aSlEslS •r* V I fanua^ 5, 1939. h a n d y ANN s h o p , 2 4 4 2 Marine - . . - ■ .w - . - . : .N O M O N S - w i '; :S tA m o i« R Y - = - ^ -- S C l l O O L . 8 U P J P L l ^ -BirCTONSL̂ „„j;______„iMsni.iaB̂ fnrC:" L o c a l iu id P e r so n a l PUBLIC MEETING LEGION HALL, Î 'IUDAY, JANUARY IJJth MRS. STEBVES, M.L.A. will speak on the recent session of the Provincial Legislature ARNOLD WEBSTER ^'Building the C.C.F. in 1939."' a house a t 2528 Bellevue Avenue. * * « While there wiw .imei .. McDougald is here from for *'*" Interior on " visit to her .L 5r.u" 8on-in,law ami dauRhter, Mr. anti Mrs. H. E, Hacking, 25th and :Marine"DHvC"""' Ridge over the Christmas holi days, much of this was washed away by the rains during New Years. Mr. and ,iMrs. R.- Watson Engagcmciii Mr. and Mrs. James W. \Viii* West Vancouver Conservjitive Association, ' ( ̂ d ' ' ) i • * it I ̂ . Annual M eeting and Election of Officers MONDAY, JANUARY 9th, at 8:1.5 1>.M. in the Highland.s Cafe (Plorenoe Gracey), left on-Tues- Ridge, Haney, an- day to iteiurn to their home in the enjftigement of their Yonhnii u n off.............elder daughte/. Alice Reta. to S tra tton 's BAKERY HOME-MADE • - - - "B R E A D -- KUESU DAILY Ton VMrictiea to suit every tnaie Mont IMos -- Cookies. ■ I?cck»8 Cakes -- PastrieH / Buns and ItoUs Note Address; 1468 Marino Drive Phone West 27 ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL (former principal Miss Joan Durbin) MAiMOIUE R. McGILLIYRAY ^ GIRLS -- Grades 1 - VI. ROYS - - Grnde.s 1 - lU. ]{iti(]t-r«:arten -- <1 - G years. Nur.sery School -- 2 - 1 years. Daily .Piano Le.ssons, Singing, Rhythm Rand, Dancing, with suiiervisod .. ••. \ study and play. T ransp^tation : ' a m Maywood Avenlio, .■ ■ TeloiHionc! West 685-R-l 1 block north of Marine a t 27th St. ' Seymour 2052 S.CI I POL RE-OPENING ON MONDAY, .lANU, ARY 9, 1939. any to iHJturn to their home in Youbou, B.C., after spending the Alice Reta, to lioli.lays with their parents. 5 M.!"*?®*! r ' ?P]' The many friends of J. Haydn Young. 2385 Haywood Avenue, ^ r>'« w'll; lJ>ko. will be pleased to liear that ho •?}'"■? i"- ®I' ^ r*" * I^lhiroli, i.s doing very. well, in the North »» Ja'i'»n'y IS, a t Vancouver General Hospital fol-: lowing an operation, and is ex- "" ■ peeled homo in about a week's time,. T. Norton Youngs has return ed to the Quesnel Quartz prop erty after spending a week's holiday with Kls family in the ♦ ♦ ♦ ̂The junior pupils of Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove igavo a roip'lal at lior home, 992 Duchess Avenue, on December 24th, following which tliey wci*e tl]o guests of their leacher at a Cliristmns party. Tliose present included HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE bay and Night Classes Mth and M arine Phone West 341 n tc. S t . F r a n c i s S c h o o l EJii^DenomiiiHtional bay and Residential School for Boys All Forms; '-- I Lbwer "to VI Upper.' Full Curriculum, Jn c lu d in r" Guidance, Music, Drama and Physical Educationr" IndivKlual Attention. ■ ■ E veV parent, oar reference. ̂ 'Boarders re tu rn -Jan u ary 7thj before 7 p .m .^ --Day-Boys-;return January 9th, before 8:45 a.m. = » HTelephone, .West 751-Y-3 V'T H StoHOOL - by the SCHOOL ^ 'for the SCHOOT.- -CaulfeilU, W wt Vancouver. B. C. ------------ ------- ---------- ---------- ijvjiuuiy wun nis janiiiy in trie pretseiiL .jiiciuueu Keith IRock, .15th and Mariii6 Dollie and Beatrice Nes- Drive. hitt, Betty Hunt, Marjorie Mc- * * * . Lelland, Bill, and John Hunt, A son was born on New Year's Addy, Gordon Thompson, Day at the Vancouver General David Barker, Darrell and John. Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edward By,e„aiid-Nigel Siie]grove7' S. Chapman, 1782 Marine Drive. . ♦ * ._ ♦ ♦ * ̂ The many friends of Peter H. Pollock, father of Greer, 24th and Ottawa Avenue, Mrs. H. Ostrom, 1707 Esquimalt will have been pleased to read Avenue,.passed away New Year's hi the daily press that his ■Day in' a Winnipeg hospital, brother, Sir Frederick Arthur Funeral services under the aus- Greer, former Lord Justice of mces of the Masonic Order were Appeal, is one of the four new held last Tuesday at Melita, barons whose hames appeared Manitoba. , , .the King's New Year Honors ̂ ̂ ' xjlst I Donald Gillies of H.M.S. Fraser " , * . m* . ♦ . " . , ^ spent the New Year's holidays We are very happy to accede with his parents, Mr. knd Mrs. to the request of a local resident ^ N. Gillies, 1365 Clyde Avenue, that we publish the names of He expects tO'be leaving before the six band boys, who went long with his ship for the annual out playing and( secured the trip to the West Indies. . .. sum of $25 for the local Santa * * * , ' Claus Fund, as published in our dvr-r: """ * ' '■ ........ - - . . . -- Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE .Iiuuuiry 5th, tUh HtiJ 7th ----- -VuiSl) Mm-MURRAY ** Cocoanut Grove " •uIho "ROI.L ALONG COWBOY'* SATURDAY EVE., nmt MONDAY EYENINd Jimunry 7tli im<l IMli FAY RAINTER ANNE SHIRLEY '̂Mother Carey^s Chickens". • « al.Mo "STARMOTS" "THE WHALERS' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY January 10th and Mth DICK POWELL " The Cowboy : from Brooklyn" (Once oiily, a t 8:15) uIbo ■ • . ■ ■ . • "THE KID COMES BACK" ■CP . y i. v.ivtv'iia, Ts loouc. x.iiejstJ ' were: visiting his son and: daughter- Bill Simpson, Bradley, ' in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stonier Bob,,;:WlH^ii^Dr^n'tBh M. of 2422 Marine Drive. ' Douet and Bob Sheffield. * *. ♦ * :)c / . Mr. an;dd\Irs7'H7"Wr"LaffeTe^f rsTdMillard and Miss Ethel4.7 Tr ----- ' V -----xTiiiiaiu jvjLiaa Jiiunei North Vancouver, have njoved. Millard have^returned to fheir into at_^2651_ Lawson '. ._hpm£L-at , 2433 Mathers-Avenne- n iE "HARDWARE MAN SAYS: How about trotting' yoiir Mofm !ind Broom.q remowed. a t.thu ataijl^ of the year ?. We a very ^jood. selection to choose from.. -GRA-WDEY-:M ARK E R K. Avenue." M rsI^ . E. SnelgroveTransportation arranged. ♦ * J Miss Margaret Hardman re turned to Oregon State College/ Corvallis, on Monday, after spending the Xmas^ holiday.^ at after spending the Christmas holidays in Calgary . with the Key. and Mte* A. Harding Priest. i(« ♦ ♦ her home. The baby daughter of Mr. and 4VIr-ST-W-rW^^T-arfgitfa^ GIRLS' CHOIR West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 FREE DELIVERY The West Vancouver Girls' C ho irunder the direction of Mrs. Colin" MacLean will meet"in' the United ' Church Hall .next Saturday, the 7 th . instant,..,the • Seniors a t 10 a.m. and the Juniors at 10:30. ,A good at- - tendance is asked for . in order that preparation. may^De made for t he spring conQert/ ,> t4wa"Aveiiue, christened on, Christmas Day at Ryerson Unit- "ed" Church. _She received the names Rosemary Edith. Rev. E. D. Br-a^on performed the -'cerc- ' mony. The sponsors-were-Miss- Mollie.. E. Cqttingham and Mr. Peter *Vari Shellenherg jr. VIOLIN and PIANO ----- Pupils' successes'iii--- -^ The Royal Schools of Music _Trinity pbllege -- London Toronto' Conservatory Younger'^hildren visited at -J their home, rift Sta? iTerjtn S ta r te d ^ W ed n esd ay , J a n u a r y 4 th . Engagemen^^ Grade A --Red--B ra n d ^ B U T T E R -- • ......----- --■■ ■' ■■■ ..... . G rade A . F irs t .Grade 3 lb s . 7 5 c R ed^B rand | Rump Roast j 25c lb. Sirloin Roast ,28c Jb. J ' ^ BAKEASY iJ R c p e r lb. RoHedRibs 2Sq per, lb.__ ̂r Pot-Roast " I 15c lb. 1 RUGBY Fixtures for this.Saturday:--. Barbarians, versus New West- -minst'erT-Brockton--Ovalj-S-pTni: Norwesters versus Rowing Club 2nds, Lower Brockton, 2 :30 p.m. Mr/ and# Mrs. Lestock Reid of * 3050 Procter Avenue, announce . the; engagement of their ir^hnger-- - daughter,"-Mary Diana, to Mr.:""' John Hey wood Daly,:* only son df Mr. Hey wood Daly 6f Melville, Montana, and the late Mrs. Hev- wpod .Dalyv The wedding w^l . take place on January 14. THE HIGHLANDS 1293 Marine Drive West «71 LUNCHEONS - TEAS liil^ E R S ̂ Catering for ParlieH .r̂̂ 5SS3Rs»*r 'V!' SOCCER NURSERYCRAI T CENTRE The g^ure-fpr Jnnuary__7_th at. Ambleside Park; West Vancou- ̂ ver versus South Vancouver, .2:15_p.m. Nurserycraft- (tentre "Mothers -Group" will meet at the Wendy House, Tuesday, January lOlh, DTSABLED VETERANS' Aj^TJCTW'l1()N 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 10 in the Highland.s Cafe Shoulders-- Lamb . H e lp e r lb. Breast-- Lamb 15c per Ib. - 18c per lb. p No. 1 Bacon , : 15c p e r h a lf Ib. fresh Mushroom s per f t. This game was carded for last week's soccer- treat but weather conditions caused all games can celled. This game is Very im portant to West Vancouver for- by winning this they would'iead the league by three poinfs from their nearest opposition. , It should be a really good game to watch, and the boys need all the support the fans can give them. Don't . forget to be there this week, please. ' Employer (to applicant who -. , has handed in references Yrom -v/f Crowson and three clergymen): We don't work Mrs. ̂ Hempell will lead the dis- on SuntTay. Haven't you a ref- ^^dding • Problems erende from some one who sees and Difficulties. you on week-days? EXPERT Watch and Clock ^ - REPAIRING. Y o u r J o b P r in t i n g w ith Niews T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive .V,.....r..',.... '...... ................... .................... ............. i