Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver^ Ambleside^ Holly burn ̂ Weston^. Dundarave $1 .0 0 per yeiir: . - Cypress P a rk :C U U I fe i ld .W h y t i c l im . : lO cents per copy. Vol. XIII • HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1939 No. 32 CONFEDERATION CORRESPONDENCE UNITED CHURCH W. A. PUBLIC MEETING Historians of the future will probably record procraatL nation and the fear to-face ugly facts as the crying weaknesses of the British races during the post-war years. They were tlio basic reasons behind ouir refusal to re-arm until it was almost too late, as they halve been of most of the Empire policy since 1918. " . ' We in Canada have followed similar tactics with regard to the federal constitution. Knowing that the Confederation Pact wa6 hopelessly out of date, we have allowed matters to drift and have refused to take the bull by the horns because of the difficulties in the way of a satisfactory settlement. Most of the main differences are of long standing. But, Is' men will put, up with much in prosperity which they will not tolerate in hard times, it took the long depression (o bring the disputes to the fore, and more particularly that concijrning the responsibility for the care.of the unemployed. During the year just ended these have become far worse. Ilcj-e it is somewhat exactly size up what is hap pening in Quebec,! but of Mr. Hepl^ui*h's quarrel with Ottawa I Imre is no doubt whatsoever, nor, for that matter, of its ,̂ causes. For-the Ontario premier is never slow in expressing - Ids opinions; However, the ̂ questions 'in, dispute here should be settled before long, because, after all, Ontario is the prov ince which has benefitted most from Confedefatipn. ' ■■'But the formation of the new Western Secessionist Party in Saskatchewan is an entirely different mattet, coming ôn the top of the I conflict between the Alberta Government and the federal authorities. Moreover, back of that again through out the west there has long existed a feeling of dissatisfaction with the east, this being undoubtedly'the root from which the two above mo<iements have sprung. •The great natural resources o t the country are in the w est The great manufacturing plants are centralized in the east, as well as the headquarters of all the chartered banks ' and railways. ' That ij^retty well tells th e whole story, when it is remembered that the east is prone apparently to regard the west as still' not far removed from the swaddling clothes' stage. .This attitude has caused considerable resentment in the west for years, as has the apparenf determination of the east to maintain the status\quo. The west feels-it is npt nearly so dependent oii the east as* is;the latter oii it. The east in alp probability realizes this, too, haying a very thorough know ledge of western^ resources ifmot of .w ^tem ers'rieelings, - In . the long run it will likely be the del^rmining factor in â satis factory settlement of the points -at issue. ' There has long been talk of the four western provinces uniting to form one government. Another niuch discussed* scheme has been the;abolition of,all the provinbial govern- Wesi Van News. The postponed meeting, of the k public meeting will be held Dear Sir:--I notice, a letter in W.A. will be held next Tuesday, on Friday evening, January Ifltli, a recent issue of the Lions'. Gate loth in sta n t In the Church Legion Hall, when Mrs. Times written bv Geo. J. Smith, ̂ SUeves, M.L.A., will speak on who states that after listening ' when the new recent session of the Proy- to considerable discussion about ofticers will take their place^. our transportation problem he Members and friends are c»ar- realizea that the public is not in dially invited to attend, possession of the. facts. After ' -----:------ :-- --̂ indal Legislature, and Arnold Wi'b.ster on "Building the C.C.F. in 1939." A hearty invitation is extended to all to a it (Mid. reading his sidq of the question, it is doubtful if the public is' any better oft' than before. His letter deals with the subject'ap- RESENl'S TERM "SQUAITERS" POPULAR LhXlTUUES IN OHANGI HAI.L Members of * Hollyburn Ski .-^parently from the viewpoint of Club are protesting a recent the boat traffic only. The rate- statement from Vict()ria to the payer& are interested in the eflect that cabin-owners on Hol- transportation system as a whole lyburn Ridge are in the position rather than in any one part of it. of squatters. Thq buses are feeders of the ; They maintain that their an- boats, in fact the majority of nual lease fee of $10 for lands boat passengers, also use the on which their cabins are built buses, Mr. 'Smith.state's the an- takes them out of the squatter nual loss ' on the buses could class, and that such cabins as easily be rectified by a small in- " in bus fares. ' He does not' appear to. consider..what_the -re- ̂ suit of an increase iri bps fares at this time 'would be to boat traffic. Would it not cause more Two leclures in Orange Hall, January 5th and (5th, as an nuli need last week are as fol- loiva; January 5th,Thomas Eos- ior of Melbourne, Australia, on "(Ireat l*yramid Prophecy and Current World Events." The lecture is ilki.strated With beauti ful lantern slides of Egypt and tlu) Pyramid. are on private land were built with the consent of the land owners. of our passengers to. travel by vestigation of land titles in the Pacific Stages? I think it un- North Shore ridges with a pps- doubtedly would. sible view to, establishing an Mr. Smith states th e ' whole alpine park. a system has made, a profiit for -- --------- r-- ____ several .years. I do not know ^ L L Y B U R N HALL ; where he gets this information. - -------- January Gih, A.^cinemato;;^' graph lecture by _____ JhJiigle.„on "Germany, th'e 'J The statement to which the - Palestine." Col., Prini. skiers took exception was made through the Palestine cam-'; in the course of the current , in- under General Allenby J-le la well known as a lecturer in Western Canada. Both lectures are in the Or-, are in anre Hall commencing Mit 8 o'clock. Silver collection. These ■Jeclures are welF worth attend ing - >)<♦* CONSERVATIVE ASS'N The annual meeting and elec tion of officers of the West Van couver Conservative Associatioii Either would result ' 1933ments in favor of one central authority. in_ " present are any criterion. For, if there is all this heartbuffP"^ The following is a short his- A special Young People's Ser- tory of the financeis of the trans- vice illustrated by lantern views portation system as shown by will be held at 7 :15 p.m. tomor- the auditors' financial- state- row (Friday) in Hollyburn ments of West Vancouver Muni- Hall. The speaker will be Jack cipal Ferries. (See statement of Anderson and his subjeot^-TThe iii u i, i. o . revenue and.qjqpen;yitiu:e,>, - ... Pilgrim's .Progress,". Simdqy Year PrcJfit ■ Loss ' 'School and Young People's Bible $1,660.08 Class at 10 a.ra. next Sunday, ^ 7,297.95 ""January 8th. At 7:30 p.m. there aaketl - will be a Gospel Service when the inalrn a point of being present. _____ speaker.will-be,JjxhnJReid.. Taesr_ 1937 1936 1935 J.93A $5,669.90 -a8,485.36- 2,605.54 1931 day at 8.p.m. prayer and minis- _6ptS7-4-9---try-o.f-th^cJipi^lres-- ----------- WINTERTDRTVtNG^ mg now when certaiin rights of government are held by eacih province, what would happen when these priyileges had been surrendered? The tremendous distances, sparse population, and tlm diversities -of the resources 'and interests as between each prbvince, 'even between those .in this wesG would not _tend to make the wheels of government run any easier as -^Hiie^resu^f-eitlreirc ̂ ^ ------------ 7T : ' Reviewing,, ihe whole situation,' it, ̂ eems as" if' the Fathers of Confederation hit upon the wisest and most workable - scheme for both the Canada of 1867 and today. But it must 3,665.28- , The seasonal hazards which winter.adds to motoring in the' be brought up to date, and a more even balance struck between the various-parts of the machine, if it is to run smoothly. Nothing short of a conference between the federal, and provincial premiers can be really eff^five, and that cannot be held too soon. So will Canada become once more a united family. ■ . Total $16,760.80 $18,810.50 There has therefore l^en a net loss 'for those years of $2,049.70. This is a -very_§^ll loss in seven years' operations, '"^^Td'^roves thafThe system been operated with the object of :giving 'the public as.. che^p a transportation as possible, with out making either a profit or a loss, and that is the right method BARBARIANS' GIRLS AUXILIARY The Girls' Auxiliary to Bar barians Rugby Club will meet next Tuesday, January 10th, at "fhe"home of Miss Doreen' Elgar. Dominion couki be met and vir tually eliminated- if motorists would study and practice th e . proper technique of cold weather ~ driving, in the opinion of C. E. McTavish, who in additio«|^;o being general-T5alies manag#mT" Y. W. C. T. if. The regular meeting of the Y; W. C. T. U. will be held at 'the and one that is most satisfactory "hon'ie of-Mrs. McKay, 1545 Duch- to the ratepayers. I understand ^ss, on Tuesday, January 10th, the loss for 1938 will be about__M.8 p.m. All interested in tem- $10,000. ^ perance cordially invited. Mr. Smith estimates the loss ANDREW NELSON . . ^ FOUND DEAD Andrew_^elson--was--found ■ r-iitid ead-=̂ odteitlê '̂ ; MRS. SNELGROVE for 1939 at $5,.000;, My guess is I. 0. D. will be $25,000,' under RESUMES HER TEACHING present conditions.. ;^Mrsv T. E. Snelgrove "resume'd the ^teaching of the violin and piano . yesterday. Her pupils have" been successful in the ex- Mr. Smith stateB4it^~ou4stefrd-- The nomination meeting of '̂ Year's Day, behind "Crumble .Inn;' on Douglas Street, Horse- ■ shoe__Bay . __He_formerly worked- for Howard Rodgers at the Horseshoe Bay Hotel and.has no amihations of J:he Royal Schools known relatives/liere. It is n o t. of Music, Trinity College, Lon- thought an inqpfest will be neces- dan; England, and the Toronto but so f^r the funeral ar- Conservatory. Younger child- rangements have h o t, been an- ren are visited at their homes, nounced. The remains are at Any interested may obtain full ing bonds against the amount to $105,000. ' He might have gone a little further - and stated that- the ac cumulated sinking funds held amounted to $48,316.47, making the total net debt $56,683.53. He also states the sinking fund and interest charges would have to be paid whether the ferries were discontinued or not.' I General Motors. ̂ pducts of Can ada is a leading ^ th o rity on the control of traffic, dangers and is the nom|riaT head of the General. ■Motors Safety Club. - ' .. "The .assumption that an in-, crease in accident ratio is in evitable under conditions of ice, snow and fog" on the highways is entirely unjustified and un founded,!' declared, Mr. McTav ish in a recent' interview? "If a man blames treacherous-driv- jng conditions--for, an . acciden in nine cases" out of~ten^be"^i.sferries O.D.E., .wilhbe held on Monday, "V;, , T - T .January 9th, at 1:30 p.m.^at the- evade his own The commonesthome of Mrs. J. F. Jackson, 2258 'Mathers, The upper level bus leaves Ambleside wharf at 1 and 1:30 o'clock. Calendar.s.- will be sold at the meeting. . the HoHybuiB .Funeral Home of j>artieulars by kindly phoning " ^ Han-on Bros. Ltd. ht We-st. 210-L. " discontinued, road .hazard peculiar to winter driving, Mr, McTavish pointed out, was-icy I his con ditipn! d eol ai^d; were the result of sudden brake appli cation or too-rapid, turning on mu i. 17~ a mon .c curves,-End could be prevented the'use of second or first geai BRITISH - ISRAEL her at West 210-L CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Notice to Ratepayers Payment of taxes fpr the year;'1939 can be made in ad vance and if paid on or befpjre the 29th of April will.̂ bear interest at the rate of . ;-5% PER -a n S u m ' . . . from the date, of payment tp , . the End of June^ 1939. Payments may be made at the.'Municipal Hall, 17th'*'and --Esq«imalt7-HoHy btim;"- BrC: W. HERRIN, ■ Municipal Clerk. the boats would be sold and the proceeds used to pay off the debt, i . i _ l 1 • • * ' m the Dundarave Branch of the British-Israel World Federation will b e 'held Monday evening, thus wiping out the sinking fund January 9th, a t 25th and Marine and interest charges- He argdes -Drive at 8 o'clock. New mem-. the bonded debt pn the ferries hers will be made very welcome will be paid 1945, an.d-tlipre and old members are asked , to will be ho sinking fund .and ih't- turn" out. This~ will be rally erest to be provided for. He is night, and an interesting* hew altogether too optomistic. Boats program * has ̂ ' been arranged, and buses do not last W ever, You are cordially invited. *** and it would not be surprising if more of both were required be fore 1945. ' He prophesies' a nice'increase in ferry traffic between now and 1945, We all hope he may prove a good prophet. Than king-yog-fon-your-valu- TE'A AND MUSICALE The 2nd West Vancouver Cub and Scout Auxiliary are holding .a Tea and Musicale. at the home of Mrs. A. J. Addy7^049 Gordon for deceleration and speed con trol; sparing and gentle use of the brakes with the car stiff in gear; slow and careful taking of Xurjis, and the use of good tires r with ■'"plenty of tread. In some < cases he recommended driving with two wheels on the shoulder of the,u'oad, but emphasized that as a general rule when c'ondi- tions became so hazardous as to require this precaution, no mot- orî jt slmuld venture out in. his car under circumstances of the most extreme urgency. able space. Ypufs truly. W. C. T. U. The West Vancouver'W. C. T. Avenue on Friday, 13th January, U. will hold their regular monith- from 2:30 to 5 o'clo'ck.. Members ly meeting in the vestry of the are asked to bring a friend and United Church on Thursday, RATEPAYER, .^pend a pleasantY^fternoon. January 12, at 2:15 p.m.