>>r̂r sw«r̂p . .l:,..iKiry 12. 1939 |i> h a n d y i|^ J H m ^ 2442^ NOTIONS ' STATIONERY _____. , . - „ - , . , _ S C H O O L .S D P E L I E S - ^ ____ BUTTONS ' INSOLES, ETC. Local and P er^nal jVTr: jiiid Miri: Jfc^ rnqd The West Vancouver Dickens Book Club ' presents 8 Sketches from . '^MARTIN C H U Z Z L E W ir (Repeat performance by re(iuest) TimUSDAY, JAN. 19ih in ST. STEPHEN'S I^ARISH HALL at 8 p .n t ' Admission, |25 cents POPPY FUND Hjilance Sheet as a t December 15th, 19.'I8. . Receipt^ ('jish ill hand and in bank i,t Dee. 14, 1 9 3 7 ...............$ 2 6 2 .7 0 ^)))l)y Fund Collectiom^ (liiriiiK y e a r ,,1 9 3 8 .. T<4a l ..... .......... .............. $665.56 isier'the fund. In my two years' experience as chairman, I find tha t approxirhately seventy-five T3er cent of assistancF ^nd bx- pepditures goes to unattached men,, their dependents and wid ows. In conclusion I would like to voice mir appreciation to the citizens of West Vancouver for . 402.77 the splendid way in which they helped by buying poppies. PETER GREER. ^ l i e garage of the Rev. E alher Ross have returned to Powell Van of St. Anthony's Church, a t River after spending the festive 23rd and Inglewood Avenue, was season with their iiarents, Mr. broken into on Sunday night and and Mrs. S. Knight-Hodge, 1332 his car stolen. The car was Duchess Avenue, and Mr. and dragged to 24th and Jeflferson Mrs. Geo. Ross, 34GG 20th Ave-<-" Avenue, where thethieve.s broke nue, Point Grey, city, the windows and took away the * '*' heater. . Mr. and Mrs; Frank B.'Lewis ' ♦ • * . _ have moved to their new home. Towards the latter part of last Gian y mor, Cypress Park. Mrs. week about three feet of snow , L<iwis, who is director of the fell on Hollyburn Ridge, making Vancouver Poetry W r i t e r s ' the skiing good for the many group, which is alfiliated with who went up there over Sunday, the Poetry Society of London, is supervising the publication of a ^ve^t Vancouver Branch ' book ol poenis by her group. of the B. C. Country Dance So- . , . . . , (fj<̂ ty will hold dhoir next meet- A bon voyage suipviao piu-ty J, 8 p.m. on Saturday of this ,was given on Saturday ovcnnip,, ■ week, the 14th instant, in the„ January 7th, a t the homo ot Mr. n«pVian . .1 , and "Mrs. Gordon Gray by the members of the Dundarave Junior Dramatic Society in honor o f Miss Beryl Gray, who is 'sail ing fdr New Zealand on the "Aorangi,"-';Jahuary 18th. Dur- , / in g ,the evening a iiresentation StrattoiiVBAKERY .mMRMADE;.., BREAD PKESII DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Moat 1'les -- ' Cookies Rccies Cakes -- 1'astrles Buns and BoHa Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive I»hone West 27 Expenditures 1 hiring 1938 ........... :........$352.1>P ('ash in hand and in bank at .Dec. 15, 1938.... ..... 313.42 Total......................■-.......$665.56 In presenting this balance. ,shoot I would like to point outr* ̂ that the Poppy Fund is for the , assistance of all returned men and Uieir dependents and not for l.ogion members only, the Legion being trustees to admin- For Sale Household Furniture and Entire Contents of Home. Chesterfield Suite, Bed-room Suite, Radio, Electric Stove, Rug,Sĵ etc. . - CUNNINGHAM, .3198 Travers Avenue Phone residence for inspection. . ■ , 41 i|i i|i Michael Costello, ,17th . and. Argyle Avenue, ari4vt3d home on Tuesday on the 'Kinpress of Russia. ' , . ^ , ' Mr. McNaughton of Hollyburn was made to Mass Gray ot a ICth and Maripo Drive, Ibather haiidbag. the guests in- who has been a patient in St. eluded the Misses l.renda Wick- Paul's Hospital, is expected homo mg, Marian Prebble, Barbara uhortlv ' * Sparrowe, Joyce Burbridgef ^ * ' - * ♦ h< ' Phyllis Bigelow, Mildred A The three juveniles who r e c / Gertrude Rippon Rrfty Gray, ently broke into several garages and Messrs. Bob MoCariney, Horseshoe Bay Post Office John ^ la n , Jack Dorchester, were convicted in North Vancou- Ma.ckcnzie, ver of stealing the car used by Harold Johnson, Kenneth Me- them and sent to the Industrial Naii^ Ernest Haiinsoib Bevan , Ophenl Savory and Jack F ro u i * ♦ ♦ ♦ - , , * • * . * ^ rrx , Arranged for the pleasure of L Taylor, Miss Reta Watson, whose mar- Miss Kathleen and Miss Margar- ^iage to Mr. James Hadgkiss of , Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, M ATI NF.E •himmry 12th, Kith and Mth ItOIUtY BREEN " Hawaii Calls " uIbo "TEXAS TRAIL" MRS. F. KNIGHT'HODGE . Violin, Pianoforte, Theory, Form . Students now preparing for Midsummer Exams in Royal Schools, London College and Toronto Conservatory. - Over 300 Successes, Distinction and Honors. 1332 Duchess Avenue N£L$ONi5 LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine -and-Gbbd-Housekeeping)--------- ^ ^ ------ -- et Taylor .and Major J. G. Ford ' ham will sail from England on January 21st for their homes here. . ' \ W ord , has been received here by Dr. W alter Lavell, 1296 Ingle wood Avenue, of the death of his sister, Sara A. Lavell, who _passed away last, week in Toron to, aged 82 years. Another brother, Judg.e_ H arry A. Lavell of Kingston, died sh o rty before Christmas. ♦ • * * Caulfeild, takes place on Ja n u ary 18, Mrs. N.'Mussallem and Miss Barbara Hadgkiss en ter tained Tuesday afternoon at the tea hour a t the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.. * f J. Haydn Young, 2385.'Hay wood Avenue, was sufficiently recovered to~return .to his home on Tuesday from the North Van couver General Hospital. * ■■■, ■. * • . Mr. and Mrs? James Reid, l^ th SATURDAY. lOVE., and MONDAY EVENING , , .lanuiiry Mth and Ulih ; EDWARD G. ROBINSON .lEAN ROGEIIS "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse" alat) • "SHOULD WIVES WORK" "T in : I'OX HUNT" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Jau,uai'y 17lh and 18th EDWARD (J. ROBINSON "A Slight Case ofMuVder" - '(Once'only at 8:^15) atso" "TROPIC HOLIDAY" C. G. FINNEY, W est Vancouver RepresentaUve " Phone We^t V82 and Driver will call. F A Walker- ' 2 4 5 ^ Kintrs Esquimalt Avenue, who' have Av^nuthalS'coSfo^^s ~ i" -homh for the past f e w weeks 'Veriiou a u U ^ - A r p is t r o ^ & e r with a severe attack of flu. How- » . ever, he is now convalescing and ̂ tt a i ■"exliiects^ttrbe^ouV's^^^ M r.-,an(LM rs.JI.^nderson„ol„ * * Vancouver, have moved into -a . Mr. and Mrs. H . J . Scott- h o u se a t 20th-and Kings Avenue. Robinson of Victoria, are visit- ' ^ i 1 1 rfng--relatiuns a t 2370" Marine A'--cai^-r-an~over~t-he-bank-ana THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS; - - - ■'Clearing tools of all descriptions are the Thing ju.st now -- Axes, Saws, Wedges, Sledges and Peveys.--........, ■■ .* We have them. > . CRAWLEY & BARKER. W est 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 Drive. * * ♦ _ There is 'n o improvement in . the condition of Mrs. W. R. Me-' Donald, 15th and Fulton Avenue, who is critically ill in Grandview Hospital. Friday and Saturday SPECIALS r _ -* TEA AND MUSICALE turned over a t the top of High land Drive last Sunday, Forfu n- ately the two occupants escaped injury, while the bar was '•un damaged. Miss Phyllis MonrOe of Vic toria, is . spending a' week with Mrs. J. a Young, 2092 .Marine - Drive. . . A Tea and Musioale will be -heldjby the 2nd West Vancouver ■ - • ♦ * ♦' A delightful luncheon was Cub and Scout Auxiliary a t the given' by -Mrs. A, E, Young a t T Aririxr ooA-Q he¥ liome7-14thz:and^Kings--Avo--- j - G ^ d c ^ S r - -- -Red̂ Brand Sirloin Roast 28c lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 78c ^ r a d e A Red-Brand home~ '̂Of "Mrsr^A, J. Addy, 2049 . . ____ G bM oirA ^nue, on-Friday; 13th ' nue,"to -m em bers-o f^e-S ew ing' TTanuary, from 2:30 to 5 p.m. .Club of the Townswomen's Guild Members are asked to bring-a as a. formal close to the year's jYaod,Xo.aI,. Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West .>>82 -- PHONE -- West 582 --------------^81-2-16th-Street----- -- TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bu.sh 'Fir, rnside..............$0.00 Cord Mill Fir, Inside ... ......... j. 5.50 " Fireplace F i r ................... 4.h0 " Green Alder ........... ....... 5.50„ Furnace B locks............... 4.50 " SPECIAL-- ;^o. 1 F ir Edgings...... 3.50 Cord 3 C ords............ .......$10.00 6 Cords (5 Loads) $16.50 Slabs & Edgings Barky ........... ,....... 3- Cords $11,00. Bark ........... ...... -......... .$5.50 Cord -Limited-amount, SAWDUSTL=SPECLALSz friend and spend a.-pleasant a ft ernoon. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. BAKEASY iDc per lb. Rump Roast - 25c lb. BARBARIANS RUGBY Pot Roast 15c lb. ^boulders---Lamb ................. z47c-per lb. Breast--Lamb... . ...... .. .... ...;..15c per lb. Roast Veal.......... .... ...... ..........18c per lb. Fletcher'̂ Î o.. 1 Bacon .......15c per half lb. Fletcher's Pure Lard... ...............12c per lb. wprk. ' During the luncheon the guests had the pleasure of hear ing the speech delivered by Can- ., ada's form er Prime Minister, The 1939. season gets under the Rt. Him. R. B. Bennett, given way this Saturday, last week be- a t the .joint meeting under the ing rained out, with the first auspices of the Canadian Club -team -m eeting--Varsity a t 2f:30_ and thp. Board of Trade at Hotel p.m. a t Varsity, and Norwe'sts^ Vancouver^ A social afternoon playing Rowing Club seconds on was spent, a f te r y/kich the host- Lower Brockton a t the same fess served afternoon tea. Among - tirhe. . those present were Mrs. E. Practices have recommenced ..Nightingale, Mrs. James Bisset, a fter the holidays and all play- Mrs. A. C. Bruce, Mrs. D. Clarke, ers are asked to be a t the high' . Mrs; Wm. Denniston, Mrs. R. ^ h o o l gym on Wednesdays before Fiddes, Mrs^ J. Glover ,Mrs. Geo. 7 p.m. so that there will be no Herring, Mrs. Huggips, Mrs. A. delays. Anyone wishing to play E. Lomas, Mrs. D. McTavish, is asked to be a t the gym on. Mrs. F. C. Page, Mrs. R. C. practice nights or- phone. Frank Procter, Mrs. D. Rankine, Mrs. Lofting a t West 358-X. P. Ward, Mrs, W. K. Woodcock, r ----------------:------ -̂---------- Mrs. M.' E ; W right. >Mrs. E. Nightingale : has been Jthe able, Sacked............ ,,..........$4.50 -per unit. Bulk ..... ......... '..........$4.00 per unit -- CHARLES-THgMPSON-- 812 16th Street Officelat 14.36 Marino Drive ON ANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1U 42 M A R IN E D R IV E W E S T 366 A.rt.T. of n .a Place Your Job Printing with The Wiesl Van News ____ EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON ■ (formerly with BiTks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive SUPPLEMENT Any desiring .ex tra copies of "The Progress Supplement" can purchase them a t 10 cents each by calling a t our office a t 1704 Marine Drive. convener of -the. Needlework ^he .siriall-boy had-gbnjB-to ' grbup for the- past threfe years boarting school. His first letter. j-:m d s m t c r e d i t . ^ to hw for home concluded its.succe^ . An exhibition of the ^jppj _ j _work; is being given a t the home have spent all my money; will of^MrsT-James Bisset, 23rd. and--.̂ you please send me a post Mathers Avenue. ' . Lauder?" i-i-H