West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Jan 1939, p. 1

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Circulating iv the .D istrict o f West Vancouver-^ Ambleside^ H olly burn, Weston, Dundarave ■ __________ Cypress Park, Caulfeild, W hytecli/f, E tc, ' 5c por copy Vol. x i l l HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VAiNCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY,' JANUAbIy 19th, 1939 N o . 34 ̂ THE END OF APPEASEMENT The appeasement policy is dead. Chamberlain,. hog-tied bv English public opinion and the no-surrender determination of 1̂'rance, went to Rome on w hat will prfobably be his last • Kuiopean peace errand, and came back w ith nothing but the knowledge tha t he had all along been wrong and Eden right. Possibly two years may pass before we ,shall be able to coiTwtly assess ju st w hat this policy of appeasement has cost u,s. But to-date the balance to its account in our ledgers is decidedly in the red. We have on the debit side a very sadly damaged prestige all over the world, the extent and effects of which cannot be judged with any accuracy until we become involved in a major conflict. The second item is a. heavy re­ duction in the ratio between our resources and man power those of Germany. Thirdly and still more im portant is (iTc fact that Germariy's acquisition of Czecho-Slovakia has placed her cheek by jowl with Russia to th a t point where the latter power may consider it the path of wisdom to join forces with such ,a dangerous and ambitious neighbor. , - And on the credit side, w hat? 'N ot the hoped for "peace in'our time" to be, selfishly purchased a t the cost of our child-, rcn and as such not very creditable to us, but merely a temp- oi aiV respite from 'war. Moreover, even the chief reason given foi* our action, to w it: German superiority in the air, has been exploded as largely a bluff on her part in the light of recent' ' reports. ' France has suffered still more, for the Munich Agreement cost her all her friends in Europe. She herself may be secure from attack behind the Maginot Line, but her vast colonial empire in Africa certainly is not, and, once separated from that, she would be in very bad way indeed both for peace and war. . - ■ , ' ■ That a stiffer attitude will henceforth be assumed by the defnocracies is shown by the strong note) addressed to Japan, which the latter country,, already ou t on her feet, is in no po,sition to ignpre; The dictators will doubtless th re a te n and ' -bluff more.-than ever, and th e re will be" crises, b u t ^ e # w i l l ' * noti fight, a t least for some'timei ' < The days , of successful blqffing for them have gone, be­ cause at last the democracies have\thdr,m easure. .And, great as that measure is, it is not sufficient with which to risk war unless and until they can persuade Russia to join them ' ' PUBLIC MEETING DICKENS BOOK CLUB COMING EVENTS L ast Friday evening , in the Legion Hall, Mrs. Sleeves, M.L. A., spoke on the recent session of the Legislature, and Arnold W ebster on "Building the C.C. F. in 1939." W. T. Atwood acted ^s chairman. Mrs. Steeyes reviewed the leg­ islation passed, stating th a t the Public Utilities Act was. a good one, although very vaguely worded in parts and not likely to ' be put in operation for some time. As regards unerfiployment now on the increase, the relief Don't forget the repeat per­ formance, of the eight sketches from "M artin Chuzzlewit" to be given by request by the Dic­ kens Book Club a t 8 p.m. tonight in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. Admission 25 cents. HOLLYBURN HALL A Young People's Service il­ lustrated with lanterh views will be held a t 7 :15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall. The Monday, Feb. 6th •--;UH:turo by Rev. Andrew Roddan, "Into the Heart of B rita in /' in Unit­ ed Chuivh. ( Friday, Feb. lOth--Annual Valr entine Dance by the Girls' Auxiliary to the Barbarians. Saturday, Feb. 11th -- Dance by West Vancouver Branch, B.(J. Scottish Country Dance Soci­ ety in the Orange Hall. BOARD OF CEMETERY TRUSTEES rrate had been raised, but no one subject will be "The Pilgrim 's . . could keep their health for over Progress" and-the speaker, Jack six months on the amount of cipiirinl nnH to act as the Bojird otAnderson. Sunday bchool an Cemetery Trustees for the year Young People's Bible Class a t 10 1939 . Reeve J. B. Uyland, Coim- a.m. next Sunday, January 22nd. ^ r!Annr.5iW There will be a Gospel Service a t 7.30 p.m. next Sunday, when the speaker will be A. Mornirtg. food purchasable under such rate. Theri^ had, been a ^ over school -textbook 'costs, and she had brought up a resolution deploring the raising of the U. cillor W. Diokinson, Councillor T. Brown, W. Blair and A. Chil­ ton. P a' Friday a t 8 p.m. prayer aiid min- with her, stated the government ^he scriptures. MRS. .1. B. OSWALD PASSES "^BURNS NIGHT Toast List and Musical Pro^^nr- had no say in this. A fter refer­ ring to the changes arising out of the^neiw Municipal Superan­ nuation Act, she Said the C.C.F. had introduced some bills before which had now been accepted, namely (1) Amendment to Mar­ riage Act; (2) Amendment to Coal Mines A ct; (3) Credit Union Act, ̂ which she had advocated for years. Arnold Webstev stated the C; C.F. depended on a solid inform­ ed support obtained over years. The federation had two chief characteristics, namely - i t was socially sensitive ,^nd.,„p(^essed intoHeetual T ntegi^y . f' for production for the good of all.- ^ DANCING DEMONSTRATION Mrs. J. B. Oswald, mother of Miss Christine Os\yald and Mr. A T\ • J* C. Oswald, passed away yes- K ,̂ 1̂'day a t the home of her sister, ^ given a t 8 :30 p,m on Monday, Mis., Bessie C. Fi-atne, a t .2696 '"d m Marine Drive. FuTieral services „ by4he_tt . .^i,| held -at-8-p,mT-on-Satur- Venty Sw ^ny with a view to j„„uary 21st, from . the opening a Sohool of Health and Qhapel of the Hollyburn Funeral ' ° Everyone 13 in y it^ .- ̂Honie, the Rev. W. Vanoe offici-: _ t t s s Wright, who h a s ^ r t ar- interment will be rived here from the Old C ^ n tty ,.. niade in Mountain View Cemet- o T tL W o m e p ^ i h g i ^ o f S t h N o flowers by request, and Beauty fo r Scotland. • *1 COUNCIL NOTES ThercTwas-a lad.'- - -i Selkirk Grace ......:;k................;.......... .......Mr. J. W. Banks ■' '̂^Tldl"5SS"t^lTeTIagglS" im TV' : ~ ~ = m r r K r m c V ^ WEST-VANCOUVER TABERNACLE ~^crHVIa«ne-&^-25th--- > Miss -Sweeny, who also is ju s t o u t- f r ip E n g W ., is a - m e m ^ p. g„isth of Eagle Harbor, and chphrographic ach o la rsh ^^ who is R esident of the Canadian winner.of the Royal Academy of Le^j^n here, and L. E. Kyle -Dancing. . came before the Council regard- Ting--the-^3roposed~^visiC~of--the- RATEPAYERS' MEETING . The Chairman ' - L Supper ^The -K ing"................ : .a ..... Tm m ortal Memory . Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie ...... r r y l y - --;;............. ■'*..........Archie Runcie I he Land of our Adoption" .... :....Rev. E . W. MacKay Responded to by Reeve Leylanff" Chas. H. Judd of the .China Inland Mission -will brinjg' the- message a t the morning service on Sundaj^. Mr. Judd speaks from a ricli experience of (Jod's Word and work. ■ Tr~is expected^ 'hat Miss F! A .meeting of the West Van- _couver, Ratepayers' Association will be hbld a t 8 p.ih. hext T'ue^, day, - January 24th, in the Legion Hall to receive reports from the transportation commit- ltee--̂ nd--̂ lso--the--bonstltutron- -̂ visi'L King and Queen, and asked th a t ai representMtve of the Î'ocal" branch of the Legion be put on . any.committee f o r m e d . ... ' ... ̂ . ■ ■ ■ '♦ ■■■■ ♦ ■ . * ;■ , The request qf C. J. Archer Ltd. th a t a portion of the Subdivision A. Block 3, D.L. ,,554 ops- - - --r.zr------------------- - J\ii^_Margar-et-Riohar-dson------Brook-will-tigiii-again to speak. committee. AO the L asses"................. ......... ...................M n William Mitchell " Responded to by Mrs. Selwood ....... .......... ............. ...................-r........Mrs, Myrtle Thomson p, . „ - Auld Lang Syne Chairman & Toastmaster.................. .............. Mr. J . R: Mitchell ^ . 9*00 p.m. to 1 :00 a.m. Dancing to the music of the "Tartan Mountaineers^" ^ 2ND a t the Wednesday Prayer Meet­ ing. We' are grateful to God fo^ restoring His servant to us thus from accidents. Despite adverse conditions the tru e Christian is rich beyond the endowments of this world for C hrist h ^ said: "Blessed are the poor in sp ir it:. for theirs is the Kingdom Pf: Heaven." Blessed ^ e they which LEGION NOTES ' . The regular meeting of the . Legion.will be held in the Legion Hall on Friday a t 8 p.m. I t is eameistly requested that as many members as possible a t­ tend. This will be the first regu- "T acing^arine Drive be .zoned as business property w as'referred by the Council to the Town 'Plan­ ning Committee for considera­ tion and.tecbmmendation, . ■ ♦ * ♦ - The Council received a request from W. W. Lefeaux re subdiv­ ision of W V2, Block 3 and E. 100 acres of D.L. 554. The Council instructed the Engineer to ask the applicant to submit plans for WEST VAN. SCOUT GURr a u x il ia r y & HORTICULTURAL ASSN. n ladies au x ilia ry h e ld a Vancouver Horticultural ml Agricultural* Association held --nfntT „ last -night in the committee room fpn foil ' dainty of the Municipal Hall the direc-tea table was centred with yel­ low chrysanthemums in a silver T ̂ silver candlesticks r candles" The, Presi- J. W. Barnett." as- ' t he ^hostess, M rs..A . J. the many- rendered by • J- L . 7 Hu n t , accompanied ______ ^ ..... .... lar meeting a t which the new , are persecuted'fPi'^ighteousnjess Pi*csident, Charlie Smith, will sake: fo r theirs is the Kingdom Preside ^ d 'n ie m b e rs are ur-gea « « 41 bfM eaven." - - - -: - . ..:: • t o ^ t b e h in d ^ m anff b q p ^ i m : = ^ T h r ^ h q ^ ^ on his way." The-regular attend- "For other notices see Church and , ad. 'Newcomers to West Vancou­ ver are cordially welcome. tors passed a reisolution cancel­ ling ■ the regular inside June Show th i s . year owing to the ance of all members a t meetings; will b e - th e first step in this ' regard. There'will be numerous questions: discussed o fm ajor im­ portance.Daly--Reid The wedding took place Saturday a t St. Paul's Anglican GUILD BANQUET TO BE last visii;;of the King and Queen com-- ehiirch-in-V ancbuver,-the Rev. ;mg_ab-OJitJJi.e_same-iiate_Itewas_,9a-non-H^Gv-King^officiatmg;_of._ decided, however, to hold the John Hey Wood Daly, only son of. FOLLOWED BY DANCING also by. ed iv-' j^coihpani- special classes for flower g a rt dens,' cottage gardens, best kept boulevards,, home rock gardens and .cleared boulevards dating ect bv Mr«! T June to June,;.and to in- item 01 ooou rro e ie r Avenue, ladies V both crease the value and number of Following the ceremony the pmi to sev-. the prizes for same by having happy ^couple left for Mount r . HotS, where given Dv two «oniit.<s professional gardens. I t has beem necessary to include the professional gardens, as they have not been able to show in The__executive__committee of Mr. Hey wood Daly, Melville, the Townswomen's ..Guild has de-̂ Montana, and the la te Mrs. Daly, cided th a t it will be quite im- to Mary Diana, youngest daugh- possible to perm it members to te r of Mr. and Mrs. Lestook B. Reid of 3050 Procter Avenue. rstfijihitted^ to the Council ^estimates for the cu rren t year of $62,735, an in­ crease of $5,165/Over those of T938. . Of this annual salaries were estimated a t $59,200, an increase oif $7272 over the previ­ ous year. ; A letter was received, by the Council from Mayor Telford,, s ta tin g lth a t an invitation would _ be sent to the Reeve when the date of the initial meeting of tho Royal Reception Committee is arranged. The Mayor is anxi- --g_^^.^^i:es^._A-v€ry -delightful ;ar^lass for am ateurt" ariff~ also Nie-pi scoiits, professional gardens. N̂igei Snelgrove and Gerald Ad- ' Qy, accompanied by Mrs T E J enjoyed. Mrs. * '- • and Mrs. J.' C. L. H o ^ , will be spent. left the for Mount hopeymoon Hunt ladie were co-conveners and preymu^s years. It should be ex­ plained th a t by "professional" gardens is m eant those'in which NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN bring friends , to the annual birthday celebration banquet, bus th a t West Vancouver should Friends, however, will be made co-operate_ with Vancouver in the welcome a t 9 p.m. foi: the pro- Reception. If his plans a"re car- gram and dancing. Tickets for 'r ie d out,, the j^oyal visit will in- the banquet, which will be held elude North and West Vancouver in the Orarrge Hall Tuesday, in its itinerary. January 31st, a t 6 :30 p.m., may -_____________ •Faffan were Mrs. V. a professional g a rd e n e r is em- Mrs. J R TvnV u ployed.' This will enable the Hunt ^ J* G. L. owners of a number of lovely Swanson ■'Mrsr A r^;ga"rd in various-parts of the '"J; T I ^* Mrs. municipality to take p art in the The W "a •* ' • comitetition. A full list will ap- P̂preciation n +1̂ voice th e ir /pear^in our next issue o f lectures. be obtained from Mrs. A. T., Cushing, Mrs. I. Dollman or Mrs. W. Woodcock before January 24. Mrs. R. Ford is the banquet con- The regular meeting of the North Shore Local Council of Women will be held in the Board vener this year, of Trade Room .(over North ------ -- :----------. Vancouver Ferry office) Mon- 1 BRITISH - ISRAEL day, January 23rd^ a.t 2 p.m.^---~ ,̂ -3-------;• sham.* ' ' The regular Monday evening A t 3 o'clock G. V. -Pelton, K.C., meeting, January 23rd, a t 25tli NEW FRUIT MARKET -- '-- Pi i i -- i" The Hollyburn F ruit Market announce in this issue that they are opening on Saturday of this week in the store a t 1894 Marine Drive-with a full stock of fru it and vegetebJes. They are put­ ting on ifn opening sale with a wero who "speakers, and su b jec ts^ o r the _to Women and Children." 'The 9 rested in soodting,. whole year." ' nnhiiV nra. invited. wiH'speak on "Wills Pertaining and Marine Drive. Speaker: Mr. large nu im ^r of specials and soL -frt Wnm/iM QTiri Oliildfpn TPHo nf VanpniiTr/ar YoU +V.Vv __ s.i.. _____ i.i« public are invited. Ward of Vancouver, cordially invited. are icit the_patrpnage of- the public. F ree delivery and telephone.