• r^^i*mber liS, TH E W EST VAN N EW S 6 !!BWlBWtB8iSSBSi X |f ^ FOR MEN QtJAUTY FUrtNlSHINGS AT CITY IMIICES C k » d b - H I « d l y w B « « i : « d » v « .. i irts,'T ie», Soek«, Uandherchiefa, Bilk or Wool Scarves, CIovch, , Suspender Sets, Universal Sweaters, Bath Robes, Dressing Gowns and House Coats. o S o r V 'C A V n 'B * !tirS " S O T T ' m T ) r " w m A 'S 0 M * i ^ T i S ~ ' McLEOD'S MENS WEAR driveWEST VANCOUVER Christmas is a Home Day Shop at Home this year The M ayor of V ancouver Since th e opening of th e w rote the Council re th e pro- bridge th e m erchants of W est posed dedication of th e Lions* W ancouver* have been hav ing a G ate Bridge by the ir M ajesties h a rd strugg le . Be a good citizen th e King, and Queen in May, and do w hat C hristm as shop- 1939. ping you can a t your hom e s to re The Council heartily endorsed and help our own town. You will save yourself and your pocket-book. . GI/ASS and CHINA ART NOVELTIES are popular and cannot bo duplicated for c lass or price. g ift h o o k s fo t old and young-- Brldge, Views in Cards or Culondurs. l)KG<)IiATIONS for the Tree, Table or Home -- Garlands, Snow, Icicles^ ' ' 'Gift-wrappings, Twine, Seals and Candles, for all tastes and ages -- Fountain Pens, Pencil Sets and Seasonable Stationery. .'̂ CllUISTMAS CARDS -- 2 for 5c, 5c, 10c and up . . liriUsh - Foreign Christm as Numbers in all Magazines. Give a Library or Magazine Subscription -- It Lasts. . . . I t w ill,pay you to visit WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY ]i;U Marine Drive (open 'till 8 o'clock) W est 687 I l l Foon M o p k e i s FTR€€ a, .^CUVfRyJ I k . * W^st 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 F r id a y a n d ■FREE DELIVERY Grade A Red Brand Sirloin Roast 25c lb. Rump Roast 22c lb. Short Ribs K k lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75c Fresh Mushrooms 25c per lb. BAKEASY Pot R oast 1 4 c lb . R olledR ibs 23c per ifc Shortening 10c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 BACON 15c per p k t Shoulder Lamb 16c Ib Breast Lanib 15c. lb. Roast Veal " 18c lb. Veal Stew 10c per lb. th is proposal th a t the bridge be dedicated by th e ir M ajesties on the occasion of th e ir v isit to Vancouver in May, 1939, and H um phries-- van V ooght M asses of w hite ohrysanthe- authorized th e Reeve to com- m um s adorning the a lta r , and m unioate accordingly th ro u g h graduated baskets o l th e the S ecretary of S tate. flowers IuBng the chmicel ra il * ♦ ♦ form ed a se ttin g fo r th e S a tu r- W. M. Clegg and sons of Chilli- day oyeniiig wedding in C h ris t wacky li.C., have been , aw arded Church C athedral, ben M ai- the" 13th prize fo r spriiig w heat KMpi'ite daui?btor of M is. Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE BREAD _________________________ _ Ton varieties to suit every taste Meat Plea -- Cookies Ecclcs Cakes -- Pastries Buna and Rolls N ote A ddress: 1468 Marino Drive Phone W est 27 prize to r spring ..................,, . . . . . . a t the Royal A gricu ltu ral Win- Van i Vooght, 2288 Nelson Ave ie r F a ir in Toronto. T here were 130'entrie^s and 30 prizes. Mrs. M. H. Conquest of 13G 27th S tree t moved to V an couver for th e w in ter and is residing a t 4325 Willow S tree t. nue, and th e late' S, van V ooght, becam e th e bride of Mr. R oger H enry A lbert ̂ Humphries, son of Mr$. H um phries and the la te A. ■Jv'-Humphrie8i-*-vr'-.*:::H,-..,...,« .̂-.»« ..v:» Dean A rm itage read th e 8 o'clock inarrinige service,' w hen th e bride was attended by her -- Mrs.-AV. i G rou t~ h as~ re lu rned..... to hdr home a t 1045 D uchess leysule, us m atron .of honor, Avenue, from the N orth Van- Molly H um phries, si^u* o l th e couver General Hospital, w here g r ^ m , a s bridesm aid, and Eve she recently underw ent an oper- Gail Keenleysidc as th e two ation flower-girls. ♦ ♦ * The (bride, who was given in Mrs. Hobbs of Fernic, and m arritige by h e r brothei^^ Mr. and Mrs;' George A nderson E. W. Keenleyside, wore mi of Vancouver, wore ^eek-end im ported model ol h ^ v y •.white,: guests of Mrs. G raham W atson, Clifton House, Caulfeild. C hristm as sketches were given satin , w ith the full sk ir t ex tend ing from th e moulded bodice in to a peacock tra in . I t -sponsored an E lizabethan collar,' and th e by the W est V ancouver Dickeps long sleeves tapered from th e Book ■ Club a t the C hristm as * broadened shoulders to. fo rm lily -meeting in ' th e . Teal Y uletide sp irit of the V ancouver Dickens Fellowship held yesterday a t the E lks' Hall in Vancouver. N h Mr; and M rs; John Russell of points over the hands. She wore h er,m o th e r's wedding veil of fine B russels net, w hich was held in place w ith a tia ra of orange blosr soms, piyi'tle and hea ther, back ed 'w ith silk ruc'hin^jl^and carried a show er" bouquet of w h ite car- W est Vancouver, who celebrate ^nd lilv of th e valley _ t t e i r 61st bedd ing : an n iversary -*!'y " imson rose- ■ th is m onth, w ere m arried on , , December 20th, 1877, in H am il- ^ model gown of paper-w jiite ton, O ntario which is also th e ir -native city. They have a doll h a t of red • fo r th e last fifteen years; M . chrysan them um s, and she car- Russell a t 82 and M rs. ^.^ssOll ^ sheaf of m atch ing flowers. S . W hite-taffetai-fashibned th e gown. Hollyburn Theatre rilU R S D A Y , FRIDAY mul SAT. M ATIN EE & EVE. DocombtM* 15th, 16th ami 17th I'RRDDY BAUTilOl.OMEW " KIDNAPPED " idso "W H AT-EVRRY" BOY" -- SHOULD KNOW* MONDAY, TUESDAY ami , , W EDNESDAY Doceinhor . IDtli, UOth & '2lHt. ■ ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA DK IIAVILANI) " The Adventures of Robin Hood" All in color. ' Th"lCnost i)oi')ulur ami possibly the g re a te s t adventure story of the year. . • , the full, and 4xtremely_ in te rested 'tEenbridesm aidT "designed in in th is ever changing w or d f bouffant mode w ith tiny sh o rt- ^ sleeved, jaequette , and, sh e car- Temiams to them , M rs. G harles chrysan them um s. In- Stapells of . Edm onton, and one k y le - w ere ' th e w hite grandchild, M aryellyn. TJ®y wi j ^^ff^ta frocks worn by the flower ■M drarreeept-i^rat-tT ie-hom e7<^ g-irls, styled w ith anlklerlength'- th e ir niece and nephew, M sh irred a t th e w aist- M a c le a n ,.^ O th S tre ^ ,-- O f.red and w hite blossoms-.^ W est Vancouver, on Tuesday th e ir tiny , dod h a ts , and evening, Decem ber 20th, when th e y c a r^ ie d baskets of red ros^v- moTiv triAnn«i nrpt Pvnpp.T.p.n rr> ca l , . " ^m any friends a re expected to call aic ongrafiila iions. r_____-£hd-exten(Dcom A dau g h ter was-bom-i>n Tues- daiy, December 6th, a t St. P au l's = H ospital, to Mr. and M rs. A. J. uowse ol M r. Denis G. J . H um phries was h is b ro th e r's best m an, and ac tin g as ushers were Mr. Jack McLeod and Mr. Roy C a r te r . . reception foliowed^The cere- Mrs. V irtue Linford, m o ther of Mrs. John W. Allen of W est --Vancouver,, passed aw ay in hos- ; pital. on Monday, aged 82 years. ' The funeral services^ w ere held yesterday in th e city , w here in term ent was made. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *■ * ■ * . ■ mony a t th e home of Mr. and M rs. E . "W r'T m ne~ Keenleyside, 1850 M athers Avenue, W est Van- couver. G uests w ere receiVed-b_y_._ M rs. van . Vooght, w earing a gow n.' of stiffened black laoe woven in daffodil p a tte rn , a yeil- , led black velvet' toque, ost|i-Ch itrimm_ed,-^.and; to- her<--wl»ite ^ ox - ^ M a y e ^ ^ # a t t e F s o n 7 w E ^ k g T ^ u T ^ w a s - ^ p in ; h e d - ^ ^ a b ro ther of Jofin R. P a tte rs6 n ' , w hitp gardenias; She Was assist- 2694 Marine, Drive, w as re-elect- ed by M rs.,Hum;phries, who. chose 1 his thirteenYh • t erm n gown_of sqot-b'lAck'Velvet w ith T) ri ma.tcjhj.m.r to o iie an:d~CQrsa)ge~o±-as M ayor of P rince @edrge, rm. u and eigh teen th as a m em ber of O pheua rosebuds, ' ^ e bride s Hunter's Colfee Shop CHRISTMAS DAY S p e c ia l C h r is tm a s D in n er $ 1 .0 0 p er p la te _ -By-rtiiservation-OTily.::-;- 2423 Marine Drive. W est 610 V. H. YEOMANS BRITISH USED CAR ____ _____ SPECIALISTS----------------- No P aym en t till FEBRUARY 1 on the following: --34^HAxpm9hila-D eluxe -__^ Sedan, G cyl ..................... 35 Ford Coupe ................ .̂....$395 35 T errap lane Sedan .......... $525 30 Ford C oach ,......................$195 Buick Sedan ........... ......... $~85 -- 30 N ash Coach, 6 'cy l.......... ,$195 28 E ssex Sedan .....................$ 85 29 C hevrolet Sedan .............$150 - .30 Ford- Sedan, 4 door.....-w$235 36 M orris, 4 dr. Sedan........$575 38 M orris Coach--drastic reduc- ' tion. ^ ,F.-H. y e o m a n s T RADES" -- 1057 W. Georgia St. - Trinity 12U ' R everse your phone calls. I th e City Council. Civic officials "tabl§, s p 'r e ^ w ith a hand-woven said they believed th is is a record of service' fo r any B ritish Col̂ :̂ um bja-city. . I r ish linen cloth, was centred w ith th e wedding cake hnd ap pointed w ith vases of-f^d carna- m Mr. and'^Mrs. Wilson of K erris- -dale, have moved in to th e ir new tions. ' M rs. N orm an McLeod and M rs. A. H. Parson, cousin of th e home a t 17th and Inglewood groom , presided a t ; th e u rns Avenue. travelling ^the, bride • 7 changed to a h u n te r 's g reen tail- Mr. and Mrs. F . C apener arid , leu r of nubby E nglish cloth,^ th e 'daugh ter;--SylviaT'^of--London;--^ ^ a t revealihg ^a d u s t^ T ^ iir^ -Ontario, are paying-an extended F rench blouse, model g reen h a t v isit to tfieir p aren ts , Mr. and THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: I f you requ ire a R oaster fo r th a t C hristm as T u r j^ y we*qiavq .them in m any kinds, sizes and p r ic ^ . D on 't spoil the. bird fo r want,.of one CRAWLEV & BARKER T i/v/ _______ _ w ith pink ostrich moun,t,- and- M rs. Dickinson, F irs t N arrow s m atched accessories. On f^ tu rn - L igh thouw . I t is: tw en ty-one W from th e ir m otor tr ip south , y e a rs since M r. ad M rs. D ickin- M r. and M rs, H um phries will re- son have seen th e ir d au g h ter; --^ a c t= . M rs Capener. ' - ' m ents, 1325 Pendrell S tree t. WEST-VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and. Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners -Phone--W est--39- EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly w ith Birks lA d . , 1522 Marine DriTC YOU CANNOT LOSE W hen you bu,y him a SOHIOK or SH A V E MAiSiTER from me. I f not s a t i s k d in th ir ty days,, you can g e t F U L L CA SH R E FU N D on cash sales! Buy th e best and<-he safe . Mjail o rders p rom ptly a ttended to and state w hether jfor youths or adu lts . We inviterT^ou to duplicate th is .o ffe r -- anyw here.-- -------- - Phone jNorth 524. MORRIS R. W HITAKER, 1107 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver