THE WEST VAN NEWS StBmRMeHV ■SM HM / ««A '77̂ SMITH'S MARKET T*h»r«e W<*»(t iS , , ̂R E D A N D W H IT E Groceries - Fresh M eats , F ish and D elicatessen IVw ()t'Hv<*r> H«'rvk*> • .Monthly Account ST. STEPHEN S W. A. A t a m eetlnp ' held on Ui^'cin- bor Mth, 1938. of St. Stephen s W. A. the following ofliters were ciuctcdlrJlon., Ita -. sey; JTcs., Mi>. ' Jee Pres,, M rs, F o r d ; Kec. Sec., Forsyth; Treas,, Mrs. Hampsoii: borcu.s Seo., Mrs. Ford; Fxtra- cent-a*day ̂ Mrs. Hanks; Udited Thank Ofreriru.', Mrs. St'we) I : BON VOVAOE f*AKTV SOCCEB ^ A Bon VoyaK<' p a rty wa.s ^ iven ytf.sterday a fte riio o n by M rs. H. B. Steve/iH and M rs. L. A jello a t th e honn* of flu.' latit*r, 2<t9»J M alh ers Avtonie, in ' liom tr of Mi.SH Bto-yl O niy , who is leav ing (»n file Aora.iiKJ on ih e IHlh iiint., f o r a tr ip to llte A ttlipodes. T h ere was it laiyt?I a lten d an c t; o f th e KUeKt of liotntr'.s m any , friend.s, who ,H|wnl a ve iy e n jo y ab le a l t - (irntKtn. i l . B. SteveriH, a f te r a few well chosen w ords in w hich \U' n le rre d It) Ihe p tjpu la rity o f Mi.SH (iru y and th e lite i'a ry dis- tictioM .she had w o n ,'nted )i<?ron Ixdialf tif those prt;sf*nt w ith a very useful Irave llin if (•use. PouriiiK tt-a w,on.; M rs. (lortlon (Jray and M rs, l ie r t I"rtnid, whil(*'l.)i(! s e rv ilc u rs WcON* the MisHcs B etty (Iray , Joyce BnrhridTre, B renda VViekjiij.r and B arh ara .Sparrow. Amt)nK th e Knest,s w ere; M t'stlam es B ruce, BiirhridKC. S parrow , M acla 'a ii, Fhapnuin ,' P e rriio n , L eyland, BovftKrove, B radley, S tttvens, L. Ajello, SheasKrt.'cn, J. Ajt.dlo, Frond, Sm all, E dw ards, W'icklnir, B ernard , PeK iam , KohinstMi, B ut- terw tndh , (Jleam , Voimi^, T'ay lo r, , (Irady i McICtm/.ie, Billinyrhani, Savory , (iritrilh .s, 0 ) le m a n , Jtivers, II. (Jray , Forsttu*, W il- louj.fhby and M iss laiw.son. At A m hleside P ark las t S a lu i'- (lay W t'si V ancouver m et and '•tiiow, w ith the* j-ttroiiK S ou th V ancouver team a f te r a well playt'd (.ranie. It' wa.s too bad tt> l)e m inus llu ' reKulai* iroalie fo r last w et'k's jmino* , U nder cojiditions W est V ancouver did wejl to sh a re th e poiiit.s. S ou th \ 'an e o u \'e r led at h a lf-tim e 1*0, scored from a well placed co rn e r k ic k ., ■ , T'}i(« second lia lf was Well ad- vaiuM'd W-hen W est V ancouver e (|u a li/ed ; Boh Fi^ldes sco ring a ' lo v e ly header iTOrn J . F iddes, S tandi UK of h*aKue: W est Vati- couver on (op hy one point and a l.pu)H' in hand. ■ T his ..week\s fi.x ture-- A t K er- risdale P ark , 2 :15 p .n i.; K erris- dale vei'sus W est V ancouver. i |l4AJ|f\ . ............. L iv ing Me.s.sag'e, .Mrs. Ja y ; hdu- ca tio n a l Ses:., .M»s. H. S m ith ; Social S erv ice '.Sewing, M»'.s, « « • k H * > !• " ' I * . . L ' . . . ,P h il l ip s ; Correspond iiar See Mi*s, W il ts h ire : Jiinioi' Siipt.. J\li:s. R am sey ; Tm Convener, M rs. W allace; Flower (..'onvener, M rs, H ookham ; t 'alendar, Mrs. G reen e ; R epresen tative (o BoanI, M rs. W risb erg and Mrs. Hamp*' so n ; A lto rna ty s. Mrs! F:ilock and. M rs. H ookham . Service l u m b e r „il»a|ity SASR & BOOKS SniNGLKS Pb'i'WODBS LATH PAINT THERE IS| BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING I for QUALITY ^ Airentu: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. \VEST VANCOUVER LUMBER C©. LTD 15lh & Marine Drive Phone W est U5 CLASSIFIED A D S .... ftl̂ ClaBsUicd A dw tise a.'i ccnUi. Except in the ense ^ flods are payable strictly m »dv«ncf. rh,. rule fdl ClaasUico AdT«rti«emcn<B is 1 cents per word, minimum Iht rale ihoee having rej;ular aceounld. all classi- ^ i m e i E ClHHsVfiedH in the West Van N ew get immediate resultB. v. WELFARE ASSOCIATION WEST VANCOUVER roWNSWOMEN'S GUIU) CH U RCIIEN O F C H R IS T , S C IE N T IS T " L IF E " will j>e th e su b je c t o f . th e ; Lesson - S immuou in ,all Chureh(?H of C h ris t, Seitm, bn Sunday . . ' T he Golden Te.xL is Uie Way of r ig h te o u sn e ss is l i f e ; an d hi th e p a th w ay th e re o f th e re is no d e a th .'! (P ro v e rb s 1 2 :2 8 ) . A m ong -.the c ita tio n s .w h jc h com prise t1i(>^ - S erm on is the follow ing from tip ' B ib le ; ^V nd * (iofh-s7ttrh--L et . t hcTe l7' l ig h t: ail'd'" thtu.'o was l ig h t ." -(■Gene,sis 1 : 3 ). ---------------- 7------- TTie. annual meeting of the • Wt'.M Vancouver. Townswomen's Guild was held Friday, January (Jill, afternoon and evening, in the (.'lachan. Otrieers for 1 U.'JO ' were elected as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. A. Gromar Bruce; 1st Vice PresitUinl, Mrs. J. Fox; 2ntK Vice IVesidiMit, Mrs. J. Sheas- grei'ii; (!!orrespoiiding Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Smith; Recording Sec retary, Mrs. 1). McTavisR.; Treas urer, "Mrs. 1. L. Dolman; Mem-,- hei'.ship Uegi.strar, Mr.sV' A. "T. (^iishjng;., Mrs; L. E. Kyle; Halls' Convener, Mr.s. A. . B in g h a m ; M usical D irec to r, „Mrs. F. (T'CJoleriian; T ea Gonven-. er; Mr.s. 0 . H. B eall; Sick V isito r, Mi*s. R. B 'loxham ; T rad in g S ta ll, M rs. A: (i.- F r y ; D ram atics, Mr.s. \V. R. (J Ia rk ; N eed leoraft.^M rs. E. N ig h tin g a le ; i^ook (.^iib7M rs,-- S, M ackny; B adm inton, M rs. E. I'^ordj ("ivies, Mr.s. F. C. P a g e ; ■7rrrd"f)u Ls t a mlmjrAA"{>men,_Miss-17^ ^rhe W est VaMcmiver W elfare A.ssoeiation wisli to bring to the n o tic e of th e residents of U 'est V ancouver th a t coinnienoing im m ed ia te ly , tw o new services are availab le -- The, Vieloriaii (haler - o f and, the Family W'el-, fa re B ureau . ^ T he V ictorian Ordei' (if N urses ai'L* g iv in g a , service' to .W est V ancouver eaclTday of the week w ith ih e exception of Sunday. T h is will include general medical and su rg ica l n u rsing iuid in stru c tional. v is its to the' expectant n io ih e r, and health leaching in all phases of nursing work. The ' n u rse witl 'be" in, the dist);j^c.t on -Monday, Wedne.sday, Friday and S a tu rd ay 'm o rn in g s and on Tues-, day and T hu rsday .a fternoons to ' g ive serv ice and answer calls w hich will be received at West • T)90. ' . ' - ■ T he V ic to rian Ordei-endeavors to m eet th e special reqiiirement.s of the m any palient.s, \yhose " e a se s -d o n o t demand the full ' tim e .services of a :, nor household accom m odation to. of- ■ le i-h e r , as well as who for v a r io u s reasons cannot, or need not, go in to hospital. P a tien ts (/OKDON KOUSON -- .'Solicitor, 510 W. lIuslinK.s 8 ^ ' al West Vancouver any time ai)[)ointjtnent, W est 'tO.'T by WANTED---Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. We buy, sell and exclmnire Pliono 'North , 431, Vlnlck's Kurni! turo, 00-70 Lonsdale Avenue. KUY Every-jUNK - WE STIM.......... . thing of valuo: bottle.'i, rags, sacks, FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANftlNt; phone V. Hermandez. West lllii-l,.ining oi vuiuL, uwn.,..., •••o i , , ̂ .. .......... Can'w 7lril]S w \'^ Dra.wer«, Cupboards, L vour door.' Kurrard Junk Co, Tables, House Repairs, Glazing and yi. - in jvoodwork. 'NOTARY PURI neral Con- vifyancing, ".Valuator." Reginald P.'Hi ' V X.* * l.l«* • • - » - O " Hlower, M05 Marine Drive. West 21. ...... vvuvunvuiKi Western Woodworkers, H7H Clyde Avenue. Phones West 7'JO, West 443-K. I.ANI) CLEAU1N(; -- Esliina(o.s free. Powell & Mathesdn, .'i.'H-R or West 745-L. • " ________ WANTED --̂ Work as housekeeper companion with.nursing experienee West 408-L. .̂ KkOO-T-Small, comfortable furnished; cottagej near, ferry. West. .S5()-X. liOST -- Miile wire-haired, terrier, "Joey," Collar w ithout'tag. \VokI 426-L. MIDDLE-AfJEl) ODD JOB MAN -- -' Wood carried iiv;. sawn, etc. Reason able ratc.s. 2J5-Ii.. PRINTING -- For ^ kinds of printing phone West Van, News, West 363. HAULING -- Fuel and Manure -- '10 yards of good top soil for sale. Phone Alt Knight, West 51-X. , FLOOR SURFACING - J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon. Avenue, North 1468-L. FOR RENT -- 8 Room Furnished House on . Waterfront at Altamont; 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, $30. Lawson, Walker & Pride. West 5.57 MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; .heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. FOR RENT -- Store suitable for al- " m ost'any-line of-business, liv in g - quarters at rear,, Good location; West 548-X. ' ' GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings,_^y. 4199 a t ; West ■ Vancouver "any "time by , appointment, W est 403. ' W'iNDOW CLEANING, Floors Polish ed and Waxed; odd jobs, first class , work. West 799-L." . ■ • J. _EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive;; Phone West 21, or W est 553-E-l. 'J'lU' Lc.s'son - Sermon also in- cliult's tlic follow ing passage D'oot t )n> Jlh.ri.sti.aji Scionct*-to.xt-. hOok, "Sciciu-H; ami Ht'allh with Koy (o I ho Script urt'.s" by Mary Baker Eddy: . " Immorlal anil I'hilip.. -- M r cU e expected to pay the cost of FOR .SALE :-- Manure, Peptic Tanks a v is it VYhenevOr p0.ssihlo, but no ami Rock Pits installed and cleaned, case i.s refu.sed bijcause of iiiahjL 187-R. ■ ' 7 ^ • . V ; _ , FOR SAIjE -- Airedale f^pppy, f ^ a l e ' .. ihe inclusion ot Van-. months, healthy. \Vest 414-Y-3' (ipuver i n : t h e Vallcm^ Tm-'<y-i<J;deraJJtmrmwvniiakcs pos^ A REAL . REST for Tired " Folks ■-- Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street. West.86-L-2. F O R S A L E --. (> -H o le M a j p.stic d i v ' i n o A l i i u l p r e s e n t t i n * i d e m o f " G l x I ; j ir .s -t , i n l i g J i t ; s e c o n c T T ' T r r rs„ Kex Eli I on' was speaker in the "afternoon. Miss VVi*ight gave a (l^joi'istrjition of -pliysical-e-xercis^-and-Miss^VT .Sweeney a Grecian dance. , The meeting adjourned'at 5 iv.m, for a basket supper and re sumed at 7 \vdiejj--tl si hie to this: Municipality an in- xi'easoi,I .measure ot socnaf .ser- $10; Langlan Chesterfieldj good con- dition, .$25. ' 2403, Haywood Avpjiiie. LOANS ARRANGED Dominion Housing Act and other plan^. Gor don Gray, SeymoGr 4991, or West - ^ -----------------------^ ■ P4JNT.rNG--and-U:iECaRA-T-ING^ vice. Accordingly, the Family Welfare Bureau has been asked -to- provide-a"-part"'timc7fvi,sit'0'r'.' reflect io'n,;'tl̂ ird. iir spiritual and immortal forms of heanty and goodness. But this Mind creates no element mir-symbol of discord and decay. (Jod cr?*a(es neither ■erring thought, mortid life, mut able trujh, nor variable love." PICKENS HOOK ( LUH b e '~ ' ' " "Pheri;. , will be j i. rt'p,i'at per- lormiwi'e by roi^uest of t'lie eight skgtehes from "Martin Chuy.xh.;̂ ■ ̂ witTon Tliursdax.- JjiuiKVr\' 19 th- . _ ̂ /( tRlTL-XVJKiji-thn elfifeg ■"Ttori<>f /.)fl'icei"s took plactC v Apss Helen Fraser,- president of the.jNhUional Council of Wom en of- London.-will speak , at a .No-H()st L'lmĉ ieon on Friday; January. .L'Uli, at 12;;K) o'clo(*k -in H(Jtel Georgia.' Gluild mem bers are invited to take 'this op portunity of. .' hearing Miss l"'raser, as she is .sailing t-o Australia in a few days ami the .time was too short to ari'nnge a meeting hero.,." ' S r a S i ' ■'BW AHO/.r ;n l0 ,.au „„ ha'-illg oflite Point7'! l i^ ^ 'W o 8 « 8 l V 'wel!hours at-the Welfare Headonar- ^̂ Ol-R ^ FOR OtlH"K N nw j J. H. Wedley, formerly with L dandy view, $275 Box 3. Ŵ est LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- We§J-Vancouver'Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. tens, 17th Street and Marine Drive. West (JiK), on Mondays and- VANCOtiVg^U Fridays, froni i to 2 p.m. .1 _The "lamily" is recognized as the basic unit of society Amd when it is threatened with dis integration due to accnmulating causes sometimes beyond its con trol, outside counsel and' subse- (luent conatniotive activity usu ally serve to effect an adjust- meiW It is found that problems pre.sented include.child bchavixir domestic difficulties, nervo ^orders,Jll-heallh. financial^ VYA^mi^G-7^ ' D 7 "UL jnodern . home from $2o00 to ?35y0;': Please phone at XHIMNEY-SWEEPIN6-=-^S5(i^nsr- .^nrnjij;s_JuitaIIed;-::;furaace7^r I II ■_ 1 VB y -- a ■■ Phone G., Meldrum;'1103 Lonsdale North 8'22. ̂ ■ . once C. J, for inspection arrangements. Archer Ltd. West 225. TRAINED NURSERY N U R S E S aviHlable, permanent; temporary or Centre EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con tract.^ Experienced men, modern - machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick,. West 252-L. f o u n d ON^'m a r in e - at 1 9 th " - ^ipper ■ kcjrfold and keys, marked B;A. Lawson, Walker Pride. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. Ma r c e l s h o p -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best -materials ' used. Expert operators.. Phope West 304, Royal -Bank Rmlding:, Admis.siou 25cr • COi\IIVlUNiT-V AS8n 7' ifoWuM FOir*ue»v'm o n a r o r n w u m ^ ^ . ------ ^ . . '» 3 w a y ; ^ a r a n t « ^ ahd--------- 'Blge num ber of fam ilies who -Order early West stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, ' T h c ^ A V o j d - ^ j t j o u v t - r - ^ - ^ ^ under _ ^ u m c ia L a tra in .- ------ ----------> ^ . i ^ 5 2 i - R . North s j j . p . d th e ncMJd of s e n d e e s .T h e - raniily WelfartP Bureau engages ' FOOTHAI.I, (TJ)CK CONTEST -- This contrest AduVli-ha.s-bvcu -? in abeyanog during llm C^ . m p fo.stival so as not to clash with those cndcavcirs'has no\w been rd-oponod and is expected to conclude by the end.*s>f this mon t h. 'Rh is "i s t he me t l ^ ~ b v which the club tumuces its'majoV expeiKse.s, and, is euablcil to help the junior team as w.el!. Tlmse desiring tickets mav .obtain same from any of the momber's of the club. J VERNON FEED STORE A. C, SE A RLE Phone West 9 . Fertilizers of All Kinds; A D ro -v--r - Wood, Coal* Builders' Supplies -- iminily Ass(K*iation will hold- their annual meeting next Mon day at S oVlock. Everyone interested in the _idub's activities is asked to bo" tiiere.- . ' c -All tlie signed members must be there. Come and bring vpur_ -parents and friends. The social committee is ar- - ranging another one of their jKipuIar dances, Tliis one is scheduled for the 4th of Febru ary in the Orange Hall. ̂ - Ihe in_.their desire to assist other worthy organiza tions in the comniunitv "aix? ideasod to offer the of their clubiooms for afternoon meet ings any day e .^ p t Wednesdav t.i^ oi chai^geC^vening meet ings can be^a/rrW^i at a moder ate rental r Organizatim ilnV offer interested inMl. phoneMjss Hetty Elliott, chairman of »ojLSe.committee, at West 362- <̂ Be week in advance of their meeting day. ■ :7.>v - -----------engages in considerable preventivenvork especially withchildrenand young adults, which frequently saves the community actual doiiurs in " later'years. Families are referred either by personal application^ by" friends or by organizations such as the church, the school, and the hos pital. Consultations on ' family -and-- personal problems and child guid- |ance is a. service given free to everyone. The applrcaiit finds.irir -■ the soeial worker an impartial understanding, trained person who combines a knowledge of re' soinjes with a confidential at titude toivards whatever circum stances may. be revealed ̂Personal office intendews are ' given, also home visits made, hi -, addition to contacts with- other"- social agencies, recreational "br ̂ ;gamzations, churches, etc. to- wards the accomplishment o f more .^tisfvm g human relation- snips in an adequate family life. CARD OF TIIANK.S jSeVsdn""AJ!inue' w ish 'T ' SPEOAL ^ Inside F ir............ .$5.50 per cord SIab.s with Bark $4.00 per cord " Slabs"&~Edgings-$3.75 per' cord SAWDUST . PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF ^\EST VANCOUVER v Notice to R atepayers Payment of tavpo -friT. +u yance and i f paid on or 1939 can be made in ad- Biterestat-the rate of ^ ̂ of ..April will' bear . . . 5 % P E R -a n n u m of payment to ' Payments mav*'!!® Esquimalt, HollybLi Municipal.Hall^LlTth/amL W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. \ i a