I I'l t ifaifwii»iN» iM9!i»8ail»HMIIW aesan- A. Harvey Smith.', .m...--ŵ i .mJ'liunir Wiyst-lii« ■̂rt*t• DeUvi'ry Kervlec . Montlily Account LEGION W. A. ....... ■■ ........ . ■ » ,, .TIhj W. a . 5<j tHi' raiia«iu»fj l A '^ io t i h<fld a '.'-ry int< i* '̂ *̂*5-' tea at the home <»f M*'-'- a]n.-..'i)lui AV.A,~wci'LLiut:UiiJi'!y *'i.. Huffffi'fitloriH for FHIDAV & HATt fRDAV, Jan. 20th and 2 Ih1 MEATS M-eurinK M ra. N. llarnpt'Jii u ii" is a demonstrator tor tdrh jHadc 1 . 1 . ...... . .") ...1... << I9r I Or I IttHl & WMie I'KAt itKH 1 HItrrd or United ^ tin tric flrd & White c:A|{|{O r s A I'KAH Hejuat tin |2 r While tiOUtKN ( (HtN 2 K({uat (itiH Itrd A White'I'O.MATO JI'K K 4 I0«oz, tlna Al'UK (IT JAM ^^lh I'eclin, * Idh Ti l t ;fifc aUAIIAM WAFFJti^ ltv<l Arrow Ih, pkt.^ J5c ( OHS FI.a h EH - Kelloj/«*H • tiiant »{l/e, A I"re<f C rm il JUiwI ■ '**llh ;i |)ktn, 25c MHAT I'AHn; ~IIidluml\ 2 iitm I5r kxtkA V a m ?f : IMCAH, Itod A. While WIIJ I'F ('OKN u?! vV*'**" •"hClIAUDH. Chum.SAl.MOiN -- \ our choice tin !)c VVrat :I70 Cook for the RED lilfANI) GIIADK \ when iiurchiiNintf your JM*ef. We iituidie only the iM-iit at ('ily rrlces C'sc your leiephone, we deliver free. />i:CH ATKSKKN (A full line). I'ltKHII TISII DAICY OilANCKS Ic 4*a'ch (.'1 doz, for HUr) y ined. hize. per doz. I lie * lar«e hize; per doz. 22c CltAl'KI IM'lT ' I for C'.c A l'l'CC.S Wai^neni, per hos !j;i..'l(l Al ,\ l .MAKV'S r o r r 'E E - )oii will enjoy IIiIk and , II*k econoinical, (oo ' |h, 2."»c . J I ? *4 \ IV ' 111 **7 V * lA V ' • *■ " F * j product.s only ;ui,'j wti.i made .some of the mo,-i dolii'ioii.s .'-and' wiche.s with 'din"'i-i'nl lllliiijr.s also hi.scoit.s, clrK'-datA' rake. VrI- ' vet cream, not I'ereelfiDk!' lh;«.* lovely clam chowdeJ'. 'I'lie puldir iiaye' a splendid '•pportiiiiity ol (jecidinkT on the-e pioduris 'uu-e tliey have tasl"d 'tjadr _(|ii.'tlity: akso the as.sortiiiont. of dainty eats for afternoon teas. 'Idle \V,A, wish t(M'.xpn;ss llieii' apjireciation to .Mi's. Jianiptuji for her demons! ratiiiyr and \'ery pleasing per.sonaliiy and wish iier every siicce..s.'. I'Mr in forma tion pliojK! Mrs.,.J. Tarker, W'esl l i i t H- L , Ol* ,Ii, Hoj'ain. \\'4'sf 2.'U)-V, ^Scryicey L U M B l i l .SA.SII & COOKS '. .isIJLNGLEis, . . . PL Y w ooes iwvni PAINT THERE ISl BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE-- 'ROOFING'..... FOR 9 UALITY A gents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ■ V" ' ■ ̂ ' ■ ...... . ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD ' 15th & Marine Drive Phone W est 115Phone West* 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S . . . . . « j M . . . .1" » ... It . a I he r iU* far ClaHsiliwl Advertisements is 1 cenUj per word, minimum ! •T. realH. K*«'P' '» the case of tlioae. having resrulnr accounts, all dasni. | 111x18 are payalilc strictly iii . • i. . Kcrnemfior ('InHsificds in the West Van Newg ^et immediate results SCO'ITLSfl COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY IdidieH* Rranch WEST VANCOUVER , -- --------- -----------1------ HARRARIANS AUA|N RLANKEI) iVv VARSITA V ........... ̂ ̂ ̂ ■ ■ .. ̂ ■ ■ ' . ' (.'OKDON KOHSON IKirrisIcr & VVANTED--Furniturc, Stoves, Tools, '.S.-li(;i(or, MO \V. JIuKthik's. bay. 4^1), . etc. . We huy, sell and exchange, al Vest \'aiK'ouvci* any time , Phono North 431, Vinick's Furni- ture, 06*70 Lonsdale Avenue. 11 0 W . J1U.SIU1J,N, iJ'-y. ' krr ill U'l'st Vancouver any time 'by aimfjinliiK'iit, Wc.st 1U3. _____________ _ .. ...."■y ....... ....... W'K STIIdi lilfY livery-.MINK, liilh}" of value:: h o tth 'ii.a 'f^ » ck s , mcliil.N, funiilurc, stov't's,;t(K)ls, etc. FOR PAINTING, PAPERUANGING pliono V. Hermandez; West 122-L. ' ,1 h(* npxt nK'nliiikf of thn ahovp Hocicty ,\v-j|I h(̂ hold on 'I'lioHday, M ER C H A N TS (2nd DiviHion) In spito of th(! J'aiii, ami chilly \V('alhor last Saturday the fairs.Inm m ry 2-Jtli at H fr.ni. in th e Av<'-'ilhor la ( 'Inchan. ' ' . tu rn ed o u t , in kPiod n u m b er to watch the foolliall Karne between Tbirn/iliy' Lepdon. amt 1 be~' Mer- (yliapt.s, ;,,.St;i!ii'̂ MISS E R A SE R (,'U E ST OE CO UN I'R I) A N (; 10 S O (: I E 'r Y , tin* Kanp'er.s. sePred on the first ten minutes of filay, wit'b a nice passing: attack, wbieb was emieil. by la'iiiiox who .seoriid. 'riien Jbirnaby cani() riyfbt back and ev_ened tbiiij.r,sUp in the next few A niinutes of play, '['lie ifaiTie fi'om dr<̂ sŝ ,*H■ ()f, weleona* *'*'*■" pretty even, al- b,v Presidinit .Mruc<i Clecrtr d,nj fbou>rb I be ■ Mercjianl.s' miss îd Mr.s. Mapley. Mi.ss Era.ser who ***'*"' t^bance at the p;oiih i.s om rof the famous women of *bdoiv t he half each, team scored the world, i.s I're.sident of tlio ^Dfaiiiwith Kerr doiipr the. .scor- ■ '• : • ■ -- nip-for t he l(K;*al.s. ; By the limi' f M iss Helen l"raser was the piie.sf̂ of honor at tin* meeting on "Saturday evening in Hie tdachap ol the VVe.sl Vancouver Ijraiicli of llie- H.C. Sw ttish ( ountry Daiicii Society, brief ad London linmcli of t lie Nalimpd ■*. '̂ '̂"̂ be lixiaks. 'By the I iim' (>)uneil ()f W()Mieii and a lecturer balf .stai'ted Hie and author of note. Durintr the bn'ou.mi wa.s. jiretly wet and so AVar .slie was one of the orcoin- '.be ball, but with the scoreAVar .slie was one of i/n; orkram '1' ' c . . - .............. Jzer.s of the National W ar'Sav- "'a.s a lip:bt to .see who. Jtijr.s Committee, waM "lent" to S - i' ^be ilecidinj^ goal iii." Hie Board of Agricnltiire and in ' "bout ten minukys to gothe BoanJ of Agricnituro and in ^yb-b about ten minukys to go . HH7 was .sent to-the States l>v Ibirnahy made an attack on Percy the Eoreigii O/fieP to .speak on \̂Mi.sterman in goal who stopped British War work.-beinlf after a lk rsh o t until one m a m ^ wan]s7Pre.sb'(]t!nt Jloovtnn^trPobd" r"* 1I 11 / k, ■ > . 'I i Irm . I wx(f! IM I / k .4.F /A 11 f 1 k•«4 ' 41-. i-i...\va rdCPix^sidt!!! t J I o{H'tnM̂ trPobd~Â ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^I'olicv. - tion began to .show, l)ut they _ '■ ' __:A:__ ______________hard_Jm(.LLed_lcy_,L.-CH-pps- TARLE t e n n is LEACUF *»ik1.A. Masterman .shot time ami •̂ Ifiiin but- could not seem to . 'I'liis time in tlie r<'liini game at tji<' Varsity Stadium it was by .'{2'point.s as against the ;ill time record of ()!> back in Octolier on the Oval. ConsidsTably umler, slreng'th last Saliirday the Bar-, barians travelled to* point (irey with misgivings. (Jir a'ccouiil of holidays amb b'*b """dber (bey bad not' been in action for ov<'r a Inontli, during wbieb lime their rank.s bad been .sorely de pleted" llirougl.i players iiaviiig left 'towjH Ol*' temiioi'arily, gi\ eii . up the game for skiing;. Despile having only tivc of last- year's.' cbampJoji-ltoam-oii Ijie side and ..being completely ouiweigbeiP'in. the scrinn, both backs and for wards played such a gh'eal dc- femsive game (bat .only four t.imp.sin~^cnicirimlf; cTTrrkM bv~ champion Thumierbirds ci'oss Uie Barbarian line, 'riinnigh last . miiiute ca.sualties flic team, turn ed out two short at Die Stadium but were made up to full strength by the addition of Varsity play- ' ei*s Teagle and Uemvick, 'Phe teain inoluded regular High Schpo) players Black, Robson and I-JT-Pattcrson" Ora tfe v"i i m r Bird.' ■ ̂ K T ' . ■ i '1 i ■ t I'tii'riiluro. sto\'^c ŝ,ftools, etc* . !'i]l wVit ill an.l wi; l.ring-Hai cash BOYS! BE INDEPENDENT - Ear,, lit voui' (lorn*. Kurrard Junk. Co. ' your own pocket money. 1 have Wkl- !U. . . . ____ eu,-]y inorninK paper routes oiicii for 'NOTAKY PllBfvir." Geiioral Con- V('yaiu*iiig,"'Vnkmtor." Kcginald P. ' lliowcr, MU.'), Murine Drive.- West • ' - - - - - ' - - - c u - - " VV. , j u r energetic* young boy.s, ages M-18, Apply T. Middleton, Box 10, West Van News. ' ' - Jw\NI) (JliEAKlNtl --- KsliinalcH free. _ a . kuhju lanvefl & Mutlie.son, West .TM-R or. , ]<M7"Marine Drive. We.sl 7 i r j . L •' --------- -̂-----------------r - LET US SELL YOUR HOUSE - Listihg.s wanted, clients wniliiiP* '■ : II. A. ROBERTS, LT|)., ■ M'lnMDfi "nriA/fv • , \Vŝ ..i. r t5.1G .SI(>.()()- Small. cOinfortahle furnished eottage, near feriy. West ;!5U-X..______^ ■■■ - . ■ ■■ .. » ' MII)l)LE-A(iEI) ODD JOB MAN -- Wood carried in; sawn, ele. Jteason- ;ible rates. West-2115-1;. WARDROBES, Drawers, Cupboards; Tables, House Repairs, Glazing aiid glass. Anything in woodwork. Western Woodworkers, 1478 Clyde Avenue. Phones West 740. We,st 443-R: HAULING -- I'kiel and Ala mire .■-- 10 yai'd.s of good top soil" fo r sale. Phone Ai't Knight, \Vest 51-X. FLOOR SURFACING -- j . Suther". - land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 145'8-L. i"OK REN'r.--• store suitable for al- mo.sl .any line" pf l)U.siness, living (luaiC;rs': at ̂ real', (food location. "~W(̂ l 5-Js:xr ; - ' ' . FOR JtENT r-- 3*Rooiued Modern Inglewood ̂Avenue. l"OJ{-SALK --; Manure, Septic Tanks MASON'S TAXI ~ Day_ and night hgated dar; passengers fully insured-̂ West .512. . .. . l i i ' i -- i M c i i i u i 1% o t * | i i i c . l a i i n o .......................... »...■■■ .................. ■ . ■ ■ ■ . \Vrst" -Jî ^̂ ̂ installed and ekaned, ̂ GORDON ' ROBSON ̂~ Barrister-& FOR IIENT -- I Room Bungalow near ferry, dean. ,!?22.5,0 inonthlv; West ];D-X. ' ' " Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings,'-Sey. 4199 at W e s t. Vancouver anyr-t-ime-by ■ appointment. W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, . Barrister, Sol icitor, : 1405, Marine Drive; PhoneCLEARING .V^-EXCAVATING-- Done at reasonable jn*ice. ' PHone West 21, or W e ^ ̂ 53rR*l, f ! .West 521-K. ' ■ • ' ■■__;_i;.-- _ - T(»iim Bute B om bers: 11 {) 2 k ) 18 on th a t a chance kick put" w U 2 0';18 ball to d h e olh<'i* end of th e jy.-.Si'/.zlerjr 12 - 8 - d--0 ' k ; - - wbei*e -].Vm*cv in- goal tric if M»plo L e n |s 12- 7 d i jr, to .stop th e .sh„t.-Iml- it. w as well C an ad ten s 1 2 G 5 1 jr . at ui Jie d id n 't - have a Next Saturday the Barl)arians .meet R ow ing^yjob-in-L-htre itrtain- raiser a t" Brockton 'Oval 'a l 2' o'clock. I.OST -^.-^yolLofLknitting with'-needles, betwclAi Dundarave and-'Caulfeild.' _WcsLJj.7.5x,L-2,______________ ^ ^ _____________________ ' - - -jnaa j^i^r"xiren~F?Tllr.»rc~=~ Restawhile Goifvale^scent Home, 136' 27th^Street.„,_We3t,,8,6.;L-2. ' ri Hillhillic .s 10 <> ~iV 11 is If otz><n-o l 'J «>. -o-0 , 1 - f r ') 2 d-Koekeyes- . 12- '■ 1. I w e e k 's SCOre.s; -̂^Dmdjen.s 5. -1 Illb.lluw 12. Maple I,oafs (i. Musketeursj). Soekeyes '). ^ I^Tim-l-sm4i -̂H5nTTnnn* 5; Aler- TfitrNt')m cs't-crs Tlid m>t' fiiiroF- ,tion last Salunday through the All Blacks not being able to till their (juota on the 'teafn . " No" fixture has Ifeeii ari'angod for the coming iSatiirday but it is hoped KOR s a l e .-- .Open fire' beater,. $8. ° Furnished . Cottage. ,$25.00. 1388 ^-m-g-lyder LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion. Housing Act and other plans. Gor don Gray, Seymour 4991, or West = S 2=R^&=r=-r----- -̂----------------------- ' ' i a t i " ; - ' b d i r S L- " jf foSy C. I once foi inspecUon arz'angements. --------- ---------■ ~ • '________ ~ _-- West 225. --------JLAAYN--MUVl^R-S-SHAR-PENE •hant.s 2. Uijm.s Ivmiwle.s, who ha.-i boon 11 liationi ijUJ4fxjVor|I,-Vancou ver (.aoioi-al Uoapilal, is now home and doing nicely, - ( -V SPECIAL if i Slnbs with Bark '14.90 per" cord Slnb.s & Edgings $'3.75, per cord SAWDUST PRIT'AM'S-FUEL- Phone North Ij20 -LMPHimV N T- N () r K * K ---Stork-up on-ymir~"rmT7"('iT{rtM77 (. ocou...aiul Spjcc.f, before Wt' close tiTT tlu' ."Lst-7,Iani,m*y. . All fixtures also for sjule. • ('YRO.M.V TEA "COFFEE . V SHOP. _ -tiOii Marine Drive ' LONSDALE THEATRE has again worn otr. Ui'e Nonth V '̂lnc.ouve^ niembers of Utc t"c>ani w ill-again he Available ami tix - ' tures call 'be fuTGlicd. t r a in e d n u r s e r y N U R.S E S wiachine; " repairs, parts' .^avmlab]cu-,])e.wnaneHt-temporary-o^-------Y an^uyer Machine Shop,_1449 evening work. Nurserycraft Centre Marine. VV est cSO (. • V SOCCER %>%■ RENT'-- t235 CIyde,'■>J.O0 per izzonth. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, • 1103 Lonsdale North S'2 2 . .------- North. Vancouver North 211 ^ IHDR.SDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY . -I a mi ary DUh, opth ami 21st GEORGE RAFT DOROTHY LAMOIJR n* V * ENR Y F-ON D A --1 f̂ s p A W n I B f THE NdRTit" SELECTED SHORTS -Lius [ -C it m pix-t,c -s Im w-« l-pnnr MONDAY, T l'ESDAV and -WEDNESDAY Jammry 2;ird, g-Uh aiM L'5(.h SONJA HEME 'MY LuarsTSir also The Dionne Quints in " "QUINTUPLAND" Uist X'oinploto show at 9 p.ni.- y H'V on Saturday. Llth instant, .West, Vancouver .gained aiiother two points in the ,y . cV L). ^League, l.st Division and now lead their Division by / .'i . K<̂ 'JTi,sdale and ~^Sou t.h -aPc'Oh vciy^Elhs'K'rgoTKl • going a'iid appa-ra ' ,:year to win tlii.s L-eagiie amrwith - the support tliat is'due them'up iiitn M.mnJaT-id-D-i-\4si(->ii-t-hiVnexi--.'̂ cason.̂ Wilton rug 9x12, ' \a^iie $()a. , \\h a t offers? West ^'^CAVATING, .Clearing; day or con- - • ' • ■ . tract. Experienced- men, *ino3ehis 1 tm r T :-------- - machiftery. Rush jobs. Kissick, 1. .-1 Sherliian and 14th West 252-L. - -i-.o; iv ana i4in \ \ i t 7-'̂ */' ' l^attress. , ----- ' W. _H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block.Six' . T;- .. . 7 enamelfor SAl.Pl enamel ,----------- -- ; . -------- condition, ,̂ 65. . Perjnai,'ents; only best-materials ' V..--_ - - - . ' used-. ■ E xpert operators. , Phone '■ in case, Lvery piavi*!* of the West Van- cimver tcani'iiid finely at Kerri.s- ' dale. 1-rom goal out they were -bm'irP:(jr-^-5^;||5^^ --------------GHIM-NEY-SWEBPING'^OI'd-eonny ~ ------ - ---------- ~'̂ * try way; guaranteed;, brick andJ - , .. -------- - ^ V V © U r t t c l l l L C t J U y ' U X X L h . lOR liEXT. ; ,i , - N S h s f f ^ R S J ixtiires lor-tbis weeki-We'ft V ancouvor ve.rsus.St- Ro<ns x p.m.. Ambiesrcle Park. ^ Pride. W<4( hr;- F(jR RENT--Deliffht.fnr^.rnom warm c l e a n E^FPiw vf^rnr. ^ housekeeping, suite in attractive Y.r̂ ..V HELP __ home, fii*eplace; very, suitable,eldei'r cook, fimnlV Uxree 1 to '~... daily. V est 297-T* ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ^0 .( upiace; very suiuiuie, eiucr- ly couple o r teachers. Box 20, West Van News. .0-5 \No aio Very pleased to annoimcc that 011 thiv; S'Hnrdiiv VancVtiveV to f J P N ' t o n s i v t ' connection \vith Fruits mid give v o u 't l m ^ v t ^ T h is enab les us to-.g i \ t jo u th e ve iy best m pu ab ty a t a su b s ta n tia lly low cost. The ;MoUirrs" (H'oup'wnrnYeet' on 'Ibesday at' 8 -p.m. at the. ' W endy Hou.^e. Mr.s. T pi-niU ami Mrs. Summerville" will lead* ' Tears of ( 'bildhood. ,- 2 h i ; o "'p t p r i n t i n g -- ' F or all kinds of 407-L: eV5n;t,'.,..-^^""" 711 p r in t in g . p h o n e ' 'W es t Van News, West 363. I so .<toro-\vide speci^ils j-ust for this occasion h o l l 'y b u r n FRtnnr m a r k e t 189d Mari..eJXr|'-o (1 l.Uy|c «n.., of ThoaU^) FX-eo Delivery. VERNON__ FEED STORE A. C.-SEARLE Phone West 9 F e rtilize rs o f All K inds, _ r A D C O ; ^Vood, C oal,____ ^' Builders' Supplies CORPORA TWN, OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Notice to R atepayers yaiice anil \ 'f p a id ^ o ? o r b e m a d e in ad- a t th e ra le ^ 2 9 th o f A p r i l 'w i l l bear. / 5%. p e r a n n u m ̂ payment to - - ' Payments m*' - l June, 193Dr - Esquimau, Hollybiumf Municipal Hall, 17tli and W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk/