m. , „ C.X-) THE WEST AN NE\^^ IF . WEST VAN. UNITEW/ CH'UECB Cor. 2 U t & EiMjuimililt Ave, EEVf ,.w.,-, *̂"**'*", Phone We»t 244'H Sundiiy Siirvip*: lla .nb& «lr«nger» an& Vi«itor» are welcomo b a pt ist CHURCH MioiHtrr ,Hev. W. I* McKay, B.A.. B.D. 10:TO •■■■-t'turcb i«h«l >" ciudiojr Adult Cl»»» u a.w. & 7:30 p.m^-PreacbiniC Services. A hearty welcome to all Healthy Hair 1' ' ARN011> ItKrONDlTlONIvH ii< extremely" vnluuljR ln,,p»t'- imrititĵ your Iwilr foi;.fj|»*'rmiuu*iit ' wavliiK and iuhli* ui|>y life aiul luHler to dry,. lifeU'ttB huir. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kiclualve Permanents, 1G46 Marine Drive West 117 hollybdrn hall 14th and DupheHS l ltlDAV KVK.. Jan. 27. at 7:15 V(iuri;̂ i'eople's Service Tiie c!osiin« mhlresh on , ' ProyteHs" 1 Speuker: , ' MU. JAt'K ANDEUSON BI'.N'DAY, Jan. 211th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and YouriK Peoplo'M'Hihlo CIubH SUNDAY EVKNINU a t '7;30 COSPKI, SKUVICM • '.Speaker:. .MU. .1. Y. M. AITK'KN TU10.SDAY ul„H pm. Prayer and mitiistry of Um .ScripLure.s, . WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH KDinCK 20th Mid Ba«|almalt, HoUybora This Society la a Hranch of The Mother Church The P'irat ChurcRof Christ, Sclentiat, in Boston. Maitacbuselta Sunday Service*. H:30 a.m. Sunday, January 2'Uh. SUBJECT: ' " h o \ i: •• Sunday School at 10:00 a.rn. Teatimony Meeting V/ednesday at 8:16 p u> ' ITio publit iB c(»rdia!Iy in vited to attend our *«rvices and meetintra. ■■ ■ - ...... for your ':mi?EWAYs'A s p h a lt F r c m i x ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y I'hunu North IMI or V r l ^ a l & Reircational Assn., West VMieouver Branch ■bridge f o r t u n e t e l l in g ® / and DANCE , 111 the i.egion Hall . SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 8 th I.UoilliESSlON imiDGE-r:4.c, p ,„. prompt Diuu'iot! 9:30 to 12 p.m. Admission, 25 centos ST. ANTHONr.S UATHOI.IC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewooii Av«.- A lions,, is boiiiii Iniilt O'l' Wosiliik*. Ill dd'-il ill"! U '".'0" A.v't'.nuu. . S ' . ___ _ UR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. d en tist X-Uny ll»y lllock, 14th utid Marino Dr, OlTico llourH U to 0 p.m. KvoniiiRH by uppolntinunt, ̂ Phone We,«t 72 UNITED CHURCH 2Lst and E.'itiuirnalt Aye ituv. William Vance, Minister DR. McRAK D E N T I S T formerly of 7 0 5 , Mcdlcul-DcnUl liulldlnif IIourH: 9 to 0 --- Evenlnga by , . appointment. . IHOO Hlnrlno Drive Weat 4J2 The French B eauty Salon For ^̂ Vork 'of Qyality \Ve 8pocinIi*c in lino, grey and white hoir.__ i 5(52~Marine Drive Phbne W.1I12 7 Eatahllahed on North Shore • '25 Yoora (Liuly Aaa îstant) i iA im o N T ito s . l 'i 'd . jfuneral Biredora Holly burn Funeral Uoinc I8th and Marino _____ W«Ht 184 . North Vancouver Parlora 422 West Sixth Street Phone No?th llil Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 104 Siiiuliiy, Jammry 20th. I q'lic nionthly. muwsical service will he given on Sunday evening with Kv W'. Armstrong ot Vacou- ver. as tlut siieoial .sbloisl.- Anlhems: "Seek Ye the Lord, "Send Out Thy Light," Comes a Time of Stillness." Male Qiim- tette, "Steal Away. " Solo, IL, W: Arin.strong. -• Sunday School ..at 10 a.m. and, morning worship at 1.1. Subject ; -"iiearirig Witrie.ss .-- How, Ui ^Whai, and To Whom?" The annual, congregational meet ing of the United^ Church * was held in the church hall last \Vednesday night with about one hundred attending. '1 he.'reports of the various organi;c-ati6ns within the church were heard and indiciited splendid dewtion to the end.s .they serve. The uonĝ regation has sunered .'Rev. Failiei* Van Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:1'5 a.m. High Mass and Sermon - a.m.r , Ro.sary and Benediction p.ni. n AA Catechism and Bible Clas.s-- .̂'.ou p.m. 10:15 -7:45 G e o r g e Ci C o s t t r i e Salus iSi .Survii'i* Uc.presunlaliM* Singer Sewing Machine Co. 112"\Vi'«L lla.st.liigs, Vaiifuuvur .Suvmcnc •K'><i0 Will' bu.'at W'..'sL Vilncouvur ' Every WuiliH'î diiy." . ____ SPECIAL Inside Fir..............$6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.76 per cordI , , « iL■ ̂ -r„iwu 'SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m*' . Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. ' Saturdays -- Confe.s.sion.s; 7:;i0 to 8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH '22nd and Fulton Rev.. F. A. Ramsey, Rector niE UAliDWAUK .MAN SAY.S: .Vow i.s tliu tipiu to get Uiohc ilmall •liiiiit,' uful ri'iiiiir, jobs dbi'u betore 'li(> c'ooil wcaUicr stai'Ls. tVo would bo piuasoil to lu'lp with your i:(i*ob- Icnis. ' ' ' . . ■ ' ■ Wo iiro having an, uarly spring. C'.RAWLEY'e'i BARKER.' VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE ' Phone West 9- Fertilizers o f All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplied Sun'day, January 29th. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communioii. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. .. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -- "Yukon Ex periences," Rev. W. IL L. : : West. , St. Francis-in-lhe-Wood Caulfeild . 9:45 a.m.--M^tlns^and Sermon. Burn Good Saw dust in Your Hot W ater Heater the loss this year of some of its BAPTISTiCHtJRCH -RevVWViKudJj.JVLoKajLni» - •* 'V '■ 'A* "t •■t'tBjn;' - olde.st and most faithful mem- 4 I1<>rs.-.-Iiv-a.ll-tw<inty-t-wo funeral • and ̂ the 1545 Duchess Ave'^'- .sorvices were reported congregation stood in silent trib ute" as the names -of--these--were called. ̂ There is now an active mem bership. of 2.i;3. "'fhe Sunday School has aiT-enrolment of 2(>4 - -Dk"W-IL-Smith-of-Union Gol- the He HOLLYBpRN d r e s s m a Ik e r s 1890 Marine [ JDrlve PHONE WEST" 583 MISS 1). U. HOUIE and the .jiverage attendance for the year' was 141. The total donations, exceeded *1:5000;, of whioh approxiniately $1000 went to missions and' gootl-cheer.. , During the evening a^delega- lege, will be the preacher;-dt evening'service at 7:30 p.iiji. wiir .speak oif the subject" "The .Uniini.shed 'ra.-̂ k of the Church;'.' The pastor's, subject in tlie morning will Be, "Limiting God." There'TAY l̂--btr^a story for--the ^ a N G R E X E - C O N T i L A C a i Q R S L GENERAL TRUCKING - BUILDING SUPPLIES - -- -------- r-Sole Agehts for • , ARMOR COA'T WATERPROOF C L IE N T PAINT T E A R O E & S ̂ e p u MARINE DRIVE > PH O NE W EST 8 4 b6ys-aird~girls from the life of Bishop J. Taylor Smitli. The Ghurcli School will meet at 10 o'cloc'k. Every member is- ueged to be present.. There are ^ . Book Your Passage to the Old Country Through Your Local Agent CUNAUl) -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL I . Full partlculara, .Ballinga and ; lu'cominodation.' / . J . T, W A T T 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 lion fix)in the Baptist Cliurch . hroughf friendly greetings-from their congregation and those \vei*€ heartily reciprocateil. ; •.plans .for a now Manse were pi*esented and this will be pro- uoeded with-at once. ,Tho renov- -'ati_6n,.of the church was also discussed 4ind -this: is di)finiTdy hofore the new Board. , The Board of Stewards charg ed with all. the busine.ss and. classesTdlycvciy age. ,■ The Young People's Society \\iri"meet"on Monday~at 8"o'cloek.- .He will speak on "The Origin . and Growth of the Bibl̂ e." The midweek" meeting will be ludd on Wednesday at 8 o'ckx:k. ' The Book of Hebrews is being studied. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST linancial arrangememts of iho . "LOvE'; will be the subject ■p The News THE „JW eii Fan N e w s Puhliiihed Every Thursday ^ Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 , Business and Editorial OfTice: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. church is: A. ChiHon, W. J. Turnbull, IL L. Thompson, E. Irish, J, I.,ii\v.son, J, Richardson, , J as, Duncan, T. J. Bi'own,-Major _ Rush and Mr. Spick. The Session charged the spir itual oversight of the church is: Rev. W. Vance. W. R. Hamilton, F. Merrick. Wm. Herrin, Geo. Hay, A. T. Cushing. Chas. Bald- wyiii,'J. N. Gillies and J. Hopen ' Notes of thunks were express- ocl to the officers and. workers imd the serving of refreshments by the StevyartLs (iii appropriate .uniforms) brought a pleasant evening to a close. The W.A. has jalso arranged , for a visit of inspection to the Associated Dairies, 405 YVest 8th Avenue,, tomon'ow (Friday) at 2 p.m. Tea will be served by the Dairy staff. Members^ and friends aixi urged to attend. Take Fairview ojir, No. 1; get off a t Yukon Street, go one. block north. . -w • . ' Vy , \/ * * kj V-.4 Kf I Vr V of- the' Lesson - 'Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday." The Golden Text is:. "How excellent i.s Thy lovingkindness, 0 God! thereforeT'he children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings,"' (Psalms 36:7). Atnong the citations which c'dmpri.se the Lesson - Sermon is the following■ from the Bible: ."And this commandment have we from Him. That he..wdioTov- _eth God love liis brother also." (1 John 4: 21)'. . . The Lesson - ermon also in- eludes the ■ following passage from th^ Christian'Science text- • St îence and Health with Ivey to the Scriptures" bv Mary Bake,--Eddy: "You will S that in Christian Science the first, duty is to obey;Go(i,..to-have one alind, antl^to love'another as ydurself." ' ' - $1 .00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by liiail . Peter Procter, late pf Alta- mont, is expected to leave short ly to 'join his brother m England. Miss. Jill Lloyd has 'returned home irom North Vancouver General Hospital, having quite recovered from her Operation. s a n i r o n i o s u i t e v e r p o m Today, you choose your autoiuatic.iron to suit your own individual needs. If-you want a light-we.ight m odel-tha;^oes'.the work 'with extra heat instead"T)f weip-ht.. vrtii psm' ofpi- ift ' Tbprp are sleek.instead of weight, you can get it! 'There are , i rons with • handles -that fit -every curve, of liand . . and a flick of the ^ g e r regulates the heat to the *-Qnoct temperature .for the fabric to be ironed. You'll find-three . outstanding makes- on display in your B.. C. Electnc store. Hotpoint.................... .................... ............. .̂.... $8.95 Sunbeam ..............................■-....... . '........ $9.95 ' Universal .................... ;............. ; ................... $9.75 Easy Terms May Be Arranged. -Many owner:s-o.f th-i.s type' of burner come 'to JACK KNILL ; fpr clean, 100'// FIR iSAW'DfUST -- the only kind to burn in ̂ , • Hot'Water Heaters.' ■ • KNILL'S FUELS T f WOOD ■_ GOAL -- SAWDUST >. -- l^OME OIL PRODUCTS. West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 794. ilack Knill is the sole agent in .North and West Vancouver for Home Oil products.