......... ....... L...mmm̂ ,.....a _...............................e WEST No. 33 A PROMENADE I. 0 . D. E. „ A couple of years ago or so we suggested th a t the old p'.C.lO. right-of-way between 13th and 25th S treets would make an ideal promenade. Nothing since has caused us to cliaiigo our opinion, and we are the more convinced of the (|<>sirability Qf this when we see the eyesore which the track lias become between 14th and 15th Streets, one of the front doors o(", the municipality, as well as the general way in which the i-ailway embankment is.gradually falling to pieces between Amblesido and Durtdarave.. ' \ West Vancouver will always be a place of residences and IVom its natural position a seaside resort, like literally thous ands of others to be found along the coast lines of . all civilized ('(midries. And in every one of them the 'social life of the community, be it large or small, is centralized on the promen- a(k', which follows the seafront throughout its length. In the ' Slimmer it combines with the beach to form the Mecca for visitors by day, and in the evening for both residents and visitors, who congregate there to sit or to stroll up and down and enjoy the sea breezes.' No interference exists from 'any vehicles, which are usually provided ifor by a road running pai'allel to the promenade. , , The coasts of the British Isles, '̂ o r example, " with such places. But they are not common on . the Atlantic, because it has been the considered policy Oi. the Canadian and American railways to buy up the:'w ater- trout of any Ideality likely, to become a town or city of im- poi-tance during the earliest days of its 'existence. One has but to think of the towns and cities botTT in (janada and across, the line, the w aterfronts of which are a maze of rail way lines. West Vancouver suffered a similar fate when the P.G.E. was built along its shore line. Now, howe.ver, i t would appear, ., highly unlikely th a t the line will ever again be operated to Period of years, during, which no trains - .(wGrê operated, the rails have been taken up and shipped away.v- There has beto talk of widening Marine. Drive in order that it njaycacrj^ tne increased traffic, which does away with the proposal, a t one time suggested,, of tu rn ing the righ t-o f-" way in question into another motor road. I t is doubtful in case whether this .would have been wise, because there would, then have been two crowded m'otor roads instead of one tor our children to cross ~bn their wav To the beaches. , . indeed, as we-^see it, is -the real-crux,-of thd situa tion. fo r auto traffic is.;genefaJly^.6nJthe Jn'crease._^^^^ ̂ as . legalds speed and volume, and the already high m ortality 1 ate IS going up as a natural consequence. I t has become, next _|ji-mi£mpiayment-ehd-the-generaI--debt'situat-ien7-one-of-the-- Problems of oivilizatioh today. And it will: not be i l ^ t a c to r i ly solved except , by soiife hiethod-w hereby auto ■' jj:alt]^.s-separated-fronr4;h^B destrran,^ ; as "m fh# more---- congested parts of some railway lines passenger and freight trains each have their own tracks. . P ■ West Vancouver there seems to be ah opportunity. P" beautiful promenade, which our residents and their could use away from ..all danger of the auto, l»UBUC MEETING COMING EVENTS nn>ntldy meeting of the Don't forget the public meet- Monday. Feb 6t h U'ctun* bv untmp Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. ing to be held tomorrow ( F r i - .. Rev. Andrew Koddan "Tour J a S / ' l l a t w f " Oroai liHlaiti," indacKson, Maineis Avenues the when Mrs. Steeves, M.L.A., will ' .............. legent, Mrs, Smidl, was in the speak on the recent se.ssioii of cnair. batistnctory financial ixi- the Provincial -Legislature, and' ports ^^re received from the Arnold Webster on "Building the W inter Garden Party, "fh e fa l- a C P r in j m '""A K l n n v i - ent Money also produced a nice tatibn is extended to all to at- sum. Members who haye not yet tend. - ■ turned in their boxes are asked to do so before the 15th. The Sunshine Convener reported on visits to sick members. The Regent announced th a t the V.O. N. nurse is now established in West Vancouver, telephone num United Church. Tuesday, Jan. 31 st -- Towns- woinen's Cluild Banquet .in llie Orange Hall. Friday, Feb. lOth---Annual Val- entiiie Danoe by the Girls' Auxiliary to the Barbarians. MRSt F. KNIGHT-HODCE RESUMES TEACHIN(i WEST VANCOUVER MUM qLUB While the majority of garden- Mrs. F .iK n^htJloclge.has re el's are enjoying a more or less1 • i." r more or less Humed her teaching of the violin 1 \xr i/.AA s ----------- f<Jstiul interlude'at this particu- jiianoforte theoi'v ajuH 'onn fni' t o West 690 and will be on duty lar^tim e of year and waiting lowing th t r C h r i to holidnvi" ^ u r mornings a week, also the patiently for a .permanent break Her students are" now'nrenarinv Family Welfare Worker. Head- in the, weather, the chrysanthe- for ' S r var uŝ .̂ m quarters of both are a t 17th and mum grower is alreadv bnsilv A ' *̂**'* " *** N/v. v tu ij ' v a i i u u o p u t o , UilCl 111 HUCCGSSCSL d ^ ^ t niiM iVm nn/1 A fter some further business' replenishing his stock of soils, have been Obtained A iI t ^ , was served and the meeting .stakes, labels, crocks, fertilizers ested are asked to kinrll/oin^. f and potting materials. S T studio National Anthem, ,-a Of pi inie importance in his nue, or phone West 624-R i --------------------- program of thorough prepared- ̂ ^ INQUEST ON AUTO VICTIM jess for a successful season is his strict attendance a t a course BRITISH - ISRAEL Regular Monday evening meet ing, January 16th, at 25th and The inquest oh William Reid, ®̂ *^onthly lectures. These valu aged 28, son of the Rev. W, S. by the -out-, u n j, junuary loin a t !!i5lh anr Reid, of 2643. Lawson Avenue, ..standing leaders-in the field of 'Marine Drive Speaker' Mr and F. Bullivant, both drowned chrysanthenium culture, are int- W itts of North VancoiiSV Yon ip the.auto accident last Wednes- ®^^® î^ ̂V Pianned for beginners are cordially invited day, will be held in Vancouver veterans alike, and are the foundation of success in th e - The announcement, that, the ' newly formed^ W Afupi_Association--^aB-^€ehrf-ac a t 2 p.m. tomorrow;. Funeral services for William Reid will take place in West Vacouver United fehurch., a t 2 CORRESPONDENCE Townswomen's Guild Nomination Correction 4 ^ p iIa n a _ V le w _ ^ e te ry .-------- BURNS' NIGHT A Bums Night has been a r ranged for the evening o f F ri day, January 27th^ in the Or^ ange Hall. The increasing difficulty of ■contained in a notice sent'yesierl • und;'̂ r .; ;d " tta t^ tIk ^ ",ils^'X n^ N a o S -- Joining, w ith-the Point Grey, the Burnaby and the Composite (Signed) BEE HORAM. clubs, the West Vancouver mem- irvAxr bera have accepted aH invitation > to attend in a body a^ the first - ADELAIDE M0RI30N _ Will g ive nvo!vm8:J,«a.vy-expenditures, but a t the same tim e we shoutd____r„ information'and to pros- ike to subniit th is proposal to them for their consideration P^^omptly a t 7.15 p.m. pective - members desirous of when and if the funds'are available. '-^'^libiutjxauon the catering for which is beiner l o i n i n o - W a i r.i„K r- CONSERVATIVES' ANNUAL MEETING We.st Vancouver Conservatives elected their 1939_' officers . on... ;^^^^dg:^aiight. and hQnQredA^ a h ^ ~ ^ - ' COllVPr'c . rS____ BAND AUXILIARY the catering for w hich 'is being jo iningthe local club done by the management of the . . P.D.Q. Cafe. Well known speak- - LEGION NOTES ' ers and artists following supper rnu i j- • , , 'will be heard until.about 9 p.m. .. meeting and elec- The ; ̂ ̂ ti /a Vt;- nue, aged'15 years. Thd deceased^ who was born a t Shahabad, Dec- ' ^ student of the i.Higp fechooi.and president of the Ju^nior W .A ^of St. Stephen's ®"«.cam c to Canada With her family m 1929 and is survived by her parents arfd two - eouver's oldest Conservative T iad.fheir UMtVi .. ... 1 * ■ • • • • . T n rv "Avi ToA 1 a ^ * g ^ e m b e rs h ip - i r i -& e on January 4th, \vhen t to ^ _ ^ c k e ts . are ayail^bieifixtouaily-- Pres., G&mrade L. E ^ ;jde .; gndy:.- and^.in.tei'men Associatinn. Richard Polley; who • officers were elected.- the following: Mrs. Elmer Comrade D. LOwden; View Cemetery t L i-ToS ^ ^ ^ in February voted for the ensuing year: Pre&id.^__BeII,-M rs.- Cromar- Bruce,-.- Mrs. ._^^asurer, Comrade,^'A. H. Cue'. Funeral Home o f r_ , . . . T\/r„„ n ------- . . . . ----- » Executive m em bers: Comrade Btd.-have c h a r g T f t h V ^ W'ation, and intends to take an active-part, in the 1939 Federal ejections. ' nfl-T were elected to v.,- -- „-------- nn ice : President, Dr F rank Dor Swanson Chester; 1st Vice P re s , Eric tor,,M rs..Lashbrook. Mr; .̂ D. McLelland; Sec., Mrs. Gordon Barbour; Treas..' Mrs. Wiifi. Thompson* Mrs. W. H. La veil and Mrs. J. T. W att or Messrs. arrangements. W A v i c e ±^es., Eric It is advisable , to get your Comrade F. J Moore;. -------- W. K.__The Auxiliary to the Boys ." pickets early as supper accom- Comrade W. T. At- ■ By way of farewell to Mi«« ]? Sec.-Treas.,'iohn T Bar& are ho.ldipg a social even- modation is limited. ' ^^Sfeant a t Arms, Coni- Heryl Gray, well-known | " " Executiv.e-G. E. Bryan>- in^'.'for. the parents and friends --------------- ^ rade P. Greer. atory w rite r w h n S o n ^ t?iAv I^orches- of the, band on Friday, January HOLLYBURN HALL p m if*p BPPnDm , om AoTMgl for New Z e a a k '.W ifu t. Ilavid Beach and J . M. 13th, a t 8 oWock in the Legion . • ------• ■ POLICE REPORT, IMS " y 18th, Mrs. A. C rom ar S e . Hall. Military Whis,t will be A snecial service for vo,me- . . . hosteas S t'her W. M. S. MEETING President. RATEPAYERS' ASSN. .The first meeting of the Wom en's Missionary Society o f the Uriited Church for the New Year will be held as. usual in th e- Church H all on Tuesday, 17th in s^ n t. The word for answer to .A mppfi-v. TTT" instant; The word to r answer to the \Ve<it Y? of th e ; roll call is "courage." The .-Association ̂ w' T k^ installation of officers for the Hall. The speaker w ill.be Jack Anderson, and his subject* "TTie Pilgrim's Progress," which will be illustrated by lantern views. Next Sunday, Jan u ary ' 15th, a t 10 a.m. Sunday' School and Young People's, Bible- C lass.. At the 7 :30 p.m, service next Sun day Eric- Hunt will give a Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and ministry d'f th e Scrip- cySists tures, speaker, Eric Hunt. Visits the Motor Vehicles A c t" l..:; 26"3 T^O ther l i o n ^ ^ d T w Drivers stopped and warned 42 Miss Helen F raser Thefts--4-committed to Oak-, the London Branch alia, 3 given suspended sentenc- tional Council of e^^^ad 18 detained for investi.a- J B i S y S , a f e " : M & K re calls attended.:___ ;r! 32. grove°Ld ^ " c ^ P. Love- ^ Motor accidents investigated Mrs. Elizabkh B a iW ^ T " " 54, in which 18 were injured, jn- president of the Press ChibTsri ^ pedestrians and 2 asked, to p r t o d f a U h \ " UZilS. , e. to vacant--MissociatinTi «.;ii 1 v̂<»-Ltipayers inscaiiation oi onicers io r tne » ̂ visits lo vacant premises; ■.'... '■ i V P-ni. tomorrnwr / r> -.3 will take place and .. . during„_which .20 stores were A m e e t t o ' nf f t1 ' i ®ghland« ^^^^day) i^at the it is hoped-there will be a_good -IL W. Money of Vancouver, is. found-inseeurely locked - 5 0 W A will i u f "dsCafe. attendance.-- . L " staying a t the Clachan. ' _ ...... I" ■ 2:8R n „ ^ Wednes4ay>ati: Tho' ' , " Hall. Military Whis,t will be A special service for young rnniriMinno *̂ i a t her Marine Drivh association will - placed. All .the.' p a re n ts_ jn d -^ e o p k .wilLbeJield_at 7.:15 n.m^ to^thfrnnmuiii^^^^ h°P>e in WestVancouVer,^Satur-.i r i S w T 9̂ ' ^ r s a t th e .n ex t those interested in the band are tomofrow (Friday) in Hollybum to members of the " ^ 0" ffie cordially invited. Hall. The speaker will.be Jack Canadian Women'; ™ me •'lOTclay in February. ' ---- :--------- " ' S a M ^ r t "' M.P., Fed- President ' / u named 'H on.