, Naomi„Ck0pML.N<hM,M»M^S.__ ̂~A N N U A L D A N C E ■ ],i tht O r a n g i '& X i i i r i ^ S A Y ,T E B R U ^ R l F T p h . Garden's Orchestra Dancing 9 till I Refreshments Admission by invitation only. TickotB can be obtained by phoning West G82L ot West 587L1 M ER C H A N TS FOOTBALL CLUB MODERN DANCE ill the ()KAN(3K hall Saturday, Feb. 1 8 |h ̂ ' Diinolnif 0.13 ^ r a d i o r a s c a l s o r c h e s t r a ADM ISSIO N 359 Local and Personal Parker of the Weat * Tom Turner, 2690 MullTTeVa Vancouver School BaiUl, has Avenue, is a patient in the been accepted as a member of North Vancouver General Ho.s- the R.CJNI.P. Band, being the pital, where he recently under second' member of the former went an operation, organization to be chosen out of * • * a large number of candidates, James Brown, 23, of Vancou- He left on Tuesday evening for ver, had- his .ankle broken last police headquarters in Regina. ' Sunday while skiing on the Romstaad Hill behind Hollyburn Mr. and Mrs. Kinnibrough, Ski Camp shortly after 5:30 p.m. who have been spending the He was given llrst aid and ciir- winter at 2316 Lawson Avenue, ried down the trail, whence he have left to return to AlbeiHa. was taken to St. PauHs Hospital. School Trustee H. S. Taylor of , Mrs. Killmgham, who has been 3601 Marine Drive, is in the staying at 2568 Mathers Aveniie^ Vancouver General > Hospital, the S.S. Niagara for the having undergone a major oper- Antipodes. Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE BREAD FUKSII DAILY Ton variotioa to suit every tuste Meat Pies -- Cookies Eedes Cakes ~ I'astrtes Buns and Bolls Note Address: 1168 Marino Drive Phone West 27 A D iscovery ! sil v e r lo d g e r id in g a c a d e m y vCapilano Road The home of goodi,horks and beautifu! scenery. Once seen, never forgotten. Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. Plione North 870-L3 Bert. P ritchard , Prop. d» HOLLYBURN Business College day a n d n i g h t c l a s s e s Mth and Marine Wdst 341 Gardenia Cleaners 2 1 5 2 Marine W e s f 8 5 8 CLEANING and PRESSING SMART. ALTERATIONS . , NEAT REPAIRS. Proprietol'S-- Mr. and Mrs.'B. Y. Hatanaka I, S' 4( ' and his moth er, 577 16th Stredt, have moved into their new home at 1815 Haywood Avenue. » The horrî e of Mrs. Wm. Thbmp- ̂ son; 689 20th Street, was the ' setting for a surprise party .Ihst ^Friday afterhoon when a num ber of friends of Mrs. W". Green met to honor her on her birth- dayv^^ of a birthday giTIn^s made to Mrs. Green by \.Mrs.,,liMcLelland,,^ afternbon con tests'were enjoyed, the winners being Mrs. Doherty 4- ^ XT , mid' Mrs. Bloxham. Tea was of Dr. and Mrs. A. C: Nash, 1807 poured by Mrs. Wm. Thompson r. The class present- Mrs. D. McLcliand. Assist ing in serving were :Mrs. A. Swanson, Mrs. P. Trustle and ation lust Friday. He has been very ill but is getting on as well as can bo expected. During last year under the Homo ^Improvement Plan 16 loans were made jin West Van couver for a total of .$4,140.41, the figures since November, 1936, when the plan first 9ame into operation being' 72 loans totalling .$25,523.16. >K ■ »l< >l« "Last Thursday evening the members of the West, Vancouver St. ,Tohn Ambulance Association paid a surprise vifeit to the home of Dr. and Ml Marine Drive ,ed Dr. Nash with a handsome smoking set and Mrs., Nash was 4. G O N G R E T E -C O N T R A erO R S G ENERAL TRUCKING BUILDING SUPPLIES ' ' Sole Agents for ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT............................................. ■■ g- . ^ 1 4 2 7 M A R I N E D R IV E ̂ ̂ B H Q N E W E S T . 8 4T E A R O E & SO N , the recipient of a bouquet of Doherty. Those present iii- ■ Spring flowers. Dr. Nash h js eluded: Mrs. Wm. Green, Mrs., ju s t completed his ^seventh Wm. Thompson, Mrs. A. Rippon, term of lectures in West Vancou- 'Mrs. Hartley,- Mrs. P. . Trustle, ver. ' All his candidates have Mrs. Hall, 'Mrs. A .' Swanson, been successful each- year and the examining officer,. Dr. Saun- Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Blox- ders from North Vancouver, Yiam, Mrs. Doherty, Mrs. J. praised the standard of work achieved by the local members. .'Aji enjoyable evening was spent in games and music and dainty refreshments were served. -The class is looking forward to nieet- ing again in the fall. Parker, Mrs. H. Platt, Mrs. G^ Barbour, Mrs. W. Lavell, Mrs. J. Bisset, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. F. Smithers,- and- Mrs. Hodgson. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE I'Vbniury lOtji, 17th mul ISth KAY BAINTKU " Mother Carey's Chickens'̂ 'mIko " BOOLOO" SATURDAY EVE., mid S MONDAY February I Hill mid yutb KATHERINE llEi'DlIRN CARY (JR A NT "HOLIDAY" i (H-Slar ratin̂ .y) ■ ! also , , . 'BRAVE LITTI.E TAILOR' "STUIIvE, YOU'RE OUT" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY I'Vdiruary 2l,sl and'liUnd CINGEB. ROCEUS " Having k Wonderful TimeiL (Once oiily 'ill ,8:15) n a Iso ■ "HUNTED MEN" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. BRY^CLEANING~(Certified^as"advertised^m the ^^atelaine and Good Housekeeping) " ^ C~C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. Hudson--Lloyd Last Friday in the rectory of Holy Rosary Cathedral the wed ding was solemnized of .Carl Complimenting Miss Sybil Alton Hudson, son.of Mrs. Kirk- Chapman,---whGse™mari4age==7-to„patrick,_8j29_B^stJ^t]L^=YiflM§t Shower Place Your Job Printing with , The West Van News Mr, Harold Stratton Mahon takes Vancouvei; ,̂ and the late Edmund place on February 24th, Mrs. R. Storey .Hudson, to Ethel Mar- A. Thompson and Miss , Ruth 'giierite, youngest daughter o r Blair were co-hostesses when Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd, 2558 they entertained on Monday Haywood lAvenue. The Rev. Evening at a linen shower at the Father Angle officiated. home of Mrs. J. S. Jackson, 2258 ----------:-------- ^ Mathers Avenue. . .. W. C. T. U. P r e s id e at _jhe_jLr^ were---- qiheAV^st-V-ancou-ver--W--XLJL_ : Mrs. PTCrCHa^pmah and Mrs. C. y the vestry of the United Church on afternoon, February Thursday 9th . The MISS ANNE RITCHIE PASSES West 1%. 1578 Marine Drwe West 190 and E. ■ Mahon, . while serving the guests were Miss Marjorie Craw ford, Miss Marion B lair,, Miss, president, Mrs. Richardson, oc- Diana Chapman and Miss Dor-'- cupied the chair. After a short . othy Jaejissom * business session the President introdu(jed the guest. speaker, ]V[rs. Cantell of Vancouver. The tevotional/half of M ia^cirfeSs-wasicih of Joseph and Mary and. the human side of his life as a boy and man. As February is the mbhtli im which is e b n ^ ...... of the beloved Francis E.| Wood, C4al, Sawdust SUPPLIES West .582 -- PHONE -r- West 582 i--"-̂ 2̂! 16lh Street TOPSOIL . Bush Fir, In.sidq. jyUjllEk...I.n.sIdG_ .$0:00 Cord --5.60--fi-- ' U n .u . Fireplace F ir ;..................• 4,50 Green, Alder L................. 5.50 Furnace Blocks 4.50 s p e c ia l --_ ;, - No, 1 F ir Edg-ing.s.....!};;T75 Coi-tr Slabs-& -Edging-s - ----- --- -Bark-y-- .......... Bark .................... .... ....... jj;r,;5o Cord Limited amount. ' SAWDUST SI'ECIALS packed ....... .<};4.50 per un it' ^vlk .J.................. :s.....$4.00 per unit CHARLES THOMPSON ' 812 16th Street , Office a t 1436 Marine Drive F-REE- DELIVER-Y- 1 Grade A 1 Red. Brand Sirloin. Roast lb. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 78c • Grade A Bed Brand Rump Roast 25c lb. BAKEASY lOc per lb. Pot Roast - 15c lb. Shoulders*--Lamb ...... 17c pef^lb: Breast--Lamb .....15c per lb. Roast Ve;al...... .... ...................... 18c per Ib. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon...... 15c per half lb. .Mushrodihs K-9 bog Food G R A D E ALggs-- l a r g e r^7c per lb. 3 tins ,„Z5c. Z4ĉ per doz. . The news that Miss Anne Ritchie had passed away last Sunday in Chicago after only a twc)*" days' illness Trom „pneu- monia came as_ a severe'̂ ook t ^ --her" man5^friends~iwWest"Van- couver, where she had been very •popular during'the years she re- lard, the speaker gave a yery^in- sided here with her family. -A spiring address on her life. She vocalist of great promisei anii spoke of the human side of "Miss the possessor , of a fino* soprano Willard's character, the great voice, she took a prominent part visions she had, and how3 QUie in the. musical life of the com- . of those visions are becoming a munity, leaving here a few years reality jMJC- Book Your Passage to ^the Old Country Thrirugh Your Local Agent T ' T?-- >--rr=== and G AN ADI AN-N ATION A Lr PuII particulars, sailings and accofnmodation. 1744 Marini Drive Phone W. 141'̂ ago to, study music in Chicago. Surviving to mourm-her sudden passing are threejsist^_s,_ Mrs. F. H. Mingie, Montreal; Mrs. H. 'Bpptht Vancouver; Mrs. E. I. 'Lane, 18th and IngLewOod Ave nue; and two brothers, D. C. 'Ritchie of Vancouver, and An drew Ritchie of Race -Rocks. The funeral services which were very largely attended, were held at 3 p,m. yesterday from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Jlev. Wil- • liam Vance officiating; and inter ment was made in Capilano View Cemetery. EXPERT WatcK and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON' (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive The. moving pictu-^es shown by the Frase^-A'^alley Milk'Pro ducers Association were very educational and every "one seeing them enjoyed two hours of fine acting and scenery. Also it was decided to attend.,, divine service at the Baptist;' Church, corner of Duchess and Fifteenth Street on Sunday evening, February 19th, in mem- . ory df Francis Willard. The members are asked to attend in a body. At thb closlj of th§ ' meeting thejiostesses, Mrs. Her ron and Mrs. Gillii ŝ served dainty refreshments. ■ ;NOTlCEJ__jlj_ The H. LONG FRUIT MARKET,, formerly known as THE . HOLLY BURN FRUIT MARKET, wish to announce "th a t they have only one - store, namely, tha t located a t 1450 Mariiije Drive. ' THE h a r d w a r e MAN SAYS See our new table.^ ol' household nece.ssities, 'all-;pj-ie(jd and all u.se- fu l--such"'aT>'ITiilge's,' C aIchesB idts Etc. , , CRAWLEY & b a r k e r Landscape and General Gardening By Day oj; Contract Now i.s the time to prepare your garden for the spring, ' . LESLIE STONE (Note change of addre.s.s) 394 22nd Street Weat 84 or W est"519-X.' ' Alfred Busst, ^who_ Jias been spending a week or two's hoĤ day with his niother, Mrs. Busst 'of 2442 Marin<j--, Drive, iJeft on Sunday to return to Lytton, B.C." - -V . ^