... -:■■ Service Sii^rKewthMiH fo r F R ID A Y luicl it 4 $4 I . 5,.. !'"fM , f> I , , . - .; f i1 111 i';Vl ■. > 4 ' ' 5 i f -- i *•• ' V'il a i HchI & WhlU* TOMATO J V I V E 'Z i , l i)V j-o z . TiiiH t« ciiHf l*tT Caw o r 12. 2ri-u/. tioM for. ........ $1.10 Hfd & WhHo (JOUlKN COHN 2 No. 2 Tln« .............................. 17c I'KAS, Sk*Vtf :i 2 No. 2 Tifix 21»c VVIU) KOSK PASTKY FI.OUU Milk hlfti-d--Pucked lit It.V . 10 Pound Sack ........................... 3t>c (O.ACH CHKIt|{IKS,'t.To/., j»kt. . »c PINKAPPI-K ION<;S, y\HHor(c*d colora ............ 2 for lie CiilOtAN'rS, AuHtriilian JI-- Ho-cleanod ...........................2 llw. 25c PkHHUliVEI) (ONOKIt ......... III. 15c HONK 1ST OKANOKS--New SeuMon'M Navelw, extra line flavor. .. l.arKii ^ize ........................... dozen 29c Meditiin Hize ............... . . , dozen'23c Cnllfornla OHAPUFIUJIT... I for 15c DEUCIOUS A pP IJiS ........ 7 IIih. 25c . COOKINO ONIONS IM'. (frown........lO-lli, ineMli Iiuk 25c (;KANIiHUIOK.S. per l b ............... 29c ~l)ouird"IKl'~ SA T U R D A Y . Dec. 16th & I7 lh MEATS T ea:W d'^rw hiti-' A iiraclicul Rift for ClirlntinnH. Save (he CoiiponM for Valuable PreniiuniH. A miin jum ped from th e Uoim G ate Bridge today a t aBout 3:05 p.m. and was picked up by the f e r r y •T r()lly b U n i/' C a p ta in ;W a t. .son. which hi^ti left Amble.side a t 3 p.m. He was taken to the V ancouver General Hospital on the arrival of the ferry in tjie eity. His nam e is said to be Erickson, and he is reported a.s UltliMliMil SASH A DOORS SHINGLES jPLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY PA IR T BUILDERS* SUPPLIES W A ^X B ^tH D TILE AgenU: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. J.'or TOP (iUAl.lTY IN MCATS beiiiif liUlt* the worse for Iti.s ex HUI) IIKANi) UKEF ixrieiicc. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- LTD. 15th & M arine.D rlve Phone West 115 L E G IO N N O TE S I 'h e A m iu a l X m as D ruw m jj w ill ta k e platxj a t th e iyegion H all .See ou r d isp lay of T 'U R K EY ft, on T h u rsd a y . D('cen iber 22nd a t 9 p.m. . G E E S E , D U C K S, C H IC K E N , FO W L . E v ery b ird will be (Jrade A and C ity j 'rices . . N o th in g l)ut th e lie s t hand led in IhiK s to re . W est 370 C L A S S IF IE D A D S Tho raU) for ClaBsiflefl AdtcfftiMraents in 1 cent* per word, minimunt 25 cMtM, Except ln-ttoca«« of tJiooe having regular accounta, all dasBi. ***^*Remomlir**CIalS ̂ in the West Van News get immediate results. C O M M U N IT Y A SSO CIA TIO N N O T E S , (By Bill Ellia) F riday n igh t a t 7 :30 the VV.V. C.A. will hold a m eeting for toys,in th e ir club- Y()UN(; l a d y requiros quiet deep ing room botween Amblesidu ami 28th and Murine. Box CO, W est Van News. _______-- _________ _-- FOR SALE - - 8 Cylinder Hupmobilc Sedan, in good condition, 1981 model $275. W est 159-R-2, that High School boys,m th e ir club- room.s in the ^Amble.aide Block. KleeOQjl of "officers .will rtake « 1 1 * J * Z . l _ ? . i . ^ . A 'n o w is t h e t i m e to get property listed-■for sale- with us. We are putting 6ur listings in order for spring business. C. ,J.'Archer • Ltd., West 225. ■ ■ WANTED, T~ Reliable girl for light housekeeping in good home. Sleej) out. Box 71. W est Van News. C O R R E S P O N D E N C E r >'• ! , iI 1 '/fit ' Thu Editor, We.sL Van Newa. place arid plana for th is section of th e Association will be made. Any High School boy 16 or over is welcome to come down and see w hat the cKib is all about, E n te rta in m en t provided. Hot dogs and coffee a t a special rate . CANARIES FOR SA L B ^-r G ^ . unmrkt.efH. at a bargain. W est 738-K TO RENT-- $12.00, Three Room Wat- erfront Home with ifiro place. Aii- iwoderh" $2o:oi)r H. E. Whiffin Agency, W est 573: Evenings, W est 693-Yi-1. the J i V i, ( ' i ^ a t a m eeting last Tuesday th a t the" A uxiliary will hold a dance between C hristm as and the New Year. The Young Men's group will i . :j ; ■ Jt . i} I' / i J S" (' fef' I 'iMi i : '.'K ing generally adm itted th a t those debt charges are excessive. Even the ' pom in ion , G overnm ent has recognized th is fact, and Dear S ir :-- In announcing my- passed an act last session to seif a.s a cajididate tis Councillor makif loans to m unicipalities on in the Municipal elections next certain conditions a t two per ►Saturday, 1 would like to place cent. The next obvious step iiefoi'e th e electors my views on, would be to ro tund th e whole some Of th e ma.jor problem s with m un ic ipa ldeb t a t a reduced int- ____ ^ _____ ^ ___^ which W e st V a n c o u v e r will have Orest rate. 14 E v e r y th in g possible *nieet ton igh t a t 8 o'clock. A to d('al in the near fu tu re . should be done to r^ake a public cordial invitation to come down I f is impossible for me to-go demand lo r th is rolorm , which extended to all young men in into details in the .space the vv'ould go a long way tow ards d istric t, new spaper can .give me, but I relieving local au th o rities of the On Monday evening, December shtill be glad to (iiscuss w ith any burden of debt, which so ham- , i9 th , th e Association, in con- of the ratepayers, e ith e r indiv- pors npccs.sary developm ent.' junctim 'K tw ith the Recreation^ ■My business record is known Centre, i s '^ o n s o r in g an "A th- ^to most people m W est Vanoou- ietic" E vening" at the H igR yevr. I have been a residen t School in aid of the Santa Claus here lo r eleven years and am fund. A large tu rnou t is hoped well acquainted w ith the develop- for. " , ' m en t and needs of the munici- f h e In term ediate B Baisketball pality . I have had considerable team spon.soreci by th e Associa- experience on public bodies, hav- tioii lost a 27-15 gam e to Shores Hot I -oi itsi de-i n te res t._ and-w p_,ar€-- J c v ^ § r s - . In term ediate A la s t trnimr fn #»Ynprif»nf*Y4 -pnn.nid/iralii/i F a i m ers Boai,(t aiKl lieeTl (^hclll - FOR RENT -- Four room copifort- able bungalow near Marine; garden, January 1st, $25. W est 631-R. FOR SALEr-rAImost new Good Cheer oil stove, Brunston burner; kitchen SACRIFICE SALE -- Inglewood lot near 15th St.', $276. This is $200 under present price. Box 70, West Van News. . g;S a id coiiee a i a .specmi rait:. furniture, electric lamp, radio. 2131 K ath lq en . M oloy,. presideriL-Of - Marine Drive, West Vancouver, e Girls A uxiliary, announced -------- --- ^ , ~ Tj FOR SALE -- Red Cocker .Spaniel Puppies, registered; * price reason able. Apply after six, over old Post. Office building. " • " ' ■ "■ PLANT a Lovely Holly Head now. .... Small rooted - plants, -- 10c .....Phone W est 439-R-2. FOR„SALE -- $50; Oakland Sedan; good tires, Ambleside Service, 1503 Marine. LOST -- Tuesday evening; Marine between Ambleside and 22nd, small bunch keys, return W est Vancouver FOR phone PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, ne V. Hermandez. W est 122-L. Stationers^ Reward. WANTED -- Girl for light house^^ keeping in good home. W est 233-X-2 idually or a t a m eeting, any p a r ticular "(jueHtions in winch they may be in terested . ' . We all realize th a t W est Van- co u v e rjs^ e s tin e d to become the liesfe-^Hisid^hUjW'area in .Greater Vancouver. The opening of the Lion.s* G ate Bridge has intensi- $20 MONTHLY; RENT -- Reduction ..- i f tenant-undertakes minor-repairs,.. lease given. 6 room bungalow, bath-' room, large sleeping porch, fruit trees; garage; wired for electric range; 2 blocks stores and schools . and buses. W est 510-Y or W est 4. WARDROBES, Drawers, Cupboards, Tables, House Repairs, Glazing and glass. Anything in woodwork. Western Woodworkers, 1478 Clyde Avenue. Phones W est 740, West - 443-R. ' WEST VAN. CHIMNEY & WINDOW CLEANERS. City prices. Recom- mended'-jwork.- W est 348-Y. " HOUSE-CLEANING thoroughly done also cooking, serving and care of children. West 445-Y. • ' - PRINTING ■-- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. going to experience considerable . . ^ "GROVVrNG' PA IN S" during the D istric t Commis- lidxt few years. Wc m ust look. ̂ orgiuiized besides aheud and plan our a lla irs to ■ serv ing on our own School Board. Tuesday. Gur ^team is^ expected- to do big things: when the-In ter-. m ediate B finals come around. CHRISTMAS PRESENT -- , Five "beautiful singing canaries, jjhoice, FLOOR SURFACING -- J. SutherJ land, 2144 Mahon Avenue. Nofth FOR SALE -- Electric train like new, 35 ft. track, 2 switches; ,6 ft. Birch m? m eet the developm ent, tfnd not" H elecletl, I shall--regard myseH be content to ca rry on 'from day , servan t ot the citizens, .■■ • ' ' • • i ' ' ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -- - . . . I . . -- CHRISTMAS DRAWING fish knives and forks, pearl handles, W estl47-R -3. MASON'S TAXI ---heated-car^ W est 612. Day and night; SldU and p^ e C e a s e --------l>?" t?d;Carf-pa8sepger»YuBy4l8nred- m \ ■PM"- -M'C': m-i'- t7̂. r 4 atid -s-lm tid^e-gm dtdron ly4 jrW -7~-"T he :'annual'"G knowledge of th e ir best inter- jng sponsored by th e Duncan ests. ̂ ___ Lawson Chapter. I.(3.D.E., will May .1 take th is opportunity 'tak e place on W ednesday noon, to urge every citizen- to show a December 21st, a t th e B C - ............... ....... .................... ............... g rea te r intere.st in all the affair.s . E lectric Store, 1588 M arine cpmToFt of those who have liveif ' municipallt>^ XVtnrtever Drive. This .year the prizes have here for years. problem s ma.y be, and there a cash value and tickets which T ransportation school'aoiom - . '" '" '■V in th e nex t few are lOc or 3 fo r 25c,. m ay be modution \vnter an d 'o T course .u" them best obtained from th e m em bers of t S ^ ' lu e sOTne of iiuT a g t y 'm rl.hem frankly and, all the G haptcr or a t th e B. C. E lec- "to day .until even ts force pieoe- meal action upon us. We should be ready to take_ advantage_of the s itua tion ; to encourage new com ers in every possible way. b u t -- hot a t the expense or dis ■■H0I:iiY7="N q-better Berried KBlIjT'in GORDON ROBSQN Barrister & --SoIieit-orr510-W'rHastiiJgS7"Seyr44-99' Vancouver. Get your supply today. W est 677-Y. at W est Vancouver any tim e by appointment, W est 403. $10.00---Small, comfortable furnished cottage, near ferry. W est 350-X. WANTED jGtirLforjthousework for . J. _EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 653-R-i; Christmas Holidays. W est 846-L. FOR SALE -- 2 Axminster Rugs, blue and rose', in good condition; 9'-xl2', $15; 7'x8' 4", $12. W est 673-L. A REAL REST for Tired Folks -- Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street. W est 86-l>2.. que.stions. i "' T ransporta tion , convenient together. Democracy °is in dan- trie Store. . -- ger_!__ If the__way___is._to___be-kept---------------̂---- iCf ' . I ' ii " and cheap, is just as' luxiessary . to us as roadsf__It__is_essential> both to serVe the present resi- •dents 1 and open for hum an freedom and ad vancem ent, every-maTmTrd"Wom^ -an- m ust do his p a rt, so thaf- GIRLS* CHOIR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -^ FOR RENT -- ^ e w modem bunga- _ low on Waterfront; y Gleneagles, hardwood floors, range, and lino. Bay view 8637-Y and W hytecliff 341. L(M N S ARRANGED' -- Domimon -- Housing A ct and other plans. 6or- don Gray, Seymour 4991. or West 92-R-2."________ _̂_____ m To encourage new o nes;-and should be regarded I -- #---- I ' A ll7 m e m b e r s o f M rs Ma(>- " Barrister & S;\^stcnw.s^ind-m^t-ikitrM>ns--ma>--be-- L eam ^ - G ir l s ' -C lroi r - b o f h * Senidr""^^?^^, If m a d e to s e r v e m an an d n o t m a n a n d , J u p fo r G ir ls , a r e aske^a t o . ■ w p S e r t ^ ................. .... s la v e o f m r t it .r t .0^̂^̂ ̂ o u t fo r p r a c t i ,^ on th e c o m , . . -West 403.■----------------- a r i l i ' u s a p r o lU -m a k m g in v e s t - ̂ ig n e d ) . H A R L E Y S M IT H n ig S a tu r d a y m o r n in g a s .S u n - ~ ®DY Bvery- te r r y scT iedule ^ o u l d be m a in - . . - \ p i ^ t i c e Call W est 91 a S w o .bring the cish W. ■ - S I . I E N I I S T hefovp it- to^your door, • Burrard Junk Co. ' PAINTING and DECORATING -- J. H. Wedley, form erly .with C. L. Konings. Phone West" 818. -- mates"fTeer^-- ' -̂-------- Esti- f ' ■■ . tam ed, and o ther measure'sTjiken such as cheaper tickets for use; i i r s l a ok .jfours. 'combined ff»rry and bns 'service for h ikers a t . week-ends, round tr ip excursions in the. sum m er. I will do every th in g in my power to m aintain and extend our muuic*ipal tra n s portation system . . . The care of our schools is prim arily the duty of the School T ru s tee s ; but the Council has to vote the money. I need not sa y - . t h a t , I , am in favor of the p ro vision, of adequate school accom- _modatiom a n d ^ h a t--tdl--reason before . ---------■ p e c t e d . ■ •- ' . ■ ^TS- ^UNIVERSE, IN- '/G n '.W hJte G ift Sunday th e ' CLDDlNG'M AN,:EVDLVED"B r rcToiF w1ir<mee£ a t TO- m in u tes ' ATOMIC FO R C E?" will be the before 11 o'̂ ^ck in th e hall FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL- 7LED -- "Dressmaking and Altera- Tione. Milady's Lingerie S h o ^ 1474 =̂ VIarinfe'.'~' W est 9i: sub ject of the Lesson - §>ernion in all Churches of C hrist, Scient ist, on Sunday. T he Golden 'f e x t i s : "Hearken unto me, 0 Jacob, and Israel, my . ca lled ; I am H e ; I am fth e first,' .1 also am the last. IVIine hand also hath laid the foundation of tlie ea rth , ad my rig h t hand hath ^'NOTAR Y -PU B L IC ,"- General - Con- veyaneing,"-^Valuator." Reginald P.' Blower^ 1405 Marine Drive. W est 21. ' LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- ̂ Special machine; repairs, • parts; ., W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449. .'.M arine, ' j. CHIMNJEY.SWEEPING -- Sawdust > burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum; 1103 Lonsdale North 822.E ngagem ent M rs. Em m a Jessop of 1370 Duchess Avenue, announces the engagem ent of h e r only daugh ter, Reedis, to Mr. .William George Coxen of V ic to r^ ^ .C . LAND CLEIARING -- Estim ates free. Powell & Matheson, W est 334-R or W est 745-L. - HEAVII^Y BERRIED HOLLY for sale ; -- 50c per pound. Highlands Cafe. EXCAVATING, C learing ; day or con- ̂ tract. Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick; W est 252-L., spanned the .heavens." (Isaiah 48: 12. 13>. LAND REGISTRY ACT W A N T l^ TO BUY -- 4 or 5 Room bungalow*-ViewTo^Stion i f ' possible. iiju iu iuoir, an u --r n a f--atl--reasoTi^^--=---- * --------Ti--7^ --- ----- ----------- --I^^^^Dasterly-^half--of--Block--2G7Dis--- RrfR~«xrr?-----n -- ^ ------- ablp dAmanH-a th;:* T'v«c.+«,.c. A m o n g th e c ita t io n s . w h ic h tn et Lot 817; Group 1, New W est- ̂ und Oil Burnera o ie d e m a n d s ot, t h e I r i i s t e e s 4 u ., r o ...____-.iko _ _ m first class, condtinn s.qo C^sh or terms up to $3,000. Par- ticulars to Box 50, W est Van News W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. 7 " : '-'.'ilk will feceivem iy support. W ith regard to W aterw orks, -_.eomp.rjse the- Lessoh-- Serm on-is-- 'uinsterTistrict^PianTisos.*," ------------ T ^ - i t WHRPRAS I--- th e following fro m ,'th e Bible: I undeistand th a t the C ouncil' im age, in the im age of God ere- TI,T« H e h im ; m ala and fem ale -CMAted .H e T hera." (Genesis 1 : haying in view th e f^ tiu 'e re- 2'7). . \ quirem ents of a llT h e residen ts The Lesson - Semon also in- and bearing in eludes the following passage ^\HEREAS proof o f loss' of O rtifi- cate of Title number 22155-L to the above mentioned lands, "issued iii the name of George Meredith Pugh ha.s been 'filed in this office, notice is hereby given _that I shall,-at the ex- piratioir of-one month from7the date of first publication hereof, issue a Provisional-Certificate 'o f Title in _in first class._cpndition, $39.50 com'- plete. Phone'W est 30?^ 1 -̂^KCEL s h o p -- Thermique Steam __Permanents,:-- ôhly-- bhst-^ateriala_ used. Expert operators. Phone W est 304, RoyaJ Bank Building. CONSTRUCTION, A lterations. Re- pairs. Foundations and Roofs- reasonable. Estimates free. H. w ! Russell, Carpenter. North 589-R. WANTED-- Furniture, Stoves, Toolsi ete. We buy, sell and. exchange. Phone North 431, Vinick's Furni ture,-66-70-Lonsdale--Avenue;----- ̂ ~ CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palm er, Capilano, . North 8H -R-2. ,• 'i'- * ,1' ROOM A N D BOARD available near Terry. W est 686-R. 7 ' .s' -f vf 41-- ' T -j - . c^xpeiise - - about JmTf th e to ta l Principle, is * th e F a th e r and assessm ent, - - is fo r in te rest on ' M other of th e universe, i n c S past indebtedness. I t is beoom- ing m an." ' ̂ ̂ , Registrar. Lawrence & Shaw, . . , 904 Hall Building, ' Vancouver, B. C. FOR RENT -- Very attractive .8- room house on W aterfront; $30.00.- ; Lawsoh, Walker & Pride, 1704 Mar- r̂ ine Drive. . W est 55. -p Lynch of 2219 -- -̂------------------- -- ^ Bellevue Avenue, have moved to. MANimj) -- Phone A rt Knight, W est 51-X:"