- 4 •mm THE WEST VAN NEWS ^gw airirtg WEST VAN. UNITED CHUKCll Cor. 2Ut A EwiuJmalt Av*. ItEV. W. VANCEl, liA., MiabUr 2047 Gordon Avenue Sunday Services: U a.m. & 7:80p.m. Stranifera and Vbitpr# are welcome BAI*TI8T CHUIICM Mlafater Kev. W. I*. McKay, B.A., B.D. Sunday Servicea lOrOO a.m.--Church School la* eluding Adult Claaa 11 a.m. 4s 7:80, p.m.--Preaching Servicea. A hearty welcome to all Healthy Hair A k .VO 11, k VA ;o N u m o n i*: k is <*xli('im*ly 'Valijal>li< in pro- parinjf your hair for porinancnt waving uhd uddK rievy lifi: and iuHter tu dry, lifid<'HM hair, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreutorN of Excluaivo Permaiienta, 1546 Marine' llrlye Weat 117 HOLLYBURIf HALL 14th and Duchena I klDAY KVE., Jan. 20, at 7:l.*i Youhk 1't'oplf'H .SiTvicr ill^Ktrated l<y views, Suhjrrt '; T h e ' l•roKreHH Speaker! Mk, .lACK ANDKkSO.V, Sr.NDAY, Jan. 22nd, at 10 a.ih. Sunday School and i Young People's Bible Clusn SUNDAY KVENINC at 7:20 (josi'HU sukvit:!-; \ Speaker: Mk. A. MOkNINC KkIDAY at H p in. 1'fiiyer and ministry, of the .Seriptun'K. W E S T VANCOUVER thristian Science Society CHURCH EDlPlt;K 20th and l^ultnalU UoHybu*'*' This Society is a Branch of The.Mother Church' The First Church of Christ, Sclentlat, m Boston, MasaachuseUti Sunday Service: 11:20 a.m. IaniT«**y Qicaraiice Sale •r stock of Men's Wear is now on sale at Bargain Pric'4*.'̂ . S U n S .M A D B T O .m e a s u r e . McLEOD'S mens w ear yEST VANCOUVER S unday , January 2Jln(l, SUBJECn/^ / r i U TH ' Sunday School at l0:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. r Asphatt Pretnix ^DW VEW AYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED or ALF ELLIS, West IGO-J'hone .North IMI llie public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ________ /J / i . G. D . H . S E A L E D.li.S,, L.1>.S, DENTIST X-kay Hay Block, Mth and Marine Dr. Ofl'ico lloura V to ll p.m. KveningH by ap|)oiritnuml, l'hom\ Weat 72 . U N IT E D CHURCH ■ 219.1 and E.squimult. Ave. • ]{ov. William Vanct*, Minister 'i -- l<j ' ' ' WEST VAN( OUVKK ; TABKkNACUK ' ' , Marine, and • 25lh " Puklor Kev. Robert II. Birch, B.A. ServiceH .Sunday .Servicort .. l l '.SO a.m. . . ' ' 'aiid' 7r:5U li.m, Wednenday ̂ , Prayer Meotinir <:•>') p.m. Friday , ' Uhildren'K Meeting..... t'. l.) Ii.m. Kvangclical GWEN'S GOWN & SPORT SHOP IT.'in .Maiinc Drive Went .»d2 SALE All..Fall and Wilder Merchan dise gri'atly reduced. DHKSSKS. and up MIl.I.I.NKltV --- A lew jiais ;it , . . . . . . . . hOcDind up l-d'lW HOUSK DItKSSKS ' ' .,t...................... ?r)C ami $1.00 Independent \ t . J>K. M elt A 1C D E N T I S T fdnnorly of 705 Mcdical-Dontul . Building 'lloura: 0 to (1 -- Kveninga by appointment IK(tl) Marine" Drive Went 422 5^ The French BeHuty Salon For Work of Qyaliiy VVe apcciaUxo in line, grey ami white hair. 4̂rS6jlFMSrfhlFWlve--̂Phone*W7̂ 2T2' Sunday, January 22nd J0:()()a.ni.--Sunday School. The new olVicer.s beKia. 11:00 a.m. -- MorriiiiK Worship. Siibiecl:' "I Will Ciiide Thee." -- Cod. 7:20 p.m, -- Subject: "What Shall We Choo.se from Ljfe?" Cood musje aiifi a welcome to oiifp service.s. The women's A.s.sociation, arc .s])onsorinif a visi,f of inspection to the A.sscx;iated Dairies ])lant in the city on Friday, January 2'7th, at 2 p.m. Tea will be served. Members and friends are ui'Kod to attend. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIEN'I'IST George C. Comrie .Sales tVf; Service kcproscnlidivc Singer Sewing Machine Co. M2 West, jl.'islings, Vancouver .Seymuur dOdO •Will he iit West, Vancouver Fvei'y. Wedne.sday. ; ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC " CHURCH . 22rd & Inglewood Ave. ."TRUTH" will 1)0 tlu* subject o'f the Le.s.son - Sermon in alL Churches of Chri,4t, Scientist, on Sunday. ' The Golden Text i s : '"Ascribe ye greatiiess unto ouiv God. Hê is the Rock, Hi.s work is perleot: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and withmit bi- ■ i(jpity; just and right i.s lie." ' (Deut.,B2: 3, 4). ;/ iAniong the citations i""whiclr; comprise the Les.son - Sermon is the, following from the Bible: "Happy is he that hath, the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope ̂ is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven and earth, the sea, -acl--^all^tha:U..fbi^'jeiii-Js: wJiich THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: Clearing loolfi o f all ilc.scriptions are the thing just now -- Axes, Saws,: Wedges, Sledges and Peveys. Wo have them. , . , ' CRAWLEY & BARKER. Don't neglect that distant dear one» ■ ' --telephone! Many people dislike writ ing letters and consequently neglect far-away friends and relatives. For those to tyhom letter- writing is an unpleasant chore, there's a quick and. easy way to solve the cor respondence problem. Call by long-distance tele phone. WEST VANCOUVER S heet M etal W o rk s Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 39 B.C. TELEPHONE CO. KHtahliahed on North Shore (Lady AsHlstant) -liAi m O N BROS. l t d . -- ----|icv" Faiha*"-Vbvri----- ' . - Pastor Sunday Services itHejkttFtitrth^or^cve' 146: 5, 6). The Lesson .- .Sermon also in- Low Mass -- 8 :15 a.m.. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 "cllules--tlnrt^llow ing"' qfas^age- a.rn. from the Chri^TiairScience-text- ■■book;. "Science arifi i ic a l ih .witlL C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S ■&EN1DEA-L-TRUCKING " -- BUILDING SUPPLIES "Sele-A-geirts-for f unerar Bireftora ilollyburn Fiincrnl Homo 18th and Marine West 1-34 North Vnr4Miiivi>r p>ir|nrw Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. "Ga tech ism̂ â ruFB ible'Glass==2:00 p.m. Week-day^ Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. Key to"tho Scriptures" by Mary ' B aker. Eddy: "Mortals try to „3_eJ.leA:e™JYitJiQut.„iuKl.ej:siaî ^̂ _ Truth; yet God is Truth." ARMOR CO At WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT T E A R O E - & S O N 7 pkorr MARINE-DRIVE------PH O NE W EST 84 w. c. t : U. 122 Weat Sixth Street | Phone North 134 I Voncouver Pnrlora 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 Fridays--Rosary, Benediction -7:45. . ' Saturdays ---.Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. H O LLY B U R N D R E S S M A K ER S 1890 Mnrrine Drive PHONK .WEST 583 MISS 1). II, n o u n s BAP'riST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. JHook Your Passage to the Old Country Through Your Local Agent CUNAKI) -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL hull partlculnr.s, sailings nml* nccommodtttiou. J . T. W A TT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W, 141 The News THE West Van News ~Publ(«hed Every Thursday - The' morning subject by the iwistor will, be "The Third W atch/' There will also be a story and hymn for.the young wdrshippers. The evening .ser vice will̂ opeirYvitlT i ' t h c ngin of favorite hyiirns. The subjecr ' will be "The Universality of GhrivSt." The choir will lead in the worship^f song. " The duirclVschool will meet at , 10 o'clock. Now scholars are cordially invited. There* are "'classes for all ages. . Moij[day 8 o'c lock y, " Young People's Society will meet. The devotional will be taken bv Patsy Morton. The topic. "The History of some of the Great Hymns," will be taken by Elmore Hum phreys. Wednesday, 7:45 p.ni.. mid-- week meeting for prayer an d . praise, beginning a study of the .biKsk of Hebrews, The West . .̂Vancouver W;C.T. U. held theii* first meeting of the new year in the vestry of the United Church on Thursday aft- " ernoon, January 12tH'.. Qwing to the illness. oLthe president, Mrs. Richardson, the' vice-president, Mrs, Beamer, occupied the chair. Mrs. Rush--led the devotional period and gave a very inspiring new year\svmessage. Slfe spoke; on-thc" subject "Light and Life and Joy." Miss J. Beveridge -read excerpts, frem"=?tlTg '̂T Tegard to minors. It was re- >marked that this law is being V tm c n e x IU J939 flagrantly- broken .every day*. Cakes wore. donated for the' ' supper at "Girls Coimer Club" on February 7th and four, members bffered to assist, Mrs. Chapman . reported--.irom-i "Ways-- and- Means" comniittee and discus- .sioii followed. Dainty refreshments were , served by Mrs. Beamer. Mrs Mc Pherson and Mrs. Gillies. youth looks;at » DEMOCRACY A growing Vancouver c a l l s for^ .capital ex p en d itu res . F o r e se e in g Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVEl Phone West 363 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH i 22nd and Fulton Rev, F. A. Ramsey, Rector Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North i^ancouver Office: 123 l^ohsdale-'Ave. \ ■. $1.00 a year by carrier: |2-.00-a-year by mail 8 :00. a.m.-'--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7 d 5 p.m;--Evensong and Ser mon. ; January 26, Wedne'sdav, St - Paul's Day, 10:15 a.m. -- .._-.Holy_Comhiunion. ........ St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 9:45 a.m.--Holy Conimimion. At a .nieMing on Tuesdav evening in the"' I/egiom Hall Ingram Smith, graduate of the University of Sydney, Australia, and a delegate to the Internation-' al Youth Congress, gave a very interesting address on "Democ racy." in which he gave voice to several original ideas. . Those . ............................. ............................ a fu rth er demand fo r e l e c t r i c a l energy, the B,(j, E le c t r ic in 1938 ' doubled th e ca p a c ity of i t s Ruslcin ' power p lan t by 47 ,000 h orsep ow er. . Only a company th a t was f in a n c i a l ly sound could do th a t in th e s e tim es. who hearti^ rfrsm ith were so impressed that they obtained his promise to return and address Watch for notice next week.' C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C ( R A I L W A Y C O M P A N Y L i m i t e d G W - Z - 3 9 ■*>o --I