mm. »spwSiifwfPi«ww*iHKiiwa!8i»sw«*«f^^, f . , ■ I 11 . ► < ., ', 1 Vf, 1 SJ , I, 1 ŜW-WSW.BW'-iPij?;' * 'i'||l'râ-r».'»"'>' s 5?w e- Sv-TJ:) ■« g t t ̂X- »te*. 1 t, i «* < - ; : li WEST VAN, UNITED CHUBCH, Cor. 21at & Esquimau Ave, REV. W. VANCE; B.A., MIjHKtr " - r -- 201?- GorJon Phone W est 244-H Sunday Services: 11a.m. A 7:30p.m, Strangers and Visitors are •weleomo -L ---- ...........! ,J ............ ■ ....................... BAPTIST CHURCH Miadatcr Rev. W. L. McKay, B.A., B D . ' Sunday Serviecu 10:00 a.m.--Church School in - clodtng Adult d a ta . 11 a jn . 6 7:80 p.m.--^Preadbing Services. 1 <•' Uo-BWeDt H a ir A hearty welcome to all 1 ' 1 ' ' f o r E v e n i n g D o w n f o r D a p t i m e H O L L Y B U R ir H A L L '"14th and Duchess i . I > t ; I, k Iti f%> <i t • !»m I• i ftr ■ttf "i1; î 5<! •fr i ' ill i . 'St ^ n-̂ f,' r i,ii> j' i(!!- '"S il. ::' . ' I ' ,..,,yi!. I . ,;,i,,„.. ! f '■ ■?(■ 1 \* i' 4 ||,-- i.|... ' l i t ' ^r ,'"'l '<■ l i ■-in■Wrv 'n'wt~~ ■Ml M .?fi| ^ i r I t 'S i.-4l. i i m nMi 114 i | 5fW9! If i ;■ I ; V.:-: l l - 4 i l!':l :*■ smmM^i'0 >. S' r §i ' 's*# ' i ^ 'fj___ ^ Jj l i i i i • ̂ 1 rs li If' , t Tho foundation for lhi» ntyk* in the profM.*r hair cut ami u permanent that i« «oft, yet the euriM inuMt he Htronff. A Duart Permanent Kolvea the uf> anil ■ down problem when your Sa Ktyled correctly aHthe G wendolyn's ' B eauty Shoppe Creators of Kxclunivo PcrmaiientM, 1546 Marine,J>flvo Went ir SUNDAY, Dec. 18(h, at 10 a.m. •Sunday School and .. Younif' People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker MR. C. O, BOWEN FRIDAY at K p.m.4. ■ • I'riiyvr ami Iiii)li! Study WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science t s ^ 1 V-siSf, ',I>1' 'I't* ti* * t ~ 1 - 4( e 4 i " i '> lr- SocietYujWww»M<<'yM(ten*i '■•' -v'-'f-'-'aapr ■ . CHUKCH EDIFICE 20tb aiid Baqaimalt, EEoByb«ra This Society is a Branch.of < The Mother Church Tfie Pirat Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Sei^ice: 11:80 a.m. Hunday, December IHth^ SUBJECT; "Is th e Univcrne, Indudinif Man, Evolved by A tom ic P'orce?" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Mcetintf Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. , The public is cordially' in vited to attend our services and meetinsrs. HAIOIY ANN s h o p , 244Z Marine -1 V̂ e. i s _ i .-1 .. » Christmat Cards. Seals. Tags, Decorations. Toys Sm tbnery, Novelties . N otbns, Tree Lights, yy. 1̂ 1̂ i f l la M llC f FRIDAY, Dec. 16 th, Orange Hall Turkey Frizes -- W hist Shai*p a t 8 OLD TIME DANCES MARIE ABRAM'S ORCHESTRA Fifteen Valuable Door Prizes. Aid of Christinas Cheer Fund. Auspices W est Von. Liberal Association' Admission 25c. H O L L Y B U R N -- D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 58.3 MISS D. JI..HORIB UNITED CHURCH ■ 21 H r¥ndT 3'sqli1 rna ̂f ""A v e 7 " U cv. W illiam V a n ce , M in is te r <3̂ /J/f. G. D. H. SEALE.. li.D .S., L.D..S. DENTIST - X-Ray Hay Jiioek, Mth and Marine Dr. Oirico Hours P to (J p.m. EveniiiffH by appointment. PhoiK! West 72 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T ~formor!y-oP-705-Medicul-Dentai Buildinjf Hours: 9 to 0 --- Eveninjfs by uppointmont. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 S u n d ay , D ecem ber 18lh, J 1:00 a;m. W hile Gift Sunday. Thi.s will be a* jo in t .service w ith the children, who will bring the ir whiUi g if ts for the King. Several babies will be . jiresonled for baptism . 'Mrs. (/. MacLeun's choir of th ir ty - live girls will sing th ree num bers: « M'.I Saw Three Sliip.s," ■ "O Silent N ight," (A dam ). '-The Moon Shines B righ t." 7 :R0 p.m,-- Evening W orship. Subject: "C hrist's World and O urs." .Good music and a welcome, --'i'he C hristm as en terta inm en t-- WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th Pustor*f,v Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. -Sunday- ServiceH. 1 ():00 a.m.'. Sunday School 00 a.m..........Morning Worship ,7:30 p.m.............Evening Service Wedne.sday, 7:30 p.m. . • Prayer Meeting l"ri(lay, 6:45 i).m. , "Happy Hour Club" r .1 a l l 's I c e G r e a m LIGHT LUNCHES DAIRY I'RODUCTS CONFFXnTONERY CIGARS, CIGARETTES, Etc. ' Orders taken for Xma.s Cakes and Puddings. 1414 Marine Drive ' , ' 4 Phone West-O-jli \ i >ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 'l3rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. P astor . Sunday Services Low M a ss-- 8:15 a.m. H igh Mass and Serm on-- 10:15 a.m. Ro.sary and Benediction -r- 7 :45 " p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 _ -- VENETIAN BLINDS ACME MANUPACTURINO CO. LTD. 3076 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., 'Bayview 8231 A veteran organization worthy of your support Best of Material, Improved Fittings, and Highest Workmanship. W EST V A N C O U V ER -R EPR ESEN TA TIV E: ' M. CLARKE, (CAPT.) Late Imp'erial Army, PHONE WEST 872-R ' . ' ' Por estimates, etc,, on your requirements. -t- SPEUAL Inside Fir..............$5.50 per cord • Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAW DUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North, 620 i.s to she held in the church hall Week-day Services on Tuesday evening, December Mass -- 7:00 a.m. 20th, and for the sm aller child-j- ' F ridays-^R osary , Benediction ren up to nine years of age on ' " 7:45. . , : > ' ' W ednesday afternoon, Deoember Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 21st. P aren ts and cordially invited. friends are to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W ilfrid. L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave..... W EST VANCOUVER TAHERNACLE Cr. M arine and 25th The common- ̂ question - of Christmas shoppers is "What Q uestion: W HEN IS A UN IT 200 CU. F E E T ? ' - - A nsw er : W HEN YOU B U Y ^ A W D U ^ ™ ^ called^upon^^ proven who is able to supply Sawdust when _ „ x n " ® measure sawdust and that's jri terms of cubic feet. For full measure 100% KING MILL FIR SAW DUST phone , KNILL'S- FUELS. ' DRY INSIDE FIR WOOD- -- COAL -- HOME FUEL OIL W est Vancouver Office:. 1528^Marine Drive. Phone, W est 7 k . T -Tlie-pa .sf-0 r4s~m of n i ng^irb jeet-- can A^S'^ve-th at-wi 1 l-be~s u i table-?• < I -l"̂ I It ■*-» • • e» •• _TT. 1._ DLL. Established on North Shore -25j-¥caTff* -- (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. L T D .- •ifunerM B irre ta rs will Ijo, "Four P^igures of Jesus." When God would give, He had The church school m eets' aJ 10 A he wealth of universes^ from ...................................... ' " -wIritA'--tprxh[n0seT^RnT7wing'^^"?fulTi(3lc all.d it-w iirtake the form HoIIyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marina West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 W est Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56" Tenth Avenue East-- Phone Fair. 134 of a W hite Gift Service.' I t is hoped th a t the g ifts will be num erous. / ■ ' The evening vservice'^will open w ith the usual b righ t sing song, when favorite hym ns will be -^suftgv-^h e-ij tiM ^el^wij h Shall Call His Name Emmanuel. need, He chose Jo send us H is Son as a Saviour from sin. Have we appreciated th is priceless g if t? - . "The F a th e r sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world;" AJ-- the--prayer__m eetm g--on- -Wednesday evening Miss F. Brook will continue h er very NELSDNS LAUNDRlR<e f ,TP. DRY CLEANING (Certified a s advertised in th e Chatelaine -and-4?ood...Housekeeping^- ^tN N E Y , "West Vancouver Representative Phone W est. 782 and D riv er will call. The Young People will "meet i- a t ih e . chufch .on Monday night* The p o ss ik and v isit sev era l hnmpa Anri sincr ity_of_victorious C hristian living The French! Beauty Salon For W o rk o f Quality W o-specialize in fine, grey and iwhite-hair. 1562_Maclne-Drive Phope W. '212 and v isit sevei:aLhDine<=Land_sing >"carols. . , The mid-week m eeting fo r p ray er and praise-w ill m eet oh W ednesday a t 7:45 p.m. will be present. tTT^-theme-- f̂or the Please note th a t Sunday School' GIFTS FOR . , . pldcficdl gifts dre-better! ST. STEPH EN 'S CHURCH ■ 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, R ector is held a t 10 a.m. fo r children not_attending elsewhere. . " F o r fu r th e r hdtioes see church ad. SCHOOL BAND AUXILIARY Simday7 Pc^ce^iligrG l^gth," 8:00 a.m.-^Holy Cwhmunion; -T h # ^ B a z h a f-h er a 1 b y :^ th i^ a T id ^ Book Your P a s s a ^ to P y C ountry ... bocal Age'nt CUNARD r - WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings and accommodation. -- J . T. WATT 1744 Marine Drive : Phone W. 141. I I • 1 5 1 m--GMnfjiixi nnvi ' A uxilfary Qia 2nd ."December was ii.-io a.m.---.Matansand Seimon. veil paWnized by their many 7 :1 5 ^ p ^ , - E v .n « o n r and Ser- r S Com Sl.'nio4 ' ~ ^ fionated.ffifts, especially to N S te S t. Francis-in-the-W ood Caulfeild , 3:00 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser mon. THE W e s t V a n N e w s CORRESPONDENCE D ear Sir, ■ Piibliahcd Every Thursday Chapman, 1846 M arine 1^1 ve. TJhe "tsoIos rendered by Mrs. F . F . Lovegroye .were much "^PPi'^eiated, also th e instrum en tal solos and o rch es tra l num- ' bers by m em bers of th e H igh School and Boys' Band. The draw w inners were as fol- 1^^^ ̂ a.fghan, ticket: No. 67, •. y iv ian of V ancouver; ■ A",", com bination beauty' - and utility.. T h is Sunbeam . M astermatic stream lined iron a t^ 9 .9 5 cash. O th er irons from ^3.50. Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE "P h on irV V ^ t~ 3 6 3 Business and Editorial Officer... 1704 Marine Drive- - Phone West 55 W ith the Municip«^U E let^tinng__j v o f V ancouver; ta k in g place on S aturday, i t is doR, tiek e tN o r-3257-M rsrW . w orthy of note th a t mit of 3,417 Vancouver; quilt, ticket =pefsbns-on th-e.-electbral fo lF in W est Vancouver 4,495, or nearly Mrs. McLelland 50% are w^omen. acted as accompanists. Ittw b u ld Glistening U n i v A r i , a J 1̂ ' I . , -------S N orth Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. wmsm. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00'a-year 1 by mail , be well That candi dates take th is in to considera- tion__. when invited to address womenVs organizations, and to rem em ber th a t the num ber of women yitaUy interested in w h at goes on around them in increas- -ing-all-the~-time. ---------------- Y ours very tru ly . HOLLYBURN HALL N ext Sunday, Deceniber 18th, ounday SohMl and •-Young People's Bible Class will be held a t 10 a.m. in Hollyburn Hall. A t- the--G ospel-Service"a t"7:30"p7m" FA N N Y CROMAR BRUCE. nex t Sunday C. 0 . Bowen "will ^ the sp eak er^ F rid ay a t 8 p.m. P ray er and Bible study. 41%: "-'v ■■ 6-cup percolator. ' Beau tifu lrusefu Ird iS rab IrT T a m aker of better coffee. ^7.95 cash. easy terms may be arranged m ■_ C ' MESi::-- i