** , ' * • t I a,M̂V I J., 15- A i-l j ('i.' »3 - J »«iWWi>|<;l)WllliAil̂ aim ary 12. 19a. T R E W E S T VAN NEW S *j*«'-w#(s«,»\:f»- WK8T VAN, UNITED CHUUCH KBV. W. VANCE, D.A., *fiia»t«r 2017 Gordon Avt-nut- Sunday B«rvic«»; 11 a.m. & 7:30p,»n. S^rangar* and VisilorH are welcome Eternol- b a v t is t c h u k c h / Uev. W. cS ^cK ay , B.A.. B.D. Sunday , . 11 ..m. * 7:30 p.m.-PrMcWnif Service*. A hearty welcome to all niMONDITIONS. TIN'I'H, ;|iid CCKAN.SEH, AU, IN ONE THKA I'MENT If your Imir tyrniiur' grey and h<M'iii» to, he loKing ilH rich color and phreii try an Eternol Tint .Simf>»poo. It will cover the grey and leave the hair Hoft ami IuhIjouh and at the wiine tune condition it foi' your ni*xi ju'iioaiHMil wav«*. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe, Crealora of HxdUMit'e I'trmuiuntH, 1540 Marine Drive Wewt M7 D R , G, D , / / . S E A L E , JhU.H./JalhS, • DENTIST X*l(ay IJay Hlock, Mlh'and Marine Ur. Oiriee lIourK Ih to U p.m. EveningH by appointment. IPhone We.st 72 HOLLYBDRN HALL 14tii and Duche** ritIDAV EVE, Jan. 13, at 7:1.7 Special Service for Voung People Kuhjecir The Pllgrim'h I'rogrcHH ilhj-trateU hy lanti-rn views. .Siieaker; .MK. JACK ANDEUHON Sl.'.NU.XV, Jan. 1.7th, at 10 u.ni. Sunday School and Young People'* Bible ClaBM SCNUAV EVENING at 7i3» (iOSI'Kl, SK,KV1CE , , ' ,Sj)eaker; .MB, EKIC HUNT rUESDAY at H p.m. 'i'ravc-r ami ministry of tlie ' .VeriptureH, • Speaker: Mr. Eric Hunt WEST v:a n c o u v e r CnrubaB Science Society " ciTiJe c M" KOiriCB-- 20tfa and EaquiwaJt, HolJyburn Thi* Society is a Branch of The Mother Church Tfte Kirst Church of Christ, Sciientist, in Boston, ̂ Massachusetts Sunday Service; lE.'iU a.m. Sunday, January 15lh, SUBJECT; " L I F E " January Clearance Sale i . * . ; , n f W e a r is bow on s a le a t BaFtriiii]K ntijv Stock of MdiV W e a r is now on s a le a t B argu - i'̂ 'a M 1*1*1 jJjiy'S SU1TS' MADE -X,0 MEASURE - McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER Sunday School at 10:00 a.tn. Testimony Meeting V/cdnesdsy . ' a t 8:16. p m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ' Asphalt ^ reniix for your DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED J'h(*ne Nuilh 1111 , ALP ELLIS, West IGO-Y W EST V A N CO l'VKK TAliK BNA('i;i-: 0 Mai'iiU' at To the Ink- oHVi'.s limitless Cod and UNITED CHUUCH 21st and Esquimalt Ave. Kc*v. .William Vance, Minister' . - I * WEIST VANCOUVEK TABEKNAt UK Marine and 2r)tli Pastor / Kev. Koliert II. Birch, lUA. Services Sunday-Scrvice.s .. . ]1;('0 a.ni. ' ami 7:30 p.Ml. Wednesday , Prayer Meeting...... 7:30 p.ni. Friday "iUipjiy Hour CJliih" 0:15 - 7:15 IndeiH-iidenT Evjingelicul , DU. MeUAE d aw T 1ST formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to (> -- Evenings by appointment. -|H(K) Marine Drive West 432 The French B eau ty Salon ' For Work of Qiiality Wc Hpecialize in Hne, grey and h . wliite hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone wjl^l2 KslahliMheil. on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant)p HAIUXON BUGS. LTD. JFuiicraflBjrcttora --HtiHyhurn Funeral Home " ' . iBth and Marine' West 13-1 North - Vancouver Parlors 122 AVoat Sixtlv^Street . Phone North 131 Vancouver, .Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue Fast Phone Fair. 131 .Sunday, January 15th, 'flu- s(*i'vic<;H will be condiiet- tkl as usual on Sunday, the minister being in charge." Good iniisic and a welcome.' , ̂ ' 'I'Ik; annual congregational meeting w ill be held in the Church hall ne.xt Wednesday, the 18th instant, at 8 o'clock shari). This meeting is of un usual iniporlance this yeiH' not. only for the various reports of activities during, the jia.st year l)ut also hecau.se the Board of St<'wai'(ls has some definite plans to , .s('t before the congregation regarding the immediate tuture. if your 'art? interested come,, along. Everyone is'welcome. . Two affairs of special-interest eel--by ■'•tlnr ST. STEPHEN'S CIIUftCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. IG A. Ramsey, Rector Chi'istian rc.sourccs blessings in His pi ayer ijroniises, "Whalsoever yv shall ask in ceive." 'M.)eliglit thyself in th<-* ceiv('." Delight, I hyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the. desir<'s of thine liearl." ICvery ])erj)iexity. cfilamity' or need is a cliallenge to prayer. -Do you so know Chn'sl as youi* Saviour and (fod as your FaDk-)' that you oan ask and receive? "Ve liave not because ye,ask not." Our single desire is to lielp those who are seekin;r to prove (iod's pj'omises Deni,s Knowles, who has heen a patient in North, Vancouver General Hospital for the j)ast two weeks, is pix)gresaiiig satis- factorily. * Xi ♦ Miss Jill Lloyd is in the North Vane,Oliver General Hospital liav- ing undergone an operation; She is doing very well. ■ i' . " I ♦ ♦ * SIXTH BRITISH COLUMBIA SEA SCOUTS (West Vancouver Group) The Mothers' Committee of the above Gl'oup and Pack will meet at the home of the Vico- ITesident, Mrs'. H. B. Wallace, 1345 Kings Avenue., (Ui)i)er Level Bus to 14th Street and Inglewood Avenue leaves Ferry are being spomsore.. Unitc<f Church Women's As.soc'i- ation which- nie't on Tuesday dust. The first ,i.s a visit of in- spection to the As.sociated liairies plant in the city on Fri- dny, January 27th, at 2 p.m. •8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and .Ser- 'mon. A very succes.slul Annual Vestry Supper and iVIecting was held in St. Stephen's Parish Hall ■on Monday evening. A large number '.sat down-to supper-pi'o.- pared by the Ladies' Auxiliary, and a very interesting address was given by the Ven. Sir Fran cis Heathcote, D.D. The year's work, and life of tho'Parish were reviewed in the reports -of the various organizations, alL of which reported a satisfactory " /n.:i 1.. . I n 1 lu gu jw u u a v e n u e le a v e s rerrv (J,il<ln.„ nihors an. u-gecl vvharf a t 2 p.m.) on Thursday, 1o ionic- j January 19th, 1939, a t 2:30 p.m ! 1',.;. .i,',".,. ', :1a >t is hoped as many mom- rh illl n-UN ' ■'"■'-i ■.".'■" ' ' ""-'ii j':®"* hers as possible will be present. M . , , . rtf! "."l';'-"®"'- ■ : All mothers of Sea Scouts an,I ■ />,, * Uiiiit.se modcl.s. Sixth ^ e s t Vancouver Wolf L b Other notices are in the church Pack'are cordially invited to at- 'ifl* tend. CONCRETE CONTRACTORS GENERAL TRUCKING BUILDING SUPPLIES Sole Agents for '■ " 1 ' ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT TEAROE & SON. ppive PHONE- W EST 8 4 year. F. J . Hayward was ap-- pointed Rector's Warden, and -D. A. Jay \yas elected-People's WardenrLay-delegates to Synod: .._H.J^nkes-an(l-V -Meffl-lrKĤ -itffiMHdands arc inged- (.<) attend. • ̂ ■ ' Roy, Andrew Kocldan will give another of his..enjoyableJect.u_res in the United Church on Monday /_g\*ening. February 6th, "A Tour 'fhrough Groat Britain." This Bracewell; Alternate.s, Messrs. T. Sewell and P, C.-Chapnngn. J. ■4j,gLs:tei~ajKl S, Hun ti-iigfordStCer^Hl S, ilun ti-iiglorcl >verc elt%fe(r""kidesmen... During^ the evening the presentation of a "bookAvasmra(leTo"GT-T7TKen(lriek- in token of his many veaVs' ser hrough Ciroat. britain." J'nis is open to the public. Keep the ^ 'H O tC Y B .U R N ' D R ESSM A K ER S . 1890 Jiiarini' .Drivy 1'IIONK WEST 583 i ' ■ MISS 1). II. H plilE date free, ment later. Further announce- •'vice'a.H People's Warden of the Parish. __--_SU_Fr-an4is-in-0ieAVQQd Gaulfeild A Warm Home is a Cheery One! • Good spjrits and warm hospitality never thrive - in. a 'chilly home. Jivarin_Jinuse-is--aiso--one-nf--t-he--fu'st-cs^entiaiB"i;o~gTki(i":hmltlT;-- For" clean, hot-burning 1009r -FIR SAWDUST .with full measure, call 4 -KNIlifĉ Sl-F B E tS ■ 7VOOI) -- COAL SAWDUST " HOME OIL PRODUCTS -- .. ...'......:™1528-Mar-ine-Drive.'- -Phone-West~794r Jack Ivnill IS, the sole agent in North and West Vancouver for Home Oil' products. ST..ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH V. 23rd & Inglewood ,'Ave.; Sunday, 3:00 p.m. Evensong and Sennon. . ' - ssa tle to t îe Old Country _ -̂hrouiLh_ Your L<u*nl-Affcnt̂ -CT7N A TtlT^i\T!lTE=m ^ir^ am! CANADIAN NATIONAL FultnmrticuhusTrsiriliTJgsTmur accoimnodatiou. J . T . W A T T 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 ReV, Father Van Pastor Sunday Services-- - Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High.Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 -avnu BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid ,L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Light up for the Rosary and_Benedictibh -- 7:45 "The Curse of Uselessness", willsbc the pastor's subject, Sun day morning. There will be a story lor the boys mid girls also. Tn the evening the pastor will Coming yeaH Catechism and BibliFGlass-^2;00 Week-d(iy -Services ■H The iNews Mass -- 7:00 a.m., Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45, Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Teams , 1* W Blue Bomhers 11 9 T H E W estiV a n News^ Publiahod Evory Thursday Dude 11 9 Maple lx\afs 11 7 W. V. 'Sizzler.s 11 7 t"anadiens' " 11 6 Musketeers n 2 Hillh illW -__ 0 4 - 1 L. T-Pts- 2 0 18 0 18 1 15{L 0 14 : 1 13 0 4'"i ■1 3 's- 1 3 2 3 4 4 9 19- deiil-witlr'-' the--subject, "W h ar.. 'Did the l^lRniist Mean 'by Pre- ' suniptuqp.s__&u:^?" The" choir " will le;kl in the worship of song at both services. ■The church,school will meet at. 10 o'clock. 3^here are classes for all ages,* taught by faithful teachers, including an adult ^ rpu and'women, p e loimg People's Society oil Monday at 8 o'clock. ̂ Ihe ainiual meeting of the t hui ch will .bo h^ld oil AVednes- dajv, January 18th. It will be pr<x\?ded by a supper a t 6 o'clock. It is hoped that all the members ^ •̂1?, ^̂ ôi'oh and congregation will bo present. Pablisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phono West 363 Business and iCdUonal OrTice 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. Sockeyes 11 1 - 9 Ijjist W'eek's scores':^'* Blue Bomliers 11. Musketeers 7 Maple Ix>afs 12, Canadieiis ■ JV. V. Sizzlers 15. Dudes 3. Hillbillies 14. Sockeye.s 4, The liig Seven Players p \y c L. l-Ajfefuix (BB) 60 46 F. Maslerman (D) -J, Fiddes (BB) B. Simpson (BB) H. Smith (WVS) 2ND DIVISION West Vancouver Merchants versus Canadian Legion 83 at Ambleside Park 2:30 $1.00 a year by carrier: $ l00 a year (WVS) by mail B. Trafford (€) 66 56 66 49 66 43 54 34 54 34 66 AX i ( 76 74 J35 63 63 62 THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marine Drive ", ' West 671 ^AIRS. LUCK Clairvoyant will give readings with ' Afternoon Tea. J J-30 to .5 p.m.jdaily Beautiful trilites, bh^fming taBIelamps -- ^ -u le y eK ah d i^ ^ -- useful pin - ups A lamp' of quiet beauty- Paste.1 colors in Pi'ench Blue and Old Rose, Rectangular p e b b l e parchment shade with candle-wick trim ,"$5.95. A loyely 3-cai,dle trilite with figured silk-over-parehment Better Sight" shade. Choice of bases finished iri Brass, .Antique Bronze,' Coronation , -Bronze, or Ivpry.......... $9.95.-- Rfl^sy-Terms May Be Arranged.