MEN'S W SIAR ClesM^mce SALE ill.-c s HUlftTS, TIBS, SOX,. UN0ERW EAB. SCAKVES, PANTS, s iV E A tm ----------- -------- " Our entire stock is now on sale at greatly reduced prices. McLEOD'S-MENS WEAR J S i r i S " ' Local and Personal W K S T VANCOUVEK SCHOOL OF HEALTH & DANCE CLASSES W I L L B E S T A R T E D km FKIDAY, FEBKUARY 3rd l!y MISS BETTY AVIllGHT and MISS VERITY SW EENEY TIIIO CLACIIAN, 25th and W aterfront, from 2 p.m. onward. , Mothers' Group with meet on Tuesday next, 8"1 p.m., a t the Wendy House. Mrs. Van Vooght and Mrs. Keenleysido will lead the discussion; "Dealing with the Imagination in tlie Pre- School Child." > ♦ ♦ , St/ ■ All the candidates were suc- CIRLS' a u x i l i a r y t o t h e BARBARIANS' a n n u a l Valeiitiiie Dance 7 ' Feb. 1 0 th .,t the HOLLYBUIJN PAVILION I);ou'iii}.V i* L lUiflVl Supper Marie Abrams' Orchestra Admission 60 Cents 1872 Fultop Avenue, have left for a short holiday up the cwist. ::.\.;;':Mr.,yaud:tMrs couveiv huVe moved into a house "IPlBTO'-'Buehess AvenUe, Municipal Clerk W. Herrin, cessfuljin passing the St. John who has been under the weather Ambulance Fhi'st Aid Associa- for a few days, has returned to tion exam held"oir January 27th his duties a t the Hall, in the Municipal Hall. The lec- ♦ tures have been delivered by Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Hacking, 25G7 A. C. Nash, the examining of- Marine, Drive, have moved into ficer being Dr. W. C. Saunders, a house at 8252 Marine Drive. The pupils names ai'o as follows; --------------------- 7th year. Label ;the Misses Mar- LEGION W. A. ■ .ioric, Atwood, Wiiinio Uorchcs- The W. A. to the Canadian' t e r 4 t h yeai-L ibel: Mrs Har- ,I,x.'gion held their uaiial monthly n o t Buckley, William H. .Lewis; mcetinE in the Legion Hall on 3rd. year Medallion: Neil Pea- Monday, 30Jth January. Stratton's BAKERY h o m e Im a d e '̂ '■ B R E A D -- FRESH DAILY Ton varlotios to suit every tasto Moat Plea -- Cookie* Kcclos Cakoa -- I'astrloH Buns and RoIIa Note Address: . 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 GARDENIA GLEANERS 2ir>2 Marine Drive W est 858 I ' • , b, ( I,EANING & PRESSING SMART ALTERATIONS N EAT r e p a i r s Props. Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Hatanaka T"Tf" cock; 2nd year, Voiidier: MrA*. Nora Britton, Miss Madeleine H. Ci:oss, William J. Dickinson, John T. Grant, John Parker, Herbert' P arro tt; 1st year. Cer tificate; Mrs. E.' M. Hardman, the Misses Isobel Banks, Kath leen Davies, Jean Minkley, Frank Colpitts, John Harper, Eric Pea- The new president, Mrs. F. Rivers, in the chair, following the branch's obligations , and prayer, Mrs. T.> Batchelor was culled on to,'make a-presentation to ithe highly esteemed retiring president, Mrs. C. E. Sharman, the g ift being a lovely silver flower basket filled witli dainty Hollyburn Theatre TIIimSDAY, FKIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Fobrimry 2nd, 3rd nnd -1th SHIRLEY TEMPLE " LITTLE MISS BROADWAY" also "SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES" H.(\ Scotfi^It Country Dance Society, W est Vancouver Branch S A T U R D A Y , FEB. 11th, in the ORANGE HALL, 9 to 12 O ld 'll me afld S cottish , -• 'R efreshm en ts- Danoes " ̂ _ GMld'A-Qi'chestra, Admission, 50 cents i_ _ii '/"-I _ r-< 1T7J11 11 " spring flowers. A fter thê entation was .made the usual business was carried on. •. ':̂ -ATwO"mew:"-members""'Were'"'We|l*̂ corned to the W.A., namely, Mrs. E. Diggoh and Mrs. S. Robmson. Mrs. H. Stokes also assumed her first duties as Treasui'cr, and Mrs. B. Horam as Social Coiiveh- er, for; the year. Mrsf D. Parker gave her report on the •activities ^ .........._ - . . of the 2nd West Vancouver* V ^couver for a few days prior Tro'op of Scouts during the year. kell, George S, Willoughby.■■■. . : III,;. . ♦ ■ , ■ ■The friends of Mrs. LyrUan Jones, 2186 Marine, will be glad to know she is able to be around again afte r a recent attack of the flu. * * . Mr. an^l Mrs. Cunningham, Travers and Mari he Drive, have moved and are staying in North C O N C R ETE C O N T R A C T O R S GENERAL TRUCKING -- BUILDING SUPPLIES Sole A gents for ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT FAINT ~ TEA R O E & • 1427::MARINE-DRIVE-----? P H O N E W E S T 8 4 to going to Chicago, where they will,reside in future. ' As a resu lt of the storms of J_ast_j®:eek_there_w_ere about-ten _ feet of snow on Hollyburn Ridge- on Saturday and Sunday/ and a big crowd of skiers were able to practice their favorite sport under good conditions.♦ * * Miss Carmichael of Vancou ver moved on Tuesday into, her, new home on Roseberry Avenue, Horseshoe Biay: The meeting closed with dainty . refreshm ents being served by - the -group.-. - --------- --- -1_____ CORRESPONDENCE NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY GLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine . and Good.Housekeeping) . C. C. IfINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative ̂ Phone West 7iS2 and Driver will call. -Mr -an d--Mrs--Brem ner -have- ..moved from W est B ay in to a hniisp at i n 4 Mather.c! Avenue. The E d ito r,' West Van News. * When business ' is ' slipping, there are two th ings one can do: ' raise prices, a ttrac t more ciis- ■ tom by improving the service and advertising,. or_c.ut-expenses. Suggestions have been made for improving the facilities and convenience of tho ferries, and SATURDAY .EVIO., and MONDAY J<'(;bniury dlh anil Olh DON AMECIIK SIMONE SIMON ( i ft . . ' ,1 also " "QUINTUPLAND" "HOLLYWOOD GRADUATION" 'J'UFSd Ay and WEDNESDAY .. February 7th and 8th SYLVIA SIDNEY " YOU AND ME" , (Once only at 8:15) ---------- -------- also . I iffiTniG G IN S FAMILY"«r Alfred Busst has come down "from Lytton,"B.C.,"and is" visit ing his mother, Mrs. Busst, of 2442 Marine Drive, for a week or two. . inviting more custom. No doubt all such proposals are.receiving -due considerafibhr"̂ ; : With- regard to costs, there are no" doubt many- items-oL exr_, penditure which, on careful.ex amination, m ight be reduced tem ^^arily . The biggest single Jtem&'s,,-j-salar-ies-aTirL LE(^ION NOTES. West 190 1578 Marine Drive W est 190 wages. From my personal - knowledge' of the ferry and, bus Moving pictures will be shown- staff, I believe that'eyery one of commencing at 8:30 p.m. when ' them without exception, from all friends and ex-:serviCe men the m anager to the spare mapj are invited to attend. The'Min- _have the interests of the service ing Industry, courtesy of the *and oP the m unic ipality su f- Financial-News,-Vancouverwill - ficiently. a t heart to be willing- be the subject of the pictures, to make considerable sacrifice in These are both interesting and order^to maintain the service, I instructive and a large gather- am confident th a t if the staff ing is welcome and expected. - were approached in a suitable The^- meeting tomorrw night mannerj and asked to co-operate w ill-be-ealled-at 8 p.m.-sharp.-- --with_the council a'nd^the citizens -i n-a-concer ted"^eff or t-4:o^ake" t^ Wood^ Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 -812 Ifith Street TOPSOlii --. GRAVEL Bush Fii.", Insido......:.......$C.OO Cord Mill Fir, In sid e .... ...... ..- .").50 , " Flrephfre~FiT~nrr7^^ --"--- Green Alder' 5.50 Furnace Blocks ....... ,4.50 " SPECIAL-- No. 1 Phr Edgings...;..$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings ------ -- Bar-ky ....................3- G ^ b~$FL00- Bark .i-..----- ---$5.50 Cord Limited amount. ; SAW DUST SPECIALS Sacked ........................ $4.50 per unit Bulk ....... ....... !............. $4.00 per unit c h a r l e s t̂ h o m p s o n ̂ 812 16th Street Office at 1436 Marine-Drive - .i FREE SPECIALS DELIVERY WEST VAN. MERCHANTS service a success during the next S v d f six months, every man would be Hillbillies Grade A Red Brand Sirloin Roast 28c Ib .^ Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 81c Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast 25irlb7 Pot Roast 15c lb. .Sh^Iders'--Lamb; ; .r......... . ...ISc per Ib. Breast-- Lamb: ............ ..."...ISc per lb. Veal ........ 18c per Ib. Jc^lcher's No. 1 B acon.... .... 15c per half Ib. Mushrooms . Grade A, Large 27c per lb. 23c per doz. League, paid a visit to the local team at Ambleside Park. By the look of the score the C.C.F. reaJly_showed why they were' leading. the- league; Ti^e class, of football'wias farexce^^- ing the effort of the local team. ij^ess^C rip p s^ lay ed " ^ h a rd T game a t; centre, hacked up ■ by Doug, Dennison and Jack Kerr, who was the outstanding player on the team. It did the team good to see the fans tu rn out to . support them, and w ith this support they .should be able to build a strong team for next season. . ^ Saturday the Merchants travel to McPherson Park to meet Baders. Players are asked, to meet a t the feriy a t ,1 p.m. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Team - P W t Blue Bombers 14 12 2 Dudes ' 14 11 3 W. :V. Siz^zlers 14 10 4 U --8 5 34 ' 2 11: Musketeers ,,.H4 2 11 14 1 11 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 24 22 20- 17' 35 ry 'Last Saturday the leaders of willing to do,his part. A period the.Second Division, V. & D. of six months working under the SocJ^v"£5 new conditions would afford a t wppk'ci ^ fa ir basis % comparison and .Blue B a b e r s J i,'Maple Leafs the m atter could then.., be re- • 7 ' considered with .adequate Hillbillies-3:--------- on which to base fu ture action. yy y . Sizzlers 14; Sockeyes 4. : A. HAEVEY S M ira ' 'Canadiens 15, Musketeers 3. AUSPICES OF ST. STEPHEN'S - INGLEWOOD W.„ A. A nnual Birthday Tea In INGLEWOOD SUNDAY.. SCHOOL, W EDNESDAY, f IsBRUARY 8th, a t 2:30 P.M.' t e a ; 26c. . , , HOME-GOOklNGv ' - CANDY EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formesrlsr-with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive AUSPICES W EST VANCOUVER UNITED CHURCH W. A. LECTURE by REV. AJSDREW RODDAN . "INTO THE HEART OF BRITA^IN"' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, a t 8 p.m. --' , in the W est Vancouver United Church : ^ • ■ . ■ - * I - Admission, 25c. ' . ' ̂ ■ Proceeds equally divided between W. A, and. the lecturer'.s W elfare.Fund,