■S"iriP'P1D "E 'M '1Er'lf^ T"0 ' NEWS Weekly Newspaper Circulating in the Districkof West Vancouver--Amblesidc, HoHyhurn,WCston, Dundarave Jl.op .per year. CypresS Park, Caulfeild,Whyteciiff,' Etc. . lO eeills per copy. Vol. X I I I H O L L Y B U R N P .O ., W E S T V A N C O U V E R . B .C ., T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 24th . 1938 N o . 26 D* 9BBS •mm tmiiM'iwuii I . '»<r Ty '*• O F F I C E O F T H E R E E V E Municipal Hall West Vancouver, 13. C. The opening of the Lions' Gate Bridge across the h irs t Narrows marks another mile-stone in the history and progress of-the-Municipalily of West Vancouver. It brings to realization the vision held for-* many years, not only by the citizens of this *day. but pion^<^^s - them. , r ^ , This great link between the City of Vancouver and West Vancouve^ should prove to be of immense value and convenience to residents on both sides of the Inlet and will offer a glorious scenic alttraction to thousands":ofaoufists who visit-British-Columbia every-y_ear„In-beauty__of__desi^ I -in-solidityi-of--eonstructionr-and-4oeated- în-on€- f̂- l̂mjnosl_sup_e!rli_seUing'S in the world, the Lions' Gate Bridge will stand for generations as a monu ment to the wisdom and courage of those responsible for its erection. 'TKF^ubstantial"mronetary"investment--reflects-a -growing--faith-trom the - ■ • the destiny of the Port of ^Vancouver, and-heae^f-the-Empir-e-*«t ,• I ■ in our own Municipality -which has been chosen as its most attractive residentiar area. " „ __ - Citizens of West Vancouver can with modest pride feel inspjred by achievements of the past and can look forward with every confidence toi a splendid future. The Bridge binds closer together the component parts ■ '• bond of friendship and mutual interests; it extends a welcome invitation to^hose ^ ^ o appreciate the ad- vantaires which the North Shore offers ^ a beautiful.summer and winter l d a ^ r o ^ d T ^ n f i F t h e r n t " le a d ^ u ^ tb " thy^thought-th not be far distant when West Vancouver will be proclaimed as the entrance _tn a great Garibaldi National Park. West Vancouver is a community, essentially British in its outlook, comprised of people who respect law and order, who love th a t peace and| f r e e d o m which"only democracies enjoy, and who are proud of the traditions of ihe race from which they sprung. It is, therefore, with a deep feeling of satisfaction th a t we may view the efforts now being made for His Maiestv Kino George VI to officially dedicate the Bridge durmg-the visit iv»«1^ttes^to Cahiad^^iitSi^fs^ ̂ a-pd i t . £ » b e ^ ^ predicted; May-1 be permitted' to offer my personal congratulations and good wishes to all YOur* citizens on this occasion and to express to them my. ■ sincere thanks for their unfailing;^uRport and encouragement which have contributed in no small measure to the successful completion of a great undertaking. ^ . Reeve. >• :-:l ..■.I--':'.-* ■'."'y-.'.•