**̂j> f ' 3 *I'4l H, I '[" - / K#|« ' , ̂« ,r ^ , f k i ' ' ' 1 ' . . . l l ' l , - . . , ? \ ^' g ' * W W ? VAN, 0NIT3BD CHURCH' Cor. 21 »i 4e Kwqiuiittalt Av«. . , W*. VANCm..BA«, lUnlflel'., 2647 Gordon Avenue Phone WeBt 244-R Sunday Service!: 11 a.m. A 7:80p.m, Htranger! and Visitor! are welcbni© l'-' 'Si U-Ji . :'i ■■ \ q : . L a q u e r Y o u r H a i r BAPTIST CBUKCH Mb»i$t*r »l!I* J f ? . . | l , l S S '-™ ^»»-- ^ ' Sunduy Stirtlefi 10:00 M.m,--Church School in< eluding Adult C1«M -I I "«,idM6*-^*80- i»»v--Frunohing- Service!. A hearty welcome to all i t n I 01 i' ? j i f o r N e w Y e a r s E v e Don't tako the* chance of a curl dropping out of pluco-- have it apruyod with truna* parent lu(]uer and to add aparkle to your coiffure have it dreuHed with Evening CryatalH. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe .Creator! of Exclusive Permanents, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 Jail. ~LXR ,^ G ^ I X ~ U .S E A L E . D.D.S., L.D.S. . DENTIST ■ X-Wny Huy Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72' HOLLYBDRRHAU 14th and Duchess ' SUNDAY, Jan. 1st, at 10 a.m. Sunday' School and Young People's Bible Closs SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:80 GOSPEL SERVICE "Bright MesHUges" l)y the MESSRS. RAE FRIDAY EVENING, Jan. 6lh at 7:16 Young People's Service lilUHtrating "Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress" ' Speaker: MR. JACK ANDERSON For three centuries this inimit able allegory hufi maintained its intense interest for both old and -young.--*----------------- -̂-----•:--------- Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study WESTVANCOUVER Christian Science Society CUUECB EDIFICE ■*%th"'aha'"'Eiiihliiialtr*HoUyhttro" This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, January' 1h(, SUBJBCl': "GOD" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting V/ednesdsy at 8:16 p.m. ITie public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1614 Marine «I<̂ « 8 > « » . ; Phone W'eat ew Sincerely wish you A HAI'PY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We have a good selection of NEW YEAR GREE*TINcj and {^HRIS'J'MAS THANK YOU CARDS, SEASONABLE.PARTY NOVKh. TIE.S, NAPKINS. CANDLES, Etc. An Up-to-date LIBRAltY full of good, and many new booka^^ AGENTS FOR REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS -- Se® the New' I'orfable VIOU^J INSTRUCTION HART MURRAY 2478 Ottawa Avenue UNITED CHURCH 2lst and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marino and 25th - Pastor Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. . Services ~Suh~day ScbooI.7.J.....J.' :J.l O^Tmr Sunday Serviccf.s...... 11:00 a.m. and 7:'30 p.m. . Wednesday Prayer Meeting...... 7:30 p.m, .Children's Meeting Friday .......... :..... . 0:45 p.m. ■Indopcndcnt Evangelical ^Marjorie R. McGiilivray Associate Teacher of THE J. D. A. TRIPP PIANO SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL and CLASS. RHYTHM BAND and THEORY CLASSES. Pupils successful in recitals, festival and examinations. Residence Studio: 2007 Haywood Avenue. Telephone: West 585-R-l Seymour 3053 j' ■■■ '-v ■•4 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours; 9 to 0 --, Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marino Drive Wcet 432 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ■ 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Now Year Sunday Befrin the New Year right. On thin fir.st day let the influences ̂ ̂ .oa « vv. o f , God's house and of God's Hpirit play upon your own soul. Watchnight service. Bring your family and join your New Year's Day- fellow ' citizens in the act o f . 8:00 a. m. ~Hoi !)i To A l l O u r P a tro n s a n d F r ie n d ^ . jt if •'I IA H A P PY A N D P R O S P E R O U S N E W YEAR I I i I' '0M 0 lie i l l!■ y'j L. i ̂ ' • ' I I . 1 ^ . . i 1 T he F rench B eau ty Salon For Woi'k of Qyality . We' specialize in fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W . 2 1 2 I' WEST 79 4 i WOOD ' --■'Jack Knill and Som KNILL'S FUELS I COAL -- SAWDUST 'N O R T H w 9 4 HOME OIL PRODUCTS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine' Drive; Phone West 794. r ■li as iSi;,::; -I ̂ T : Established on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS, LTl)._ jfuiteral iireftors --Holly burn-:Puner al-Homo-- , 18th and Marine West 184 -North-r-Vanoonv«r^*ar-lor8- . 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 ------ Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 ........... ......... . oiy Communion. public worsftfp; What else could 11:15 a. m.-r-Holy Communion we do that would be so .signifi- and Sermon., cant? " ̂ 7:15 p.m.-:-Carol Service. 10:00 a.rri.---Sunday School,* ̂ St. Francis-in-the-Wood 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. . Caulfeild, . ' Minister's ,subject: "Begin. Sunday, 3 p.m,-.Evensong ---------------------------- " with God." Story for chil- Sermon, dren. ■ Communion service ---- and reception of "new mem bers. 7:30 p.m.--Subject: "Facing P^orward." Good music and a welcome. .)! BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay I 1545 Duchess Ave. p t a ■S 'i0 f I r ' - ■ The Season's Greetings H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive PHONE w e s t 583 MISS D. 11. HORIE 11:00 a.m,.. Subject: "Every- AIl are urgeia to attend the Day Doing." ' joint services which . have been The Lord' ŝ Supper will be ad- " afraitged for next w^k'-- 'Week ministered at the close of the of Prayer. Tuesday, 8 p.m., in service. It is hoped that every ,the Baptist Church; Wednes-,, member of the church will make -Ala-yi--8:--̂ p;m-,---in-=^he^United--an-effort--to-be--present--at--the-- Church.' Friday, 8 p.m., in the first service of the New Year. Anglican, Church,. % "The choir will repeat: their " ' The "IVrA: meeting is post- Christrnas~1nTrsrc;--------^ ^ ---- poned from the 1st to the 2nd . ..Evening,Service at 7:30 p.m, Tuesday, 10th January. Further The ..pastor's subject will be, announcements later. "Enlargement and Enrichment." _____________ The Church School'will meet at 10 a.m. " The-church--will-co-Operate-in- NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the C h^^g^^ and Good .HousekeepingX^^ ^̂̂^̂ C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Represientative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. JSstimates-^cheerfully-lTurnished--by- BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. "ENG^IN-EBRS~&-neGNTRACTORSr"TIE7e^ING ANJJ VENTILATING • , / ^ i n a m i f k i n s v m ' JTinsmithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal Work! Specializing in Air Conditioning -- G.-W. H.-JAGESON.~Manager - 1483 Marine Drive West 41 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC ------------- CHURCH------------- 23rd & Inglewood Ave. ill Book Your Passage to the Old Country Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR__ ^^^CTanCANADLAN^ATIONAL Full particulars: sailings and^ accommodation. J . T: WATT 1744 Marine prive IPhone W. 141 a series pf community^ li^ryices' whichl 1̂ be Tield as. follows: Tue.sday in the Baptist Church i Wednesdiay in the Unit- ed Church ; and Friday in the Anglican Church. AH the ser vices will bfc held at 8 o'clock. ̂ The Women's Mission Circle r» j r>- . ' ' rr --will-ineet-in-the Church Tuesday.Rosary and Benediction T:45 January 3rd, at 2:30 p.m. The CateciSm and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Rev. W. J. Millay, 0:Preih. Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass"-=-^8:15 a.m. ̂ High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 annual reports ready and election of officers will take place: • All I^jes^ordi^l£^\\4j|bp^ Fridays--Rosary, Benediction Community Prayer Services •; '7;45. In keeping with the policy fol- Saturdays - r Confessions: 7:30- -Ipwed throughout the Empire to 8:80 p.m. The News CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST i : THE W est Van N ew s Publlflhcd Every Thi^rsday and ! in many I other Christian landsi di^rihglthe the Nevv Yek ̂ West Ya Churches:will hold a series of _____ community prayer services as "GOD" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Baptist Church; Wednes- Churches of Christ, Scientist, .on United Church; and Sunday; the Anglican Church saith the Lord the king k Israel, c i S s willand h is redAAmAr tliA T r J ciuzpns will g iv e them selves to hosts; I amTlS L s t and ! vX*fTos" and the last; and beside Me thert is tS ? 4 |v l s no God." (Isaiah 44; 6). ' ^ Publisher P. F. LOVEGROVE^ Phone West'363 » Busihass and Editorial Office: ] 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 i i l l North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. $1.00,a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by maU Among the/citations which comprise the Lesson - Seimion is -the following from the Bible: "He shall cry unto Me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation." (Psalms 89; 26). The Lesson ■- Sermon also in- _ eludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and .Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The creative Principle -- Life, Truth; and Love -- is God." __ CARD OF THANKS The Headmaster, staff and boys S t ^ a n c i s School at" Caulfeild Wish to thknk their many known u^nknown friends, who again made it possible to entertain a n u m ^r of unfortunate boys to a real Christmas House Party -- out held SSt" -" "«•»»' wiSfyZ?" She: ""YouVe just had it." ' B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E . L E C T R I C r a i l w a y c o m p a n y l i m i t e d -7-