West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Jan 1939, p. 3

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.. J.'uuiarv 19» 1939. THE WEST VAN NEWS h a n d y ANN SHOP, 244 2 Mariiie MarsiiaU W eUs' Paints, Varnish Stain ______ Enam eli; W omi Siain.. HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE Day and Night Classes 1 4 th and Marine ' Phone West 341 West Vancouver Burns' Society 'iiY T itiy rc c i T i i i i i r i tD U H k J ! !^ 9 iS)SmI atJir.JELiMlL and Dance IN T H E O R A N G E H A L L (FR ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 2 7 t h . 1 9 3 9 Supper nt /.15 prompt Dancing from 9 p,m> to 1 a.m, T IC K E T S $ 1 .0 0 L o ca l an d P e r so n a l Mr. and Mrs7 Costello of New? t i is t Saturday aboul S aTnii W estminster have moved into thieves smashed one of the front their new home at 23rd and windows of the B.C. Electric Mathers Avenue, Store heixj with a piece of heavy * * * wooden board and stole a mantel Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher and radio. The noi.se of the breaking children of Field, B.C., sixint the plate glass aroused J. Murch, week end a t W est Bay. ̂ who occupies a suite above the * * * * store, from which he saw a car Mr. and Mrs. McPhail has disappearing in the darkness on moved from 2882 Marine Drive Marine Drive iii a westerly dir- to Vancouver. ection. This oar, which was ' * ' * ' ' * ' later found abandoned ut 29th Messrs. Powell an d , Miitheson and Mathers Avenue, belonged have cleared a large lot a t the to George W. Saunders of Chilli- north-east corner of .23rd and wack, who in visiting his par- Lawson Avenue for a prairie , ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Snun- resident who is going to have a dors of 843 22nd Street, from large house erected thereon. . whose garage it had been previ- * * ' ♦ ously stolen by the thieves. E. N. Walker of Gresham, StraHoD^AKERY JH D M E^liflA D l, FItESH DAILY Ten varietleii to suit every taste Meat Pica -- Cookies Bcclea Cakes •-- Pastries Huns and Hdlls Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 Oregon, ;Was the guest last week of'h is orother and sister-iivlaW) Mr, arid Mrs. F. A. Walker, z455 King's Avenue. Mr. Walker is proprietor of the Walker Fox " There's a Long, Long Trail a-Windin f f ---but not into YOUR, cellar when you buy SAWDUST from JACK KNILL. That's a part of KNILL'S SERVICE -7- not to leave any s.'iwdust trail from the truck to your bin and ju st one of the many I'Vasons why North Shore folk like doing business with JACK KNILL. " 7̂. KNILL'S FUELS * ™ WOOD -- COAL -- SAWDUST -- HOME OIL PRODUCTS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone W est 794. Jack Khill is the sole agent in North and W est Vancouver for Home Oil products. - ' : ' ■ F e r g u s o n 'S F r e i g h t L i n e Lv. West Vandou.ver^ 8 a.m. & ,3 p.m. Lv. Vancouver 10,J.2_noon_&-3-p.m., Lv. Vancouver Saturday only, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Also FURNITURE & PIANO MOVING; Phone for Rates Douglas 429 , \ North 1243-Y West 85 NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRYTLEIANING (Certili^y^®a3^€iseH^ m and Good Housekeeping) ------------ "-- C--GHPINNEYT-West--Vancouver-Representative-'------ -- -- Phone West ,782 and Driver will call; Engagcineni 1 Mr. and Mrs. F.' G. Cofbett, 1280 .Eaquimalt Avepue, West Vancouver, announce the en- Ifagement of their youngest Farm at Gresham, and last year daughter, Floi'ric May, to Mr. with a silver fox pelt won the Mitchell, second son of grand championship of the state biKham of North Van- and the sweepstake cup. He is the late Mr. K. past president of the Fox Breed- Mitchell. The wedding will take ers' Association of Oregon. place in St. Stephen's, Church, ♦ ♦ ♦ , Saturday, February .25th, a t 8 Mr. Mullett,. who has been ^ spending the winter with his ' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and r^ i Mrs. Frost of West Bay, has left orkr Lloyd of to.retUrn to Langley Prairie, B.0: announce ̂ ^ \ engagement oi their young-, ' . , , , ' , 1 daughter, Ethel Marguerite, A daughter, was born, last Fin^ to Carl Alton Hudson, son of day at the Vancouver Qenenil ̂ Mrs. H. Kirkpatrick of 829 West .p s p i t a l toM r. and Mrs. Hamil- 66th Avenue, Vancouver. T h e . ton Anderson, 2Qth and King's wedding will take place the lat- Avenue. ̂ ̂ . te r part of January. . J3EATH OF MRS. •appointed vice-president of the , - A XTXTTa-i n * Vancouver- Touris^'-Association7"̂-- ~ -- ANNIE-SAUNDERSONt,̂ .Mrs. W. J. C. Taylor enter- On Th^ursday afternoon, Janu- tained^at her home, 1143 EJsqui- 12th, Mrs. Annie Saunder- m alt Avenue, in honor of Miss ' Beryl Gray, who left yesterday on the Aorangi for the Antip- . S^^nderson and her daugh- odes. The tea table had , an*^ of an artistic cake s u r m o u n t ^ t o ? with a ship made of frosting, ;Dur-ing-t-he-af-ter-neon-Mr-ST-Tay-' . P^st.thmteen years,,^ 'lor presented the guest of honor hot of the with a personal g ift of remem-^ ® - mg-a^a-pr-iv-ilege-t-o-dwell-m-t-he- Hollybura Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Jiuumry JlHli, 20tb ami 21 hI (JENE A irn iY tThe Old Barn Dance' also "(JO CHASE YOURSELF" " BERTH QUAKES" SATURDAY EVE., and MONDAY EVENING • .lanuary 2 1 at, ami 23nl lUlXY HAL()I» DOHUY .lOUDAN "CRIME SCHOOL" Tin; "Dead End" Kids in an out- slamling family iiicturo, • also NEWS, CARTOON, ELo. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY January 24th and 25th LOUIS HAYWOOD "The Saint •. " in New York" (Once only..at 8:15) i, r •... «ls<> "SKY GIANT" Place-Your-Joh-Printing-with The West Van News : b"raribe; and a musical .contest. was much enjoyed by the guests, -naninrabi? ? blk .Am.pngjhose presentwere.; Miss Iriends d e a r to h e r - Beryl Gray, Mrs. Gordon-Gray,--- n m 4- Mrs. K. Lincke, Mrs. V. Griffiths fbJTTnUvL f and Miss S^Edwards.____________ ^ A DEMONSTRATION By ■ J vUSSLBETTYL^VRIQH-TLt:^ MISS VERITY SWEENY --GItANIIE-HA LLtJLiSOJ^M, MONDAY, JANUARY 30ih with a view to opening a ' School of Health and Dancinig Everyone .Invited (QU A\ W est 190 1578 Marine Drive LOCUVeRXi „ ,T „ J, , . , » Saturday, and interment - took F. - J. Bradley arrived from place in Capilano_View Cemet- New Zealand las t week and: was., cry, the Brethren officiating. the guest for a few days of his -* -__________ _ . . brother and sister-ih'-law, Mr.. MRS!'MARY AGNES West 190 and-Mrs. Henry Bradley of 2478 Lawson Avenue. Mr. 'Bradley, who is general manager of the National Cash Register .Comp­ any in New Zealand, has. since left-for.England.♦ ♦ 4e McDo n a l d p a s s e s F rid a y an d S a tu rd a y FREE S P E C IA L S DELIVERY Grade A K e d y - B r a t i d Sirloin Roast 28c Ih. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 7 8 c BAKEASY lOc per lb. Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c lb. Pot R oast' 15c lb. Shoulders-- Lamb ....... 17c per lb. Breast--Lamb ...... iSc per Ib. Roast V e a l 1 .. ...........;....18c -per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon .I4c per half lb. Fletcher's Pure Lard .... . 7..11c per Ib. Mrs. Mary Agnes McDonald, wife 6f EX'J^O'Un^ McDonald ofv 1507 Fulton Aye hue, passed away on Wednesday Ti/r* UT .4-11 4. J last week in Grandview Ho.s- Miss Madill of Toronto, and pital. She leaves besides her Miss -GrahamA-of=E.<imonton.- w ho,, husband two sons, Henry and -h a v e been-the--guest's-"df^ Miss' Walter, ̂ and one-daughter, M ary; Rollo, 15th and Lawson Avenue, _ brother, Fintan Dunne of left yesterday on the Aorangi- on for New. Zealand. ■ . R r, ' - . B.C.;., and Mrs. .Cochrane of cj A ATrn'A A T-To nTTATrk Vcmon, B.C. The dcceasGd was SANTA CLAUS FUND white girl born at the TT 1- . T̂ i • i • C.P.R.\ construction camp .at Headquarters: B.C. Yale,.and had been since-1913-a.- . Show Rooms, 1588 Marine resident here, where she took an .Drive. • active interest in community Donations previously ac- " activities. During the war she -knowledged ............... . $441.53 was an active organizer-of the Milk Botftle Collection! Belgian Relief Fund. Funeral by Hi-Y (lirls 12.^ services were held at 1:30. p.m. A Friend .......... ,...........•. 1.00 yesterday from the Holiybum Anonymous ......... 5.00 Funeral Home of Harron Bros. West Vancouver Liberal td., th e Rev. William Vance of- Assn. -(total-donation ̂ -- ficiating, and inte^rmeht was • $111.35)..............-......... 11.35 made in Mountain View Cemet- The Vancouver S u n ....... . 50.00 ery. ^ West Vancouver Rovers 2.25 6 Hampers, Vancouver Daily Province. All toys delivered by Tearoe & Sons. * . -W^ody^Goalj-Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES- West 582 ar- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside...............$6.00 Cord Mill Fir, In side .... ............ 5.50 " Fireplace Fiir:.V................ 4.50, " Green Alder ..................... 5.50 Furnace Blocks 4.50 " ; SPECIAL-- ; . No. 1 F ir ' Edgings...... 8.50 Cord 'Tizr--3-Gk>rds_ ._..̂ -̂,-:-i:i-.ii._$10..q0___ :: ~ -GiGord s~(5^Ldh4s:)"$16.50------ Slabs &;Edgings Barky .....3 Cords $11.00 Bark ................... ....... :.... $5.50 Cord Limited amount. ^ SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked .......................$4.50 per unit Bulk ...... .............. ...$4.p0 per unit CHARLES THOMPSON O 812-;16tl ̂ Street Office at 1436 Marine Drive ■fi.= ̂ BROWN & MUNTON 1 S 4 2 M A R IN E D R IV E W E 8 T -3 G 6 - .. ........... f i f B .O . EX PER T^ . W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly-with Birks L td.,' Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive EDITH WHITE " -- 2444 Marine Drive ̂ GENUINE JANUARY CLEARANCE Making room for New. Stock COTTON BLOCKS........$1.29 formerly $1.95; sizes 14> 16,18,20 BRASSIERES--32, .34, 36. 38 tea-rose & white.. or.r)C SATIN PANTIES, L;M. & S. 6,8c MOODIES ,TAIL0RBD_PAJ^.TS., & VESTS .... ....:' 5 8c per- piece SLIPS--34 & 36 ....... 95e each, Celiasucde Nightgowns $1.98. ea. SUPPLEMENT Any desiring ex tra copies of "The Progress Supplement" can purchase them a t 10 cents each by calling ttt our office a t 1704 Marine Drive. . /Teacher: "An epidemic.'is any­ thing that .spreads. Now name an epidemic?" Small Boy: '̂Jam, sir." yr