r p p . y V T . . " ! - ' -Weekly x i i r TRANSPORTATION .....i >e problem of our transportation is a m atter of extreme , (hlliculty. because Its successful solution depends on the cor- m t reading of a fu tu re which has, no precedent in the past. I!ul It IS not going to.be solved by hot heads and hot tongues nor by vilhfioation and^innuendo, of which there have been lar tiro much already. If to date there is one th ing evident it 1.S that on many counts there is room for an honest difference , (it opinion. ivjviivi. Some seem to th ink the Council incapable ,of settling this traiiaportation problem. M ight we remind these 'th a t anv ■such idea will c a u ^ a large laugh to go .up throughout the province. For w ith, one excejition -- and he a successful Inisines ŝ man concerning whose capacity there is ho question ~ r^Z brought .West Vaiioouver .saic y through the depression when most other municipalities fell by the wayside. And la tte r y they have had no payments ironi. the British Pacific Properties to help them . According to . the most reliable in fo rm a tio n lh e ferries now are going behind a t a .rate which, if continued throughout he year, would Show a net loss of a(iout $31,000, allowing . or sinking fund and all charges. This, however, is the worst time of the year, the novelty of the new rbute has not worn . ofl, and the natural in c r^ se of population m ust be allowed' fSr. • Undoubtedly w hat the Council most desire a t this present moment. Is to Imow the exact, wishes Of the ratepayers in the matter. Are the lattei- willing to foot the lossf untU th i ferries with time recover as' they have done everywhere else 111 similar^circumstances? .Consequently, they will doubtless welcome th e resolutions passed, a t the recentflRatepay^^^^^^ meet^mg, with w.hich we entirely agree, and which, if i n d S iv e of the ppinions of th e general body of ratepayers leave Z doubt as to their wishes. In th is connection we should think it ought to be possible to take a referendum on tihe m atter as :-- ^^in-thecase-of-a -money- by^lawr-^-------- as , as We have stated before is a dock in - '{If. ff*'.*™ o f 'he city, if obtainable, since i t is the tim e facto? which IS chiefly hurting our ferries. I t may be impossible to secuie such a site, but,, we have been informed th a t th e North Vancouver Board of Trade is try ing to o b ta in T la n d ^ ^ ^ a t o as o b s ? i f e ^ " hiilar situ- Of y>rmi*cr£» __• ... • '..■r.. . . v' BOYS* BAND AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Boys' Band will hold their regu lar monthly meeting next Wedr. nesday, February 1st, a t 2:30 p.m. a t the Pauline Johnson school. A very pleasant social evening was held a t the Clachan iNBcentlyXtrnnvi A .1 WEST VANCOUVER 1X)WNSW0MEN»S GUILD BIRTHDAY BAN0UET Tickets fpr thq birthday ban quet to be held in the Orange Hall, Tuesday, January 31st, a t 6 ;30 p.m., may be obtained from Mrs. A. T. Cushing, Mrs. I. Dol- when the Auxiliary entertained }^' Woodcock, the parents and friends of the .Band. M iliary Whist was playv- A^Tvr^n»n^^^' ii ?/r M**"'- ed, the prize winners being Mrs, 9 M^a. Rex Eaton, C. Wintle, Mrs: D.. Cutler and Mrs. H, Dr. and Mrs. Ijavell. During the ^̂ *]̂ ®*'"Moss, Mrs.* F. J, Rolston evening the President, Mrs. Wm. members of t ^ . press. Mrs. Green,, gave a brief outline of mV / 't w the year's activities. After the' serving of refreshments dancing f,?" i * 9* '^ol«man,are com was enjoyed by the many guests. the evening party - ■ ■ *_______ , which will commence a t 9 o'clock with , a program, cards and danc- COMING EVENTO '̂®h. 4th -- Ijt^giqn Whist Dfive, Wetlnesday, Feb. 8th Ingle wood W.A. Birtlulav Tea. Friday, Feb. 10th.--Aiimial Val entine Dance by the Girls' Auxiliary to the Barbarians, Saturday, Feb. 11th -- Dance by West Vancouver Branch, B.C. Scottish Country Dance Soei- ety in the Orange Hall. Friday, Feb. 17th -- Dance by Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, a t the Orange Hall. ̂ ■ I BAPTIST CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING The annual mieeting of the Baptiist Church was held on Wed nesday, January ' 18th. About seventy-five meml^ers of the con.1 gregation sa t down at 6 o'clock, to a splendid dinner prepared by ing. Friends of members are in vited to attend a t 9 p.m, when a small charge will-be made a t the door. HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLITES ,Dy Bill Ellis BRITISH - ISRAEL Regular Monday evening meet- VJ? Dundarave Bnuich Jaiiuary 30th a t 25th and Marine Di-ive. Speaker: G eorp Crux. Subject: "The' Law." This is an opportunity to hear a fine speaker and you are invited. f ,f w* / , rfinufi . _____________________, ___ ^ h o l l y b u r n l l X l t # W e d High.^I^keteerB Beaten ,A t the Youn^fleople'e ^i-vice the choir and the devotional p / ^ ^ | e S e n ^ High hoopers , 7:15 p.m. toihorrow. (,^^iday) erdses led bv t̂ ^̂ swished , out # 4 2 -3 3 basketball Ho yburn Hall, Jaclc«SA.nder- tK^KhhVVi! th! Senior son, will give his olosing tddress-^ lisL d d to W 1938 we?e 5 Z Z Progresl^- Next S o r S f a t i n n ^ Pat Fagan Sunday, January 29th, at 10 a.m. t h f v S s o r c a n i r a f S t h e there will be Sunday School and IT̂ e rS*ts^?^^^ P T ' "®tting 16 points for the Young People's Bible Class. At "^tivftv on McTavish also 7:30 p.m. next Sunday a „Qpâ el orfffl^i^+?on" T ^ Pl^yed a good'game and chficked Service; will be held, w h ^ the eac hoSanSatloli v X o ? ! ^ ? P ? "*® place, in the speaker will be J. Y. M. Aitken. ■ local scoring honors. ' , Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and and efficiently arid aggressivelv ^"dng'theflrsthialf there was Ministry of the Scriptures. mni^he scores varied l i t l f TITIONS, 1939 POLICE PROTECTION Last week the epudemic ofnburgJaries in Wp<if Vfln/'Anxr/iv ^^*am carried out, miated with thi^vo« i f / . happy co-operationIm 1̂1 nfori , m West Vancouver n igW r m « ; X " wo j ^ o r t h o ^ h l l o ■ in ^lis motor W T r especially men bnf the pres^t-pplice-to-be-capable - T I n i f H ^xp^cted to.do th e impossible. ' . ^ h i p o-TBen S. Short; wfth. % ^ t • 'Elmore Humphreys orgamst, re- victory e y lo ported an extremely heavy nro- t» t i p f niimninfr ir ̂ w itiP tT ie -- -fc^-m jii^g^gam e^fhe: West Yan. Hort. ociety ^^NBW®=S¥STEJr West 'Yan.^High Bantams made Note: There will be no first up for the Senior los's and turned prize or other prizes awai'ded for ® 'he Magee eaeh rndnlK. All c o m S to r s in ^^ch ciiass will be awarded marks was increased In keeoine* with - tne iqrce the corigregation-- T h e ' Young w i . . . . , i „ g A - o g ' - " : jiBsaffliriiass happy co-operation of every member of the choir. The, finan_ .-lu a nariay win over tne Magee cial report was particularly grati- Bantams ' torkl-vA n d r , i . , fying. A balance was revealed R ip p ^ o rc h e c k ^ d \i^ ^ d ^ ^ ^^ch ckss will be awarded marks -mUdie-tight-ddOr-in-the-ourrent-- 1-g-and-Te-rccbcotiveiy î n̂ for each display, account, wth all bills 'paid. The Magee S e n iS * M m s Turn S ® P ^^ to one p ^ church raised $356.75 for m is-, bull 2* M a r s h a l l 9 ' Person m each c ass. u n ^ sions. andjTi^ddition $47.23 for S i n i 2 p S ?! Prizes'will be given benevolences. The building fund Young ^7- W right 8 ' ^ revealed a total in the bank of W^st Vancouver- Plfmr TTill T V ^ f h i g h e s t marks. $ 5 0 2 .0 1 -w ith -p le d g e s -s te a d ily -r2 ^ ^ i6 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^e fhree prizes and bemg m et by the membership o f i - Twigg 5-'Wilson *2 • McTnv' dii-ectors the c-origregatiori~-The- Y oU ng-ish .2, Mclav- so .decide Failure__to._show m ' * . r̂ .----. • .. ,^uy iponthly competition does not disqualify but all members '^re asked tô^̂ montb if .possible. Ex!hibits mugt be in rifeeting and cariribt be removed ' uutil tjbgaJheeting closes.- New" members joining can- begiff 'to show as soon as they have join- ®^,^ud if seen fit a special prize /activities, ':i:«veal€d.. a healthy .rponc^0ri,,and{;.growiri'g ,in -sp rrit" "O'Yl*/-! ,VVft Vl 1 ̂ W\ Vfa i'll - ■ j-k Xt* 1: 'mW 'a ., pT AoaiT'c! â ĝ d in numbers. Special m ention-' i . , ̂ n ' '*be made of. the Ladies^ -A. travelogue, entitled "British r?t^Mission Circle. Their activities - ^P'umbia, Our Sunset Province7 hy. J . M.- Humphrey, will^be pre sented in the Inglewood. Audi^ ,,torium on_Friday, January 27, DO YOU KNOW YOUR .P|iOVINCE' hp^ff Wales;*, will'vf® s ta rt the spring term in the w ithout observe Mfpi K ■ lecture, illust- . Legion Hall, Wednesday, Febru- raised,.$217.95.- * , .torium on_Friday, January 27, it, seen fit a special prize T W pq /7---about--one^-hxmdred-- ^aiT^lstr-Clasi^-are~b'^a"sy"^pTer---- The-church-expressed-its-7ap/:^^i-:f^J?^Lp.m.,_under-the-auspiG€s-- hiAmJ3_ers--jnm=! ' Rev. paring for spring" recitals both preciation of those responsible' ^ Johnson and & ^ te r the season has begun. Chu cT ̂ in town and W e T v ^ ^ u ^ for. the successful c a r r y ^ out Hoflyburn Schools. ^ ^ One Flowering uich on, Monday, February town and West Vancou^^^ musical part of the ^^^ted lecture has been present-' I^oitse -P lan t, amateurs only; ^tion, under f ® chorus work for the 1 ■lecture is given. ospices th e gjjQuy R unaw ay. Girl" to be -- -------- ------ . produced in March a t the Lyric SCAVENGER HUNT Theatre./ ____ - " ______;________ m S i West Vancouver Com- RECREATIONAL ASSN. TO huntiw ; " ■ Sf® scavenger ' {-GIVE BRIDGE & DANCE asked fr?K partners,are The West Vancouver Women's •̂t5* To^ at the clubrooms a t Branch of . the B.C. Physical and , --------------------- er ot national renown,, has made DANCING DEMONSTRATION six ty -th ree 'trips acro%Canada, • ' - ■ and IS now resident in ' West Dancing Vancouver. He is a miaster of given , a t b^s subject,, and his slides are Don't forget the Demonstration to be classics in their field. February--Pot of Bulbs grown by am ateur exhibitor; ditto by professional. ; - Leeks (3). ' March -- Pot of Tulips; Bunch oi any kind of Flowers from gar den; Parsnips (3J. (3 ); Daffo- dfls (3 ); (cut flowers); Rhu- "^umament and A special attraction, will be The fortune telling by Miss A. St. will V, f ?*^"^^btly' riieet- John. Hollybum Theatre passes 8 o'clock. M onday-at willj>e given as bridge and dance novelty prizes. : given - ___ ______- - j-v. - - - produo- to attend and enjoy a real treat. IPP ^ p a re n t in early veget- ----------------- --̂ ables. There may be separate * ' p « in these lines. The annual m ee tin g '^ f the (Continued in next issue) A silver collection will be taken W est Vancouver Welfare A ^ i - * . F r ie n d / ----- 7r in aid of the Townswomen's ation will be held .on Monday, shnidd ^ L T Ham ilton. Guild'Educational Work. February 6th, a t 8 p.m. in thV fn ' - -- ^ ^ H a l l . ; / . , .- rritrhflffh?^?^, Mrs. Wrench of W est Bay, has Business: Annual Reports and adverfA «fi?^^ moved to Vancouver. _ Election of Officers. ~, - I published list of the comrnittee.