West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Dec 1938, p. 6

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f* i yma t ■" 5%1 , • - ̂ ; ** »Y-S*/l'<'M<^'/i4-'»<h/fK̂ - *»! .i« ->! «m0»> ii'itfSi" IT tm mmmi m umaim ■ . I 'T*4.. .■ I • . '***' 9̂9*̂' V® '■■* "*̂•'4 ■' /*'%V FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. EMMA HILL Phone West 46 RED AND WHITE Phone W eat^46^ Meats-- Phone West 370 PritfH CcMid for FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Dih*. 9th & 10th t .# l_ « «#■ .< ■ ' fii j ' • ̂ / -1#') I* ' If' f i in*d ^ Whh** COI'FKK 1 Ih. till .'Itr Jrnidiuted for lli'itlth. A l N'r MArtV'H COFFKK lli. 2r»c ]{<kI & Wfiito Jtraiid SOUi*-- Tomato; ̂ Vf«ftai>le ...... ........ :t tlrift 25c (iUICK OATS -- Quaker ; NonQ'riMtiitiin ,. IiOri;r(> iiarkuj^c 19c SWANHOOWN CAKK FI.OIJH I'n c k c t .................. ........................ 25c MINCK/VIKA'I' . , 2 llw. 25c Kcd A: White CATSUI* 12 oz. hot. Me HAISINS ........................ .........2 IhH. 25c Clioice Koldcii hicached. C l'It It A .N T S ............................ 2 IhH. 2.5c Ited A White JIAKINti I'OWIIKU f '4 oz. Tin ................................. I7c Save the coiiiioiih for valuuhle (ireiiiiuiiiN. Ite<l A: White Fl.OUIt 21 Ih. Hack 7Hc A Jli>rli (tualily AIM*iir|>oHe Flour. APPLES - >! FANCY DELICIOUS, box $1.49 FANCY McINTOSH, box 1.49 FLORIDA MANDARIN - OKA NOES, per box ....... «9c F E A R S --; Cookinui: or ■'Ealina' .. 1........... 7 II)h. for 2.')c . M EATS g r a d e d Red Brand B eef Funeral .1 s^vicea . for Mrs. Emma Hill, who pas.'̂ ĉ d away in \VCli«t Sumrherlarid on Tuesday of' last week, were'held at 2 p.m. , Friday from the Hollyburn Funoral Home of Harroii Bro.s. Ltd., the Itev. VV. II. L. West of North Vancouver olfieiating. In­ terment was made in Capil^oio View' Ccuneterj'. The dweased leaves to mourn her loss tw'O sons, Will ilill of ('apilano and Charlie Hill of West Summer- land, also three grandchildren, Phyllis and Jack Hill of West Summerland, and Eleanor Hill, Service SASH & DOORS SHINGLES. . . PLYWOODS LATH :-PAINT rwALiipoABn.v;' ;̂" '̂.^>';: 'TILE A gents: CANADA FAINT COMPANY LTD. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY \ \ f E S T VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . L ID . 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CHOICE T-BONE ROASTS per lb................................... 25c RUMP ROAS'TS Ib. 20c and 22c SIRI.OIN TIP ROASTO, Ib. 2.*k resident in Englaml I»RIME ROLLED RIB ----------- :--------- ROASTS, Ib...............25c Lime.stone which is used in MILK FED .. j<more ways than any other rock, C L A S S IF IE D A D S BOILING CHICKEN, Ib. 22c'"'^constitutes about 87 per cent of SHOULDER PORK IlOASTO the Canadian stone production. (BuUh), per Ib................... 20c A number of new limestone ,SMOKED FISH quarrie.s were opened in 1937 and IIADDIE,- HADDIE F IL L E l^ , several tha t had been" idle for KIPPERS, KIPPERED SAL- some time were I'e-opened. It Tho rale for ClassiQed Advertisementa is I cenUi per word, minimuin 25 cents. Except in the case of those havlnr regular accounts, all cUssl. fiods are payable strictly in advMce. Kememtler ClasBifleda in the West Van News get immediate results. GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastinffs, Soy. 4199 . at West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. . FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING phono V. Hermandez. West 122-L. MON. FRESH FISH DAILY ...Fresh -Mushrooms DAILY. is estimated that clo.se to eight million tons of limestone were" .p r o d u c e d J a s t y e a r . ...................... ...............'u -y o u r ddor. West 91. JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every­ thing of value; bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc .. Call West 91 and wo bring the cash Burrard - Junk -Co.:.: WARDROBES, Drawers, Cupboards, ' Tables, House Repairs, Glhzing and glass. Anything in woodwork. Western Woodworkers, 1478 Clyde 'Avenue. Phones W est '740, West , 443-R. BHIiVIFULL SHORTENING -- Purely Vegelablo............ 2 l»Ili. cartons 27c ■" .fi 3,/! I It- CBC AUDIENCES TO HEAR "SIEGFRIED" FROM METROPOLITAN . Several item.s. of interest have i been published by the "W i'ARY_ PU B L I^ _____ ________________ ____ mc.it of Mine,s ami ,Re,source.i y^ya..cmK,,"yajmtor. ^Roginald .... .... ..... recently. One deals with the rais- 3'hey were trying an Irishman ing of reindeei* in Canada. In cliargeil with a petty oifence, 1935 a herd of over two tĥ JitS". Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. 21. . General Con- P. W est WEST VAN. CHIMNEY & WINDOW _ CLEANERS. City prices. Recom­ mended work. W est 348-Y. I ■ r'i 31 . Wagner's fumous music drama "Siegfried," with Cii'rl Hartmann in (he title* rule,'and the brilliant Wagnerian pi'irna donna, Kir- steb Flagsl,afi, a.s ni'uennhilde,, will be broadca.st to audiences of (/'HC'.s' national network Satur- when the judge ttnsked: "Have you anyone in court who will vouch for your good character?" "Yi.s, your honor," quickly re-' spohded the Celt, ."there's the shei'in' there." . ^ Whei'eupon the sheriff evinced signs of great amazement. 'Wh (lay, D(!cember 10, 1 :40 to 5 p.m. lOST, from the stage of the Met- FI i -j; 5)«I 'S i ropolitan Opera House in New York. This will be the third complete Metropolitan-- opera- broadca.st Lliis .sea.son, heard as an international exchange feat­ ure witli NBC. ' . Friedrich Schoi'i'; whio sang tile role of VVotan in the Metro­ politan Opera Company's even­ ing performance of "Siegfried" on November 28, will again be heard in thi.s. role,-with- Erich Witlx.*, ncw-Jeiioi' of the Meti'o- hy, your^ honor;" declared he, "I don't oven know the mC^i!" "Observe that I've lived in the country for over twelve years an' the sheriff doesn't even know me yit! Ain't that character for and animals was delivered to-me reindeer station in the Mac­ kenzie Delta. In July a round-up, will be made to estimate the in­ crease. So far, approximately thirteen hundred fawns have, been added this year to the herd .since fawning began in April. LANDJ:LEARING -- Estimates free. Powell & Mathieson, West 334-:R or West 745-L. '_____ _ PRINTING: -- For all kinds of printing phone 'West Van News, West 863. ,J*R1VATE PARTY wishes to pur­ chase new* G room house; must have you willing to pay up to $4,000. Value must be evident. Box 51, West Van News. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. SiitKer- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured W est 512. ^ Continued bad luck often in­ oculates the victim to that point whore h6 is unaffected either by good or ill. FOR SALE -- Sixty-five feet of ornamental fence, including" drive­ way and walk gates. Phone WesL • 88-R. P3'. FOR SALE -- Man's Suit, s iz e *40; blue serge, $3.00. 1941 Bellevue. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. H astings; Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by ̂ appointment, W est 403. ' . ye ' COOK -- General; references reejuired" sleep in. Phone W est-881.------ - J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or .West 653-R-l, Every shipment of Briti.sh C'oJumbia canned .salmon is .sub­ ject to examination by a'fedenaj inspection laboratory '^before it nuiy be shipped to market. Can­ adian canned salmon is aiiuality pi'bduct.: . HEAVILY BERRIED'HOLLY for sale -- 50c per pound. Highlands 'Gafe. A REAL REST for Tired Folks , Restawhile Convailesceht Home, 186 27th Street. W est 86-L-2. - . FOR RENT -- Neiv modern bungalow on waterfront Gleneagles; hard- WQod floors. Phone Whytecliff 341. -l)oljtan, as Mime. AdolpH Vogel, .Norman Cordon, Anna, Kaskas LAND K EG I^'R Y ACT f, , ' . - ...... Rt* Easlerly half of Block 20, Dis- and N a ta lie B od an yu w ill co m - -Irict Lot-817,, Group l, New West-, d)|(d:e-l-lTeHnist-.---A-rthiiH^o'flair/.ky-- minst-o-i^'Disudet-Plan-ioyH.-------- ------- w i l l lie th e conductoi*.^ , VVIiEKEA.S ju-oof of loss of Certifi I 'HE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER WANTED TO BUY -- 4 or .5 Room . bung^ow , view loeation'Hf possible.' Gash % r term s up to IS^OOO, ; Bai*- ticu lars to B ox'50, W est Van News LOANS ARRANGED Dominion Housing A ct and other .plans. Gor­ don Gray,- Seiymour 4991, or West 92-R-2..^ .PUBLIC NOTICE F.Q1̂ - . . R E N T , Bright, .warm room, single or double. Board optiolijlT' West 863-L. PAINTING and DECORATING -- J. H. Wedley, form erly w ith C. L. Konings. Phone W est 818. Esti- , m ates free. ' I; i , . ' cate of Title: number 22155-L to the ftlim®e:^ritmtioned_ lands, isKueTl~iTr~t'irg~" cgined ...-". .....-Carl Hartmaiin - .....................Erich Witte I he_ Wanderer....Friedrich Schorr Alberich . ......... Adolf Cordon ragner Norrhan Cordon Lriiennhilde. .Kii\st,en Flagstad Yince ofThe F orest Bird..... .. HUime of George Meredith Pugh has: ■ been filed in this" olTicc, , notice is hereby given that I shall, at the'ox piration of one month from the daU of the lirst publication Jieroof, issue a Provisional C ertificate of Title ii Is hereby given to the Electors of the-'Municipality. of the Corp®-, oration.of the District, ofAVektr^ -LOST- Gn-Marine-Drrve7w^hite~gold" chain and knife, between FUR ,L E " tion^ - 15th and 17th Streets on Wednes- -^ay-mornnig'; rtfWOTd-W asked. Call Marine PAIRED and REMODEL- Dressm aking iand Altefk- Milady's tingerienShap, f4T4 issue lieu of the said 'Certificate, unless in -Ui o-m c.aiiturie_valid._Lib,ieeti o i i-bo-in ade- Va'ncouver, B. C., that I require the presence of th e said Electors a t the Council Chamber, Muni­ cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. Bayview 6285-L. 'l7AW ir'MOW ERS" SHARPENE; Special ■' machine; repairs, parts WEST or NORTH VANCOUVER -- --Small cottage with basement;"walk^" W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine; $ f A ' to me in writing. C ........... -.......... Natalie Bodanya - I^ated at the Land R egistry Office, ^ '̂>">'hictor........A rthur Bodanzky D ecS e^A lD ' fo r 'th e . ON MONDAY :the~l-2 t-h-day-of--DecembeivH^9rf8v at 1 2 o'clock noon, ing distance to car, $20. Good ten- ants. Box 52. W est Van News. ■- FOR SALE -- Beautiful large palm, -- $fi-:00r^ e s t - 4 1 4 -L-3.---- -- CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, .1103 Lonsdale North »S22.; ___________ purpose of ■electing per- Mrs. Ijitchfudd of 24.52-a H ay­ wood Avenue, wi.shes to convey to lu')' .many friends and neighbors her heartfelt appreciation of their kindness and - sym pathy in her bereavcment and "Tbr" the iieautifu 1 floral tributes. A lso for the s>vm- puthy and kindness o f ' tlu>J.egion 'and^jr. Lor (S ign ed ) W. C. BROWN,. - ■Re^trar. Lawrence & Shaw, 904 Hall fiuilding,' ̂ Vancouver, B-. C. I* OR SALE -- 24-inch circulating heater with oil- installed aiTd, hot sons to represent theiri as Reeve " wafer coils; coal and wood grates; ' ind-T w o-C G uncillor-S-and-electing----- two rock gas. healer:s_^West 171 ■ FOR SALE EXCAVATING, Clearing;: day or con- ■ ^tfaefv. Experienced men; modern' ̂ m achin ery."" Rush jobs. - Kissick, W est 252-ji, , . , A VI c t o N 0 t o : t U « 1 C A I • t K FLOWERS J t - . --'MJ 'll' '̂3 IVc will have a largo supply of, FJlES11 MUMS Tiif aIJ_opuln^ vari^ ios from 50cq>or bunck tc> $2.50 per doztm, OYCLAMEN,........ '50c to $2.00 BEGONIAS.^ AZALE.-\S,:" E tc .- .'VlSG - HOLLY Word in a by long-distance -- telephone--n When you want w'ord in .a hurry from a person at a far-aw'ay poinL call hint by long-distance telephone. f In one conversation you can ask questions and re­ ceive repligs, instead of waiting for an exchange of JetterSv two persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per­ son to represent them as a Com­ missioner of Police. • The Mode of Nomination of Candidates.Shall Be as follows:; ..The candidates shall be hdm-' »^hated in writing; the writing Sedan, model. - 8 Cylinder Hupmobile in good condition; 1931 West 159-R-2. . • ■ W. H> VASS, -Chiropractor, Suite 4, : Hollyburn Bloek;" ~ WANTED ■ At reasonable rent, small modern bungalow by Janu­ ary 1st. W est815-L. • ' MARCELp-SHdP'rr-- Thermique Steam ' Perm anents ;^phly b e s tm a te r ia ls .used. Expert 'operators. Phone W est 304, Royal Bank Building. FOR SALE --- Baby's large size play pen; ̂ commode chair and canyaS ' W ANTED-- Furniture, Stove^, Tools, etc. • We buy, sell and exchange. shall be subscribed'by two elec- __swmg;_good condition. W est 753-L___ Phone_jNorth. 431, Vinick's. Purni- tors of fhe-Munioip.^Iity as pro- FOR sale _ i ' f e Chevrolet Coach - - - ture,-A6r7^,on^ale.--Avenngi= poser and seconder, .and shall be delivered to the Returning Of­ ficer at- any time between the -dafe-ef--t-he-notice -and-2 p;m. of m excellent cohdition. 510-Y. Phone "West COMPORTABEE S U tT ^ E ea s« n a b le ■' CHIMNEY SWEEl^ING ~ Old Coun- trv' wavr mmr^nteed; -brick and ' Palm er, Ciapilano, Tomorrow may be too date --» call today b y long-- distance telephone. the day of nomination. The said writing may be in the.form num d bered 3 in 'the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such, manner a$ sufficiently to iden­ tify such candidate; and in the event of a Poll being necessaiy, such Poll shall be opened on FOR SALE -- Range and Oil Burner in hrst class condition,; $39.50 com- - . . plete. Phone W est ^ se- m a k ure^ h: , --.xv-x.i.oiicu. i-uune w est Z68-K. WANTED - - r Second-hand bicycle, good condition. W est 63-R-1 ■ . ----- 1 ROOM AND BOARD available near ferryb W est 686-R. ̂ CHESTERFIELD and CHAIR; good condition, $25j Call at 1734 Argyle. - FOR SALE -- Victor Radio with loud speaker' also W alnut bed, spring.s ' and mattress. W est 92-L -l. FOR SALE -- 2 Axminster rugs, blue : and good condition; 9'.x 12' $15; 7 x8 4", $12. Phone W est 673-X P 9 ? SALE -- A Bicycle. Call at 1352 Argyle. xoom_house on W aterfront,-$30.00. Lawson, Walker & Pride, 1704 Mar­ ine Drive. W est 55. L.. -oF-DECEMBKRnruss, _ 6 s c , ? a ^ r s ? f t * S ^ v ^ 0FFiC T ^w 6R K ^ between the hours_jof_8 o'clock CONSTRuerroN lu 7- I 7T ~ - t̂enograpljer.^__ West d^y-St the Ambleside Hail, cor- it'-a;---j.. » •h 4? ' :.'4 HOLLY WREA'm s , MISTLETOE,. XMAS TREES, Etc. C arefully handled. Carei fully delivercii. The West Van Florist 18th & Marine West 305 Bonded Member T.D.S. . B. C. TELEPHONE CO. ner of 14th Street and Marine W est iVancouver,. B._C.i ■ reasonable. Estim ates free.. H. w ! Russell, Carpenter. North 589-R, of/which every person is hereby' j'equired to take notice and gov­ ern himself accordingly. my hap(i a t the . Municipal Hall, D istrict of West Vancouver, this l>t day of December, 1938. T j 4-robm^ T??-!--' block from bus. ' 2459 COOK -- A ny kind of work; mind ■ children; urgent. W est 140-R. . ' ' Lawson. f o r SALE _ Boy's 20 in. bicycle; C.C.M. Bicycle $6. Phone W est 5 5 9 ^ . - 3M L^ snap > at-$17.50r W est- HAULING, f u e l ;and M ANURE Phone^ Art K night.-W est 5L-X._ - WM. HERRIN, rr ii 1 ^ Returning Officer.Hollyburn, B.C., 1st December, 1938*. The News JORDAN. --- F irst fb r ,W6idow Shades, and Awnings.-^ Small down paym ents; easy terms:;-,W; V. Blind & A ™ n g Supply.^ l»hone West 74-L-2. ' " rfjlt f o r SALE Large Sjcboter, baby's .-panr. good Cjohditibn. West J.l' V r I \ , -- If-- .,