West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Jan 1939, p. 4

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m $ ilMMMaillWM̂ ^ ■MHSSHMCP SMITH'S MARKET l*ht»w IG ---- I Frw* D flU rf) Scrviff ATlHirvey Siiilth ̂ 37U - \tuiithl) A««un1 SU(;«KSTIONK for KKIDAV &[ MATDHItAV. Jiinuiir.v 27 & 2S Tuiiiut̂ * j .... 19c r,. lU**! Jk White TOMATOKS -- ttiid Mafuroiil <'aK»erole 2 l.arite No. 2* t tint* Keel A: W hite FKAH. Sieve I I 'e r t in ............. Tend»*r and ttvteel --*• tlie Ha*our you enjoy. , ( I T W AX KKANH 2 tint* I7c h i n *;a i *()KK s i .k k m i *i n k a i *I'L B 2 Hi-o/. tint* , >7" Ked A W hile I'KAKH. H()oat tin Ktc HKlM HOr, ( iK A N r i .A T K l) HOAl* l.arKe intehatte 19f H.MVKNA F l t i S 9 Hn*. 'A'ic IIO N K V -- Muniloljia No. I W hite 2-lh. tin '-i7f I 'KACMBH l.ynn Valley l lu lvea 2 tiiiM 25c KA IIO S Y K I 'I ' 2 Ih. till 15c Ked & W h ile I IA K lN ti I 'OWMBK 12-oz, t in ' I7 " Have the ('oii|nnia. I IK IM IT T .I , S I IO K T K N IN t; P u re ly VeKelahle, 2 l-lh carte^iiH 25c ..... "̂ 'Y'................... '...... 'i'ht* I.atliffs' Auxiliary to Uiu Hoya* Hand hold a surprint? house; w/irmiiiK at tho n<;\v homo of Mr. and Mrs, ,1. K. Condon, 21st ami Cordon, last Friday ovetniuK. J'rt'sontalion of a colftM* I tilde was made hy Coo. liarker, chair- maj) of . the School Hoard. Sev- M E A T S w'«t*t ;i7u , |..,ok fo r the KKI) lilt AND (IKADK A when lUirchaNlnx y*tut heef. We hiinille oiilv the heMi at (Tty I'ricen I ' m- >our tel*'|)hone. we deliver free , nKI.M A I KSHKN (A full line), MIK.SII r i . s i i t )A i i ;v W l l .p KMSK I 'A S IK V r i . O l 'K ID lit.. .Sadi' ; 'I**" SiJk Silietl -- Packed in H, CaliOtniiji (»K A P K K K t<PI' 1 f«tr Inc J'Aira la rue si/e , Hankit'l OK.N.N'IiJiS, la ru e s i/e . do/, 22c I 'am il) n i/e d«t/„ Mic A P P li l -S -- WaKiuns nr Spies ' , ' t; lltH, 25c rOOKI.N't; O .M ONS l« Hi. hair 25c ' Medium ,si/e. ' H A ri:i'AVFHS' .MFFTINt; The l.oK)on Ilall was crowded on Tuesday <!Voninj.r for the Wo.sf Vancouver Raleiiayers' meeting wlien lh(' t;o.nslitution'and Irtins- p(t'l■ I a I:i<1 i i , comm it (ces sii bm itted mull itt.uii; »3i.tntwi tie ii' I'ejioi'ts, 'lA'c'linĵ at times eral eontesls wtjre.run olf, llu! i-;m '(|iiilo. Iiijrlî duriiur the dis- winners beiriK Mrs. K. Hartley, tMi.s.sion on tranviiortation, !i,nd Mrs. J. Diekson, Mis.s Isobelle J..' \V. Makovski,,,. who aeted 'as Porter and Mrs. J. F. Cdmion. ' Several solos wore iriven by 'Foddy Diekson duriiiK the evon- iiifcand huH'et refreshments were served, eonvomtd by Mrs. A, Swanson. 'Fhoso presont inelud(?]fl . Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Itarlrer, Mr, and Mrs, J, K. (kmdon, Mi'e and H-Mrs. AVm. 'Fbompsim, Mr. and ,1. Diek.son, Mr. and Mrsl Brad­ ley. Mr. and Mrs. F, Uippon, --Cttptr ami Mrs; A. Kippmv-Aft^ and Mrs. C. Hariiour, Mrs, Wm. Creen, Mrs. K. Hartley, Mrs. yjjishbrook, Mrs, Hall, Mrs. C. F., Haylildd, Mrs. P. Trussell, -Mrs.- Harker, Mrs, K. Hloxhani, Mrs. Hodj^son, M p. Doherty, IMrs. M. Diek.son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Swan­ son, Miss I.sobelUf '■porter, Miiry (.'ontlon jimf MastiirTJjiiddy_J^ck--- .sftn. 'V - ' • ' ehainnaii bad .some difl'iculty in- conlrolliiiK the disputants. ' A. Harvey SmiUi and .1. Kich- ard.'̂ oii wi'i'o elected to the exeou* ti\'o ill place <tf (knin. T. llrown and Mr. Mat Meson, of (kipilano, who bad is'siyrned. C, N. Cave tiiid l'\, de \V('st also. resijrned from'[be ('xeeutive. The ■■(ill'(ho'constil-utjon prcsenled by It. P. Ptlower was adopted, but tliat oii.U'ausportation prosiuitod by Schbol 'Frusloo D. Mi'l'avish, did not moot with -the approval of I bo nuH-tiiiK and was rojocted, tile ('(tinmitteo beinjj: f hankod'for their I'lTitrts and di.smis.sed. In tile report in (lueslion, which contained a weajlh of figures amk cidered in detail into the ])ros ' n"rKProoirs"T)l'" the: ]iroblem,- the 'commitli'c ri'ported Uiat in their nTpInirm it was ,not iirmrtietd--to- eontiniu' Iransjiorlalion • as at }̂)resen'C andYtliTit' it woTd'd be {,(> c.oms idcM' , t h e w e s t v a n Sh^VS A SCOtT HAJd' A m eeting wi'b .y H. M itchell in the • Tue.sday night m Hall regarding the p ,'.')„dl dor .ScouU.Cuiil'.'P . ' A . (•■! *'lc. repre.seniat i \ m t u • Hi' iti 't'hcsB p r o M - id . The phnis nl a h H, i ,, M,-. liissel. It ^ riii,,<e the muno}' h>- P"P»l«r hH>- sei-ij)t ion. WOMFN'S MISSIDNAHV., SOCIKTV 'Fhe regular moiiihly jneeting o f the womon'.s olv was ht*l(i 111 ' (YiuridionTuesilay. 1< 1' • 'Fill! proceedings iiK'hided th(» in-„ stallatioM of the ollietM'.s loi H)2t) and Iho aiiinie.l repor oî the; year's aetivi!i< .s wa.*̂ read bv ' Mrs" O'Donnell. Tho.sc; elo(!:ted to oil ice were : Mrs. J. Held, prcddeiit. with Mrs. Wm. Vance and iMrs. M. iv. Kush a.s vice-pi'csideiils, and Mrs. O'Donnell anil jMi's. lladwui as' .secretary and ireasurer re-, speetively. Honorary pre.sidents Mrs. Arehibakl . and Mr.s, \V. 'Fiirnbull. Conveinn's of Commit­ tees: (diristian Sii'wardship, Mrs, G. Hrealey: Tomiierance, Mrs, J. I). Hot)den: Snpphes. Mr.T Hell; A.ssooiate Ih'lper.s, -Mis.s Stokes,and. Ml'S. BeamiMi; Ib'anist, Mr.s. Wm, Herrin: Slraiigm's' Secrelai'y, Mrs. J. Mc­ Pherson; Missionary Messenger See., Mrs. Geo. Hay: Librai.v, Mrs. ,J. Keid; Press. Mrs. H. K. Harrison. setrice l u m b e r Quality SASH & HOOKS '■'"SHINOLKS PI.VWOOOS l.A'fH PAINT""""Ty""":".':. BUILDEHS' SUPPLIESE O O P IN € L ~ « * * 4 t* f FOR QUALITY ̂ WALLBOARD THERE IS| NO SUBSTITUTE AgentB; CANADA I'AINT COMPANY LTD. ^VEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. UD. 15th & Marine Drive -- w - -*Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S ' . . ■ I . - ..... A . . . o - riiiMNifieo AdvcirUs«meiit« is 1 centu per word, minimum ' ' ' r l l n it. X cTho of Uioae having regular accounts, all classl. 2.5 centa. K»«l I V'r,., i,, advance.iXirPiiL iitlysiiic® in tlic WMt Van New, net Immtdiat, rcBults,"'" -- UarriHtcr & 1, WANTED--Furniture, StovcH, Tools, C'OKDON Scy. 4199 etc. We buy, sell and exchange,.Solicitur,r, 10 W. 431,'Vinick's Fur„ : V̂osL Vancouyc any ,ui ture. 60-70 Lonsdale Avenue*.apiiuinlnnnit, VVost --------------Kvery- *' FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. ■"ihinnif V , ui'r'i<'tUcs'>:a8». snnta. phono V. Hermgndcz. Wont 122-1.. S. I*. C. A. ' S a v o ond wi bri 8 the oash !o youl- door. Ilurrard Junk Co. Wo.st, 91.________ ------- - ,:„ST _ Viciaily 2IMI, und child's Klassc's. IMumo W PUBLIC." Genend Con- ' vovancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. BlZcr, U05 Murine Drive. West l a n d a.uAUliXG - Powell & Malheson, West or W,(.'st 7-15-1.. ' --------------- .$10.00--Small, .comfortahlc faj'«*?he,d cottage, near ferry. AVest J60-A. .MIDDLE-AGED ODD Joii. MAN. -- Wood carried in; sawn, etc. Keason- ■ able rates. West,235-L. . „ , ' 1 > HAULING ■-- Fuel and Manure --•A meeting ot (he newly îrm- ■ ' of,good top'soil for .sale, ed West V̂ ancouver SjK'iety toy phone Art'Knight, M'cst 51-X. ' the p.revention nf Cruelly to aTumal'S was.' held ■ last night at the West'Hay home of the P.»'t'-'̂ i- d(*nl. Mrs. D. C. Kicardo. Mrs. A. K. Younĝ the vi(M'-])resident, was' there with Mi'. Byadshaw the sec'retary-treasurcr, and Miss Bradshaw the. recording secre­ tary. Other members of the ex­ ecutive committee present were Mi', and Mrs. George Newman. Mi:ii,_X_P-.- Robert s. -Mrs. -J..- A. Nelson. Mrs. A: J7 "WalIace and TR.VlNED NURSERY N U R S E S available, permanent, temporary, or -- .■ :-N uFseiy^^i^rft-Centre- Wc.st 8(37.",_______ ' ,■ ' ('ARPENTEli -- Good repairs, alter­ ations, linishing. Phone West 711 or' lOT-L, evenings. 1IAU1.ING, Manure, Fuel, Septic tanks and rock pits installed and (.■leaned; ' West 187-R. • i . FOR SALE -- Open fire heater, $8. 13.70 Clyde' .Avenue. - Fpie S.ATE -- -IfiO-green cedar poles, with/bark on, 0 t.o'8 feet long and"* . T' thick average, for rustic .work. West 84. \ LET US SELL YOUR HOUSE ~ ■Listings wanted, clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS, LTD., 1447'Marine Drive, c West B4G FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L.__________________ , • MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West, 612._______ _̂________ ■ GORDON ROBSON '-- Barristef" & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. 'ijW T ] J.. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol* icitor, 1405 - Marine Drive; Phone ■ West 21, or West 653-R-l. A REAL REST for Tired Folks -r. Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street. West 86-L-2. LOANS ARRANGED -- Dojninion Housing Act and other plans. Gor­ don Gray, Seymour 4991, or West -- 92=R=ft------ ^ ^ ----------------- Mr.s, Hoden, DKCilON The next, regular mcotinĝ AviH bo held on Friday, February Rrd, SOCC^^li --- ----------------rrr-<7----- ----------- *------ --̂ 444440̂ 104:̂ U :15 p.m, |.,X-1M.|-V1CC (lien <m(l . i,j„„ i„., M Ih- IVn-ics iiml their Irfend.s are e.xtondod a cor- \ d ia l invit.a(ion--to attend.- -This.------ w'ill lx* an open m eeting ajul nr- rangi'inents hav<* been made to ^ere pa.ss(*d by the m coling; Mu? m ining industry in our prov- ■' ̂^ Jjiaycrs and citi'/cins. tu lly -endorse ----- 'Pn i'.k~i in7t~lŶ t'ur- day, 21 si'instant, M'est, Yancou-]. . v_er_' dropped-t.he-t\vo--points-aC stake in the y4.uico\ivcr aud Dis­ trict. I.eagluyUst Divi.'̂ îon., They still lead by one slim point now. l*'or some rocison the boys did not -̂ ■et stmTcd' in tTits--g'a-fflc, ju.M- "kEi AIRED PAINTING and DECORATING - J, H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Koning^ij Phone West' 818. Esti-' mates free. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. - CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust ■ burners intalled ;* furnace repairs. ̂ ' P h o n e "kG7" M eldrumrT103dJoiiBdale" N ortTT&22. ___________________ EXCAVATING. Clearing; day or con- tract. Experienced .men, modernBUUl.S eV: SHuES liEP First da.ss work and' material, inachi'nery.* Rush jobs. Kissick, 'TW.esty252-L./._______ _̂_________ The rejectibh orflie re­ port 'the- following resolutions _Webb'.s Shoe Î cpairs, -24G3 Marine. REFINED MAIDEN LADY for com. l)aniorr-h(*lp, }musekeep(;r or position of trust. Take charge. References. West 315. ■ ' ■ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite-4, Hollybum Block. . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam illec*. eDlW'tosy of tile' Financial News of Vancouver. The.so pic­ tures are both interesting .and iiustruetivo .showing working.s botli abo\'e ami b<dUvv ground and also a serie.s of views in the new camp at Z<?ballos. 'Fliose at­ tending will undoubtedly marvel lit tho extent and seo)H? of our mining activities. A further an­ nouncement will lx? made in our next issue. LQNSDAIE THEATRE NoMli V ancouver ' - N o f th ~ 2 n TUUKsilAV, F im U Y and . s a t u u d a y Jamxiry 2tUh, 27th niul y.S|h J A N E T (JAYNOK F K A N C IIO T TONE KOHKKT .MONTGOMERY Three Loves has Nancy " "THK a f f a ir s ANNABEL" MONDAY, TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY .lammry 30th, 31 si & Fob, 1st ON OUK STA (JK : (iravt'ss' and F in le y 's : Hollywood IHarlonette Theatri also H U M P H R E Y BO G A R T • RACKET BUSTERS" he principle of mui'iicipal Qwneî sh|p of tran.spiM'talion both by- ferrv and bus. • (2 That, a committee be ap­ pointed ' from . lUe door to take ' (liis rtisolution im to the Council .'it their next meeting-aiul to re- ,l|H)rt back-to the pext meeting ' of. tlie Association. The committee ,later elected were as follow.̂ : A. Harvey Smith, G. N. Cave, K. A. Rijy. --i\'n '?>'rAlast-ermanr.lT-Y-ates. Mi.ss- :̂ y-iy,nier--=iin(l AB'.s. Gleed.-:;̂ -- C>) That' '̂ Ihis meeting of - ratepayers and cit.ixons retjuest the Council to defer for the pre.sent any cliange in the ferrv Schedule, The executive was authorized by the meeting just before ad­ journment to arrange for Mayor 'Felford to come^oyer here and. adtire.ss a meeting on "Municipal ' i)wnorsliip.". one of the off days that every team have.' St. Kogis have a -nice Jsmarl • team ami were full value for their Avin -on Saturday. Newbol'd scored tho first, goal oh a shot that weiu i'll off the goal post; - Ihg lSccojuI being one of the sc'ranibled tyjK* resulting at half­ time. in St. Regis leading by 2-0. \Vcsi_ Vancouver did better in . thy second lialf .and Henderson. -•scored after Biimstead ha'd saved -.many- goixi shot.s-_:On .tlu;- S,t.__ •Regis goal.' The-game finislfed *2-1 in favor o'f-.St.-Regis. Next game will be oil the 28lh instant, at Cambie Street, where Varsity ('idertains .the West \ ancouver team. A win is need­ ed by the local team to'stay at tlie top of the league. house by March tst. ' Two adults.- ■ Box .30, AYost Van Ntiws. -----------'Koyal Bank Building, WANTED.-- ̂ Experienced "girl fox housework. Sleep in. West 223-R: I'DSr --- Brown and White Cocker. ■ Spaniel, "Pal." Kindly phone West 248-R. I'OLND -- - : Pair child's glasses; Owner can have same by giving particulars. West 557-Y'. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 81 l-R-2. . PRINTING -- For aU kinds of printing phone West Vap, News, W est 363. HAROLD MATTHEWS Ltd. . .y ^ ern. 1357 Bellevue. . - JKQRJIENT, FER^lst -- Four room -modern-house 'with sun-tporch,_near ferry. Phone W.est 217-X. WANTED -- B^-sitting room-, nice 'home, east of 14th. West 7J8. Condiict Auction Sales . , of Every Description. ' (pr wil 1 purchase goods outright) ■ ' So\'TTinii»- 007^ 529 Pender Street West GIRL OR WOMAN •-- To clean suite and prepare dinner for two business John b . Rockefelleh tho American , millionaire, was very fond of giving'away dimes, J, Once when he found ho hadn't, (me in his pocket he borrowed one from his sooretary, wlu> told his chief.not to bother to return John D. was horrified. "Do you think a dime is nothing ?'7 he demanded. "\Vh.v. it's twei yeaV's whole interest on a dol­ lar." P- AVm T Ft 13 11 9; . w 0 22 13 10 3 0 20 13 9 4 0 18 13 •7 - 5 1 15 13 - < 5 1 15 13 2 io' 1 5 13 2, 10 .1 5' 13 1 10 2 4 BETTY CAVENDISH Dance Cl9sses , $pri|ig term sou is February 1st. ' * BALLET, TAPs .\CR6'nA,TU\ SPANISH,' Ete--Childron and Adults. Seymour 8i>'2,3. Uosidonce Phone: We.st 308-R-2. t a b l e TFNNJS LEAGU'E Team.s .Bliie Bpmbei , Dudes ■W.V. Sizzler Canadien^- Maple Leafs Hillbillies;' Musketeers Sockeyes .-Last week's srures: P Blue Bombers 12, Dudes 6. Blue Bom.lH*rs 11, Hillbillies J - M^^-^?l.?Biple,Leafs7. ' . n . bizzlers 14, Musketeers 4 C anachens U, Sockeyos 7. • TM SevenI layers • jf^F'icides (BB). 'U Lefeaux (BB) F. Masterman (D) H. Smith (WVS) B..Simpst4n (BB) J. Lidster (\VVS) Bl. Wells WVS) P 78- 72 -78 66 78 66 60 r '■ /r.'W 58" 74 53 74 57 73 44 50 42 37 67 64 64 '62 Editor, ' _̂ West V'̂ an Neves. . ̂ -Dear Sp';---In the interests of the residents of West Vancou- to inform them th.ii t there appears To be an 'epi- d^iic of housebreaking going on ..lust now. • . ' . On Thursday night last my and my neighbor's along \iith three, 01- four otfiers in the pear vicinity" were broken into ami many, articles of value stolen. newspapers -do -not wpfo? " ; - acquainted with this Munici- vm *' ' ' be obliged by W r publishing this letter as our (^al newspapers seem to be the th e r e s t ' ' . ■" know what-ns going on in their, midst - w. R.-CRAMTORD; women, Monday to Jbriday, vicat Bay." Apply-Box 111, Hollybum K O. - Give phonq, number,________ CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY -- List it , -with us for quick sale. - Diamond Realty, 1895 Marine Drive.- . West 719. - __________ ^OW IS THE TIME to list that property for sale. We have inquiries . ̂ for good lots and houses. "List witn US now for spring sales. C. J . - Ltd., 1415 Marine. Phone West 2 .̂ WESTERN rwOODWORKERSr^|i"« Fixtures, House Fixtures, -^Turning, Glass and Glazing. )' ' work oY all descriptions. - , West 740 ,«nd West 44'3-R- - Clyde 'Ave, . ^ FURNISHED, Waterfront Hou®e: Many refinements, double sshower, 4 bedrooms, swimmi g, fishing, - large garden- minutes to Hudson's Bay by swg I $50 on lease.-' Douglas 2213 or " 55: ' ' L ■___- _FOR RENT -- 3 roomed -furnished cotfi^ge, $25. f333 lug wodd AvenueP____ j__________-- 'NU-BONE c o r s e t s , Surgical Bel̂ . alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. 12092 Gnrdn>i A-.rr, ' ^iterations. 'Mrs. .̂MacAi UrOidon-Ave. Esquimalt. West 4108-R. iii