•'-'T t IMWMRMe *HfH imm ■MHi S M I T H 'S M A R K E T f I I'fcwi#- • W4f*kl-4 Ik RED AND WHITE Groceries - Fr^b^ Meats Fish and Delici^Cessen JVt'i* i lH Iu ry K*rMc«' « Monthly Arcounl COUNCIL NOTES NVESr VANCOr^VEH ro W N s w o M E N 's 0 u r M ) l.E C IO N N O TES 'riic atimial inoctiiliK and <*Ich> _ Tht' old *llvl day iiight at tho Municipal Ifall to wind up afraii;^ for 'Ihc olficc after which the Statutory Mwdiiig vva« helti. The Keeve in openinK Ihe meeting expressed his pi<*asure. at s<H,*ing Councillor Dickinson re-(rkH:ted and then proceeded to outline cerUiin matters ietjuir- ing their attention in 'I'he {inmml nieethn: of the Wes! V'aneouvej' 'J'owjiswoinen'H (luilil will he Is'ki oji Fidtlay afternoon and evetiing, January (>th, at 2 p.M). and 7 p.ni. itj the Chu'iiaji, 'i'he aKernuoii ni<'et- 9:59, As tioi) of olficers will Fur hehl on far as could 1m* ascertained tin* surplus in the sinking fund, for 1928 was about $25J)0(i over par Service_ L U M B iR SASH & DOOKS PLYWOODS LATH PAINT BUILDEES» SUPPLIES WALLBOAPD TILE . CANADA I'AINT COMPANY LTD. < THERE l$| NO SOBSTfTOtE FOR QUALITY ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER CO . LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 Friday, January (Hh, at 8 p.iji sharp. ' All nienihers art; retpiested to he |ire.s<'Ml. ytiK will adjTmrn at 5 p.ni, for a /ha.sket H(Jpp<'i'. 'I'ea will he s»;rv- ed. Mr.s, Nte.x I'k'ilon will, he jpjesl speaker at (he openin;!̂ of (he meelitig, 'I'iekels for the IJirlInlay IJan.- (|U<*I lo )m' Indd on J"i'iday, Janu ary 27lh, will h(» (HI sale .'it'tin? annual iiM'eting, Why Worry? 'J'hei'c are only two things to, wonw iihout Problems to l>e considered W(*re: (1) Transportation ~ Ui'cent check-up had shown a revenue drop of $'1,500 or aixmt ,$100 a day, (2) .Hoard of W(>rks. -- U' îdening, of Marine Drive and CLASSIFIED A D S 'Hu* rate for ClasHilleii Adv«rtl«ementB is 1 cents per word, minimum 2.'J cents. Except In the case of those having regular accounta, all clasHe " ' ...... payable strictly in advance. , inber Claasifieda in the West Van News get Immediate results. 'fleds are . „ Remember vvony ao o u i: iwuiihik/ oi lutu . .m; . . . . . ...... I'lit herM'oii Are Suecessful oi* • provision of sidewalk to Lions V(»u An* N(d.:™-If you are sue- Dale Hridge;'also improvement C('s,sfiil then' is nothing lo w()iTy and widening of the IJiiper Ix'Vel alioul. if you are nol,, there are Inis route. L'l) Waterworks.-- 1 . i l l t i I A T . .... A. I - . . . . 1 . k k .1 . « * « i k . « . 1 k <1 i < t &'CnitDON ROBSON H»»;ps(er„ .Solicitor, 5l0 W. Hustings, bey. ■1199 at Wo.st Vancouver any time by ap|Jointn,icnt, West 'lUS. WANTED--Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Wo buy, fiell and oxchungo. ' Phono North 431, Vinick's Furnl- Luro, (10-70 Lonsdale Avenue, Jl<f had ..plunged înlo matri mony" for (he s(!Coii(l time. A few nionlliM had jmssed. Mind ing an,.old friend he was iiski'd: "lias your pr.e.senl wile a more <'V(;n temper than your first one had ' -r-- !-b\Iore-evt*n-A-j*shoidd aay nol. Fven more,!"•-he 're))lied .with einphasis, ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ • Hoa.sl: "I'm tlu; fasle.st mini in I In,* world. When, I run up Hl((ps it sounds like a machine gun." . Itoasl; '"That's notliing.One night I ran into (Ik? hou.se, slam med llu? door heliiiid m<*, ran upstair.s, undressed, turned oil' (he electric swilch, was in bed .before..the light went out, and then I heard (lie front ddor liang .shii(L»" ■ . A nK> 11g the c) 1 a ru('tei'H i n fa n i . oils storie.s anil songs who actu ally lived iindm* (heir own or other name were Little only two things lo worry ahoul. Fit her You are Healthy or You Are Sick:--If you are heal thy then* i.s nothing to worry atsait. if you are sick there are only two things to worry about. Fither Yoii Are Fding to (Jet Nece.ssary to have improvements and additions this year and Ibi' that purpose the ('oiincil was trying to S(*cure a loan ifrimi (he Fi.'deral (lovernnaml. Ohairmen of rommiltecs wcia? Finance, Councilloi' Dickin.soii; .lUNK - WE STIid. BUY Every* tiling of valiK?: bottles, nigii) sucks, iiKtla'ls, funiitiirc, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91 ami we bring the cash lo your door, Hurrard Junk Co. West 91. FOR PAINTING, J*APERHANGIN(S jilione V. Ilermande/.. West 122-|I^ • ' ' • V > » - - - k ■fc.* V *. J « I • V. V«| • I w • * » ' 'I •<-**. k k .«• r 'W , Hettei' Of You Are Doing to Die: Water & Fire, (Tumc-illor Dishy; -- If you are.going to get hetteL 'IVan.sportation ami i'arks; Doiin- tiieni is nothing lo worry alioulx^ciilor KIgar; Hoard of Works and 'NO'J'ARV l'lJI{liIt\" (General ('on- veyancing, "Valuator." Kcgimild P. Hlovver, 111)5 Marino Drive. West ■ 21. . . , ^ 1927 BIJICK SEDAN (Standard) •I now tires; engine in gooXcondi- tion; cheap, reliable tranaponution, Apply Owner, West 97-X, . • ' ■ ■ .. ■ • ' ..... r.,* ■■ V - • • ^ .... If you are going to (lit.* tiiei'e a i'e L ig h t, Councillor Hrown. only two .tilin g s to w orry alm ut. T he n ex t reg u la r m octiiig will - F i t i 'e r - You, A re G oing to h(d(j on.^lC Ju n u arv and tiuM'v- leaven or Ton A re D oing to,, a f te r every second Monday a t 7 H ell:-- It you a re go ing to Heuv- p!m. LAND CLEARING Estiinale.s free. . l*owell Hi Matliosmi, West or ' West 7-15:L. _ WARDItOBES, Drawers, Cupboards, Table.s, House Repairs, Glazing and glass. Anything in woodwork. • , Western Woodworkers, 1478 Clyde ■Avenue?. Phones West 740, West 44::J-R. .SIO.OO--.Sniull, foiiilorluhlej furnished cottage, near ferry. West Id'di-X. (:ii, lliere iH.notiiiiig to worry almnt, and if you are going to Hell you >vill Ik' so busy shaking liaiids vvil ii your friends that you will not liave time to worry. SO WHY VVOiUiY? Councillor pisliy was ai)|)(,)int- ed to sit on the administration hoanl',(^^h(J. D. V.AVati-i* Hoard. The first sitting of (iu; (kmi't TRAINED NURSERY N U R S E S jivailiible, peiiiianent, temporary, or evening work. Nui'serytraft .Centre We.st HOT. , PRINTING -- For aU kjitds of printing phone Yî est Van News, West 863. FLOOR SURFACING -- J , Suther- land. 2144 Mahon Avenue, Nortli ' 1458-L. , me Mollier: "I don't tliink tlic man upstairs likes .Johnnie j.̂ ) play o n iiis'drum." ■' - Father: "Why?" Motlieli: "He gave Johnnie a ..................... ............ . knifi* and asked-him if ho knew the First Narrows Hrfdge ('o. re wlwi't was inside Tiie drum." the dropping of .stones kui siiips - -------- ' passing underneath the span. During (he recent crisis a lady Steps \were taken to have this 01 Revision for the 19.'I9 asses.s- ment roll will take plac<> on'8th Feiirtiary. First readings were given of the. by-law .relating lo (iu> pre payment of taxes. A complaint was I'ecm'ved from HAVE .S700 CASH and $;t() per pionth to' buy home in West.., VOnic ĵuver; niu.s't b.'ive three .bedrooms, oi- un- linished attic. Give full particulars. No agents please. .Box 1, West Van News. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured . West B12. LAItGE LOTS (»5;.x 221.' on Creek; erose' iiv $(5(10 each. Term.s' earl be arranged. C. J.- Archer Ltd., West GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W est--Vancouver-any time by . appointment, W est 403.' • 22.'-). , ,, - «, -i. i • trav e llin g in an E d in b u rg h 'b u s p rac tice stopped. . .»nl l•uuml.•n^v, MoUk'i; O wwcT .ov .M -liw d Iho r o l l o w i n i f .... ........... .rn1snnir;TJl<;k , , , 'A .sni,l i o - . i .young m a n - " t r - r i . w T h(.,v« ,inK ,ndnm n)li0 (l-- lK 'e c ie rk 'to r e m o ? c 'l i I o ! ^ e , ,c « ' ' ' ■. - •______ ____________but it s a w ! 11 p e rm an en t. froiti th e hnirloya rd s. 'I'O REN'r FEB. ~ 1st -- 3-Roomed modern,house; furnished; good loca- . tion. Phone West f)l-R. J. ^EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l.-. WANTED --- Copy "News Herald" of- be-î -̂ lT̂ t-l'h--WiTl-in g--to--pay--!■ 0 cr* ■ VVe.st (58'. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * , A REAL REST for Tired Folks Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street.' .West 86-L-2. = -̂ >Hl>F)l7E-MiTEDTQDD~T 0B~M AN^ WooTtarried in; sawn, etc. Reason able J'ates. West 235-L ,- LOANS ARRANGfED -- Dominion Housing Act andt'other plans. Gor- -- don. Grayi-Seymour-499L-or-'W est 92-R-2. T IL B E M O R E C O N V EN IEN T In order to make the telephone directory more convenient from a reference standpoint, the North Vancouver^and W est Vancouver alphabetical listings are to be placed in separate sections in the March, 1939 directory. These 3 'ctions, and also the Richmond alphabetijg&I^ection, will be placed in the front of the books distributed to North and W est V ahcouver^bscribers." ' ■vl^iereiM ijll^SQ ^ Ajoint-xhiissiHcd^ectim i^fbF ^ 'o rU irW ^ r m While theai» improvements make it "freeH N oprtr Vancouver nnd West-Vancouvcrii»ling» from "the Vancouver alphabetical -and chmWjed aectiona, any North Shore »ub»crifaer w iah ing lo bd repre. aented in thoae .sections m ay do so by means of extra listings. Effeetive with the issuing of the M ^ ch , 1939, directory, the party-line suffix !'X" will be changed to "M " In .accordance with nlan, to V\ A'NTEDr'IT) BUY for investment-^ Hbiises or _property;. must be real bargain price. Only thosje giving r , Uth--̂cM-Û Hvki-ye-̂ v-ill' be "cernsideredT" PAINTING and DECORATING J. H. Wedley^ formerly with G. L. Konirtgs. Phone W est 818. Esti mates, free. Box 2, Wo.st Van News. 1' OR SALE--- l\'iir of (51/2 feet skiis complete with harness and poles, A) condition. ,$7.00. West 606. LAWN Mo w e r s s h a r p e n e d - t . Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 . M a r i n e . . . ___ WA N'FED I)y Qualified 'Feacher; work •IS nursery eoverness or light, hnnsp. '̂ vork. References FOR We&t 48-R. CHIMNEY- SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; furnace repairs. -- Phone^G--Meldrum, 110.3 ? Lonsdale- North 822. SALE -- Cheerio Circulating lieater, 'good condition, suitable for stoi-c or home. West. 172-R-8 1929 OLDSMOHlLE - Good tio.n, bargain; for cash. ■ West. 633-R. ^'XCAVATING , C learing; day or con tract.- -Experienced .men,..modern machinery. Rush • jobs. Kissick, West 252-L. HAp.ING -- Fuel and Manure -m yards of good top soil "fo'r sale'. . ^mMg -Art Knight. West 51-jc. W.tH; VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. fo r r e n tTV- Room Furnished House on Waterfront at Al'ta'ifiont; $30. *■ Lawson, \Valker 61 Pride. ■ Wf.«t 5 5 . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam 1 ei'manents; only best materials used. Expert ' operators. Phone West 3CI.4, Royal- Bank Building, lo r ______________ _ W IM NEY SWEEPING -- Old Couh- SAl.4i: -- Fa>>jeU:.Tlahgd̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ _ Eepair's; North 81 l-R-2 . -Palmier;:;^ Gapilano, TT^^ore sui'taide for al- -luost any line of business, living, 4lM _ers_aU-rear. Good locationr'West.,5-18-X.. changed. . . . . . .••i-' party.line letters in the area. THE_^ARCH, 1 9 3 9 , DIRECTORY 3i. CLOSES TO THE7POBtl(C ON JANUARY 16 B. C, TELEPIKWE COM cit th(7 th c titrc Wtis .̂•mnoyed by conversation in the row behind. " 've.-An t hear a word " , 1 • rO> Re n t -- U nfufhish^ . ,4-Rooni house on Marine' Drive near West pay; conci'e^e basement and-furn ace, ."̂SO per month. Immediate possession. Phone W est 396. 'P O R SALE Â nn't hear a word. implied the ta lk a tiv e one oearoom suae; Of-yoiirs------ -fuattress .and ..spring, -AVJiat I ni telling my w ife J^Dect condition; LaSalle washing •Jiho m - Home. Furnishings at diJo 1 ravers; modern Chesterfield .suite, kinky-curle, latex backed; matching rug, 9' x 1 2 ' ; Paris tan nigh pile r,ug, 8' 3" x 9% also felt; heautiful wainut bedroom suite; machine; Moffat electric range, automatip oven;, 9-tiibe 1938 Mar coni radio; solid 'w alnut end table stand; bookcase; writ- viv.? -desk; firedogs and fender; niapes; lamps, etc... West 233-X-l. ilefinition ̂ o( .;!^,,._'B?w_encrgy.„than, say, tennis or croquet. The ball k ;;n odd «hape a.5d th e lo a t am When H.! ""'th d u t any-net-. ii T f th e y call I a liJie-out...JIany men'have i '.------~~-- :______ 'IflHl aftenvm-ds become BOAT. 13(4 feet oare;, almost new. .<R.qn »7ci v SUITE TO RENT,. $12.50 -- Suite to lent $10; Suite to rent, $18. Mrs. \ v 1^70 Duchess Avenue, n est Vancouver, Phone ,624-L, important"- "The r e p in e d , CHEERFUL - WIDOW position, in charge of home, nursing; experienced, /middle- R qViT- ^ t ̂ lli a cduntrv teanB Lomond,' ap-Pd""" experienced, middle- J O ™ o th e r bv buss " anckm p ,, ^S, and a t a reasonable pAce. . ^os\\ered_a boy. ' Neŵ f