Circulating in the district o f West Vancouver-~Ambleside, Holiybum, Westout, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 10 cents per copy. Vol. X llI HOLLYBiyRN.P.O'.i WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8th. 1938 MMaailMWIiaiBMipBawaMIMll«IIIMII|(BWIM SHOP IN WEST N o. 2a CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB Christinas is close at hand, and very many are l)usy with tluir sliopping for the g reat g ift season of the year. Once again, ill previous years, we ask tha t our residents will do as much" ,ii' I heir buying as possible at the, stores o f 'th e local m erchants^ : W'e address our I'emarks particularly to those who have newly conie to live am ongst us, and who possibly do not know how. iimch of their C hristm as shopping they can do here w ith profit to ihemselvjps and the local stores. When, there is any com munity or organization effort afodt requiring prizes, who is asked to donate them ?. The local, merchant. If we are hard up for ready cask or tem porarily out of a job, who do we ask to extend us credit?. The focal m erchant. When friends come in on us-unexpectedly and catch us unprer„. -|KiTedy-vvho-do-we-caUnpon"t6'helpHis out-?--T lie-lpcal-m erchant^ ■ Let us rem em ber them now, the men who are always ready to help us. One can buy just as cheaply and often more cheaply here than in the city stores, and the goods a re the saiiie, because both the city and the local m erchant are buying from the same " wholesalers. By so "doing we shall also help ourselves, for no district is be tte r than its s to re s .» I ■ ' ,. . r .. '•■■V - ' ■ ■ ■. I ' - ■ ' _________ , THE AFTERMATH Time has already shown w hat a ttag ic blunder was committed. ..... at- Munich. And it will'.be..ahnost-ce^hainly--niade-inore apparen t... with the passing months. There in re tu rn for a possible reprieve from w ar we assured its certain ty in the not too distant future and exchanged for unrest and national anxiety more unrest and a inuch g rea te r national anxiety,, because today we are w ithout friends. • ' i ■ . • ' , F inance is said to have controlled our policy there, as we suggested a t the time., I t is still dominant and still blundering, being apparently now content to split.-the Em pire in tw o by ■'allowing F ranco to 'ta k e Spain in its continued fear of Commun ism, not realising th a t an y cu re of th a t menace within bur borders can only come from within. B ut Jlien finance has always been a blind g iant in everything bu t finance. ■" ■ In thfe Orient,"witlW ivhich we in Vancouver are much con cerned, th ed o ss of Canton, arid the M unich'A greem ent toge ther have cost us w hat .was- left of bur "face" in China.. F p r the . Chinese tho u g h t th a t we^-.and France would never^ allow th a t " city'to^ be taTcen on ^'ccoriht of th e '^ u in its capture by the Japanese woiild bringCta o u r business in H ong Kong. Germ any vvill never g^^ b a bk„her A frican colonies' short of war nor will she figh t--at pres'erTt. Instead she will consolidate ___her gairis, m eanwhile try in g .to bluff F ran ce a rid E ngland into other surrenders' Crisis will follow crisis, but there will be no f war until she has linked up w ith Russia. And Italy w ill,follow fhe sam c'.pQlicy. Germanism persecutes the Jew as it will persecute alknon- Germansy-ifea^id when it has,the power. And y i th such an exarnple =l3FfbTH=as^e~needT" ' """ ̂i _ Held at the home of A lb ert., Chilton, the third meetiiig of the members of the newly formed A m ateur Chrysanthemum Club of West Vancouver adopted a con stitution, and passed several reso lutions which will govern the poHacs and future activities of the organization, .Because of the obvious benefiits of close a ff illa - . tion w ith city 'mum clubs,' who have agreed on coirimon standard ized rules and regulations, th^ --niecding--dccldecUiriiairiuiousIy:^o,„ adhere strictly to the practical suggestions of the older and more exi)erienced societies. The outstanding clauses in the new constitution limit the m em bership to forty residents Of W est Varicouver, allows :admission of . men only, sets,the annual dues at $1.00, and provides for the hold- xing of a t least one exhibition each year. Two interesting rules are tha t no member, finay. sell blooms ■ or plants for gain, and tha t any surplus fu n d s . derived from* the floWer show must be dona,ted to charity. At the m eeting it .w as. an nounced tha t arrangem,ents had been made with a local g reen house for the w,inter storage bf all stools (roots) and tha t, in.thc^"' spring, all members would have : the privilege of buying any num ber of potted p u ttings, in a Jarge num ber of popular varieties, at ten cents each. • - . Applications of four new mem- _be_rS3vere fa^orab%*"passed by the com m ittee. W ith regular m onthly instruction lectures commencing-, in January , it, is expected tha t the limit of fo rty rii,embers will be --re a c-h e^--i n--a--̂ ho r t_ tin ie ._ _ ^ n y _ W est Vancouver resident desiring inform ation regarding fu rther ad- jp ^ 4 ag e .s^ i-J iie in b £ j^ ip -Jd i--thfi. SUPPLEMENT Any desiring ex tra cop i^ of "The Progress SupplemeriP' can purchase them a t 10 cents each by calling a t our office a t 1704 Marine Drive. COMING EVENTS YULETIDE CAROLING I'iclure a , mediaeval church decorated for the festivities of T:iiristnia.s. "A -choir -of - sw eets "voices echoes t h r b u g h and through the peaceful air. Tihe spicy scent of cedar boughs lend ing much to the beauty of th e ' icene, white surpliced figures holding aloft lighted, tapers, arid dlently illum inating the muraled^ walls. . ; All this will become a. reality at the Christm as coue'ert, prcr rented 'by the W est Vancouver High School, students and staff, Ton the 14th and 15th of Dejcember. A . processional, a choir of more than one hundred voices,' colorful tableaux, tw o violin solos, dram atic representation-of the Christ mas story, all presented in a spirit • of reverence fittirig the celel%a- tion of a sacred festival. ProCCfeds go to the Christm as Cheer Fund. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN • Ju s t in case you don't kno,w Santa Claus' local address, his' Box num ber is 115 Hollyburn P ost Office, "B.C. In 'Christm assy "atmosphere W est Vancouver will once more dem onstrate its traditional com m unity spirit Saturday evening, December 10, in th e Inglewood ~A uditorium ^"wlreTT~a"^CindeTalla- dance W|ill be held under the auspices o f theTocal Santa Claus Tuesday, 27th December---Legion W. A. Xmas Diance in the Orange Hall. Tartan Mount- , aineers' Orchestra. . . ■■.............. - ■ ............ THE ELECTIONS It is generally presumed that Reeve. J. B. Leyland will offer himselif for I'e-election. Coun cillor W. Dickinson is also run-' ning again, but we have been unable to contact Counoillor R. - Fid(ies to find out what he pro- td do. IC. A. Ray will be a candidiiite either for, the; reeve- ship or council, and i t is rumoi*ed w that Harvey Smith has similar intentions. Tom Brown is also a candidate for the council. Schobl Trustees J. Richardson and D. McTavish are still unde cided, while Police Commission er Joy will .be running ag ap . Next Monday, December 12th, is Nomination Day, the elections baking place on the lollowinW,*;, Saturday. ' ^ LEGION W.A. BAZAAR TEA The Legion W.A, are holding a Bazaar ,Tea in the Legion Hall on Friday, 9th December, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. There will be a Sale, of Honrie Cooking, Needle work and Novelties. • XMAS FROLIC ON FRIDAY NIGHT , -All the modern ' and old titoe j',.,dancers will be on hand tom orrow "'"-bight at the fro lic 'to -b e held in - the. Orange Hall. Marie A bram s' --orchestra is-prepared to give the : best An-^mus7G=-A real evening's fun is in store for all those attend"* --i n gf-Go i n e-'^w i t h- y o u r--ga n g--̂ nd-- have the time of your lives;Friday night. Admission a t the door, 35c; Fund. Dancing to Augus M-c Tavisli's eightVpiece orchestra will commence a t &30. " 'The happy thought is th a t whilst H o rse^h o e^ay is renewing friendships w ith Gapilano and all way points, all are uniting to see Tfliatlfhe- vv.elkteliKyk5~dawiiTon-:a-: colony of happy homes at Christ mas, time. Decorations, will.,be under the^ -oa.i]'fiance of MrSiAVrifreirl Muntbn -whilst Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs. W. H. Green will look after re freshm ents. Mrs. A. T. Jo h n s presides oyer those now famous turkey draw s and Mr. A. J. Gleam vyill be M.C. - Consenting to be patroneifeses i r e Mrs. J . B. Leyland, Mrs. H. G. Barker,- My-s..vDavid-Barbour,.Mrs._ -Wm.. Blatf, Mrs.-L.-D-. G. Brooks^ Mrs. J ..E . Condon, M rs. S. A, G:r C u rry ,'M rs. .J; Fox, M rs. G'. M. Gerrimill, M rs. J. G. McCue,^ Mrsj., E. M akovski, M fs rE J W rM a i^ n ^ te tte , Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Mrs. J. C. Oswald, M rs. Jam es-Russell, Mrs. Evans W asson, Mrs. L. Felker, M rs. Colin M acLean, M rs. Gordon Robson, Mrs. G. W. Kis- sick, Mrs. W. Thompson and.Mrs.;, -B~ M. Clerk. in the" d ictators .w ith the consequent determ ination to prepare for the inevitable. - . " For th e day of the sanctilj^"©f agreem ents has gone and now -onl-y-the-st-r-Gng'^ra'an-arrried~'cai^--kecp-ins-goods,-------- : -- -- --- , .club, is urged to contact the secre tary , A rth u r Capon', W est 647-L, .without delay.- - The next m eeting of the club w,ill be held on Friday, December 16th a t the home of Captain H. P. -$kee-tT^O)^Eulton-A_vjen.ue. BR4TISM-ISRAEL ASS'N. 1. 0. D. E. THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION -'"~The~monthly--m eetitigTof the" Duncan L awson Chapter, I.O.D.E. ANTHONY EDEN TO A SPEAK OVER CBC'S NATIONAL NETWORK was held a t the.':,home of "Mrs , Walter Gourlav. . ' . Mrs. H ilborn, the educational convener, repo tted bn the presenr tation of th e I.O.D.E. scholarship prize for the Tu ne m at ricu lation ,to Brenda W icking, and a special prize for j the* best a ll round stuclent du ring -the year to W in- -- nTfred~Grbson7HVlTsArH-;--BT-G^Fay reported th a t the committee^kfor the Art E xhibition w ere enthusi astically m aking arrangem ents fo r_ a February showing, while M rs. E^tock reported back from the Local Council of W om en and several resolutions pass^d_ __at - their m eeting. ■ " ------- 7 '̂̂ ---- ^ Three visitors fram the Vic torian .Order of N urses attended the- meeting.- M rs. M cM ay, -the VUncouver Supervisor, gave a -- short explanatibn.'.of the ir general method' o f w ork. \ , The toy m akers will 'get under -way at D undarave schoo l. during the next two- weeks and hope .to . have a--full -Gbmplernent---ofpt^ ready for C hristm as distribution. Two new m em bers w ere re ceived into*: the order, M rs. M c Donald and M rs. Ostrom.'; ' , "" Tire convener fo r Em pire study gave a short ta'lk on tha t-.very charming island^of N ew ^Zbaland. After singing the national anthem a welcome cup of tea was, served to the members. - ' J The W est Van Com munity Asr sbeiation will tonight : hold a meeting, 'with -the; public in their clubrooms to discuss^plans for the , organization of a dram atic, educa-. tion, music and* swim m ing club,', an athletic council, library and ■girls* 'auxiliary. T he club has re- ' cently acquired th eir--nexMU-clnb_-:L roonis on 1rhe""second flqbr' o f - th ^ Ambieside.,, Block,, above^ N'cNeil's ■^Drug Store. Ping-pong* and ,bil- _l.iajfLmbles~ a re some of th ^ equip- m ent being installed by the industrious members who aye re sponsible for furnishing the build ing. .T h e students .of the high school over 16, years .will meet in , the clubrooms on Saturday at 7.30 to form a student branch of the •W.V.C.A.- . -- ---- ' The Telephone. Bridge closing d a te is announced for December 20. Mrs. H. .O strdm and M rs. 'B lair Clerk w ill still be glad to heat .from m ore h o s te s^ s willing to have tables in their npmes. The British-Jsracl Association of DundaravC; will m eet Monday, December 12 iat 8 p.m, Mrs, A.,W. TBrereton of N orth Vancouver will be--tlTe"" '̂si)eTrlcer7-H î^--topic-TS=~a Christinas message entitled "God,"~Y the Son," Mrs. Brereton'.s talks ..are always interesting. Come and heac-hex.----------------------- L___***._ Anthony Eden, form er British Foreign Secretary, will be heard over CBG's national network Friday, .December,9, 10:30 to 11 p.m. HST," wiien hd' addresses the annual Conb^*e^ of American Industry a t the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New Yorkr, The title the" address=w^rlLbe~®emocr^i^s "arid the T'oreigh World."J " 1,.; Mr. Eden, who remained in .the background since retiring from -his--ppst--,^as_BxLtain's Foreign Secretary, will friiake the trip to the United. States especially to speak before the industrial group. The CBC network broad cast will originate in New York, as a n ' international exchange feature with the National Bfoad- castmg Company. L ' HOLLYBURN HALL A spqcial service for young people, illustrated by lantern views, will ■hc- hcld a t 7,15 ,p.rn. tom orrow (F riday) in H ollyburn Hall, the speaker being Jack, Anderson, There will be Sunday School and Young P eople's Bible ■ Class as ruspal a t 10 a.m. next* Sunday, December 11, . J. R. E. ^M cLaren will speak a t the Gospel "^Service a t .7,30 p.m. next Sunday. --Tuesday at 8 p.m., prayer and Bible.L stmly,. speaker, William Mason. BIG NITE Westwood--Nightingale On Wednesday, N ovem b^ 30, --at the- hoine of- th e . bridejs-par- erits,' Mr. and Mrs. V. Nightin gale of Hornby .Island, the wed ding 'took p l^e-o f their y o u n ^ r daughter, M argaret Ruth, to Mr. Edward R. Westwood, youngest •"son ;of" Mr. and Mrs. G. Wests wood of Ladner, B. C. The simplest problems are frequently the hardest to solve. Don't Wake Him A little colored boy going through a cemetery read th is inscripHon (m a tom^b-stone: "VNqt dead, "but "slop ing ." " Scratching his head, and pon dering, he finally said, "He sure ain't foolin' nobody but hisself -By- T^al-and-Error- The electrician was puzzled. "Hey," he called to his assistant^ "put your hand on one of those m res." ' The assistant did. „ ̂"Feel anything?" ............. "No." ' "Good," said the electrician, "then don't touch the other one or you'll drop dead," VENETIAN BLINDS . The Acme Manufaoturing Co. Ltd. of 3076 West Broadway^ m anufactures ■ Aome Venetian Blinds in a v^ ie tjT p f colors and shades to" match any color- scheme. Tapes and cords are also obtainable in m atching and con trasting colors.. The firm is " "whblely'^'yeteran"^organizatioh, composed of veterans and the sons of returned riien or widows- living a t home. The principal and local representative, ,M. Clarke, phone W est 87Z-R, ai?e . both Imperial Army captains. F o r f u r t t i^ particulars kindly refer to the advertisement in this issue. Venetiian blinds are the correct thing now. - A "Big N ile" under the auspices of the. W est Vancouver Liberal- Association will be held on Friday, December -16, in the O range Hall, when there will be dancing and a -whist drive, -also m an y -o th e r attractions. The entire proceeds w ill go tb~tlre^W yst^Varnrouver" Christm as Cheer Fund, Full parr ticulacs_pf "the above will appear in our next ^week's issue. Admis sion 25 cents. PUBLIC MEETING There will be a public m eeting at 8 p .m ,to n ig h t in Inglewood High School A uditorium under the auspices of, the W est--V an couver R atepayers' Association, An invitation has been extended to the" Reeve and Counoil to at^ tend.