m $ ilMMMaillWM̂ ^ ■MHSSHMCP SMITH'S MARKET l*ht»w IG ---- I Frw* D flU rf) Scrviff ATlHirvey Siiilth ̂ 37U - \tuiithl) A««un1 SU(;«KSTIONK for KKIDAV &[ MATDHItAV. Jiinuiir.v 27 & 2S Tuiiiut̂ * j .... 19c r,. lU**! Jk White TOMATOKS -- ttiid Mafuroiil <'aK»erole 2 l.arite No. 2* t tint* Keel A: W hite FKAH. Sieve I I 'e r t in ............. Tend»*r and ttvteel --*• tlie Ha*our you enjoy. , ( I T W AX KKANH 2 tint* I7c h i n *;a i *()KK s i .k k m i *i n k a i *I'L B 2 Hi-o/. tint* , >7" Ked A W hile I'KAKH. H()oat tin Ktc HKlM HOr, ( iK A N r i .A T K l) HOAl* l.arKe intehatte 19f H.MVKNA F l t i S 9 Hn*. 'A'ic IIO N K V -- Muniloljia No. I W hite 2-lh. tin '-i7f I 'KACMBH l.ynn Valley l lu lvea 2 tiiiM 25c KA IIO S Y K I 'I ' 2 Ih. till 15c Ked & W h ile I IA K lN ti I 'OWMBK 12-oz, t in ' I7 " Have the ('oii|nnia. I IK IM IT T .I , S I IO K T K N IN t; P u re ly VeKelahle, 2 l-lh carte^iiH 25c ..... "̂ 'Y'................... '...... 'i'ht* I.atliffs' Auxiliary to Uiu Hoya* Hand hold a surprint? house; w/irmiiiK at tho n<;\v homo of Mr. and Mrs, ,1. K. Condon, 21st ami Cordon, last Friday ovetniuK. J'rt'sontalion of a colftM* I tilde was made hy Coo. liarker, chair- maj) of . the School Hoard. Sev- M E A T S w'«t*t ;i7u , |..,ok fo r the KKI) lilt AND (IKADK A when lUirchaNlnx y*tut heef. We hiinille oiilv the heMi at (Tty I'ricen I ' m- >our tel*'|)hone. we deliver free , nKI.M A I KSHKN (A full line), MIK.SII r i . s i i t )A i i ;v W l l .p KMSK I 'A S IK V r i . O l 'K ID lit.. .Sadi' ; 'I**" SiJk Silietl -- Packed in H, CaliOtniiji (»K A P K K K t<PI' 1 f«tr Inc J'Aira la rue si/e , Hankit'l OK.N.N'IiJiS, la ru e s i/e . do/, 22c I 'am il) n i/e d«t/„ Mic A P P li l -S -- WaKiuns nr Spies ' , ' t; lltH, 25c rOOKI.N't; O .M ONS l« Hi. hair 25c ' Medium ,si/e. ' H A ri:i'AVFHS' .MFFTINt; The l.oK)on Ilall was crowded on Tuesday <!Voninj.r for the Wo.sf Vancouver Raleiiayers' meeting wlien lh(' t;o.nslitution'and Irtins- p(t'l■ I a I:i<1 i i , comm it (ces sii bm itted mull itt.uii; »3i.tntwi tie ii' I'ejioi'ts, 'lA'c'linĵ at times eral eontesls wtjre.run olf, llu! i-;m '(|iiilo. Iiijrlî duriiur the dis- winners beiriK Mrs. K. Hartley, tMi.s.sion on tranviiortation, !i,nd Mrs. J. Diekson, Mis.s Isobelle J..' \V. Makovski,,,. who aeted 'as Porter and Mrs. J. F. Cdmion. ' Several solos wore iriven by 'Foddy Diekson duriiiK the evon- iiifcand huH'et refreshments were served, eonvomtd by Mrs. A, Swanson. 'Fhoso presont inelud(?]fl . Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Itarlrer, Mr, and Mrs, J, K. (kmdon, Mi'e and H-Mrs. AVm. 'Fbompsim, Mr. and ,1. Diek.son, Mr. and Mrsl Brad ley. Mr. and Mrs. F, Uippon, --Cttptr ami Mrs; A. Kippmv-Aft^ and Mrs. C. Hariiour, Mrs, Wm. Creen, Mrs. K. Hartley, Mrs. yjjishbrook, Mrs, Hall, Mrs. C. F., Haylildd, Mrs. P. Trussell, -Mrs.- Harker, Mrs, K. Hloxhani, Mrs. Hodj^son, M p. Doherty, IMrs. M. Diek.son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Swan son, Miss I.sobelUf '■porter, Miiry (.'ontlon jimf MastiirTJjiiddy_J^ck--- .sftn. 'V - ' • ' ehainnaii bad .some difl'iculty in- conlrolliiiK the disputants. ' A. Harvey SmiUi and .1. Kich- ard.'̂ oii wi'i'o elected to the exeou* ti\'o ill place <tf (knin. T. llrown and Mr. Mat Meson, of (kipilano, who bad is'siyrned. C, N. Cave tiiid l'\, de \V('st also. resijrned from'[be ('xeeutive. The ■■(ill'(ho'constil-utjon prcsenled by It. P. Ptlower was adopted, but tliat oii.U'ausportation prosiuitod by Schbol 'Frusloo D. Mi'l'avish, did not moot with -the approval of I bo nuH-tiiiK and was rojocted, tile ('(tinmitteo beinjj: f hankod'for their I'lTitrts and di.smis.sed. In tile report in (lueslion, which contained a weajlh of figures amk cidered in detail into the ])ros ' n"rKProoirs"T)l'" the: ]iroblem,- the 'commitli'c ri'ported Uiat in their nTpInirm it was ,not iirmrtietd--to- eontiniu' Iransjiorlalion • as at }̂)resen'C andYtliTit' it woTd'd be {,(> c.oms idcM' , t h e w e s t v a n Sh^VS A SCOtT HAJd' A m eeting wi'b .y H. M itchell in the • Tue.sday night m Hall regarding the p ,'.')„dl dor .ScouU.Cuiil'.'P . ' A . (•■! *'lc. repre.seniat i \ m t u • Hi' iti 't'hcsB p r o M - id . The phnis nl a h H, i ,, M,-. liissel. It ^ riii,,<e the muno}' h>- P"P»l«r hH>- sei-ij)t ion. WOMFN'S MISSIDNAHV., SOCIKTV 'Fhe regular moiiihly jneeting o f the womon'.s olv was ht*l(i 111 ' (YiuridionTuesilay. 1< 1' • 'Fill! proceedings iiK'hided th(» in-„ stallatioM of the ollietM'.s loi H)2t) and Iho aiiinie.l repor oî the; year's aetivi!i< .s wa.*̂ read bv ' Mrs" O'Donnell. Tho.sc; elo(!:ted to oil ice were : Mrs. J. Held, prcddeiit. with Mrs. Wm. Vance and iMrs. M. iv. Kush a.s vice-pi'csideiils, and Mrs. O'Donnell anil jMi's. lladwui as' .secretary and ireasurer re-, speetively. Honorary pre.sidents Mrs. Arehibakl . and Mr.s, \V. 'Fiirnbull. Conveinn's of Commit tees: (diristian Sii'wardship, Mrs, G. Hrealey: Tomiierance, Mrs, J. I). Hot)den: Snpphes. Mr.T Hell; A.ssooiate Ih'lper.s, -Mis.s Stokes,and. Ml'S. BeamiMi; Ib'anist, Mr.s. Wm, Herrin: Slraiigm's' Secrelai'y, Mrs. J. Mc Pherson; Missionary Messenger See., Mrs. Geo. Hay: Librai.v, Mrs. ,J. Keid; Press. Mrs. H. K. Harrison. setrice l u m b e r Quality SASH & HOOKS '■'"SHINOLKS PI.VWOOOS l.A'fH PAINT""""Ty""":".':. BUILDEHS' SUPPLIESE O O P IN € L ~ « * * 4 t* f FOR QUALITY ̂ WALLBOARD THERE IS| NO SUBSTITUTE AgentB; CANADA I'AINT COMPANY LTD. ^VEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. UD. 15th & Marine Drive -- w - -*Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S ' . . ■ I . - ..... A . . . o - riiiMNifieo AdvcirUs«meiit« is 1 centu per word, minimum ' ' ' r l l n it. X cTho of Uioae having regular accounts, all classl. 2.5 centa. K»«l I V'r,., i,, advance.iXirPiiL iitlysiiic® in tlic WMt Van New, net Immtdiat, rcBults,"'" -- UarriHtcr & 1, WANTED--Furniture, StovcH, Tools, C'OKDON Scy. 4199 etc. We buy, sell and exchange,.Solicitur,r, 10 W. 431,'Vinick's Fur„ : V̂osL Vancouyc any ,ui ture. 60-70 Lonsdale Avenue*.apiiuinlnnnit, VVost --------------Kvery- *' FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. ■"ihinnif V , ui'r'i<'tUcs'>:a8». snnta. phono V. Hermgndcz. Wont 122-1.. S. I*. C. A. ' S a v o ond wi bri 8 the oash !o youl- door. Ilurrard Junk Co. Wo.st, 91.________ ------- - ,:„ST _ Viciaily 2IMI, und child's Klassc's. IMumo W PUBLIC." Genend Con- ' vovancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. BlZcr, U05 Murine Drive. West l a n d a.uAUliXG - Powell & Malheson, West or W,(.'st 7-15-1.. ' --------------- .$10.00--Small, .comfortahlc faj'«*?he,d cottage, near ferry. AVest J60-A. .MIDDLE-AGED ODD Joii. MAN. -- Wood carried in; sawn, etc. Keason- ■ able rates. West,235-L. . „ , ' 1 > HAULING ■-- Fuel and Manure --•A meeting ot (he newly îrm- ■ ' of,good top'soil for .sale, ed West V̂ ancouver SjK'iety toy phone Art'Knight, M'cst 51-X. ' the p.revention nf Cruelly to aTumal'S was.' held ■ last night at the West'Hay home of the P.»'t'-'̂ i- d(*nl. Mrs. D. C. Kicardo. Mrs. A. K. Younĝ the vi(M'-])resident, was' there with Mi'. Byadshaw the sec'retary-treasurcr, and Miss Bradshaw the. recording secre tary. Other members of the ex ecutive committee present were Mi', and Mrs. George Newman. Mi:ii,_X_P-.- Robert s. -Mrs. -J..- A. Nelson. Mrs. A: J7 "WalIace and TR.VlNED NURSERY N U R S E S available, permanent, temporary, or -- .■ :-N uFseiy^^i^rft-Centre- Wc.st 8(37.",_______ ' ,■ ' ('ARPENTEli -- Good repairs, alter ations, linishing. Phone West 711 or' lOT-L, evenings. 1IAU1.ING, Manure, Fuel, Septic tanks and rock pits installed and (.■leaned; ' West 187-R. • i . FOR SALE -- Open fire heater, $8. 13.70 Clyde' .Avenue. - Fpie S.ATE -- -IfiO-green cedar poles, with/bark on, 0 t.o'8 feet long and"* . T' thick average, for rustic .work. West 84. \ LET US SELL YOUR HOUSE ~ ■Listings wanted, clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS, LTD., 1447'Marine Drive, c West B4G FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L.__________________ , • MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West, 612._______ _̂________ ■ GORDON ROBSON '-- Barristef" & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. 'ijW T ] J.. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol* icitor, 1405 - Marine Drive; Phone ■ West 21, or West 653-R-l. A REAL REST for Tired Folks -r. Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street. West 86-L-2. LOANS ARRANGED -- Dojninion Housing Act and other plans. Gor don Gray, Seymour 4991, or West -- 92=R=ft------ ^ ^ ----------------- Mr.s, Hoden, DKCilON The next, regular mcotinĝ AviH bo held on Friday, February Rrd, SOCC^^li --- ----------------rrr-<7----- ----------- *------ --̂ 444440̂ 104:̂ U :15 p.m, |.,X-1M.|-V1CC (lien <m(l . i,j„„ i„., M Ih- IVn-ics iiml their Irfend.s are e.xtondod a cor- \ d ia l invit.a(ion--to attend.- -This.------ w'ill lx* an open m eeting ajul nr- rangi'inents hav<* been made to ^ere pa.ss(*d by the m coling; Mu? m ining industry in our prov- ■' ̂^ Jjiaycrs and citi'/cins. tu lly -endorse ----- 'Pn i'.k~i in7t~lŶ t'ur- day, 21 si'instant, M'est, Yancou-]. . v_er_' dropped-t.he-t\vo--points-aC stake in the y4.uico\ivcr aud Dis trict. I.eagluyUst Divi.'̂ îon., They still lead by one slim point now. l*'or some rocison the boys did not -̂ ■et stmTcd' in tTits--g'a-fflc, ju.M- "kEi AIRED PAINTING and DECORATING - J, H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Koning^ij Phone West' 818. Esti-' mates free. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. - CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust ■ burners intalled ;* furnace repairs. ̂ ' P h o n e "kG7" M eldrumrT103dJoiiBdale" N ortTT&22. ___________________ EXCAVATING. Clearing; day or con- tract. Experienced .men, modernBUUl.S eV: SHuES liEP First da.ss work and' material, inachi'nery.* Rush jobs. Kissick, 'TW.esty252-L./._______ _̂_________ The rejectibh orflie re port 'the- following resolutions _Webb'.s Shoe Î cpairs, -24G3 Marine. REFINED MAIDEN LADY for com. l)aniorr-h(*lp, }musekeep(;r or position of trust. Take charge. References. West 315. ■ ' ■ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite-4, Hollybum Block. . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam illec*. eDlW'tosy of tile' Financial News of Vancouver. The.so pic tures are both interesting .and iiustruetivo .showing working.s botli abo\'e ami b<dUvv ground and also a serie.s of views in the new camp at Z<?ballos. 'Fliose at tending will undoubtedly marvel lit tho extent and seo)H? of our mining activities. A further an nouncement will lx? made in our next issue. LQNSDAIE THEATRE NoMli V ancouver ' - N o f th ~ 2 n TUUKsilAV, F im U Y and . s a t u u d a y Jamxiry 2tUh, 27th niul y.S|h J A N E T (JAYNOK F K A N C IIO T TONE KOHKKT .MONTGOMERY Three Loves has Nancy " "THK a f f a ir s ANNABEL" MONDAY, TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY .lammry 30th, 31 si & Fob, 1st ON OUK STA (JK : (iravt'ss' and F in le y 's : Hollywood IHarlonette Theatri also H U M P H R E Y BO G A R T • RACKET BUSTERS" he principle of mui'iicipal Qwneî sh|p of tran.spiM'talion both by- ferrv and bus. • (2 That, a committee be ap pointed ' from . lUe door to take ' (liis rtisolution im to the Council .'it their next meeting-aiul to re- ,l|H)rt back-to the pext meeting ' of. tlie Association. The committee ,later elected were as follow.̂ : A. Harvey Smith, G. N. Cave, K. A. Rijy. --i\'n '?>'rAlast-ermanr.lT-Y-ates. Mi.ss- :̂ y-iy,nier--=iin(l AB'.s. Gleed.-:;̂ -- C>) That' '̂ Ihis meeting of - ratepayers and cit.ixons retjuest the Council to defer for the pre.sent any cliange in the ferrv Schedule, The executive was authorized by the meeting just before ad journment to arrange for Mayor 'Felford to come^oyer here and. adtire.ss a meeting on "Municipal ' i)wnorsliip.". one of the off days that every team have.' St. Kogis have a -nice Jsmarl • team ami were full value for their Avin -on Saturday. Newbol'd scored tho first, goal oh a shot that weiu i'll off the goal post; - Ihg lSccojuI being one of the sc'ranibled tyjK* resulting at half time. in St. Regis leading by 2-0. \Vcsi_ Vancouver did better in . thy second lialf .and Henderson. -•scored after Biimstead ha'd saved -.many- goixi shot.s-_:On .tlu;- S,t.__ •Regis goal.' The-game finislfed *2-1 in favor o'f-.St.-Regis. Next game will be oil the 28lh instant, at Cambie Street, where Varsity ('idertains .the West \ ancouver team. A win is need ed by the local team to'stay at tlie top of the league. house by March tst. ' Two adults.- ■ Box .30, AYost Van Ntiws. -----------'Koyal Bank Building, WANTED.-- ̂ Experienced "girl fox housework. Sleep in. West 223-R: I'DSr --- Brown and White Cocker. ■ Spaniel, "Pal." Kindly phone West 248-R. I'OLND -- - : Pair child's glasses; Owner can have same by giving particulars. West 557-Y'. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 81 l-R-2. . PRINTING -- For aU kinds of printing phone West Vap, News, W est 363. HAROLD MATTHEWS Ltd. . .y ^ ern. 1357 Bellevue. . - JKQRJIENT, FER^lst -- Four room -modern-house 'with sun-tporch,_near ferry. Phone W.est 217-X. WANTED -- B^-sitting room-, nice 'home, east of 14th. West 7J8. Condiict Auction Sales . , of Every Description. ' (pr wil 1 purchase goods outright) ■ ' So\'TTinii»- 007^ 529 Pender Street West GIRL OR WOMAN •-- To clean suite and prepare dinner for two business John b . Rockefelleh tho American , millionaire, was very fond of giving'away dimes, J, Once when he found ho hadn't, (me in his pocket he borrowed one from his sooretary, wlu> told his chief.not to bother to return John D. was horrified. "Do you think a dime is nothing ?'7 he demanded. "\Vh.v. it's twei yeaV's whole interest on a dol lar." P- AVm T Ft 13 11 9; . w 0 22 13 10 3 0 20 13 9 4 0 18 13 •7 - 5 1 15 13 - < 5 1 15 13 2 io' 1 5 13 2, 10 .1 5' 13 1 10 2 4 BETTY CAVENDISH Dance Cl9sses , $pri|ig term sou is February 1st. ' * BALLET, TAPs .\CR6'nA,TU\ SPANISH,' Ete--Childron and Adults. Seymour 8i>'2,3. Uosidonce Phone: We.st 308-R-2. t a b l e TFNNJS LEAGU'E Team.s .Bliie Bpmbei , Dudes ■W.V. Sizzler Canadien^- Maple Leafs Hillbillies;' Musketeers Sockeyes .-Last week's srures: P Blue Bombers 12, Dudes 6. Blue Bom.lH*rs 11, Hillbillies J - M^^-^?l.?Biple,Leafs7. ' . n . bizzlers 14, Musketeers 4 C anachens U, Sockeyos 7. • TM SevenI layers • jf^F'icides (BB). 'U Lefeaux (BB) F. Masterman (D) H. Smith (WVS) B..Simpst4n (BB) J. Lidster (\VVS) Bl. Wells WVS) P 78- 72 -78 66 78 66 60 r '■ /r.'W 58" 74 53 74 57 73 44 50 42 37 67 64 64 '62 Editor, ' _̂ West V'̂ an Neves. . ̂ -Dear Sp';---In the interests of the residents of West Vancou- to inform them th.ii t there appears To be an 'epi- d^iic of housebreaking going on ..lust now. • . ' . On Thursday night last my and my neighbor's along \iith three, 01- four otfiers in the pear vicinity" were broken into ami many, articles of value stolen. newspapers -do -not wpfo? " ; - acquainted with this Munici- vm *' ' ' be obliged by W r publishing this letter as our (^al newspapers seem to be the th e r e s t ' ' . ■" know what-ns going on in their, midst - w. R.-CRAMTORD; women, Monday to Jbriday, vicat Bay." Apply-Box 111, Hollybum K O. - Give phonq, number,________ CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY -- List it , -with us for quick sale. - Diamond Realty, 1895 Marine Drive.- . West 719. - __________ ^OW IS THE TIME to list that property for sale. We have inquiries . ̂ for good lots and houses. "List witn US now for spring sales. C. J . - Ltd., 1415 Marine. Phone West 2 .̂ WESTERN rwOODWORKERSr^|i"« Fixtures, House Fixtures, -^Turning, Glass and Glazing. )' ' work oY all descriptions. - , West 740 ,«nd West 44'3-R- - Clyde 'Ave, . ^ FURNISHED, Waterfront Hou®e: Many refinements, double sshower, 4 bedrooms, swimmi g, fishing, - large garden- minutes to Hudson's Bay by swg I $50 on lease.-' Douglas 2213 or " 55: ' ' L ■___- _FOR RENT -- 3 roomed -furnished cotfi^ge, $25. f333 lug wodd AvenueP____ j__________-- 'NU-BONE c o r s e t s , Surgical Bel̂ . alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. 12092 Gnrdn>i A-.rr, ' ^iterations. 'Mrs. .̂MacAi UrOidon-Ave. Esquimalt. West 4108-R. iii