t h e w e s t V A X N E Jili '* O r. 2tfti & EnaulmtU Av«» ItKV. W. VANCE, H.A., 2047 (Jordon Avfuuo Phono Woit' 244*K'" ■■ ■ Sunday Hervicea: 11 a.in. & 7:30|),m* Hiranifora and Vbitors are woleomo BAPTIST CIICHCll Minister Iter. W, 1* MeKny, B.A., B.P. Sunday Serricea 10:00 a;m.--(:'bnrch *rSchool in* eiudinif Adult Cla«» 11 #,m. & 7;30 p.M.~^~Preachintf Sorvicos, A htarly welcome to *11 We ar^ F e a tu r in g the NEVi' S H O R T l l l l H A I R M O D E I I ■"r-- 'Hn* for'ocaHi fnr spiinif Ih lliih new Hliolt liinrutylf. Not a hlilnifli* liul a wHi l«iieifd littiMK doHC to til" head. , Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CroatorH of KxcIuhIvc Pfriiianenta, 1,640 Marino Drive , Went 117 HOLLYBORN HALL Hth and DucheKS riUDAY' KVi:,, IVIe ;ird. at 7:16 ' V.iiiiin I'ooplfV Hervice liy lanlriii views, 'SnaisoM, ill** l.uhl of I Ih' Judjt*'H Speaker; M|{. A. MOltN'IND " ' 1 HLNDAY. I>b. 6lli, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and youiijf Peoplc'H Bible CIu.hh SrNDAV liVENlNC at 7::«» (lOSl'Kl. SKliVICK SiKuiker: --; MIt, JAMKS CIBSON I'ltlDAY at H p.m. j'raver and ininiulry of the ' (• SeriiitureH. W E S T V A N C O U V E R Chrbtian Science Society 20th and Eai|ulm»ll. BoUyburn Thi» Society B u Branch of The Mother t 'burch , Tno First Chuichluf Christ, ' Scientist, in Boston: Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11 Sunday^ F«liniiit:y nlh. / suiOucn': ^ " , " S r i l M T " , Sunday.School at in;0n a.no 'I'estimony MectioE' VVc-ilnesuay at 8:16 p>ra- The public Is cordially in vited to attend our sorviceH and meotinjfs. . * , ) H A N D Y A N N S H O P , M a ^ e M i d e e t P a i n t ' E n a l i i e l s "*•"C lesM ? V a r n i s h * Varnish Stain -- --------- ----jiA 5 g -(a n 8 ,- N O W O P E N ! • Vitam in, D airy Lunch • ................1702 Marine Drive : . ' . ,.n r v i'KolM ( TS. LIGHT LUNCHKS. SOFT DIUNKS - |< K , KI3AM, SMOKKS 0)/i'ii Sidi'liiys and after Ihotiiro._____________ . -sue***.. / % s » O R . G. Q . H . S E A L E D.D.S., 'L.D.S, DlENTlST ! X-ltuy Iluy Bloekj J Uh and .Marine Dr. Olflco llourii D lo 0 p.nl. i r KvenintfM hy appointment. Phone Wext 72 ' J)It. MdlAE D E N t I S T formerly of 7.U5 Medical-Dental Buildln(f ' lloura: U to 0 lOvenings by . . uppointmeiit, IHtiO Ainrine Di4ve • *-WeHt 432 The F rench B eauty Salon For V^ork of CJyality_ Wo HpecluliKO In line, ifrtiy and white hair. 1662 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 UNITED CmJKCH 21.st and K.squiinalt Ayo. i(<!V. William Vance, M inister Siimla.v, Fnliruary 5th. Kelijiidus Education Sunday ' The* Tiixis, T rail RanKt;rH and C.U.I.T. will 'attend the moniiiiK, Horvit't' in groups with thoii loaders. M itiislcr's .suh.jm't i " I/'t Us His** Up ami Build." 7:;{0 p. m. -- Subject: (Iroat ll.VMiiis--'1 . " L(!ad Kindly l.iKhI/' ( 'ardiiial, Newman. Cood'music and a welcome*. Ev('iits coiniiiK n ex t week: -- Monday, Otli-^ltov. Aiid.row llod- (lan's Lt*ctiii'c. Thur.sdtiy,„i)th-- ST.'ANTHONY'S riATHiOUE . CHUIU II 2.*Jrd & Inglcwopd Avc, ....___ _ Kbv.' Father Van Pastbr / Sunday Scrvice.s Low Mass 8:15 a.ni. Ilij^h Mass and S<*nnoji --,10 :15 'a.rh; ̂ .... Uosary and Benediction - - 7:-15 p.m. Catechism.and Bible Clas.s--2:00 P*tn. , Week-day Service.s Miiss -- 7 :00 la.m. ' Fridays-- Rosary, Benediciion . '7;d5. , Saturdays -1- Conression.'f*; 7 :20 to 8:30 p.mV' A sp h a lt P r e m ix D̂RWEWAVS road m a t e r ia l s l im it e d I'iiom* North ILd" or .ALF ELLIS, West IGO-Y - George cVtomrie .'̂ ales A' Service Kcprescnliilive Singer Sewing Machine Co. 112 W est' illVaiK 'iulvt'V Seymour 'KitUI ' - Will ho III West Vaiicouvi'l' lOvory Woihio.sda.V. ■ __ Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, 15th and ̂ Clyde Avenue> have moved into a house a t Travers and Mar: ine Drive. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST' lilNtubliHhed , on North Shore if> YearH "W: C^udŷ AWfivtuHt) HAltUON BROS, LTD* fu n cca l SirectorB Holly burn Funeral lloure' ̂ 18th uiul Murine Weal DM ' North Viincouver Purloro 122 Woat Sixth Street --=---- l*hoTnriS'Tjrtrh-134----------- - Vancouver ParlorH 66 Tenth Avemto East Phone Fair. 134. The (!hoir Concert. The regular jnonthly m eeting of the Women's Association will be held next jruesda.v, 7th, a t 2:15 i).m."in the (dhurcR Hall. Mrs. (Jeorge Dtirby will be gbt**̂ t . s|K*aker. 'Phe hostes.ses will~17c* Mrs, A, Zeggil, Mrs, A. J. Addy, " ,Mrs.>.L, AjeHo and Mrs. C. B. • Areiiibuld. .Mt^mbers amr visit ors eorilialfy wi'leomed, ■ "SI.'IRIT" will be the siibjeci of the Ix*.SHon - Sermoii , in all Ch 11 rches . o f-. ChrisL, Scie.nI is.l.,.. 'on Siimlav. ' ' ■ ' -Tth^(:j4^aeHi-3\*x !-■ i s.;.. -BA\Uie.i:e I'lIK IIAliDWAliE jMAN SA\S: . I , . ■ ■ ■ . ■ ,.| NoWcuis liiu time to art tho.so .small ,:,iiiiit and rupair JoI.k done'hHore *lu'good w'oalher starts. We woiihl he pleased .to help'with yolir prob- iems. W(' arc having an early spring. CRAWr.KY A' BARKER. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W ilfrid L. McKay -- 3'5di5-Bttcht'srr-ArV<̂ 7-̂ the Spirit of the Lord is, lher< is liberty." (II Cor. 3: 17). Among th e ejtations which ; comprise the Lessoji - Seianon i s , the - following from the IRhle: "F or tliey th a t are^iflei- the flesh 'do mind the things of the 'flesh ; but they th a t are after the S p ir i t: th'o--Thiiigs-^t^Iie~SpirjL For to be carnally minded is death : but to be spirituall.v mhu]:' -crM^Hrtir-antl--penceJ' (Ronttwit-- SPECIAL Inside Fir........... $6..60 per.cord "Slabs witl--lMrk-iN~G0"I'er-cord- Slalis '& Edging.s $3.75 per cord saAvdust PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 8: 5. 0). The. Le.sson - Sermon also in- /IT ie Chin*eh Sch()ol vyill meet at U) o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m.-- Young People's Soeiely. 'I'lit* devotional will be taken-by- A lictU-I-umpli î e\*s HOLLYBURN DRESSM AKERS 1800 Marine Drive PHONE. WEST 68;l MISS I). H. IlOUIK Book Ybor^PaSvSaite-tol ----- fitttF-- --M'issiomrry--prog-rti-m- will be. led by M arjory Ver non. Wednesday. 7:15--P rayer Meet ing. A study of the l*Jdok of Hebrews will be continued. The regular monthly m eeting of the Women's Mission'- Circle will be held iti the church Tues day, P^obruary 7th, a t 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Vernon will have charge of -the devotional period; All the ladiiis of the church and congre gation cordially invited. ' The .pas to r's numning ^subject Iiv,iiri)c "Tli'e MTidden Treusure." eludes the . following passage from the Clir'i.slian Sc-ience text-' book, "Scionco aijd' l lealtir with " Key. to the Scriptures'."?'by Mary Baker Rtldy: "Let us -banish sicktK'ss'?is an (mtlaw, and abide by the rule of ^̂ ^ 4 4 4̂ 4 0 ^ ] - h a r - . V ER N O N F E E D S T O R E -A .J:. SEAIU.F/ Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kiifds, ADCO __ Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Congratulations due ? | Call by ■'long d i s ^ e e " ■ /'T Ls .someone at-a distant point haying a . birthday today? A, pleasant way to remember llu> event would be to, call by long distance telephone, A "voice v isit" is the, no,\t best thing to a ' v is it in per.soii. __.Whatever__the.:_occasiojo- birth or birthday, wedding^ or ■anniversary- -- send your con gratulations by long-distance telephone. . ■ B. C. TELEPHONE CO. mpny,-=-^God's law 1 the Old Country Through Your Local Agent OUNAIID -- WIUTR STAR iind CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings and tu'commodtttlou. , J . T, W ATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 ^rherc wdl Jdso be a stoi;y for the niombqrs of the YpungAVoj?ship- ])ors J,..eaguoi The subj<H."t in the evening will 1h>, "The Mission and M ethods of,-a Croat Denom ination." The ordinance of the Ford's Supp.ei' will bo .adm inis tered a t the close of the service. RECREATION AD ASSN. ^ BRIDGE & DANCE j^-httugh the attendance was not as l a r ^ as was ho])ed for at. the b r i^ e and dance given- last Saturday evening.' in the Legion Hall by the West Van couver Branch of ^Ihe ' IL C. Physical and Rgcroational As sociation, those wh(V were .pres end had a thiproughly enjovable eveningj,. a£._speciaUjattyioi-ion- The' News TUE W est Van N ew s Publtahcd Every Thuradny : Publisher. F. F. UaVEGROVE Phone West 363 ^ Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Dffre^ Phone W ^ t 55 - ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev, F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday. February 5th 8 :00-a,m.--Holy Communiom MI:15 a.m .,-- Iloly Communion and Sermoii, 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong and ' Sermon. , . A. St. John'; Tlje winners at" cards wm'c Mrs. R. Barclay and Mî . i\IcGlashan. Modern and old ■ tim e dancing wore both included in the program w hich. followed and with Ml'ssrs.-' Lowes, and .Turner in charge of the music ovcMwlnxly fouiuLthe^eve-nihg all too :sliort. '"Mi.*<s Betty Bolebec was the winner of the spot prize. . 'ii_Ln.i encied. to . hold., another- dance towards' the' end of this month; Norl h Vancouver .Office: 123 I*onsdftIc Ave. ILOO a year by carrier; |2 .00 a year by mail F O R S A L E L a d i e s ' R e a d y - t o - w e a r S h o p . in North Vancouver Box 40, W est Van News . YOUNC PEOPLE'S SERVICE Sunday, Feb.'5th at 7:30 " Brazil and the Bible" in 1 he Land uf. the'^Southern Cross ■ illusirati-d address bv MR. V. K. GOUGli ̂Special Musiu and Singing No c'hargo--H.'on-ie with a friend. Siniday Soryievs....:... 1 ] ;0h a.m, \> cdjiesday Prayer Meeting...... .* p.n,. r.nday , children's .Meeting 6;'45 ^yEST V.VNCOUVEU TAimitNACLE_ cr. Marino and 25th, Kvangehc,al . Independent p tu i fn e x ( t i t 9 i » 50 V an co u ver s t r e e t c a r s h a v e now been r e m o d e lle d ^ w i t h l e a t h e r G_us.hi_oned s e a t s , l in o le u m f l o o r s , new r o o f s , new v e n t i l a t o r s , e t c . - ju s t- ,p a r t o f th e. B . C.' E l e c t r i c ' s en d eavo r t o g i v e you -'-'the ;b est"' p o s s i b le t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s e r v i c e a t th e lo w e s t p o s s i b l e c o s t * BRlTlSHi COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWA-Y CO M PA N Y L IM IT E D -\.>- \ ,