/ ^ WE8T VAN, UNITKII U M JItn i Cor. 21»t & K«<juim*lt Ave. ItKV, W, VANCIi, JJ.A„ Miulakr 2047 Gordon Avenue ....... I^hono We»t 244-H Sundiiy.ScrvIce*: I la .m .&,7:30p.m. 'SiFailgeriTaiid ViwttoM «R*'̂ 'wtdcdm«! Eternol-- BAI'TIHT CIUJIICH Miaiiiter lief, W, I». McKay, B.A., IJ.0 Sunday Service# 10:00 a.rjfj---Church School in- ciudlni; Adult Claaa il #.tn, &-7430 p.ittrf--»PrcaiChinie Service#. I A hearty welcome to all ltK .C4)N J )n it iN S . T IN T S , and CLKANSKS. A U , IN O N K TK K A T M K N T If your hair if* turnirur *,'n*y and BeeiiiM lo he loi*ii»K il« rich cohu' iukI .*• lot'll . t iy un ■ I'AtTitol Tnil .Slmmpoo. It will ciiver Uie Kroy ami leave the Imir hofl ami luhlnniH ami ul the Hurne time ciimlilioii it for your next peinianent wave, Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe ('realorw of Kaduaive I'ermune«t«, 1(140 Marine Urlve Weal 117 UU. G. I). U. S E A L E n.n.H-, LJi.s. DENTIST ; , , X-ltay » Hay Mloch, Mill ami Murine Hr, Oirii e Hoiirrt 0 to 0 jMii. KveuiuKH hy aiipuintmenl. ' IMiomi WokL 72 HOLLYBORN HALL d lth and Duchc## I HIHAV HVK, Jan. 01 h. at 7:H'i Sfiecial, Vouilif Peopled Service illurttrated hy viewh. Suhject: ' I'he lMlKf'»*'>' Pro«resH' Speaker; Mft. JAt'K ANHHIt.SON SI NDAY, Jan- Hlh. at 10 u.m.' , r'i' Sumluy School and , Youriif Peoplo'a lilhle CIuhh SHNHAV KVKNING aT 7::{0 . co.sl'K i. sKiivici-: .Spealit-r: Ml{. JOHN KHIH riJICSHA V III H p.m. I'l.'iyer pml iiiiniftlry of llie ScripfiireH. WEST VANCOUVEK Christifm ^ S o cie ty ---- CilUKCU EDIFICE 20th and EaquImaJt, UoUybarn This Society is a Branch of Th« Mother Church Tfie F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts .Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. J a n u a r y O e a r a n c e Our Entire Stock of Men's, Furnishings,i*s now on sale and every article is a iGenuini* Bargain. See our window for prices. CAMPBELL'S SUITS MADE TO MEASURE McLEOD'S MENS WEAR W ES T V A N C O U V ER .Sunday, January *Sth, SUBJECT': "SACRAMENr' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. 'I'estirnony Mectinjf V/ednesday a t 8:10 p.m. The public is cordially in* ivited to attend dur services and mcetiri£s. West Vancouver Townswomen's Guild ANNUAL MEETING FRIDAY. JANUARY (ilh, in the CLACHAN at 2̂ and 7 P.M. Gue.st Speaker: MRS. REX EATON BIirniDAY BAN(?UET -- Tickets on sale -- 50c. DR. McRAE P E N T ! S J formerly of VOIVlVfiidical"Dental ItuildiiiK llourir; li to 0 -- 1'lveniru'H hy . appointment. \i ■ • - ■IHIIO Marine Drive Went 432 UNITED.CHURCH 21st and,, E.stiuimaii Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minisler Sunday, Janu.ary Hlh. 10:00 a.m.r--Sunday School. 11 :00 .'i.my- Morning.,Worshi)). ; Suh.ieet: "Wlml Lack I Vel ?" ' 7:.'10 |),m.-*Suhjecl,. "Not by might . . ..by by Aly .Spirit," saitb tlie Lord of hosts." (iood music and a welcome. WHHT V A N (O lIV K K TA IIK H N A C IJ-: Marine nmi 251)1. I'lKitor |{i'.v.,~Kobert II. Birch, B.A. ' S en irc.s , .Siimlny .Schonl ̂ ■ 10 n.m. Siiiulay Services j l :(t0 a.m. ' iiiid 7;30 p.in. Wednesday i 'rayer Meelinp 7:30 p.m. Indcpctuleiil . FvaiiKclical . BAl*TIST CHURCH ■Rev. Wilfrid L, McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. . The French Beauty Salon For Work of Qtiality We Hpecialize in line, grey and whilcKhuir. 1562 M.ulnc Drive PhoTie W, 212 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2.')rd &■ Inglewood Ave. , MatahijNhed on North Shore 25 Voura (Lady ' AH.*iintnnf) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfunera l B irec to rs TIollyburn: Ivnnenil Homo J8th ami Marine Wo.Ht' 134 North 'Vancouver .I'ai'lurn T22 Wo,sit Sixth Street Phauu North 134 Vancouver l^nrlora 55 Tenth vVvenue lOanL . lOiono Fair. 134 : Rev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. I^astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15. a.m.v Rosary and Bfencdiction -- 7 :45 p.m. " ' ■ V.' -Catedusm anTi-Itmi^;iass--2 tOtT" "Preparing for Itevival" will be the pa.slor's nioniing subject. 'I'hert' wilj also be a story for llie boys a,nil gir^s and a chil dren's' liymn. . Tlu; evening subject will be, "As]}iratioM and Attainment." 'riu' sei'vice will open with.-the usual bright sing song, - 'I'lie chuixdi -.school . r̂neets 'at 10 o'clock. The Young People's Society' will meet;pn Monday at 8 o'clock. Norman 'AVillington ' will have charge of the devotional. An interesting program will be con ducted on the Bible by the ITesident, Winnie Brealey. The~ YdlijigTeopre will meet in their WhytedilT Teiep^lone Exchange M a rjo rie R . M c G il lw fa y A.ssociate Teacher of ^ THE .1. D. A. TRIPP PIANO SCHOOL .^DJWTdUAL and CLASS. RHYTHM BAND and THEORY CLASSES Pupils successful in recitals, festivaFand examinations. Residence Studio: 2()G7 Haywood Avenue, Telephone: West 585-R,-l Seymour 3053 -- p.m. Week-day Services Mass ™Y;00 a.m-. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction _7-:45U Saturdays --- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ____' first after church. .sing song of l!)39dTr Siinday" eWening a f the liome of the })a.slor and Mrs. McKay. _ iTho--m id-vveek--meeting--foi- prayer and-praise will be hejd on U'^ednesday a-t-7:45 p.m. " ' WBST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE : Marine & 251 li ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd 'and Fulton-- -- Row F. A. Ramsey, Rector A Warm JHome is a Cheery One ! • Good spirits..and warm hospitality never, thrive, m a .chifly home.-- A warm-, house is also one of the first essentials to good'health. For 6lean, hot-burning lOO-Zr FJR SAWDUST with full measu're, call -WEST- 7 9 4 MNILL'S FUELS NORTH9 4 -WmJD---- - COAL "SÂ VDUST HOME OIL PRODUCTS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 7D4. H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S A-' I8!M) 'Marino Drive PHONE WE.ST 5S3 ' MLS.S I). H. HOBIE "Some say faith is the gift of Cod, So is the air: but-yon Book Y our Pas^siijje to th e Old C o u n try 'through Your Local vVgent CUNAUD -- WHITE STAR J . amI CANAplAN NATIONAL, "«co(>niniodatidn7 J . t . WATT 1744 Marine Drive IPhone W. 141 The News have to breathe it. So is bread: but you have to eat - it. So is water but you have" to drink it. - "Faith eoniotb by heari.ng." It- i.s not for mo to sit dowii and wait for faith to-e-ome'stealing ()ver' me with a-strange sen.sa-, lion:- but it is for me to take liod at llis Word." So said 1), L. Moody. . . We preaeli the Woi'd of God ihat tho.se who desire faith in (iod may be ble.ssed. On Wodnesdpy, January llth , at Aliss:;^)|ive Joyce, ju sl' returnod from China,.will speak. Miss Joyce .is a .member of. tiio t'hina Inland Mission. '̂ rhero will be no meeting for ehiUli'i.Mi this Friday, as repair work is being done to the hall. See Church notice for other meetings. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. J J-:15 a.m.----,M4tU-me-a-iid-SermoH- 7:J5 j).m:--Evensong and Ser mon. Monday,-6:30 p.m. -- Annual - Vestry Supper and Meeting., S pea kin-: The Ven. Sir Francis Jleathcote, D.D. SI. Francis-in-lhe-Wood Caulfeild Sunday, 0;45"1T7itT. ----Matins and Sermon. Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Annual Vestry Meeting. ■ ' p n o t k e z f t t / 9 i 8 =VAtf D-O Uo AVKsh to oxpres.s our sincere Dianks and appreciation' to oUr inany friends who were so kind Ur us during t>ur rc'cent bereavement. FAMILY OF TilE L.ATK THOMPSON T H E f W est Vail N ews Puhlished Every Thursday Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVe ' Phono West 363 Busines.s niul Editorial <017100: ,.1704 Marine Drive' I'hone West 5.5 North Vanepuver Ofrice: 123 lainsdale Ave. $1,00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year by mail im im UUUUUm l̂ »C. E le c tr ic g ives 21 .2 per cent niore s tr e e t car serv ice * 'while* carrying 3 .9 i per^cent'fewer.pas-J sengera than in 1928, * No. of cars and buses jn service Vancouver city lines. t Year ended October, Vancouver city lines. E L E C T R I C R A I L W A Y c o m p a n y L I M I T E D GW1-39 t'Vsrssviaimm