West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Dec 1938, p. 2

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f . ..... •It . * I ^^p.' m r n f T 4̂ 4* I' ll s'*- I . ** r l l I 4 K I ,f /f" ^ r I WEST VAN. UNITED CHURCH Cor, 21 f t i t Esquimau Ave; REV. W. VANCE, H.A., Mini*t«r , j ' 2017 Gordon Avenuo Phono W est 214-Ii Sunday Ssrvicoa; 11 a.m.dSc 7:30p.m. Slrunjfer* and Visitors are wtdeome T ! f * I - '4 fi I ' ̂ i- n% How is Your Hair for Christmas ? BAI*TIST CHURCH Minister Rer, W. L, McKay. EA.. ED Sunday Servlees 10:00 a.m.~-Cburcb School in* cludinir Adult Class 11 a.m. & 7:80 p,m.~>Preachinir Sfimrkes.-- A hearty welcome to ail -̂*1, i V f >1 l' if you nftMi a new Permanent now iH the time to have it, so . it will be soft ami easily mUn- aKod for tliose Christmas and' New, Year's parties, ■ Gwendolyn' 5 Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusivo Permanents, 1546 Marine Drive, West 117 f S' H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1800 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 083 « MISS 1). II. IIOitlE HOLLYBDRlf HALL 14th and Duchess. " "it r itllM V EVENING, Dec. Olh, at 7:16 p.m. Spedal Service for Young People Illustrated by liunlern Views. Sneaker: MR. JACK ANDER.SON SUNDAY, Dee. l l tb , at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young Peoplo'a Bible,ClasB SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30, GOSPEL SERVICE ■ S|)oakor * MR. .1. R. E. McI.AUP:N TUESDAY, at 8 p.ni. i'rayer anti Bible Study S|>eaker: Mr. \Villlum Muhoii WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science ----------- CHURCH BOIFICE 20tb and Baquinialt, HoUyburn 'Fhii Society ia a Branch of • The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. ^ Sunday, December IHli, SUBJECT: *'GOD THE PIlESIiRVER OF MAN" Sunday School at. 10:00 a.m. I'estimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. , ^ HANDY ANN SHOP, ^ ^ 2 Matme Christmas Cards, Seals, Tags, Decorations, Toys Children's Books Statiohery; Novelue, . Notions. ' Tree Lights, Etc. WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOLS will present a YULETIDE CAROLING ;; L 't;: ]I. I 4! 0/{ . G. D. H. SEALE DENTIST X-Uay '«• tiny Block, 1 Itli anti MarliU! Dr, Olt'icu lIourH 0 to 0 p.m. •EvtiriJng.s by uppointinont. l^lionu WuHt-72 ') * DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building liourH; 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 1800 Marine Drive Wei^t 432 r< ?; It 'll. .V' SPECIAL r:,.? Iinside Fir..............$5,50 per cord Slabs with Bairk $4.00 per cord ̂ Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST PillTA M 'S FUEL Phone North 620 UNITED CHURCH „2Lat and Esquimalt Ave. < Rev. William. Vance, Minister Sunday, December 11th, 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 turn.--MorniiiR Worship. Scric.s--If Chri.st Should Real­ ly Come.: II "Into Our Church." What would He Do? What would the rest , . ' .o f UH'd o ? 7:!U) p.m. Subject "A new Church P'acca a New World" IlluHtruted by 50 siide.s .showing actual work going Oil. If anyone is, hazy as to whether anything is beirig (lone in the church and by' the church he should attend this .service. Good music and 'a welcome. The Women's Missionary So- . oiety meeting for December will be held on ̂the second W ednes-' day, H th instant,^instead of the thini Tuesday, 20th instant, as usual. The word for answer to the roll call is "Joy." Reports of the .year's work will be read and a large attendance is looked for. All friends in the congre- gation are welcome. WEST VANd'OUVEK, 4 t a b e r n a c l e Marine and 25lh Pastor Rev, Robert If. Birch, B.A. .. Sunday .ScrviceH 10:00 a.m ......Siniilay Rcliboi " 11:00 a.m....... ...Moi'iiing Worship 7:30 p.m..............Evening .Service' W ednesday, 7:30 p.m. ' Prayer Meeting Kriday, 0:45 p.m. . "Ha|)p.vHour Club" in INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM, on WEDNESDAY, DliX)EMBER 14th V und ■ ■ THURSDAY, DECEMBER at 8.15 p.m. All Nel Proceed.' ̂ will again be given to the W est Vancouver SanUj.Clau.s Fund. : • . ' Doors open at 7.80 p.m. .Gloried at 8.10 p ni I .....i...... :....... .̂...............' ColiecUon at door VENETIAN BLINDS - ACME MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. 30711 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., Bayview 8231 A veteran organi/.ation worthy of your .support Be.st of Material, Improved Fitting.s, and Highest Class Workinansliip. .WEST..VANCOU.yER„REERESEN.TATIVE:.....___________ 1 ̂ M. CLARKE, (CAPT.) Late'Imperial Army, PHONE WEST 872-R For esUmate.s, etc,, on your re(|uirem ents., . , ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglew oocL Ave. Rev, W. J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor Sunday Services L(3w Mass -- 8:15a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ■ *.. » ' Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 ■ ■ ^p.m. Week-day Services i ■Mass---7:00 a.m. , ■ Fridays-:4_Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. r Legion W.A. BAZAAR TEA In the Legion Hall, FRIDAY, Dec. 9 th froiii 8.30 lo 5.80 p.m. KNI L L MA X I MS S:')od article is never without im itation.'- - Quality IS remembeit'd long after price is fo r ^ tte n ." I'orewarned-IS forearmed," "-Don't put off: until tomorrow what you can do today:" , in other woi'ds, .JACK KNILL sells lOOf/r FIR SAWDUST at'a fair to '■Stock. „p now'- M : . KNILL'S*; FUELS DRY INSIDE FIR WOOD: -- COAL _̂ HOMF FTTFI n rr W est Vancouver-bifice; 1528 Marine D rive^^fie^^W esrV gL - '•c.jV.r < 7T Hj i.M.,: EMthbjiHhed on -N orth Shore 25 Yearn -(Lady--Asaiatanij HARRON BROS.' LTD. .'1; i Hollyburn Funeral Home 18th and "Marine ~ Werit 134 North Vancouver l*arl6ra J22 Weat "Sixth Street Phone North 134 Tancouver Parlbrs 55__Tenth - Avenue East ~ Phone Fair. 134 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Pulton Rev. F.: A. Ramsey, Rector BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1645 Duchess Aye. ^w-iil-priea^lf^ " d Mrs., rvank Lefea*,mas rush the following mailing 23rd a daies are suggested by th l - ^ ^ ■Pf>4Stal--authoriti€£L-:=Dfic^^ Sunday, Deceftiber b :uo ami.---tHoly;Communion., ^l4l'S a.m.---Matins and Sermon. 7 :15 p.m.-L-Evensong and _Ser- ' mon. "TocJ-r annual Gere- mony of Light. . Wednesday Annual Meeting ~ ;--̂ V. ■ A-- day morning, on the subject, l̂ 'The_ChJd&ttan^and-the^Liquor- Traffic." He will give a picture' of the situationjn our own prov- jj?cg.i__His -'subject ,.fn the- TJnlted States (to allow time for- customs examination^ Deq., -Mth--M ^'lfim e P ro y in c ^ 'D 'fd r a re in the Old Country, are_cjd- ;Rected-home here for Christm J! ■ . ,------ --------«-- :-- :-- .-.,:;,:.e3;zen4ng will be, '̂A Supi'eane' Court De­ cision." A bright sing song will open the. service-at 7:30 p.m. The Church School will meet kt 10 o'clock. It is hoped tha t all the boys and girls will be pres- 16th, Quebec, and Oiitario; Dec.- * "^Manitoba and Northern BtC..; Dec. lOthTp'Saskatbhewan an(i 'Alberta; Dec:-.20t}i., South­ ern B.C., Vancouver Island, Kootenay,. Okanagan, - Fraser Valley; Dec. 20th, local delivery. -L THE FERRY Xmas (rifts, Cards, Novelties. ' L atest Books Subscription: " 50c per month; 3c per day X) ^ ir0 i,.:- '■'v.V!Py, V ' 'T • ~ " ; 'f r't. ' I'i?-.4 1 ' . y - !;■, c'< • j ; - - v The F rench . B eau ty Salon"' F pr/W ork o f Qyality \\o,.specialize in lhre7~grey and white hair. ^ 1562 Marine hrive Phcpt'e W;'21 2 / 10:15 a -̂>-=;:;Hoiy- Gomm un­ ion. » . ' Wednesday,_2:30 p-.m. -- Ingle- _ wood A. Annual Meeting ^^rrPansirH air St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Serriion -emt-to-hear-abcmtnvhtte giift Sun- d a y : - r ~ . The Young 'People's Society will meet^on Monday at 8 o'clock _and the prayer meeting r>n Wed nes.day a t 7:45 p.m. i^HURCHES OF CHRIST, ^ SCIENTIST ,1a;- rWEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Cr. Martne and 25th One of Christ's follower's has ■i i f -I 'A'- f e I:- the Old Country 'llirough Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR" and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings'and I accommodation. J. T. WATT* 1744 Marine Drlvie Phone W. 141 THE West Van News P.ublkihcd Every Thursday' <̂ «ke I have siiW4r<̂ d"!̂ Ve doss of everything and. reckoned it all 'a s mere refuse in oTder that I may win,Christ." *Ĉ i'ist are all I want, More than all in Thee I find." A Sunday School is', held on corning at. 10 .^ lo ck . ^11 children not attending other sclmols are cordially invited. ̂ B m itifu l lanterif slides on Pilgrim s- Progress", w ill, cqh- 7 ® :45~ tn Publisher dP.-fV-I;ieVB€ROVE Phone W est 363 Air 1 •, A ....... vv ^ Ai'e welcome ti. ■Vk®" "'i" seen inthe church ad. • __ "GOD T H E PRESERV ER,O F MAN will be.the subject of the ' in .&il Churches Sunday. ® is- "With- -.hold not-th^ thy-tendcr me^pfes .fi()m nie, O Lord: .del.'.thy. lov- ,.mgkindneas and .'thy truth con-- tmuafiy ^preserve me;'.', .(psalms T Among the citations which comprise.the Lesson-Sermon is follovvmg from the Bible; I hy righteousness is like the great mountains; ^ Thy judg-' ments are a great deep; 0 L r d . The Lesson - Sermon also in- passage Business-and-E ditorial- Offi>n: ̂ ' 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 \ 6TH B,C. SEA SO ^JTS, j ' _ r__ \^ _ v . ■B4er' EddyT'; t l ^ l or intelligence, which forms and men " animals as well as of Have, your borne iightiug cbeebed with HigMpeler, One oFaur Houie Lhhf- l l l f t DlfutifkAaiM ■ »2ll L-- f t North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. recenUy given by tiCciO Tn t S name, of Mrs. j f N. nadvertently omitted as help! ng to convene the tea, also the' S r ° f District Com m t! L .Vancouver,.,, who t l .00 a yekrby carriepjj2M rajaar,,,£aT O aa,address,jS!^S^^^^hy m«« ajid not Mrs. Solioray ^ "THITHARDWARE m a n SAYS; «..VD,1 require a .Roaster tor that Christmas Turkey we have them m.-many Idnds, sizes and prices. Don t spoil the bird for want o f one -eRATYlifer&BlRkBE jug advisors will bo glad lb assist you cya comfort, safoty and 'affractivenoss; SwUlie-Girl-with theSight^iSaving --Kit. B.C. Electric^.Seymour $151, "Ca:PS-38i . h. -ir-