t h e w e s t v a n n e w s J ^ r w e l t i e l l ^ j p y j ^ ^ g g l l l l ^ ^ "*'M»«t'̂ W w t 370 F f«f iJellvfry Service • Monthly Acrount H O E L Y B ! HN H A fJ . T h e Ywujig .iv»i>N"- ..•'̂ *'*:̂ ',;;;'.' jllu stra tt'd w ith U m liin w ill lx* held a t 7 :3 5 p n.. t<>ni<*»- row (F r id a y ) in linl!y3junj Hnll. T h e .speaker w ill lx* A: >h»ni.nK and hi.s Hubject "S a n ^ "'n. tin* th e Ju'iKt'S." School a»id Youiip re"[m ' s hthitr f •- l u m b e r . -- .............-- , ocnoul «iiu 4vu>'f • ' In ,, I HlKiCiESTIONH for F K IlU Y & SA 'niKOAY, February .1 & 4. a t lo aitn. n^.\i SinKlJi) . ̂ ► ' i .... .I'l r ui , X .H. C. PlJItK JAMS .32 OK. JAUH I M & Whit4- STKAWliKItUV. Jiir .32« NABOli APBICOr I'KACII HASPHKIiBY Vour riiofa* J#*" 29c Thrti> whol»**ionn* âv»rlt̂ ^H in the Hitinllor fartiJIy hI/«* contalnor. •i ll». 'i l.N'S, U<d& While H'ntAWBKBUY or UAHI'BKUBY tin 49c NABtlB BKI> J'U;M 4 lb. tin 37c NABOB 1'KAClf I lb. tin 4(k AHHOnriiO j a m s , l Ib. tin .37c , Seven VHrielieM to rluMwe from -- A|>|»le' with Hiruwberry, BuKplH*rry, . BlaelilM*rry, ' PearlC' Plum, Ooono-' berry «ml Apricot. HBII ABBOW SODAS Family packet . .. 14c KKI.FOOD'S rOBN FI.AKHS Three FltKK Olftn 'I'ake your clioire-- J Movie .Mnchine, I PilotH I'lHtol or I Ventril(K|uiHtH ' Dummy. Your choice with .3 pktN 2.3c )(• a M E A T SI V I Iww I W'ent .370 I.m»k for the BKD BBAND OBADK A w.|ien purchttKinif your Iwef. Me bundle only the Iwat at Cjty Frlcen L-Ke your telephone, we deliver free. DKI.K ATHSSKN (A full line). FBESH FISH DA JOY V.JH»nn **v ••• February 5th. TiRi-e wil. (Jospel Service Sunfiay ai 7 :.'lt)' p.rn., when .iaiin̂ > will be the .speak'*!'. Friday at » j),m,, prayer and ministry "I t.a* Script iirC.s. .*.:A.SH &. DOOKS .SlIlKCihES ' ' PLYWOOlaS LAl'll there 1S{ for quality AKenU: CANADA J'AINT COMPANY LTD.. PAINT ^ BUXLDERSl SUPTUE8 ROOFING " WALIiBOARD t i l e " W E S T . VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LID l^ th & M arine-D rive Phone West 115 M'lIK.VT ifJBANni.KS .3 Ihn. 17c FANt V APBI('t)TS -- NuM)' No, 1 Tina | Bed A White CUT OBKKN HKANS "J'in Bed A White POBK A BRANS 2 lH-o/."J'irm Bed A While SPAtHIRITI with rfn*eMehaiid 'I'omato Sauce ' Mi *>/.. tin . LADY CODIVA COMPl.RXION SOAP 1......... 4 cakeH 19c lie 17c 9c T O W N S W O M E N 'S (JU IL I) T lie th ird b ir th d a y b a in iu et o f the, 'i'ownawottKm'.s (luild wa.s hel(|l Tut;.sday evenijijf, January ✓ - - - - .'Uat, in tlu- ciranKe H all; the preHidenl,* Mr.H. # . (3romar Bruce, in the ,('hair. Mi'h, B. M. (Iriidy acted JI.M louHtniiHtre.s.s.s. The f(»IIowiiiK loaHls were* m ade: to the KiiiK, propo.sed by Mrs., A. (3romar Bruce; the Doniinion of (Canada, by Mrs. A, T, Cushing:, r(?plied„to by Mrs. Fi J. Hol.ston; to the Province of B ritish Col- iimbia, by Mrs. (). B ritton, re plied to by Mrs; IC P. Burden^;, p u r Municipality, by Mrs. M.' E. W right, r<?plied b(j,by Mrs. J. B. L(3yland ;-()ur Visitorsrby:M r.H;- D, W. Graham, respon.se by Mrs. Rex E a to n ; , Our Educational ESyst'em, by Mrs. W. Woodccxik, resiK>n.so by Mrs. A. M. O'Don- pell; S ister Guilds, by Mrs. T. Turner, re_spon.se by Mrs. H. Pindor-Mo.ss; to the Pre.s.s, by Mrs. L. E. Kyle, response by Mrs. I'5_. l'̂ . J cleV(3r pai'odie.s w e r e ifiven . by th e sinK inif trroup arrangred by M rs. J. H; S m ith and M rs. F . C. .sket(*h w v.as djjfiveii by M rs. ,J. R ankin and M rs. J, (h B r itto n , • w h ile Mrs, W,' R. (3Iark-gave tw o •Splendid rec ita tio n s . M rs. A . B in gh am won th e b ir th d ay cak e w hich w as ra llied . 'he regu lar rnontlily m e e tin g ol (he. Guilil, w ill be held to m o r row, (Friday) "at 7:45 p.m. in tile (31ac*han. Tile ,m eetin g w ill lie a(ldre.ssed by Geo. W righ t th e w ell-kn ow n colum nist,* w h o w ill sp eak on "The Etirojiean S ilu a lio t i ," and hy M iss M. D u lfie ld , R .N ., head o f th e V'.O.N, in V an cou ver. , ,'I'he T o w n sw o m en 's G uild Sew_ in g im^eting w ill 'b e held a t th e im nie o f M rs, P age , 2 4 5 0 B elle- 071 ■WetlTTes(lay7 D A N C IN G DE.MO.NSTBATION T ho.se wh() a.ltend<*d lie* deni- o n str a tio n o f lie* H'*alth and D a n c in g E x erc ise 's )"iven by .Mis.- W rig h t and Mis;-* S\v*eiiy Mon day e v e n in g in lie* Oruigt* lia ll, w ere w ell rew arded. lie* y iu iig te a c lie r s inircxlueed l)\, Mrs. (Jrornar B ru ce, >'a"<* n splendid exh'ib itibn o f their Khythm te A r ts and th e ir ('iittmsia.sin wait! soon c a u g h t up l>y the auilienee. M iss W r ig h t's cxp lan alion ol th e o r ig in a iid grow ing pojiiilar- ity o f th e N ationdl Ilea llli , jA 'ague w h ich orig iiia led in E n g la n d in 1930, v,'as very in ter e s t in g and th e e.xereises w liich folhjvved proved ably whal can be done'. Mi.ss S w een y's gra<*e- fu l in terp reta ti()n of (Ins-k, I'al- ,Jet and R u ssiu ii dancing in ap p rop ria te co stu m e, made a very fa v orab le im pression and i f . charm and p erson a lily oouid for a n y th in g , th e ir c la sses will be w ell a tten d e d . M rs. "l/e y la n d 's voh; of-1 hanks at th e end o f the exh ib ition ech oed th e genci'ifl .febliiig'of Uu> ■ au d ien ce th a t W est V ancouver is lucky to h a v e Ihis ojiportunity. T h e c la s s e s open Friday, Feb-, ruary ,3 n l , at- 2 pirn, at the (.dachan, » C l a s s i f i e d a d s rht* rate forClas.silie^ Adv«rtlwincnt8 is 1. cli>^i«,per word, minimum ....... 0 f those hnving regular accounts, all classi-•I'l TMitN Kxrept in the case o' those „,j ceiiiH. I J J Advance. '̂ dtemerimr naHBifi^s in the West Van Nows get immediato results. /■/Hinnv '_ liiirriHtcr .& ND-BONE CORSBl'S, Surgical Heliu 4 1 cHor r MnWIIasting.*', Soy. 4190 ulterations. Mrs. MacAuIay^, loig Viinciiuvor any time by Esquimalt, WcBt 408-R.al. WcHt , ;ipliDilltllU'llt, \ \t '.*̂t |.,N I( - H'K STII.I. HUY Kvery- IhiiiL. of valui,; Eotllu», I'UBS Mcks, I nu'lids, furnitiin*; stoves, toulSj etc. Call West 91 and we bnngMie cash to your door. Hurrard .liinlc X o. West. 91. ______________- 2 LARGE ADJOINING LOTS G.'i ft x >1,'32 ft. Close in. Light deuring. Quick sale $350 each. C. J. Archer Lid. W est 225. W ANTED -- Capable girl or woman, • 5 days weekly, 9 to 6. Box 41, West Van News. S e W A N T E D -G irl to assist with|.ciitlK*r or rul)l)ci;. Iti'|mirs. dpi:! Murine. house. FOB .SAl.H -- ('lu?erio Circulating Ilcatc'1* L!'()0(! comlitioii, suitable for store oV lioim*. West 172-B-:i, ■ work; used to children. Reference required. W est 358-R, . *, OOBDON OBAY -- Insurance. Fire, lUirglai'y, Automobile, Ft. Fele- [ilioMc Sey. 4991 or West 92-K-2. FOR SALE -- Combination Sink and Laundry Tub with taps and board; fire screen, 30 in. pair Weed Tire Chains, 4.50x21. W est 461-X-l. FOB BRN1' ™ Four roomed funiish- ■ ('(I suite', full plumbing, on bus line, .'i;̂ 1.00. . West 2.'i7-L. : FOR SALE ■-- Small counter, and shelving; also dining room suite, studio lounge, bed (complete),,etc. W est 280-R. .SAVK YOU It OLD NEWSPAPERS and Maga'/iiies for Layid Protestant ■Jlonu; for Children, Driver, will call. North 1480-L. ' ■ ■ ACCOMMODATION in attractive home for business girl. Phone West 925-L. Vu(' AvtMllK!, ---------------- February 8lii, a t 2 o'chxNk. |AII BA BO AIN -- All for ,$20; 1 Simmons Bedstead, I Pai'kbill .Sagless Spring, 1 Wool-filled ()sUM*moor_ Mattre^; AVjiluul..I.ggt'aJ.egged ELDERLY LADY Wants Room and Board; W est Vancouver or vicinity. Box 41, W est Van News. _idSLL ...neAV- --NOTICE mombor.s arc* inviUid to alteiul. VV. C. T. U. :nicVV(.',st Vancouver W. C. T. U. will holtl their ix'gular m onth ly meeting in the Ve.stry of the -Hn i lt3cl-- 0h ni'ch^^^n--Th o t^^da-y- SOCCER . We.st Vancouver l().st*,!*i fiiie chance to go well out in front of the League by lo.sing to .Var- .sity a t (3ambie,St reel la.st Sfitur- day by a - .score of 4-2, W est' Vancouver Jed by a .score of 2-1 a t half time. A fter two pretty goaks .scored by . Blair Edwai'ds table; I new dining room chaii's', for $25. Call evenings, 2:110 Lawson Avgnue, Ibillyburn. FOB SALÊ ^̂ -- I Boom Bungalow with bath, etc'.; paved' street near ferry, ' Price $1:100, V2 cash. Lawson, Walk er <fe Pride,W est'5,5. . • C. J. ARCHER LTD., wish to-advise that H. Fallow s is leaving their em ploy thl^ date. Kindly refer pending business-'to our office. Phone \Vest 225. 4 (3ulenuin w itli M r.s. TFl'*Ins. 'F.' T'urncr a t th e piano, -- , _^AlJJi£Li>y£mLag-pa ligo itfu l ( lu a r te tte s w e r g g iv e n bv aftermx)!!, February 9th, a t 2:15 p.m. Mns. A. (3antell of VancoiF ver, will he the guest .speaker. The nuunb^j^ and friends are. al.so asked" to notice th a t under Irom cro.s.ses. froni Toniiny Don aldson, thc^r right winger,' the Varait.yxief(;| .winger ciit in ' " -score-h-iTj 4eanVs-f 1 rst-go'a HAVE $;i0()() CASH for 5-foom bung- .alow in West Vancouver; must .be .genuine barga+n. -Full details neces sary. Box 42, AVest Van Ne-ws. • FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, 4- phone V; HermandezA West 122-L. i To -*-^NOTABY PUBLIC," General Con-- veyaneing; "Valuator;" Reginald P. The second huff Var.sity scored three time.swsithoiit a reply from "Blower; 14U5 Marine Drive. West 21. • ' ' • ■ • LET US SELL YOUR HOUSE - Listings ' Wanted, ' clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS, LTD., i 1447 Marine Drive._;______ West 546 ■ Mrs. J. II. Sm itH Mrs,*IL C. Cole- liT- Bowel I -a ml-M rs . F, F. Lovegvovo; Mr. F, (3. (3ole- nmn accompanist. A humorous moving ])iciures will be shown by -the F raser Valley Milk Pro- (iucers-^A.s.sociation -bn -Monday evening, February L3th, in the United Church Hall, the, West-Vancouver s(iuad, who m ade'-many fin'e shots at the Varsity goal, but they co_uld not score. It wa.s not West- Van's day by any means. The -loeals are in a three, wnv -4-rA4'-l-D-̂ TEA-fcFNG- -=:4 Es timates free. * 1458-L FLOOR SURFACING ,-- J. Suther- fendy 2144 Mahon Avenue, North Powell Mathesoh, West'334-R or West'745-L. HAULINtJ -- Fuel arid Marilire •-- ^ 40 yards of- good top soil for sale.' Phone Art Knight. AVest 51-X. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and flight; - heated-car; passengers fully insured - W est 512. I CANADIAN LEGION & W. A. W H I S T D R I V E - - PROC.BKSSIVE LEGION HALL. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Ith. '1 I* ' Admission 25e. CARDS at R ,p.m, sharp CA.'̂ IL. PRI^ES RF.FRKSIIMENT.S tie fori leadership of tShe l.eague with South Vancouver and St Regis bunched a t the top--same number- of points. Keep peg-i gingM)oys, you can still win the League. 3 his week's fixture: South Vancouver vorsus West Vancouvei*, Wilson-. Pai'k, 2-80 p.m, ------- T itatn ku n u r s e r y n u r s e s av.'iilable, permanent, temporary,, or GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister - " ~SolTCitOirr5107WFH t̂ings, SeyrdWi evening work.' Nurserycraft Centre AVest 8()7. at W est Vancouver any tiriie -by appointment, W est 403. CABI'ENTER -- Good repairs, alter- ation.s, finishing. Phone West 711' or 407-L, evenings; '*' J. EDW ARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- '^icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone "W est 21, or W est 553-R-l. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOP 1730 Marine Drive West 562 ______ i»tOCKS_lft .;r b a s (TN a iu a ^ Our New Sjiring Morclmmli.se. i.s beginning to arrive. Wli.v not buy on the budget plan? We are glad to,noconin?odnte our reliable, customers. b a r b a r ia n s BLANKED BY . g r a d s ,\8 -0 . . . ^ohowing a complete reversal ot torm. from the previous Sat ur- day .when they " 150 green cedar-poles, ■ 'V \ bark on, G to 8 feet long and D thick average, '.for rustic work, west 84. A REAL REST for Tired F o lk s - ■ Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136P 27th Street. W est 86-L-2. WANTED--Furniture,■=• Stoves, Tools, etc. AVe buy, sell and exchange. Phone N orth.431, Vinick's Furni- PAINTING and DECORATING - J. H. W edley, formerly with C. L. - Konings. Phone W est 818. Esti mates free. 95-70 Lonsdale Aven-ue Attention ! West Vancouver!! - dowiTThe ruhner. up-Rowing Cltib to -a throo point margin for the greater p a r t o f the game, the Barbs last Saturday afternoon played, second fiddle to the bot tom placed G rads' throughout the aftoriuion t ! - .:? ."*bsenc6-and -the onlv re- HAROLD MATTHEWS Ltd Conduct Auction. Sales of Every Description. (01 will puiT'hase goods outright) Seymour 2977 529 Pander Street AVesU deeming feature of the game wav La w n m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d - -- Special--^maehine; Tirepairsp--parts;- " W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 144 ̂ Marine; - ' CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrura, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. S A t i m b A Y N I G H T i S ' W ^ t V a n c o u v e r ' s N i g h t t I mtY-- '-"c game WU'̂ 3t'"cr32i' l>-'- d 'Eassum'at.goal from ta r out whicli just n iis s^ by .inches.. - , ___ This Saturday's fixture withTT . R 1........1 " w u n c . 13. t . has been s e t back to ' ^February 25th, since both Var- - at the OLYMPIC CLUB sity team s 5vill be in Victoria on -their- ann ual' iin^sion; Saturday a t 3 p.ni, a workont will be held on Irwin P ark .a t 3 EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con-' tract. 'Experienced^*men, modern machinery. Rush. jobs.-- ^Kissick ; W est 252-L. " c a r d o f t h a n k s . Bessie- Frame a n d -th e - J- B* Oswald \ish to thank their friends.,for the -e received in theirecent hereavempnt. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor,' Suite Hollybum Block. m a r c e l s h o p -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials, used. : E xpert operators; Phone -W est 304, Royal Bank^Building. _ 140 East 2nd Street^ N o r th Vancouver Child's West Vancouver Orchestra h o r t ic u i .t u r a l ASS'N ■ I.ECTURE the lecture given by Dr. A P Barss in the'Legion Hall on iVotli -W hist 8-p.m. . GASH PRIZES Dancing 10 to 12 Ad m issio n .2 S c . ated owing to, the b t e o k b S display ̂ A vote of_ th.t,ffe ultimo, was verVm,^h '*"'P ated .appreci- iispl nov< Irea ectu ."f" Watch ON ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■ . 1 1 1 - , - ! , . , . ™ . . . CHIMNEY SW E I^ IN G -- Old Coun try w ay; guaranteed; brick npd stone repailrs. Palmer, ■ Capilanp, North 81 l-R-i2. ; ' PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, W est 363. _ by. the past p S e n f G Br^le.v..who also-suggested a h e il ' ' f ° ™ e r ly lived v\itb J]er vson-in-law and CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY p List it w ith -us for quick sale. Diamond R ealty, 1395 Marine Drive, W est 719. ___ d ; G ^ u g g esu the neai* future'e OIF nf oo»j V ae iviont dled'i^i'w'LAl Avepue!- thesf on Wednesday of lalt ^ AYESTERN-WOOpWORKERS--Stored Fixtures^ House Fixtures, AVom Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work o f ail descriptions. Phones:TXT̂ ĵ. J ■ ■m «>*• - . a 24oS'̂W est 740 and . W est 443-R. Clyde ; Ave:i -Wi l l -PA Y"- CASH-for- stamp-colk Aions. Nothing too small. PboB® West 358-X 1