L ^|ruSyia|'~iS"TifK W EST \ 'AN* MAVS ̂?- f •**̂S'-̂̂ if f WEST VAN. UNITKII CHUUCH |t..|SiM|ii(iiiui}i ' A v«, IlKV. W. VANCK, H.A., Mtnlil^r 2017 (Jordan Avciiut* Sunday Servlcen: 11 u.m. & 7:30p.»n. Slrttnievru and Vniiton^ uri- wdcumn JiAPTIST CHUaCII jNtlaiatvr W. L MtEay, RA., B.1). Sunday Services ,iO;UU -TClti.,urcii„Scbuol in*. cludinic Adult Claaa N a.m. & 7:30 p,m.--I*rt*acbijnjjf , „ ServiccB. A hoarty welcome to all Auto \ 'nieniiic Nachiieleti W aving r SOLVES Aid. J'ltom.K.MH WliiU' hair will nut ili«{<dur or frizz. Kim* iinir w.i)J lake a mUoilier curl. > I 'rhirt melluul of iJcnnanejiL wav* Ml U joht what yt»u Jiave hecn waitinj.; for a aiirrcKsful . MM'thotJ of pejinaiieiil waving without a machine,. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe (.Ireutorn of Kxduaivu I'ermniientH, IG40 Murinu Drive Went 117 HOLLYBURif HALL Mth and Duchena I lODAV EVE.SINC;, IVFi, 17th , at 7:ir. 'i|H cial .'Servin' for ̂ouiiK I'eo/de llki.lialeil hy lantern vif'W.-̂ , ,S/)eaker; _ .* Mil, KKIC HUN r SI 'MLY V, I'eh, DMh, at 10 a.in. Sunday School and Yoiinjf li'eoplo'a Hiblo CIukh HI;NDAY KVdiNINt; at 7:30 tkJ.Sl'KL.^KItVH'K Speaker: ■ MIC. A, MOIlNINti 'rniOHDAV at H p.irt. I'rayer ami ministry of the SerijitureH. WEST A7:i: Chnstiaii"' Science" Society 20tb and Eaquiaiali, Holly hum . Tiiis Society is a Hranch of The Moth.'f t'hurch The First Church of Christ. Scientist, n> Boston. MassachuKctts Sunday Service: ll;30 a.m. , H A N D Y A N N _ S H O P , 2 4 4 2 Rfarfac M arshall W ells' fa in t s , V a r n lA Stain : E n a m e ls , . .„ .W q o d ,S ) ^ J _ ___ _ Putty, iStpye Pipe, H ardw are Sundajl'i F fh rii.n y MMli. siJiuKcrr: " M I N D " Sunday School at lO.nO a.m TeHtimony Meetinjr Wedneadsy at'8;lh p.rn. The public is cordially in vited to attend our aerviceb and mcotinirtt. A sphalt P re tn ix € I ■for yourDRIVEWAYS r 6 ad m a t e r ia l s l im it e d " . ■■■■ i.., Idioiie North n il s ' O'**' alp Pl u s , West IGO-Y ST. A N T H O N V '.S ( 'A T IIO U C C T H iitcn2.'Jrd & v\v<'. tVK.ST VAMOCY'LK UATliPAYEUS' ASSOCIATION G E N E R A L M E E T IN G / 'll KSDAV, KKB, '-1st. a t 8 P.M., in the LEGION HALL The Transportation Conimitice will make a report on their attemlaiifo a! the Coiinril incetiu|i:' ci/nveying resolution.s. OK. G. D. H ^ i A L E D.lh.S,, L.D.S. DENTIST ;X-Kiiy ■ .Huy Block, Mih and.Altiriiut ID'. ' Olfiee liourfi 0 to <1 |i.m, KveiiiiiKH hy af)j)oinlnient. I'iione Went 72 UNITED CHUKCII '2Lst am i E nqu in la lt Avo. ■ W illiam Vanett, MiiiiHter, , Smitlay, Eebruary llHh. 10:00 a,ni.-"-,Sunday School. 11 ;0 t) M.in,.-" Moniiiifr Woi'.sliif). Snbjccl: "Do Wc lictillv W;m1, (iod?'* 7:.'!0|).m.-- Aiiolhcr .set of .slides lia.s tirriVcd dopiot.iiiKTdiris- ■\ iiov. Fal'licr \'iiii , ' , Pastor . •Sunday. St*r\ icf.M Low Mas.s -- 8:15 aim. IL'kIi Mass and .Scnilon -- IfLl5 a.m. Uo.sary and Hencdiclfon -- 7:45 pon. ('aicclii.sm and Ih'hlo Clas.s--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services ' Ma.ss -- 7 : 0 0 a.m. /:i, ' Fridays--Kosarv, Mnnodicl ion 7:45. Saturday's -- Confession.s; 7 i.tO , to 8,:30 p.m. SA V E M GNEY-- .- ■ Have your CHESTERFIELD SUITE RE-OOVERED now 1516 M arine W est 710 J a t k i s Repairing PpHshing im . McRAF D E N T I S T funnerly o'f 705 Modicul-HenLai Builditt(.r. Houih: 0 to (> -- FveninurH l)y apiJuintmenl. IHtiO Murine Drive t Went <1:12 tian work in^L'Iiitm. These will ho shown on Sunday niKht spoM.sorod hy tlio 'I'ouiiK People. ,'riu,' reyrular niDnthlv meeting of the W.M.S. of the United - Gl 111 re li- wi-H-)itr-htdd~ on "fitesday;, T h e F re n c h B e a u ty S alon For W ork of Qi.mlity, We Hpecialize in (ino, Krcy uiul * T.- white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ' V! 1 ■*•p .. 7 EutubliHlied oh North Shore -26--'Yettfu- (Ludy AHMirttant) IIAURON imos. LTD. funera l itrec to rs llollyhum Fimcral Iloine l8th and Marine - We.Ht i;}.i North Vancouver Parlora . 122 VVtwL Sijcth Street Phone North KM <!^Vnncouver IfnrlorR 55 Tenth Avenue I'tuHt PhoiUi Fair. Ll-l ... T- - • w ..... ... f 21st instant, at 2:15 p.m. when Mrs, C'amphetl, president of the' Ih'cshyterial, is to he truest speaker. "Work" will he the word for- roll call. On the 24th at 3 p.m. at 7he Aiiirlican ('liurcli, local women of all tile chiii'ches will meet to take ),)art in t he \VorId'.s-Day of JTay- er. It i,s liojied that. tliere will -he^L^^oi Urepresen taiixni^fr 003-2 the United Church. ST. ,STKI>HEj\ 'S CIIUHCII 22nd amt Fulton Rev. F. A. Ram.sey, Rector. 8 : 0 0 app.--Holy ('omnuini.on. 11:15 a.t-n.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 ■ ji.ni.--•Evensoiie:-and Sei'- nionr ■ -l-'̂ l). 22; ■ A-sli--Wful'iiesday;..KJi-Hr- 'a.m.--Holy (kimmu11ion. 'riuirsday, 8 p.m.--Leiiten Ser vices; Rev. C. Piddle. St. Francia7n-the-Wood Caulfeild 3:00 ]).m.--Evensong and Ser mon. \vi-:.sT \ ANrmiVKK, rABKBNAC.LIO ' cr.' Mill'iiie i,̂. -' I'ii.sloi' [{cv. Kohcl't II. Birch, B.A. .Servicc.s: .Sunday Sdiuol . ....... t):l,5 a.ni. , .Suiidav -.Si'cvices.... .....M :0t) a.m. Mr. V. II. '.Judd of the ( 'iiina luli'md .Mi.s.sioii will preach. I']v('riiua' VoutiK' People's .- .Meeting ...... y........p.m.' Mis.s de.s.sie Brook will .sing... .aud speak. . , i, -.Wednesday . ------- -- I'rayer MeeUng..... 7:30 p.m. ... .-..iLapjjy- Hour .tdiih ... (5,:-ir> p.m. ■ <1 vangc'lieal In(lej)endeht Mr. and Mrs. J. Y.'M. Aitkcn and son, 1546 .Duchess Avemie have moved t6'Vanoouv*(n' ' George C. Comrie Sales & Service Representative Singer Sewing i M achine Go. 142 West Hastings, Vancouver Seymour 4660 ^ Will be at ̂ West 'Vancouver Every Wednesday. A Narrow E.scape CHURCH ES OF CHRIS T. - SCIENTIST The Womcn'.s As'SfKdation has MIND'- will bo the suh'ject of Uk\ -LeSvSpn .Ser-mon in all ■ '^*011 .look af\ Uio'ugh yi>H hnVo Imil a .shock." ■ _"Yes,, I. had a very narrow escape fast niglTci**'* '■'ArnTwhat-wa.s that?" --"■I7 v̂c&̂■■■" p̂"in̂ iTo■'■"mTiddlt ̂ night and saw-something' white in the room. 'I grabbed .my ' giTTr and fired, SPECIAL Inside Fir:--. from shed.'....... $6.00 per cord from mill ........$5.50 per coni Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord-' Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 • I ■ . 1" l '* /"i • '*-• i . r«-» ■*• , " - i • • . ii . i ULl H, 1 . 1 .ttUUL.,11 I11.V m i ty oiun;L')ic-.s._or(:)Tmr*§i-ic'j i U s i . , , switohal.tho iisht o ; n.......... ................................... - V « \ 4 w .k - i . ,1 ... V y * * " »e held in the Church Hall on Wede.sday, 22nd instant, at 2:30 p.m. Thci't! will he a short musical program." Those wishing to uliemi'are :i.sked to please telephone as Iollowing committee in charge, .Mr.s, A. T. Jolims, convener, Mrs. „Sun,day. . ' -The Golden Text is: ' "Be ye. all of one mind, having compa.s- sion one of another', love as brethren, he pitiful, be courte ous." (1- ]>eter 3: 8.). saw that it was niy shirt," .s the narr"Hut where does come in?" ow escape "Well, just suppose I hadn't taken niy .shirt off last night." V E R N O N F E E b S T O R E A. G. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies A. M. O'Doimell, Mrs. VV.'Mun- ibii, Mr. t̂rlTTflT Scott, and MrsC \V. 'Phompson. HOLLYBURN D R E S S M A K E R S BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L..McKay 1545 Duchess Ave.. 1890 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 583 The pa'stor's morning subject - will be, "'Phe Complete Ang'ler." - d'htmr'^llTalso' iH îT story ami M I^--Dr ll. UORIK fS... diymrr com]Driso the Lesson - Sermon is - the following from-.Uio Bible " Phe Ijord of ho.sts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought so shall it come to pass; and as 1 have purjK)sed so shall it stand." (Lsaiah 14: 24). 'Phe Lesson - Sermon also in-' eludes the following passage tram the Chi'istian Science text book. "Science and .Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mai'v. J3akeiAL\l(l;\L:_tt:Bhei^cm n-beTul -* -O.UO M i n d, 1 Wg-auere^Tgr-tH-it--r i J «--'• ' ̂ -t.-; ̂ o ■ ■ ■ • P ^ k e x / t f / 9 S 9 * V K The News i Hi l ly ( i Sny*, (litit our U'iKfinn toKi u1»*hu evil ;(pirU'v rhtev- .Ihp ■ w v v u tiV " :■ ' 'T3. ̂ •'•p'hrs: T h e ovim fng su b jec t, "A W om- . a iF s M om im en tT 33ie Itx-al W. ( , 1 . U. Weill a tte n d tlie sei'\'ice. 'Pho c h o ir will lead in ttie w or- sliip o f song. a t 10 o'cl(X!k. 1 he ^ 'tu itig-^Pepple '̂ T" Societ V i IteytH yotibnal will bh --A g n es (■'ohyitts a n in L e fo p ir iw " , A lb e rt H ugg ins. ■ . • ' T h e m id-w w k m ee tin g fo r 10 and p ra ise on W*ednesdav a t 7 :45 p.m . W e s t V a n N e w s - JG th , M iss E iddw en Jones A cvw s Of sp e c ia f i?ervices of tw o w<K?ks' d u ra t ijOht^Meeting.s will he hold each n ig li\;e x ce p t-S a tu r- day . Wfu-hin-- 'VLB.,<> ^ mse::44jeĵ eTrbâ buT no other Mind and accepted no otheiYsin would be unknown We i\m have-but one Mind;-if that one-i.s intinite." Jffr SOCCER ■KrtOu-r; Y<'«, n\y Him, Wlint ,1., y,>u .0».ki»t»w-T ---------------- --------r------ <)ut( tilt' vvny iht-y, tj-its Ou' flr»t tl.'-vilt'ti hum f 1 THE West Vancouv.er visits Keri'is- dale in the l.eaguo th"is week, and wdl need a win to keĉ [j them m the running for top place. Don { fxtrgetrfheliancjrih'Tl^^^ Oninse Hall ;tiii.s Sahirdnv. Mii-sie suppli,,,! by The Radio lui.H-als tome am! have a good ' ! 3-12 p.m. Adinis-sion 3{>c at door. lx.. . ̂ PuMiaheci Every Thursday F. F, LOVEcinoVE Phone Wes^ 363 Husines.s jind Editori.nl Oiric-o: 170-1 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Olfice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. I LOO a year by carrier': $2.004rycnr --7--̂ by-mail-----tr-------^ ^ _ Davoii Bill, Dallas Smitli, Pdt •VatKay and Roy Taylor have . I™!!?*! radet squadron, to be C.VN.'VDIAN SOCIETY FOR THE OONTljoi, OF c W cE lT , 'Vest Vancoijver Unit : v» v.a a g e r , „ m e e t in g MONDAVI FEB 20.h. at S. p .a ,. i„ t h e REGION HXll 1.̂ , 1 lonnneut •Npeakei's.associated with th^ wqrJ:l_ Three new s u b s ta t io n s --G randv iew , S ou th lands and H a s tin g s E a s t w ere b u i l t and a f o u r th , E i r s t r e e t , en la rg ed to su p p ly b e t t e r s t r e e t . o a r and power s e rv ic e in t J r e a t e r V ancouver. I t o f th e B .d . l e o t r i c t o i t i p r o v e i t s f a c i l i t i e s alw ays in ad v an ce ofi e demand, so th a t you m ig h t h av e th e b e s t p o s s ib le s e r v ic e . . RA ELECTRIC^ __^ yy A Y CO M P AJSJJYL-̂ _|_M