r t of D uke's . perform ance lA his descent of a ___ _______ ___________ ladder head f i r s t . ; N o other, dog Miss D rusilla and M iss M uriel' . awjd th e groom sm an w as Mr; ■ - T ie w in be s^eff on tffe 'ITolly- Ross F 6 rs % K " lW g u es ts 'W w burn stage on F rid ay evening, ushered by Mr. Les Johneox. o^.Safurdlay. both; aft-: D u rin g 'th e signing o f_ the regisr- __ erno&n and .evening,' F eb ru ary te r, solemn m usic was played by_:_ done in th eT u tu re7"^He feltT hey 24 and 25th. th e groom 's m other. The bride could congratu la te ' theriiselves __i.TTTTTTT---- -̂------ .wore a lig h t blue going aw ay on having^ taken th e rig h t atv DISEASE"; su it w ith d ark K ue h a t and ac- D octor Dolman, P ro fesso r of cessories, h e r atten.dants""w ear- -C onsiderable- discu.ssion eri- "Biology a t the U.B.U., and jyir- iri'gTrercks^lsO"®^ sued, in which one speaker said 'White trim . Following the cere- th e Reeve had sta ted no esti- m ony a reception was , held a t m ate had been made of th e cost "S a lu ta ris ," w here th e bridal (F riday) a t H ollyburn Hall. N ex t Sunday, F eb ru a ry 26th, a t lOi. a.m . Sunday SchooP"a!fM; Y oung People's Bible Class- as usijal. A t th e 7 :30 p.ni. service n ex t Sunday J . Y'. -M. A itken will give a Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. p ray e r and Bible study . ■ „ ... ■ ■■ . . / T". ec to r of th e P rovincial Testing- L aboratories, delivered a m ost in te restin g lecture on "P reven tion of. D isease" a t a m eeting of Toe H b n W ednesday o f last _week--fin.-- Dundara-ve-- School-- of a bus service over the bridge, because it was p referred to ob ta in figures" from the "Pacific There w ere .also p re se n t a num ber of delegates fro m o ther ... - organizations. The le c tu re r s ta t- period ed the^successful p rac tice of pre- pleased th e guests' \vith hfer ventive medicine w as based o n \ charm ing singing, accompanied research work a n ^ th a t ignor- " by M rs .C o llin s a t th e piano. - ance of disease o-n th e p a r t of The -bride and groom left for a . the public and ttie ir - objection v is it to Seattle , and on the ir re- to having th e ir freedom in any af VTin.Q nahioo group was photographed and re freshm en ts served. The toast ___ x, was^roposed--"by--Miv-R gss--For----St-ages-an d-th erifi n vestigate s te r and responded to by the W ith regard to w ater, J . groom. D u rin g the reception R ichardson su g g ested . the Coun- M rs. E. B utterw orth cil would be well advised to w ait BUSY W E E K The W est'V acouver JCommun^ fity: A ssocaationj, way ham pered '^were th e m ain , o b stac le s-to the p reven tion of disease. A t the sam e tim e the. span of life had been increased ' -ibyTen-years-in-the presentrgen-- _Ei^^-R^fes_.of_recurrences_after,. years was very small indeed. d isease w as in regions of th e body, u-oo modern instrum eri'ts i t as possible to detect cancer in, ------- - ucLWL cancer iii th portions.' So f a r proved successful by su rg e ry or which m u st be under- in trm nT ^/' ^ r o g re s s w a s be- r e s e a r c h ^ u c a t io n - - pubbf educifion 6f th e - m eeting h e lff la iFV,. eaj it was depiHoH, l e g io n NOTES - _ on E a s te r Orange Siveiffatlrl ■ '*'® th ro u g h a very successful and busy week". The -^ew curling , gariie has been so popular th a t th e House Com m ittee has a g re a t . deal of trouble g e ttin g th e ligh ts oiit, a t eleven o'clock. ; T he n ig h ts assigned fo r th e J 'eague are as fo llow s: 2nd and 4 th Mondays, G irls' L eag u e ; Tuesdays (excep t 1st T uesday o f m onth). M en's L eague; W ed nesdays", Men's L eag u e ; 1 st and 3rd T hursdays, Young Men's L eag u e ; 2nd and 4 th T hursdays, Mixed L eague; 'F r id a y s , H igh School L eague; S a tu rd ay s, Open P lay: . A ll gam es to s ta r t a t 8 o'clock sharp . ̂ -- A Ping Pong T ournam en t will b e 'S ta r te d beginn ing th e week _of F eb ruary 27th to discover the. league champion. M iss F rances G ran t, Mr, A r t E dw ards have been placed in ch a rg e of all Curl ing, and „ P in g Pong Leagnes. Th^ cup and saucer driye"'W as veify successful and a la rger num ber are prom ised. The Gliib h a s decided to hold a H ard Times D ance on F rid ay , A pril 14th. T he place will be announced in a la te r issue. before obtaining a fioarî f̂î ̂ Ottawa, as the Gbyerrirrient^^A ̂ considering a works program, in which the proposed ; improve ments to the water systern might be included. A le tte r was ordered sen t the Council d raw ing th e ir a tten tion to the dangerous tra if ic ebrî ^̂ oF fv,^ iivna tloHs obtain ing on M arine Drive tiirn will reside a t "The Gables, W est Bay. T he guests remained to spend th e evening in dancing and o th e r en terta inm en t. Mrs. E. B u tte rw o rth and Mrs. J. S. "m anrfollowing advances made" during'ATqdb N ash, UVIaud. Collins, Joan th e la s t twenty-five y e a rs : child P a rk e r , S tella Oollins, G ertrude NaTfonal E d S f t io r •m ortality cu t f ro m ,20% to 4% ;. Bibbs, . Sybil -Lyall and Mrs. r t o Z »mi 60% reduction in tuberculosis A bram s sen led th e KU^'ts. The ^^e reso- death ra te . While h e a rt disease bride was th e recipient of many caused m ost deaths w ith 'baricer beau tifu l g if ts of silver, silver seebnd, th e m ajor prbblem was. Pl^tiri, Indian brass, cut glass, the la tte r. Syphilis, w as n o t on._clliP4i S atsum a pieces, tab le__ th e increase, nor niore p revaleiit lin^ii> b lankets, bed linen, elec- in , B.C. thari in o th e r p a r ts of appliances, p ic tures, lamps, vases, etc. - Several "evenings"- wer-e-gi ve'n in honor o f th e b rid e^ lec t dur- inig" th e weeks p rio r to her m ar- CanadaT T here was also, no more capeer- th an tw enty-five years ago, because.it m ust be rem em bered th a t then m any d ied of the disease, which w as not lution was ordered sen t to Hon. Norman. Rodgers, The following were appointed n a p erm anen t .• transporta tiop , oom m ittee w ith power "to"add"to-- th e ir num ber: W ard 1-- G. N, Cave, D. Sew- e]l;., W ard 2-- F. J . H ayw ard. F. S tead m an ; W ard 3-- K, A.' Ray, J. R ichardson ; W ard 4-- Ŝid recognized with th e d iagnoses_personal item s were then availab le ., HpweyeV, insan- "show ered" upon her. ity was apparen tly f a r Lilt; wccivis p iiur lo iier iriar- ^ -------- ̂ - riage , a t w hich m any useful P- T. M aster- 1____ _ < ■ m a nm an. J . N yland p resen ted a. trans- was apparen tly f a r m ore. prevalent in B. C. th a n elsew here WESCO ALKA RAY p o rta tio n schem e extending the b i ■ ■ ■ in" Canada fo r reasons w hich so fa r he had been unable to d e te r mine. : BRITISH - ISR A EL The Dundarave B ranch of th e B.-I. World F edera tion - m eets us rou te to a point close to the H EA LTH LAMB w a te r pipe line across th e inlet, T TT <3nnfv» 11 i, sh o rten ing th e fe rry run and n o in fS ' u been ap- reducing th e num ber of ferries, pointed th e local rep resen ta tive T his w as re ferred to th e tran.s- po rta tion com m ittee fo r invest!- H ealth Lam p fo r alkalizing sel- gatiop . ected ray tre a tm en ts a t home. '* "_________ The lamp's can be purchased or GIRIAS CHOIR ren ted , and a re used ' for the i-i- ^ c u r e ■ of a r th r it is , etc.-,- skin dis--------B very^m em ber o f"th e Senior" a t 25th and M a rn e D rive. Speak- ort(ers, sinus, anaem ia,, etc., etc. and Ju n io r C hoir i.rrequested to e r F ebruary 27th is Coionel F o r free • tre a tm e n t or demon- be p resen t fo r th e n S c ! nn Pringie. Subject: "T he.C om ing s tra tio n in your h o m e 's !-fo r in- S a tu rd ay m orn ing o / t w l w^^^^ i l to i fv f te d W "dly phone W est a s w ith th e concert so near r / u l i ^ * , ' ' "L-2. . a ttendance is necessary. "T-