m0r m r y m s r T K T T n s W f f HAOT» ^ SHOP. * * » M «.« MarshalOVelli!' iS l i i i i , Vaitittsh Stain Enamels, W ood Stain '-- '" ~ ' ' p u t t y , " S t O v r 'P l p e i " H a r d w a r e ~ " '"'"-- Local aiid Personal W est Vancouver H orticultural Assn. First Monthly Meeting of 1939 will be hold in the ̂ LEGION HALL, 18th & Marine, on ^ MONDAY, January 30th, at 8 p.m. 'When '.'■■■•./ , , / DR. A. F. BA RSS^ .of llie Horticultural l)dpt., UJH.C. , will lecture on i • HOW't o GROW FRUIT ON YOUK FRUIT TREES" Admi'Hion 1'S'oe. Everybody welcome. Open to all-comers whether mem- bfi's oi' Uip Horticulturiil Society or otherwise. Como prepared to tisk nil the questions you desire. : ■ , . . Names of speakers for future monthly meetings will be given out at this meeting ask residents, who ioire leaving their house unoccu pied for an hour or more, to notify the police office and the police will visit the house during the absence of the owners.. * * * Miss Josephme Leyland was hostess on Saturday when she entertained a t the tea hour a t her home on Bellevue Avenue, West Vancouver. The tea Mhle, which was cov- eixjd witH^a cloth of point de West Vancouver Townswomen^s Guild BIRTHDAY BANQUET OllANGE HALL, TUESDAY, JAN. 31st; 6:30 P.M. Tickets 50c ' f EVENING PA R TY PROGRAM CARDS - PYiends of Members -:w DANCING--9 P.M.■ i ' / , ' ■ Si A t the doorj 25c. TRAVELOGUE 160 DISSOLVING VIEWS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA • ■ ■ ■ . o ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Well Chosen " - Beautifully Colored ' INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM, FRIDAY, JAN. ^ 7 , 8 P.M, , Admission 25c. . ' i ■ Spons,ored by^the Pupils and Staffs of the Elem entary Schools. ̂ Venise lace, was centred with a ' plaque of snowy-white chrysan themums and lighted by tall applegreen tapers in Sheffield candelabra. Asked to" pour tea were Miss Leonore Patton, Miss Sylbil Chapman, Mrs. K. M. Lo- patecki and Mrs. Duncan Mac- Phail. '* Serving the guests were Mrs. Frank M. Wiley, Miss Patricia Maxwell - Smith, Miss Audrey . Lester and Miss Adelaide Lo- patecki, ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ An "Open Day" will be held in the North. Vancouver General HospifaT from 2 td 5 p.m. next Thursday, February 2nd. The ' new X-ray equipment will be on display and,also thejnew Oxygen Tent donated by the West Van couver Townswomen's Guild. ̂ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. H. Jack- son, 1370 Haywood Avenue, have as their guests Captain and Mrs. D. W. Doughty of Hollyhead, Wales. .. ..... ..... Reeve J . B. Leyland was elect ed, a director of the Vancouver ' Welfare^Association a t their-an-- ; nual meeting last Friday in the city. Five houses were broken into last Thursday eveniiig and thii% others the following night, the * owners in each instance beipg absent at the time. The thieves foi^ apparently the same persons were responsible for all the bur glaries, were a fte r money, th a t with jewellery and some clothing comprising the loot taken. The houses entered on Thursday were those of W. R. Crawford, 2092 Gordon Avenue; Mrs. J. D. Hardy, 2014 Gordon Avenue; S. M. Oliver, 1450 Inglewood Ave nue; U. Ford, 1472 Inglewood Avenue; and R. McKibbon, 1287 Esquimau Avenue, those broken into 'on Friday belonging to N. H. Hoffar, 27th and Ottawa Ave nue; W. . K. Woodcock, 2414 Bellevue Avenue; and J. Gill, 2658 Haywood Avenue, nothing being taken from the last named. Two men, who were walking down. Marine Drive late on Fri day in the vicinity of the Capil- ano, bolted into the bush a t the back of the garagei there on Uhe approach of the police car drivep by Constable Finlayson. The la tter lost them in the bush as a result of .having to patk his car before starting after them r At the same tim e Constable Hail stone came, through from Keith Road to cut them off, but it was iinpossible to locate them in the darkness and heavy brush. It is thought they rnay be the men responsible. Two men are being now de tained for investigation in North Vancouver in connection with the above robberies and others in North Vancouver. ■Municipal"Glerkr-W7-Herrin- is confined to his ..home through sickness. NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING -(Certified a s a^yertis,^ in -th e Chatelaine ̂ and Good H b u sek e^ n g ) --------Gr-CŶ FlNNE¥r-West-"VancouVer-Representative - i----- -Phone W esf 782. and Driver will call. V William; Brown,' of the North Vancouver Motors, was re-elect ed president of the Garage Men's Association of British Columbia, a t their annual m a tin g held in the Hotel .Vancouver, on Mon day, January 23rd. DEATH OF FRED H. WARREN Engagement Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News Mrs. Hilda Lloyd announces engagement of .her. youngest daughter, Jenne isobel-(JillK to , • ^ ~ H^Tdairett,■'"second" som' of ' one siB ter-and-gm ephe^T r^n= Fred H. W arren, late of 2423 King's Avenue, passed awsly last Saturday a t th e 'North yancou-. vver General Hospital. The der ceased, who. was for eight years- principal of Longsight Grammar School at Manchester, England, is survived by his wife, two brothers and one sister in Eng land. one sister_in_France,-and Mrd. Mallett of Nprth Vancou ver. The wedding will take place a t St. Stephen's Church on Feb ruary 14th, a t 2 :30 p.m. Pi Poor) M o r k e t s l-. _______Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Fnilip U. Chap- West 190 1578 M arine Drive W e s t 190 man of 2557 King's Avenue, an nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Sybil Constance, to Mr. Harold S tratton Mahon, second son of Mr.-and Mrs. C. E. Mahon of Vancouver. The wed ding--will--̂ take -place- a t - S t . Stephen's Church on the e v e n i^ of Friday, February 24th, a t 8:15 o'clock. ̂ . ada. Funeral services were held a t 1 :30 p.m. Tuesday from the Hollyiburn Funeral Home of Har- ron Bros. Ltd., Rev. F. A. Ramsfey officiating,, and inter ment was made in Capila.no View •Gemeteryr; - V ------- -- .. . . -- FIRST WEST VAN. SCOUT TROOP (Bt."Stephen's) The Mothers' Auxiliary ̂ W-ill meet a t the home of Mrs. F. H. Parkes,'2227 Inglewood Avenue, on Thursday, February-2nd, at 2:30 o'clock. FREE S P E C I A L S D E L IV E R Y Grade A Eed Brand B U T T E R First Grade 3 lb s , 8 1 c -Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast - -- 25c lb.Sirloin Roast 28c lb. BAKEASY 9c per lb. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. Pot Roast 15c lb. 7 Shoulders-- Lamb ........ 17c per lb. Breast--Lambl! ..... ....... JSc per lb. Roast Veal........... .... .... .........18c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon ..... 1...15c per half lb. DliGKENS BOOK CLUB Th^ Dickens Book Club gave^ a repeat ' performance of the ' sketches ffom "M artin Chuzzle- wit7 ■ on Thursday, January 19, before an appreciative audience. The Rev. Canon d'Easum oc cupied the chair-and contributed an outstanding article from John .̂o' London, "Literary Heresies," by Lady'Violet Bonham-Carter. Victor Ackroyd, Hoil. Secretary of the Vancouver Dickens Fel lowship; was present a t the por trayal, much to the gratification, of the club members. He took a flashlight photograph of the entire cast a t the close o f the evening. An interesting item in the program was-_.thc presenta tion of a plant to Mrs. Tom Tur ner, as a small token of appreci ation of her services as pianist for the last two seasons. The Sketches will be given at Alta Vista, New W estminster, on the evening of January 24. WEST VAN. MERCHANTS The le a g i^ leading C.C.F. team will provide-thefopposition- for the locals on Saturday. The game will be played a t Ambleside Park and will begin a t 2:15 sharp. As the Merchants have been improving with each time out a good game is expected. - It is hoped the fans will turn out to support the West Vancouver boys. , Stratton's BAKERY HOM E-M ADE FUESU DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat IMos -- Cookies Bccles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolb Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 ^ Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINKK JuMunry 37th and U8ih BOB BURNS 'Radio City Revels' also PENROD AND HIS TWIN BROTHER" ®^SATURDAY EVE.,. ami MONDA'Y ' January 28th & 30th GINGER ROGERS JAMES STEWART VIVACIOUS LAM' also "HOLLYWOOD SCREEN- TEST" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY J anuary 31 st and Fob. 1st /WILL ROGERS " JUDGE PRIEST " (Onco only at 8:1,5) ________also_____ 1__ "DAUGHTERS OF BABYLON" Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE West 582 812 16lh Street TOPSDIir^^GRAVEir Bush Fir, Inside-....... ....$6.00 Cord Mill Fir,-Inside............... 5.50 -4t60Fireplace Fir . Green Alder ............ 5.50 Furnace Blocks ............ .. 4.50 SPECIAL-- : No. 1 Fir Edgings.....$3.75 .Cord Slabs & Edgings « Barky ...3 Cords $J.1.00 .$5.50 Cord"BarlT Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ......................$4.50 per unit Bulk ..........................$4.00 per'unit. CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at 1436 Marine Drive r =1E GOURLAY'S SDI[S| ANTI-PAIN CREAMS, SILVER AND GOLD F IR S T A ID S FO R ARTHRITIS & SCIATICA P U T U P BY GEO. GOURLAY E X PE R T O C R E D O W E ST S 3E WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL OF HEALTH & DANCE You are invited to atten<| a ^ DEM ONSTRATION of RHYITHM, HEALTH EXERCISES and DANCING .. By MISS BETTY WRIGHT and MISS VERITY SWEENEY followed by a Fre^CIass. in the Ora/nge Hall, oh Monday, .Jan. 30, 8 p.m. Chairman--Mrs. J. B. Leyland A<lmission I'ree m Mushrooms 27c per lb. • EGGS _ Grade A, Large 23c per ddz. - EXPERT' W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTl^SON ■S' (formerly with Birks Ltd M ontreal) 1522 Marine Drive A t L ast Ah Oil Range TTiat Is Different -- Ultra Smart -- Modern to the Minute THE NEW ' ' DIANA OU R ange See u.s'for information , . . . BROWN 8c MUNTON •1542 M arine Drive W est'366 . Members Associated Radio Teobnlolans of B.C. Hi: Mrs. Lester White was a tea hostess on Monday a t 'h e r home in Cypress Park.