1 s t t W ̂-f. » *. * * I [ '•c5*P|Wf!)lŜ4̂»̂>{̂VM en̂ '̂ gw »" Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundaravc $1.00 per yew.: Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c por copy Vol. XI HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16th, 1939 No. 38 Ik TRANSPOllTATION there every difficulty certain, essential facts, the recognition of wl^ich its successful solution hinges. A ,(1 iH'cause essen.tial, 'they cannot be separated too early iVoiii Die welter of the'irrelevant, the consideration of which „„|V uuuls to becloud .the issue. _ ^ ' The time factor, as everyone knows, is one of the two es- m'litiiil facts which are operating against our ferries. Yet in the long ^00 bitter yontroversy which has raged ever since last November nextHo nothing has been said about it iiv those taking part. If there was no possible cure for it,, the omission would be understandable, but such does exist, Dossible although not probable. We refer, of course, to the securing of a dock near the centre of the city, which we have from the first advociated. There.was a time, we understand, some yeai's ago, when this could have been obtained, but the fuel that several subsequent attempts to gecure such a location luive been unsuccessful is no reason why another try should nol ho made in this direction. We all know the story* of Bruce and the spider, as we all are aware of the unfavorable effect that the location of our present city dock is having on . the ferry., rg tu im ' THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar EASTERN STAR ANNUAL DANCE COMING EVENTS Wednesday, March You see, brother, that, when you Dancing start raising hogs, the time is »t 9 p.m. and conUnue until 1 sure to come when you have got " *' to raise one of them, and there's nothing to catch hold of. I have used a cow's tail to, advantage sometimes to help rno over the a.m. The music will be in the hands of Garden's Orchesti:'a and refreshments will be served. As admission is by invitation only anyone desirous"of one is k Hall under auspices of 2nd West Vancoiivor Hoy Seoul group, 11ORTICU LTUR A L SOCl lOT Y iCANADIAN SOCIETY FOR THE CONTROL OF CANCER With a dock at or near the foot of Granville Street the ferries could_ compete oh almost equal terms with the stages..... measure his length r- Under the circumstances, therefore, this should be the first thing attempted by way of solution. If the C.P.R. refuse such n request, it will time enough then to consider other means , of solving the difficulty. And how many and diverse are the possible solutions left has been amply shown already. The second essential fact is the private jitney servioe al legedly conducted'by private car owners. For according to those best qualified to judge this and not the stages represents the mdin opposition to our ferries. Elsewhere similar practices under similar conditions have been quickly, put a, stop to by a police check up, and -we can see no reason, why, this should not be done here. . • . , BUrto say tha:t~f^ies ,are out of date and must give way to the modern bus is. just plain and unadulterated bilge. It is true that th^ motor bus has been a successful competitor, chiefly on short hauls, of th e street car and the railway-train because it uses the roads instead of an expensive track. Apart from this there never was and it is entirely unlikely that th^re ever will be any form of land-transportation, which . can compete with'watl^'Transpc^^^ > . Meanwhile, we think tha t the present ferry schedule should be maintained, for̂ a t least six months. By that'tim e the returps.themselves will indicate just whether the residents hf"We^t^VaffdoTrver~desire"tb"traver'bynf€iTy^r"bus ̂ this matter at least they .are the arbiters of their own destiny. giound, and, if you can oiily get requested to, phone West 682-L hold of an angry bull's tail, or West 587-L-l. you're safe for keeps. A pig's tail, though, is in la different class. I t's so small that it's hard to catch hold of, and, besides, a person gets the idea that, if he. did connect with it and hang on, it might come out by the roots. I've seen many a good mam on the ground trying to catch a pig, and especially the little grunters. The animals.really enjoy it, and , I'm ready to bet that a reason ably young pig,' when properly jazzed up, could go through the finest American football team ever got together, and they could never bring it down. The pig is nature's original stream lined pr'oductioh, as vide the The Society js going to give this district something really exceptional on February 27th,-in t̂ ie way of entei'tainment and one does not have to be a nieih- ber to attend, ami further it will _____ cost nothing for admission or A public meeting will be held even, coTections. At 8 p.m. on on Mobday evening, February ^h)nday, February 27th, at the 20th,, at 8 ' p.m. in the'.Legion l^egion Hall after the necessary Hall, under the auspices of the nmiouncements,thei'e will be a- Canadian Society for the Control hhn depicting warious wilcl fiow- of Cancer, West Vancouver Unit, i'*'*̂* etc., a lecture by Miss B. E. The meeting by prominent Vancouver, work. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. ', West Vancouver Unit. i^ Ĵture by iviiss b E. ting will be addressed on tl̂ ^̂ linent speakers from bubu|f)an r, associated with this Dpt to the Best Advantage,'and COUNCIL NOTES a film of the huge forest fire of July and August, 1938, at Camp bell River. Owing to its huge .size, covering over 200 square miles of Vancouver I.sland, thi.s film is unique. Only the actual facts- can : be--depicted- and - the- Forestry Department of the___ ^_______ _ _ ___ __ "A delegation "from Whytecljffbody of the modern car, but it's attended the Council meeting ih . . . i , i* • hard'Td dfr^,~impb^ible^ comr^tion with a suggested* ̂ rovincial Government, realizing and never stays on the road, if works program to be extended there's an open gate shandy. . It over a period of four years. The can wreck a man's temper quick-"" .program included the fixing up er than scat, and a mogul loco- of certain street ends and streets'by tarring and gravelling etc. . motive quicker than that. About .'th^ only .thing .that caii. disturb its aplomb is ice. Have you .ever seen a pig on ice ? If yqu_bave not, there's a big laugh corning to you. It has been revealed in his letters th a t the language of the ' A request was received by the Council from owners of' lots on the south side of Marine Drive iying^betw een^l 9 th^and"^20 th" Streets that the' property be what a valuable education the.se scenes would form for Forest Protection, had th(» films takep with this idea in view. .Come and see it, and bring tbe older children too. -As h/historic 'fnediurir it is remarkable, :as an educational .spectacle it is invalu able. No word.s can -depict or picture this story that will un- --fold-before-oneVeyes---= - - ---- Me.s.srs. Jas. G. Cunningham ANNUAL DANCE OF SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY SILVER LODGE RIDING ACADEMY------- . --^ ^ The Silver Lodge Riding Aoad- The Annual Dance of the West emy, which is located on Hands- Vancouver Scottish Country, 'worth Avenue, just off the Gap- --Dance--Seeietv last --Saturday---flab o-Read-aboHt-three=quarters- evening in the Orapge Hall was of a mile above the First Sus- much enjoyed by file many who pension. Bridge, offers unrivalled attended, th^hall itself being gay opportunities to rider's or those with charming valentine and who wish to learn riding. 'The other decorations of a distinctly Academy has a .string of a dozen Scottish character. The, mu,sic excellent saddle horses, nmst. of ■played by John Alexander's "Or chestra had all the beat and P., and, therefore, thoroughly drive required , by the Scottish trained and obedient to alb the and old time dances, which com- aids, the leader, "Larry," a very prised most of the program, to fine animal,, being the first horse the great enjoyment of the to cross the Lions' Gate Bridge many dancers. A large contin- last fall. Another took part in i^rrth^m usiealjsd^i^ffl barrack.;-rbom . shocked' Colonel Lawrence', when he found him self 'Aircraftsman Shaw. After his going throughrthe Palestine campaign, I can't understand it, but my friend, the "editor, who was at school with him at Ox- ttempuiKhased^fro^ an' elderly man of the shelteredi kind, were going up a muddy road behind the lines 4n a storm of sleet, when the Hun started up* a little, hate in the vicinity. The tl\jree o f; us took to the_.ditch, where wp cjojwered S(>ci€tywho were present C.M P. l^st year a t Portland. succession -hit the or the occasion, gave a very There is a arge two acr^ pad- ^^ad and plastered us with mud. ^teresting demonstration of the dock, where learners may prac- what the colonel 'said would Oxton Reel, which was enhanced tise without injury,, also jumps ^ It^w as. all j tuG \vl1it0 dl'GsS'GS 9<iid tsrt&n for the moro s-dvAincGd̂ flud tho Riid mf̂ îifid no^bin^ Legion of Frontiersmen hold earth or. in the sk^fo r miles their drills a t the Academy around, including bothrtnfe/Hun every week. , . and pur side. Said the padre to An up-to-date restaurant set me, horror stricken, not at-the- in a rustic garden is provided shelling but at fhe colonel, "Do for the convenience of riders, yoq suppose he really means it ?" ■ where-luncheons and teas are made me laugh. It still served in a cosy dining room, makes me laughs bu t I think t^ with a large fireplace, the walls padre should have been decorat- and ceiling of which are made ed for that.' He was decorated of peeled-and polished logs. Any interested are asked to kinilly xall or phone North 870rL-3. ford, says it simply means Amrblesnte essentially he-~'remained the*" eferk was ordered to forward the bookish type of university stu- m tter to_the Pacific Stage.s. dent. Which reminds me of a certain incident on the- Western Council received a letter Front. Myself, an Irish colonel of cavalry, and a newly arriyed z>oned as "qommercial." R.eferred Frank R. Butler, Game Com- rtcriflre-'TWn^PtmiitingnCbnm -- --Jr̂ i'owi-ncitri-- sibh. ' . Government, will be in charge., ♦ ♦ * ' of the display of the.se'film.s. A letter was received by the ̂ :------ ---- Council. from L. Lambert re specting the time taken by the Pacific Stages between Horse- HOLLYBURN HALL A special service for young views will be held at 7:15 p.m. f oniqrro w (̂ î Tidâ ) in Holly burn, Hall, the speaker being Eric 'Hunt. Sunday School and Young from, the Canadian Legion W.A. People's Bible Class at 10 a.m. re provision of recreation hall next Sunday.. ' . - fori use of Boy Scoilffs. The There will be a Gospel Service Clerk was instructed to advise at 7 :30 p.m. next Sunday, Feb- them. that a° committee of the. ruary .19th, when A. Morning Scout Groups was now Consider- will be the .speaker. 'Tuesday at ing a plan for a. Scout Hall. 8 p.m. prayer and ministry of " * * ♦ the .scriptures. ^ A 'delegation, from the Rate- ----------------- A. Harvey Smith, K. A. Ray, Point Grey, brother of Mrs. Miss Hunter and-Mrs. Gleedr George Kerfoot, pa.s.sed away waited on the Council to renew Wednesday morning. He was a ' scarves of the ladies of 'the party.. The menibers of the Ladies West Vancouver Branch of tlie-Scottish_ Country Dance Society also attended in a body. During the interval a' bountiful _^ppeiL_was-served-in the lower hall. . ; RATEPAYERS' MEETING • Le a general meetr of the West Vancouver Rate- . payers'- Association on Tuesday, lobruary-21st, at 8 p.m. in the Hall. The 'Transporta tion Committee will hlake their .. eport on the result of the depu tation to the Council to convey e resolutions of the last .meet- their request that no alteration be made in ferry service. They were informed that the matter was still under consideration.. veteran Warr- o f'the South African WEST VAN. COMMUNITY ASSOC. "CURLING LEAGUE" 6 p ENS "I've^ellt ye afe)re, I 'll no' ha'e .ye whustlih' wMi you're Work-' in "I wasna. I was juist whust- lin'." replied the office boy. of laterr and he earned it.~ "Hê wvais~ There will be an opening night -- "curling" at the .West Van couver Association Club Rooms, 14th and Marine, above McCue's Husband: "If we had a mil lion dollars, do you know what I'd do with my share of it?" Wife: "No. Just whaUwould T H Vni? store; tonight (Thursday) « '0«.sand dollars, DEATH OF JOHN L.^SMUCK John Louis Smuck, ar former resident here but who has since been living at Half Moon Bay, passed away in Shaughnessy Military. Hospital last Monday. He is survived by his wife, one n 1 Tiv _ _ __________ step-daughter, Mrs. R̂ H. Blbx- Marine Drive at 25thr * ham, and two sisters in Ontario, BRITISH - ISRAEL (as spelt) and much loved, but he never got used to what he heard around himi In speaking to me one day he remarked, "They ^re all such dear boys, but, oh, so unoriginal." MERCHANTS FOOTBALL ^ CLUB DANCE of the Young People's group. Visitors welcome.. A Men's Curling League v is darling?" The Merchants Football Club •is giving a M_odem Dance on ____ ______^ __ „„„ "Well, Mary, Us 'as come being formed. Anyone interest- . courtin' to this 'ere meadow nî rh ed in same please get in touch I'Lree summers how,-but us won't with W. J. 'Turnbull) West 115, oe^doin' so next summer.".- as soon as possible. *̂Dh, Jarge! Do 'ee really High School Boysr ̂curling-to- that?" . morrow night (Friday). Ay- They be goin' to build The association requests that all members attend the" general I^egular Monday evening meetr ' Marine Drive at 25thr Brereton of .-Funeral services were held at xxx yyih up umuji lyxiuuyn; " r e s , m other. / -- Vancouver^--^ubjeo ti^-l-^36-p^m;^~yesterday-in-the-Clty,--Radi_o,. Rascals wiiP_suppl5L_pie--of_impi)xtan.ce_and_interesjt_Jo_r__ir^iL^ftered-m4-^~hig~p]a,te-o ĵUQmentous. Decisions." Yoii and' interment wa^ made ih music and there will he dancing discussion in regard to changes money, and I said 'No, Thank aie cordially invited. *** O cean ^iew BuriaPPark. frnm q IP Admisainh .3fw* m -■ » _ . ............ meeting to. he held Monday, Mother: "Marilyn were vou a Saturday of this week, February 1;February 20th, a t 8 o'clock sharp good little girl a t church tocJav 18th, ir ̂the OrangevHall.. The -as there will be many matters Marilyn; "Yes, mother. A of- from 9 to 12. Admissioi^ 35c. in the club policies. you'