Lions' *̂8-' ?>?t?rKH>5V{.S.̂^̂,«-,̂ .̂( «?<-S«)»«<«̂i Gtitemi Hegalatlons « 5 a w w | y ^ ^ or o f f^ w s x - k l i . Mtetanco, „ , __ __ ____ » ....... r ^ r ^ S T n i ; s r m i M ^ i r ^ ̂ _____ _____________ entering. u|]^/ (a) Pedeatrian« . using the i'*'® „ Bridge must use the sidewalks be liable to the First Narrows provided for i^estriaits and Bridge Company Limited for the ----- ■ * ' the cost of repairing or making good damage to ,tte B r^ e^ w a w -iBf^aiJe' of cut flowers and po^ K r M u r e r r a « e - to ~ |* d 'p I a r t ^ ^ 4;mciJifi»^ npon. wa «,«-.•*» '" Lions* Gate Bndge shall be gov erned by the following w u l tions and shall pay the tolls i set forth In the l^ r if f of Tolls. lion dollars. la- as shall not be permitted to use the 2. l>ad Limit such damage, and in the case of wilful damage or mischief be liable to prosecution. ' A nother item deals'also with wild life. One of the outstand ing features a t the Canadian'T%_ ?ff J J 1_ tri.rUitat vehicular ro ^ w a y ; ( b ) , Pedestrians are prohibit- (a) The to ta rw e ig h t of any «1 from climbing upon or entoiv alngle vehicle, including th f t of ing p y portion of the etruoture ItH Toad distributed on all wheels "o l intended for the use of ped- shall n i t exceed 40,000 pounds : estrlans. fwo^wh^ls ^ ^ an ^sin g te Soliciting' or the distribution PaviUoii a t the Empire Exhibi- iM°udlng Its f f l ' s h S i not ex- of circulars, advertising, m dtter tlon ow in progress at Glasgow, oft mm nniinds' or leaflets of any kind on the Scotland, is a display of yrild ( c i ™ to d per inch of width property of the F irs t Narrows life of the Dominion. Mounted of any non-pneumatic tiro shall Bridge Company. Limited is pro- specimens of animals and birds ̂ ■ 700 pounds. Thp hibited. along w ith , electrically lighted rtion of the tire 8* Damage to Bridge translites and a special a r t col- the roadway (a) No person shall throw, or lection of oil paintings, posters ' ' * cause to be deposited, or dropped and sketches in oh the Bridge atiy dam ping , ̂ attractive educational exhibit. Appreciation :• ,,| ,J With the opening o f the Lions* Gate Bridge West Van couver has been transformed from a small rustic hamlet to one of the m<xst lovely suburbs In Canada. not exceed 700 po width of that portioi in contact with , tji. shall be taken as the Width of the tire in computing the inten sity of the load. 3.' Traffic Regulations (a) Ali vehicles shall be driven , bn the right side of the roadway and must leave an ample i^riion of the roadway cleAr for the traf fic coming in the opposite direc tion. , (b) 'No person shall drive or operate any vehicle on the Bridge otherwise than in a care ful, safe, and prudent manner having regard to all the circum stances including the rate of speed and the vveight and size of the vehicle, the nature, condition and use of the roadway and the traffic at the time on the Bridge, and in no case shall a vehicle at any time be driven on the Bridge Close to the world centre of Vancouver, L will make my home in this beautiful retreat. May I offer my best wishes to Reeve J. B. Leyland and his efficient Council. They have done a good job. With ^ progressive Reeve and Council, I can only repeat the words of my fellow citizens-- . , ' ; "WATCH WEST VANCX>UVER' GROW** •..I T. W. LEDINGHAM, , ; Sandy Cove. CHAMPION & WHITE LIMITED IfllliflTtltGl «D!1 IKIII IKfll 1IIISISMSMSE Supply Mixed Concrete for Lions' Gate Bridge. Sand and G ravel also. t The person \,who can clearly hold a mental picture, of or the approaches thereto, a t what great amounts of Mixed concrete, sand and gravel 4* AH* 4*. Vi fl T1 V fi .......... U/At*<b' l lC O ^ rlM 4VlA 'jrv4̂ 4 "T « m 4 ̂ JIgreater sj^ed than .Twenty-five (25) Miles Per Hour, (c) Drivers of motor vehicles must not ufeie strong or glaring lights on the Bridge. (d) No vehicle shall overtake and pass another vehicle going ̂~ the same "directions on the roadway of the Bridge unless; 1. the way is . clear and such passing»movement ijj free from danger of accident; j2, _Such^pas3ing m o v em en ^ c^ ^ made without exceeding were used in the building of the Lions* Gate Bridge, would have first bad to see th e huge Champion & White trucks transporting th is material to. the bridge site day. after day with remarkable efficiency. Over 60,000 cubic yards of-ready mixed concrete, sand and gravel were used in -1 the construction of the foundations,, huge anchor-blocks.. and r o ^ service,: for approaches to. this great structure. Materials were broiight^lj^y Champion & White tugs arid barges from th e ir own "sand arid g^ravel"plaritlai on Howe Sound. a 2ified_m_ paragraph (b) of th is regula tion'; 3. When preparing to pass, the _Main_SlreetrWancouyeiy4s-fulIy^quipped-to4iandle large 4^r-iver-of--:SUch -vehicle -has,- before beaLring to the left, given ample and timely warn ing of his intention to do so by means of a sounding de vice and proper arm signal, (e) No vehicle, shall park or or small jobs. Orders for mixed concrete, sand or gravel, Ofc., receive prompt attention, regardless-w hether the customer desires a sidewalk, basement, building or bridge. Champion & White sidesmen can offer sound advice, .when the need a r i^ s for building materials. Telephone Sey= t Supplied and Creiated _ byi-Expert-Woricmen- 3 THE D I A ^ r a i l i n g ; -- on the -- ___ (f) No vehicle shall make a reverse tu rn on the Bridge, i . Restricted Traffic No steam roller, tractor, steam mour 9570 should, bg-remembered by West Vancouverites who will cross the great suspension bridge almost every day, as this number represents, the. great pioneer ̂ 'firm of Tofltheir: LIONS' GATE BRIDGE ^ was manufactured a t ourrfactory. large contract make it po^ible for West Vancouver citizens to reach the center of Vancouver in ten minutes by automobile. r t0 3 1 rP e ttil@ rS tree rrW ^ Vancouver,. B. C. shovel, or similar heavy equip ment and no vehicle containing fire shall enter upon or cross the Bridge unless by special permit previously obtained. 5. Prohibited Traffic The passage of any vehicle containing dynamite , or other LIONS* GATE BRIDGE NOTES: - Over 10,000 tons of structural steel, a t a cost of ap. proximately $2,400,000 were supplied by the Doriiiniori Bridge Co. Ltd. and the W estern Steel Co. Ltd. The gianL-cables,-sixteen„jjnches * in .diameter, can:yihg"4he structure, and are designed to carry four tiinesTH ^irad .'■•Ssk (- W est V a itc ^ v e r We can furnish full information on all properties for sale in WATERERONTAGE ~^T A X _SALE_ LOTS wi=;.{Ŝ3. - ■' rv'. 4-14'6 nrir3? 3iave'a "̂ jpr«^^*^^l k .iiv -Ml ni r . x w a s a » u k - r -- consBv^edjii maiiitained ^.and and ^ i l r t e th e tid riin h Midge in the world, and IQUr "i\K" III; ill?,'-15 T . kill manaj^ea^as a Toll BrMge for ordinary -passenger arid; traffic purposes only. Exteaordinary vehicles and traffic may be pro hibited from passing over or upon the Bridge.) bridge in the British Empire, RENTALS " . LAWSON, IVALKER & P R in iiT The Old'^TTsfablished Firm (Established 1906). 17th and Marine Drive ' Opposite. Hollyburn P.O. Phone West 55