West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Feb 1939, p. 4

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>i|)fifiwi|Wp! wiwiiiiiwiwjwiwî ^ . '" } i ? /&*■ ■ ii4" i F eb rita iry l e , W3S. SMiTH'S MARKET A r l i a r i ^ c y '■ S i t t i t h ' ""' ■ ""MiffiO'iljr 'Ace a u ^ "̂ "'■ }^IJ<;<;i*XnONS fo r FU ID A V a SA TI ItD A Y , l't*l». 17th & IHlh M E A T S i*htm<> Wi'ht i*'» l 'f«<* Ih'liM'fy Kdrvietf H O U T IC U IT n tA F S O d iT V NO'i i : .' I«f J Ir H4*«I & Wflifo TOM A t OKS Nu. t \ i TiiiH I(f4l K Wliil4« I'KAH, Sm v«* No. 2 Thi '1 lii'W iin* l<*ii«hr Kid K VVMti* < OWN IOh) <K>' Wilin' iSKACitll'jl III l(i «/., Till '<* l'*itiUiM'd «Hli rlii'i'M' ;itid loiMiilo llld WMI'I'f. 2 No. 2 linH I7r HilllCt*. H«J A U'Jiilo Jlf.iitd S O r i 'H - V»*K"lHld<', 'loiiMilo. < liiiii <'lioHdi'r 'I lh»K 25f* ' ( i l 'K I v O A r S (|u, ikir 20 o/. |»k(. I>f Hiivt* lio: ̂ top* for ^"rlJ(' Iloiltoy filflH. „ ' l 'INKAl'J*l,K ■ SiMKOpori' 'Hlii'fd , 2 lll'O/. litis ITif KI.'NKIH'I OUAMiKS .Mtsliupt Ni/i* 2 tio/.vn 27c l-iirKo Si/i* 2 do/i*ii ;m»c HIJNKIS'I' I.K.MO.NS l"oll of Jilin* ' i l | l ' I " , ' .5. sfi lor lOr W'**»i ;j7o I \ | { |T 2 IliH, for 2."»f* H \ K k \ S Y 2 IliH. for 21c n iJ 'ir , J'OUK, liA.MlI, \KAI. i'rcHilr I"IhIi Diiil) All Mnil" iiri- (Inuli* A Kcd,̂ Urand H( l,K I'OOi)H F K U J T l . A i t l i K N •Tho lirŝ t dry ■ niny day. tile Hu«1h*h and ;iVi .-'wlTh and sidiihur «i idiu* "in' :-itr<'iif/th. Pt?ac(i it'iT,- ,-pi'ay hiirdoiiu.x niixlno'. ■ Watch that 'Ip> ixach ;ui<l apricot tr«H*rt, it they .■'tail tiow- 4'1'injjr, pet polliii.itni • ' > ' t»cc.". Jf not thi.H will l avv to 1m* done hy hfiiid, il'a KOod < rop i - necilcd, 111 tlil.s rcjrar*i. \o>"d̂ irccs .shoidil not b(i ciM our.'U'eii to hear until they arc \\ell (•■'tahli.-ln'd. (dicck over the )'rea <' hands on the fruit lr<*c8 , "no ihal. limy arc dean afid in K"'"* mnidil .on, S erv ice SASH & DOOHii .shin(;lks phvw ooD S hA'I'li -- ..... NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY Agents: CANADA i*AINT COMPANY LTD PAINT BUILDERS* SUPPLIES ROOFING # " WALLBOARD ̂ TILE ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD, 15th & Phone Wes| 115 If voii have not fp.j loM) . if i.'. itd- TAM V nil 1*: i W IMTK lll*:\NS i M \( \lfONI Ui'iidy ml Din lilfKK.N I'KAS s o i l', MIX 2 Ills. ir»c a iiî *. i.v 2 iii*̂. i;ic 2, Ills. i;ic 2 Ills. Joe n-ni lip al ihi.s A Inlli-r w as nr«*ivnd hy llie (I'oiilicil from I he. \Vh*;d VaiidiMf- V(;r l lra iirh of lijo S .IM '.A . nt- KardiiiK tldp;n /ilray in j: on to vi.Kahh* to i>ut lime. New .sirawdmiTV planl.s lor next year'H frniliinocan Ik: out thiH,)yofir al this lime, ( iilti.- \dit;'e'r'" t lid.""SiI*ii\V'ftei'iyi"'""'b('fis;'Otti'<l':' pive llien i .some fertilixer ys lh<* g round need.H ii. Net llie ra.-^p-' herrieH'* .'̂ et ,i^P' if yoii, have, not a lread y doiui h'o, I a lying' o u t ' tin* old C'ane.s'j and sparing 11 he new V A IJ 'iN 'riN K d iA N N F oikj.s a.s you w aiii.llien i to,grow . '■ '■ po what prunin,!." is neri'.s.';;iry 'lie Animal Valentine ihmce W'it-li Koo.sehorrn s and rtii i'anf.s c l a s s i f i e d a d s Ik ,..I« for Clausilied Advertise men tu is i cents per word, minimum ,r. t c l l l ! . X »r O-O" l-M n* r « u l . r .11 d .„ | . licds ..".umMi. Hirictlv in advance. s, ,|{ememlu'r !.labHifi«l« in the West Von Ne^s get immediate results. CORDON UDIISON Rid A, Wliili* MARMAI.ADI,*: ^ M.l'. S a I'-I,K *'/. Imllli* 27c J am MCA I' .RAPhiFRI'IT (| for 17c Harrislor & WANTED--Furniture, Stoves, Tools, MiVw'lliistinc.s. Sc*y. 41UU etc. Wo buy, sell and exchange. ■ Vi.,L',uv?r nv u by Phono North 431, Vinick's Purni.ut West Vuntouvu lUij . jure. C6-70 Lonsdale Avenue. a-iipoiMtMU'tit, West *Ri't , n vKWm'APEUS NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Relis, SAN K lO liR I 1), allorutions. Mrs. MacAuluy. RijsM,,d .Mapoizines I.M* ]iO>al 1 West 4DB-R. 1 {AI {I {A KIA N S ' AI! X il d AI n ' llniiic pir Cliildi'eM, Dnvfi Norlli r,.iTii*:>i,' InK inn-lhills nr., iiriiit? AiiKiliiir,!' t.i lli.i . "'H ivhuim lioi; it is j" giveii th a t wh(*nev(*r ;'i dog h as i*. . plurhv "('liib drew a 'W'ej'prm ie aiiil ollei h re s s ,\\ ii a fag th e mal((*rh<* repo rted to '*"leonm,> M g . not ne,ed pruning' at ail. or ,il .............. '■ . . . lai'jrc ri'owd to Uu* llpll,\hUM> tliey do, will lUM'd niiidi less "NOTARY I'lilUdC,*' (ieneriil Con- vryarn'ing, "Valimtor," M Hlower, llOG .Marnu* Drive. West 2 1 . . ' .............. FOlt PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, phone V. Hemiandez. Weet 122-L. ' LONELY WIDOWER would provide kind home for dog. Tanner, West 235-L. the Polici- Deparlmcnl, so Ihal it can he, lalo*n ii|j*imm(*(ljal.<!ly witli the ovvjii*r. |,ANII (■IJ!AKIN(i.- K»nni»y» fK«- Powell Mathe.son, West .KM-R or W'oHt 7*in-L. ____________________ r.'ivilion laid l*'riday evening in fhfin th e av e rag e gar(h*ner s(*erns h a ijl in g -- 'Fuel ami Manure -- HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Scplic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and " gleaned. West, 187-R. On iMomlay 'e\'(*iiing, lA'hru- ai'y J.'SLh, a delightful pai'ty was held at " l{(*m-h Ilon.^'ig" li-lth .'iiid W a te rfro n t, Ijy ' .*i mimJ)er of friends to hid farewell to VValter 1 *jTi'kr*rrii I oH' iVla fliTT-.s Avenue,"a form er nu*nd)er of Ih^i West c^i'anrouver School Hand and th<̂ Kitsilano Hoy.s, Hand, ^vho left, on to S|)ite (if th e snow sloi'in , over to tliink . I f \'oi.ir tr(*es luck two hiiiid.i'ed '.'ind lit'ty g 'uests n i tra te , gpH the* lo'li'iite into Hie I'.'iiig p j'esent, , Hr<|'.U.y dycoi'a- .soil a round th e roofs now ;i;'soon lion,*.: in the valen tine m otif hn 10 yariis-'of ,go<)(i loi)'.soil lor sale. Phone Art Knight, West 51-a . 40 Cents -- MEN'S -- 40 Cents;-- Rubber heels. Webb's Shoe Repairs, 2463 Marine. - Ilio walls logidher with , the hanging lig '̂lits ovei* the-alancMf lloor niadi* a charm ing ens(*mhle, a sp('i'i;il feature heing-the rugby goalpo.sl.s at either end of Hu* liall covi*i'(*d with J'ed and white as you can. WEST VANCOeVEii TAHER.NACHE (hVRPKNTKR -- (RkicI repairs, alter- WANTED ' TO RENT -- Furnished ations. iinishin,g;- Phono West 711, house on W aterfront from Juno to o r 4l)7-li, evenings. October for two adults. Every at- I - tention will, be paid to-ground anf Ininling. 'rin* g u e s ts Avei'(.*: in, a i.s iaMo iii.y.M. nmm v/ o pyif , ,.a,.efrei*...iitood_ancLH!ieV-.. lill |.'rIh ,. n,h„. r,.i; ,:v.i|.,v. miiiilii.r. join I tl<' I..( ,,hT, i • Itniul, I ho 'im,,, . in nhn.'.rii Ilf' " t lovi* th e Hard, heiTiii.se lie h a th heal'd my voice and my supp lica tions, 'rh e re id re will I 1 'a 1 Ln pfi] r i liiirTfs ' 1 on g ats-I~1 i v e r - (lod an.swei's jirayer. ()ui' \ . y u I?|*MA UViltiyil vv«**, MC*, jyC4.AU tv l̂UUllU tUKl GORDON GRA1 " InKurance, l*re, property. Reply Box 60, West Vaii JUii'glary, Automobile, Lt. News. -* Ijhone iSey. 4001 or West 02-R-2. CHOII'K IiOTS. 5()' X 122 ̂ thev last, .$175 ami $200 e,ach. C. J. Areher Ltd. West 22.5. FOR SALE--^Two girls' Spring Coats, While pair girls' brown shoes, .size 4, cheap. Good 759-R-3. con'dition.. West LEI' US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- IxcSfUfts--irnmnajd--4iy--past-.',.- .reconL.___________ , ■. ■ ■ 1 ____ I'll). ' mhsii* wnn__Lu_cliargt!_Lif__,___ ,_____^ ____,_i__-- __iiviminK «.„H .H|,<.|it II ilaiidiiK j, Alinims' ()|.clu.st|.u, iiml, much .•hn.i'.'.l b«.m ^ ̂ ̂ ^ mill (he KiKi.st 01 hoiu.r mm di.sli'ilnilnil clur- ^ > ' '1 l)os fen-aciously biouKlit bili.k wesi i-i.Ki. pre.senteil With a Idti!(l travelling * , , i ..',wa ̂ ivnimr' PRstoi* Imm Uu* tei.\ ------- -̂------------------------- ----- case. Among those present were U 1"'W '̂i, i aIi*' Tmvnlev g<'>tes of death. He is now DRAii-SAW for SALE -- 4 h.p. Mr. and Mr.M, J.'U. Mitchell, Mr. 'Vm .'V i n living making'a good •recovery in St. , ■ condition. Iiml M...S, ,1. I-:. (■ill,(Ion, .Mr. mul Mt' i,"! ,ô Hospitjil Wr are sure *"*'*̂' . .... ----------- Mr.s. U. J. Wright, E. Kershaw, ' ■ •, ' tlod will-send him back to West CAR RADIO FOR SALE -- 1938 Mns. E. W. .I'arkei*, Mi\s. .1,. H. m!!" "*'5 m,, U ' V a n c o u v e r to he a greater hle.ss- ' R.C;A. o-tube. practically new,. $3U. 1 attiJi:.*i!4Ud-- 111 e-=fUVl 1 s.ses--dxia u --- --"rTr--T' i,c r,r, =-a --mg'. IJmn betore.. - I'ffrTrnrKRirFWnifKin^^ ----------K,lu'iir,l< lli.li.ii I.',l.'b,.i.,ia I>,1.|L hiillel,, .Mi)i)jei uim .<(i\eii the GARAGE FOR RENT malt. " West 365-R. 2111 Esiini: GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK - Sleep out. Apply 3506 Marine. W.est 710. JUNK -- WE STJLL BUY Every- thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, fu rn itu re ,, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91|ahd ,wet?bring the cash t.n VniTT- ..dohr, , ..Rirmird . Junk Cn. West 91. Edwards. Helen EihVard.s, I'aiif ine Sharpe, li'<me MeCnitp, .fo.'iii -Sj at »*ro\\'7--,My ccj Bo\vdcTi7~f)mTrrr O'uf . '\Vo(Th(*s(lay meeting at Watts, Kay Simpson^ |)<n'i*(pi Jiuw-uwiii;--A4rd4Mfv---k4e*ha4ifh+i+Hr- f' i- 1 , 1. 7 :,'j0 p.m . will pai'tak(* especially - , - m any im ests dm mg the in tu x .d ., ch a rac te r while wait- i<' 'oa wi.M, to SELL,.Rent or Insure ----------- -̂------------- UTTg^oii-C^d-1^i-Hw^pw-rpo4a-d----- .0 "MHn*tx ^ ic ^ n j j ^ a j . s m 'e d F-LOOR-SURFAeiNG--- Suther.. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. HIGH SCHOOL WINS TWO ------- ^hOS44S-ON-l^------- -- blessing.' Next. Siindtiy morning -C-v-iL-Judd ' (d' 4he of qi i irkresul ts bv calling ■ at Jl. FALLOW'S. REALTY, 1429 Mar- -MASON'S--TAXI----- Day-and-nightp heated car; ,passengers fully insured W est'512. G crtrudi* N ash , Janet. 1 'h ir'keil. . ---------- " ' -M ission, ha.s kindly prom ised to .-'. ,ing.s^West 3.56-R Jo an 'rhom pso ji, H unty H e w itt, ' Two m it-o f (hi'ee of .the W'est., give* th e mes.sag'e. In the evening M. Hill, I). O ova.ston; INiessrs. Ifi'^ V ancouvi'i' I.Iigh School b a sk e t- a t the Y oung People's g a t h e r i n g , ------------------- ^ ^ ------------------------ Ja is te r, W. P a rk e r , W; IMeCrurn, Nitdl te a m s iu c lu 'd aw ay cond'm 't- Mis.s Je ss ie Hroouk, wllo was fm' M E 1IA\ E ;i long waiting list for U. Hay. M. .MeHae, K, .McCarl- ab le win.s S.-iturdav n.i'ghi in th e 20 y ears in' the .satlie Mis.sidn. rcnyul.";. Vour list iiigs of properties J. EDWARD .-SEARS, Barrister, Sol- ney. L. I 'n H erson , S. P a t tersnn. Mohool wvtn. ' -------- u:.::^W-i-ll-ii-.^tr-a-f^TiTiese-nost.ei' tci ex- !<»'■'̂ 1̂,* or r.n t will bo appreciated. - icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone S7**'Jtinit%S7~'Iv-:^VIlni((Jls. 'V .' JrilTFF GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by . appointment. W est 408.,, . . , "'riu* loeal Hanltim learn stole TjaitL y.oil-s-- .HOn. 1. H i ,).*>(In, J . I )orclie.ster . ()pv , I. Hiclnirdsj I.). WtU Ls. "H. E.scot I, ^vjth H. Parker, J. Hloxham, st|Utul s.uv.s<i|i,._Walkei &-P-iMde7--J Wright, P, Jagger, I. l{us.h,__J' McLeod, P. Eagan, II. Eanm*r.', he .show in th e ir I 'c tu n r b a t t le th ro u g h ( I r i s f . She w ilf also WANTED--Carponter work, all kinds A REAL REST f'or Tired Folks •it h *f Dm'-t AliwWni » n.n.f-ini .sliig. J'lu'.si* meet iiu»'s lii'e l)ri<dfj iww - and repairs. Experienced, Restawhile ConvMescent Home, ■lUi a o u A llien 1 Hmit.m i ; y ',, " / v ' |V ro;,sonable. Phone West 799-L. 27th Street. West-86-L-2. iiutul. A t halt Imu* West Vtin- and songlu l. \ oung iieojile, c ome ; ------- -------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- 136 I.v.'? 1 r Go V o i c e N i s i t i n g " long distance" The long, distance telephone can speedily, bridge the miles that separate you froth far couvfM'-was c](i\vTr2 .>-H), but in tho next two ipiarters Jack Lynn, (i(MVy Jones ;md Doug Johnstom* turjied on the heat and tos.'-a'd in 31 points to puUthe-g^ime on icc. . The ganu* lietween the Lord Hyng .seniors and flu* W'est Van­ couver tprini.elte was more or lo'.ss.of.a walk.̂ ve)* for Hti*"locals. -_We.sLL_Vajicun v<*ii:Lst.ujYa(-l-w-o-]Tou 1- along and hear! '"roday if ye FI.MlNISIIEI) bed ; and SITTING FAINTING and DECORATING - ROOAl, with or without board.' Phono GO'I-5'. will h e a r Ilfs voice, luirden not y o u r h e a r t." Today \vc: hetu*. 11 is \ oieC, toniol row \ve - .shall he M .<V,\ I El) -- (lir! for d.i'y work; cx- liea rin g (lu* Trump.e(, fo r world pnionood with sipalf babies; sleep e v en ts tire h asten in g on to God's J^i'Mn'ororred.' Box 61, West Van tore-ordiiiiu 'd Day of J lu tg em en l, ^ J.* H. Wedley; formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818. E,sti- mates free. "When till' tru m p e t sounds U]) ' WA.NTED -- C'aiiia ;,t West Bay or y o n ile r .^ 'i l l '̂ou be there '.'" Ihdlylniin in gw>d • condition.' Call ' ' • . Wo.s't .5S1-U,. aflhr (i. « LAM'N MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- ? West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. "ui - trofrT HiroiiglTtiTTl..-the., gaiuel •apd in th e final s thnza lluoscore w ound u p 15-10 in o u r favor, -mu... ........:..i . ...4V.... i . _.a w.ivy.=̂ d e arfoo c s r (htMii H u 'oughout a f a th e r dull Hillbillie.* --7 - - 7- game-to check ttp a 2 1 - 1 1 win. If you can't visit them in per- son. remember that the be.si substiuiierfor ydijiryoiTVoice. Enjoy the thrill of a happiy voice-tO'Voicc reunion;.....- Call today--by-long- distance telephone. 'Ml .11'.;' _ * stt; -AvM w ^ HiT.' , The teams wore.: Normal---Shup.sim, *1 ; Katain- er> 2 :_Mkitt' :LL_HiiQ4V-n,-84-Brigg.s-- (5 -- 21. West \'anoouver -- Cave; Ed­ wards. "2 ; Ixieliariison: Currie: Thirkell; Hi^-han. 2 : Chapj)el; Mahjiffy, 2: U'ard, 5.; Lt)gan,- -- . 11,. Hyng--How.son, 2: Pringle, 5 *; Davies. I I ; Kurtz; Dean -- 10,. Vancouver -- JameS: TARI,F>|,'I"JNisll EAGUF'"1 i ■■ TenULs"̂ ' • p U-- W L. T Pt.<'i -Hluojjomburs 16 14 ■ 2 '••() 28 Dudes 16 13 0̂ tJ ■ (1 26 V̂, \ 5 Sizzleif.s- 16 ■11 5 ■. 0 2 '? Maple LoaG 16 9 6 1 19 Canadii'u.s 16 8 7- 1 . 17Hillbillie.s ; 16 3 12 1 ■ 7 AlILSkef.eers ' •* -It) 0 13- -1- fi» Sockeye.s 1 0 * ■'1 13 . w 4- Liust wiH'k'.s '.sebre.s Blue Hombers 1 2 , V V. Sizz- lei's b. •_>' M A'i'THEWS Ltd CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust .burners intalled; furnace repaits. Phone G. M eldrunfiy~ 1103 Lon sdale ^Nerth .^22;̂ ̂ ........'- ,7 ,: Conduct' Auction Sales of Every Description. (oi- \yil}. pui'cha.se goods outright) Soymoiir 2977 529, Feudor Street West EX,CAVATING, Clearing; day or con- " tract. Experienced men, modern machinery, Rdsh jobs. Kissick, West 252-L.. - - W. H. VASS, Chiropractor,, Suite"L HoIIyburn Block. Jllne Hombi'rs Lk Canadiefi.s 5; oDude.s 15, Sockeyes o. 'Slzzlers .i,(), 'Jlillbi'llios 8 .- .Maple lA'at.s LI, Mu.skctoors 4 .' . The Big Seven ' Players MARCEL SHOP"-- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materialp used. Expert operators. - I'hone West 304. Royal Bank Building. . _ ANY MAKE b r o w n & MUNTON ir>« marine drive . west see ■V-'i-l'f.'- .\.1!,T. nf n.O„ ° CHIMNEY- SW EEPING---- Old Coun­ try --way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano,- North 8l l- "R-2. J. -Fiddos (HB) / B: CrTELBPHONECO. Port Albern'i -- Hod.son, 1 0 ; White; Kindnli. 4; Gill. 2 ; Ram- j$ay, fj; Mowat, 4 : \Ve.st, 4;_Nel-_ J. Lidster.iWVS)_ H. Simpsoii (BBj H. VVells .(WVS) P W' ( '■< no 6 8 76 "96 ■72 75 90 65 72 7.S • 67 -78' '50 64 96 60 63 78 46 ■ 59 son; Canter.-r- 29. - West Vancouver--Brookvs; G. Lynn, 2: J, Lynn. 23; Jambs, ip; • IJttleford,'*!; Morton; Johnstone 9; Barbour. 2 ; Ctimie, -- 50.- , X ^ ST \'ANCQII.V-ER- bumace and Range Repairs. Sawdust B ari^ i^ , Fhone West 39 SUPPLEMENT Any desiring ex tra copies of The Progress Supplement" van purchase them at 10 cents each by calling at our oflfice at 1704 Marine Drive. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News. West 363. * WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store ■^(xtures. House- Fixtures, Woi ̂ I lurning. Glass and Glazing. Wood- P work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and W est ,443-R. 1488; Clyde Ave. JAMES T. AULD LTD. _ . ih e J \ l o th e r s ' G roup m ee t n e x t l i s t i n g ^ of youf ,We^t Van- I Tue.<:day fro m ^3 to '4 p.m . a t th e Properties fo r sale, or rent, I ̂ Mrs. Eric, Makov- We. also, build and arrange financing | t h i ' , l ead "f new homes. ' ' ' discussion Yn of D iscipline fo r th e ' See'Mr., Halstead ■Child." -IAMES T. AULDXTD., Trinity 15« 485 Howe St. - - Vancouver, B- f** j . i V-* WfmS.