'■'./- f . ■■ D ecem ber 1 5 . 1938 l - | | l : 1.1'1 ̂ I|i •< 4* # ,ih mm i i V.|..« #i f . , 1 I i MEHALOMAS HEAT lJAlliJAItIAN*S 22-3 I HE BUKNING BUSH By Hubadar I'7 ;r ' COUNCIL I^O^rES Mr. Heeps and Mr. Buroheti came before th e CouiJcil in ref- tw n ce to th e Heeps logging oi>er- ations. Mr. Heeps in introduc ing Mr. B urchett said he was for y ou r DRIVEWAYS "Aim ing on th e h ea t on th e , , • , . . " ' Oval--fast Saturday a f te r the ^̂ ****' of the year half-w ay m ark the M eralomas vvI h *m the towns and d is tric ts in ___ ___ opened the..,gamy,. up,, wide ,an d , , t h i s , pruviney g e t s e t for the . Jeaving fo r Loa A ngeles shortly w ith th ree scores in rapid sue- minnal ehstions for those who and th a t Mr. B urchett would be cession pu t the issue of th e ir . . '* thc<m for looking a f te r his in terests dur- 're tu rn gam e with the JJarbariaiis '^ i„g th e tim e he wa.s absent.1039, At haisl th a t's wind the 'voters"' 'wiif"""""i'a'y','■"" frt>'rh""" 'iibdut M'arfdt""on'U'rirflsr""J%ey'tilwayB^tl0." All ov<»r B.(/. men are g e ttin g io« Asphalt Pretwix lUIAD H A T E B I ^ U M in D ' Ph 6fi e"' No fth f 1 N J Ab)F,,„E|f ComiESHONDENCE n I'■! « II' M I ,/4U. '"fffi out of all doubt. Jn the tirs t ha lf the gam e was evenly contested and the B arbarians were som e w hat unlucky to f>e down by 8 jio in ts a t th e change over, In the si'cond half the B arbarian forw ards got* little of the ball " froin th e ir heavier opjionenls and as a resu lt the s trong and fust Meralonui hack/ield inicl milny oppoidunities to indulge id sjKiCtaeular jiassing. 3'he B a r barians scsire was nnule by ( rE a su m /w h o narrowly missed ^adding m ajor points from' a dif- *' lieu It angle. L ast S aturday the Nor w esters also were , on the losing end. A g a in s t the Second Division runiujrs-ijp, Marpoie, a t Oak J3ark they more than held the ir ..own in the lirst lialf and changed over - only--d--ptmi.ts--riovvn, ' ln:" the ■ second half the going got too tough for them ami Marpole add ed o ther 22 points. No moi'e league gam es will be played until Saturday, January 7, Jjut oji th is coming Saturday on Brockton Oviiha Kep gam e in aid of the news])aper Santa ' (dans Bunds will he staged. Society for the Preservation of Native Plants of British - Columbia B urchett sta ted th a t ()per- atioiis would be of a selective tiatiire7'"""CG(laf!"":Belhg"'"i^ first and hemlock when the getin*]' Ml small 'hroup.s in back m arket w arran ted , th a t an in- . , to tiLMire out just what sixietion of a log road had been J h e 10 nguK, oui JUM intention M unicip al Couned to im prove it a t an aiiiiro.vimafe W est Vancouver, B.L. n cost of $d,000. He now wished D ear S ir :---The S ocie ty l'to r to Irriow w hat loads would be al- the preservation of Native Idwed over th e municipal roads Plants of B ritish Columbia de- aiid along the M arine Drive. plores the unauthorized cu rang t ie was advised to get in touch p f C hristm as trees and Ghrist- with th e Municipal Engineer, mas greens, especially on higm who would give him Uu; inform- ways;^ in parks and iii public rooms kind of Inril lime will be most likely to ensnare the illusivo voter. Von know, brothei"^ th a t to the candidate for otfioii the voter is ju s t as illusive as is tlie dollar to you and me. T hat is to say he is iievin* <iuite sure wlien he's going to gel him or' how, and, if he do<;s, how long ho will l;e able to hang on to him. All till' wise,* om.'H, of course, have' got "the dope" as to ju s t why liie ir candidat(i' is going to win. W ith a widl chewiid cigar in one corner of the ir m ouths and their atioM desired and, if there-w as places, any doubt, the m a tte r could be We are w riting to many of (dariiied by the Municipal Eng- the municipalities o f B. C. re- ineer. (luesting th a t they ooiisider put- * * * ' ' ting notices or w aniings in the A le tte r was received froin press, to the effect th a t such overcoa l c■olhirs Iiirned* m) ihev M otor T ransportation cu tting and reipovaJ.,i's forbidt " T fr"7.TTr" T̂^̂ ̂ -- Company-by-thG-CounciiTOqnest--- (len™w1thiTr~the"7iurisdiction-"of- Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -L PHONE -- W est 682 812 16th Street TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside...... ..$0.00 Cord ... B.BO " 4.50 » 6.60 4.50 II II Mill Fir, Inside .. Fireplace F i r ...... Green Alder ««• Furnace Blocks SPECIAL-- No. 1 Fir Edgings...... 8.56 Cord 3 C ords.....................$10.00 ^ 0 Cords (6 Loads) $10.50 Slabs & Edgings B a r k y .....................3 Cords $11.00 Bark ............... ..................$5:00 Co^d Limited amount. SAW DUST SPECIALS Sacked .............. .......... $4.00 per unit B u lk ............. .................$3.50 per unit will Icll you all about it a t any • ... cj . j, • • -i-i sircot coriu-r <'si)(>ciallv on elec- Pacific Stages be the m unicipality, lion d-tv I f 'they c 'liro n lv roll convenience of hikers to - If unauthorized cu ttin g be an tlie cigar to the oIIku* corner of th e ir ' Mioiit as a ki( iH'caiisc .... - V / , . » . > • > ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ . A . A v t I a * '* V * V * • V * . V * ■ *!<» » » , r w w , the covnenience of hikers to abuse -in W est Vancouver, "we CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at i486 Marine Drive \vi I) Ih they feel -is happy S tree t and M athers Ave- ̂hope th a t the Municipal Cpui|cil iilli his (irs t'm arb les, "%V. „ ,w ' will find it possible to a c t upon al is th,, liiillmai-k of .. i - 'J 'A ItlJ i TKNNIH I.KAGUIt 'I*'- I. i yii , "roams J." W -L T P is Dud OH 9. 8' .1 0 IG Blub Bonibors 9 7 2 0 14 Canadioiis 9 G 2 J 13 Maple Loafs 9 G 2 1 13 W. V. Sizzlofs 9. 5 4 O' 10 Bockoyos. 9 1 7 J. 3 Muskoteoi's "9 1 •8 0 "2 J-lillbillios 9 0 .8 1 1 # 1 : lyusi W eek's scores: . Dudes 10, S(x;keyes 8. Cunadiens' IJ, Blue Bombers. 7. .Maple Leafs 12, M usketeers 0. V W.Vi Biz/.lers 11, Hillbillies 7. l i : WEBT VANCOUVERMERCHANTS (2nd Division) the wise election shark . A fter the reln rns are out those whose ' "(lojM'" was Jill wet d isappear into Llieir lioles like magic a f te r the m anner of ra ts w ith a ferre t a f te r (hem. And, if you happen t() run into one 6j' them a m onth aflerw ai'ds and dare to broach; the subject of the elections, you'll learn th a t the num ber of m e n , and Vvomen who double- cros.sed Ul(?ir own m others was enough to- make .Wr man weep., Only lie doesn't weep. I-Ic '.swears'. ' ' >H Mi * . • : ■ ' Thfiv have arranged to lest the m otorist in Vancouver now. Ilis inleimal workings will be thorougliiy e.xainined in the same way as th e'au t^ mechanic inves tigates his car. He, will undergo a w ritten exam as to w hat he knows . oi' -doesn't of the Motor th a t the M unicipality were a t p resen t providing a sufficient service fo r hikers and skiers to the po in t'm en tio n ed and tha t, therefore, they did not see any necessity : for,; increasing the same. The Council heartily endorsed the proposal of the City of Vanoogyer th a t a non-stop flight be uhtlertaken between London Vancouver in connection' with the proposed visiti, of i the ir ' M ajesties the K ing and Queen in May, 1939, 'and requested the Reeve to com municate accord ingly th rough the. proper author-^ ities a t O ttaw a, j , ' F aith fu lly yours, ,,.(Sgd.) E L L E N HART, " Secretary. N.B.--This le t te r has been in cluded in our c o lu r^ s a t tlie special request of th e Gouhcil. ' -- Editor. SPECIAL OFFER Paintaing & Paper-Hanging 20% Off AH Wallpapers; Work done at Reduced. Winter Prices S. H. SRIGLEY, Decorator 1446 Marine Drive Phones: W est 702 or 799-Y Ill one of the best"gam es seen th is season,' the localsHost* to Jvtn^dsdule--Saturday--al--Ainble---. , , •sido by the sewo of 2 -to 1. h „iU ioii Ic.st. th e play. W est Vancouver dc- --jv Vviiir - X m as "Frolic The F ro lic 'h e ld last F riday n ig h t under the-auspices of the lodge proyed quite a su c cess^ A ; ^arid R e-elect DONALD McTAVISH For SCHOOL TRUStllE School Trustee 1935-1938 Veh ides Act, will bo-exam ined large .ciAmV3=^wa^- oh for double vision and o ther vari- judging by the applause fo r en- .ations of the eye, ending 'iip with -.vorcs, a really enjoyable even- , a reaction test , "riiese- te s ts are ali'Very fine and large so fa r as mg was haxl by all m ^sen t. Tjie officers and members w ish to ill a nd only t.hv Und"" take this opportun ity of expres.s .̂ .. Twwlv ̂ reproduce a potei'itial ing the ir appreciation to all those <i pool iL iu e e ueai condition. S o iiH n )IT ^ 'b n ^ trien (l-s -^ h "b r - m d ^ ^ dbreaks and them , - i - Jack K err and Bcrcy M aster- man were by far th e best on the leimi and ered it n iust'a lso go to Leinro.x on the wing position and ■Wirllingtoa ill goal. Avilt always cO'me; out dCbiiliouse tii'i' w'illi the ir tootlibrush and leave their! .j^ewellery behind. I knew a jiia'n who took a revolver along wheli g.m-ngi-m4-(»-.a-Ujca4ri(m- dance; patronized th is Time a f te r time the locals had __theH)all in a position to score a n d , .play was stojiped fo r one roasoii or- anotlrer. Berov Mas-1. tei'iiian ^vas the leader J it .','." ' ', . '," "1,7 " ' "". 1 fos^oi-driving alonpr il dangerouK-- m ountain road - wiTli- his wife ' Hvic<; ruined a per te d play SaitI lie, "My dear, I m ust con- /, using Ins hands. Uie dans i___ ____. where a fight wa.s certain. "Phere was a tighL but .lie foVgot.all .'iboui Uio revolver ami msed liis iists. W hich 'rem inds in.e of the d o ry o fd iie m athem atical pro- f V , __ : fei d -d'I' "Si'- ' ' i oi by using 'eu jp y cd .llie gam e hnd showed .their* disapproval of the poor calls by tlie referee. The second- half the local§ m ade a sw itch on the backtield cficl̂ no t toss F liavcii't been paying much iitieiilioii to my driving in an a ttem p t to calculate ju s t w hat- qur chances were of not going oyiStHilta-this canyon based ^ i VERNON T E E p ~ S T O R E ^ A. G. SEARLE Phone W est 9 J ile r t i iK e r i^ f -A li-K in d s y _____ : ^ D C O ____ - - Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN -Adequate--Accommodation^--PhysicalTyand--Moral--'Praining, - Citizeiisthipi Health, "̂ and a live Parent Tea'ohers' Organization^ iworkm g--togethoid--wdth-^yGui^^Pr4noi-pads^-4Feaeher-Sr--Tm steesT- and M unicipality- ----------- u , . - , . . . Vote for (Hugh Saihuelp . , V d T > -- - for School "Trusts Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News using~-tdTF^T(lg-d^^^ jve very efloctive as j^^^t then he. went over. 'MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT" Form 4. Section 4!̂ f prov Norm'.Wills qu ite out oT condition. P. ]\Iasterm an .scored the lone goal, by a. nice solo rush w ith "fen m inutes to go. W ith th is N O T ! SOCCER goal to encourage them the kK*al team prew eil lo r the rcm aintlor of the gam e but could not m an age to tie..the gam e up. Satu rday a t Ambleside R angers versus. Burnaby Legion Saturday, December 17th 2:30 p.m. . tim e 2 :i5 p.m. W est Vancouver 1st Division team were idle la s t week, bu t are still leading by 1 point and a game in hand. They are to m eet' Ken-isdale a t K orrisdale P ark on ^ i i | i i c i p ^ t Y p f - t i i e ^ D i s t r i c t - o f M W i r e t " V | | n B c e t t i ^ - ■ • TO WIT: '......- v " - PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given tt> the Electors of the Municipality afor^aid that a poll has become necessary at the Ele<;tion now pending for the same, and that I have granted such poll and, further, that the persons duly nominated as candidates at the said Election, and for whom ' only votes will be received, are: SURNAME . OTHER NAMES - OJu Lady: "You dpn't chow tobacco, do you little boy?" Little Boy: "No, niunv, but I could let j'ou have a cigarotte." LEGION n o t e s t:' The nex t general m eeting will V- v;: ■ -be-- l̂ield--cm--Friday^--DeesmbS'f Rdith Whitej 2444 Marine Drive Ifitli, a t 8 p.in.._AJLmcinbei-s-ar€- reqnested to attend . BROWN, Thomas Jackson DICKINSON, William RAY, Karl Abraham RIGHARDSOl^TJbluF For Councillor or School Trustee ABODE SMITH,. Alfred Harvey X m as Suggestions Nightgowns,^ STips' Dance._Sots, Panties, Hosiery. Luncheon Sets, Towels, Bo.ved ifirT^eose Hankies, Snuggies- and Vc.sis. All Cotton Dresses......!..... $1.49 Afternoon D r e s s e s . .$3.95 - $5 Dressing Gowns (Moire),... $2.95 l'"(>r That Last-Minute Gift A PHOTO (Finished in 2 days') BARCLAY'S 1518 Marine Drive W est 710 McTAVISH, Donald McEhvan STEVENS, Herbert Bew'lay -T-AY-LOR,~Hugh-Samuel" -̂--- Councillor (( a School Tr'ustee i t i t 2478 'Nelson Ave., W est Vancouver 780 Fourteenth SL, W est Vancouver -24-2 4-^rgyle^A vê j-- W est"Vancouver 2094 Haywood Ave., W est Wancouverj 259_-Fif teenth" St.-, West-' V aricouWr 1538 Ottawa Ave., West Vancouver 2595 Nelson Ave.j^ W est Vancouver. 360-l-7Marine~DrivejTWest~-Vancouver Rank, Profession Occupation Merchant I^tired .- 'MercKaifF ^Accountant- Merchant Retired Retired Supervisor Telegraphs Of which all persona ore hereby required to take notifo and to govern themselves aceordingly. Given under my hand a t West Vancoaver, B .C ., this 12th day of December, 1938. Hollyburn, B .C. WMv-HERRIN, Returning Officer. f l i i i l i i : | | v | ; ;