West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 3

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i*̂ 't './t- ̂ -. Brs- t i'fi-̂»ŝt̂"/ i(̂ 4 ftftsp fo fî u?«v«a/ ff^ ;ovenib«v24|lS88,NOV THE WEST VAN NEWS G a m p l * e l l ! s 3 M t s l a i i d J L O p j ^ for Men and Youngr Men, hand-tailomi to'"your individual measure, \Vo have a large selection of cloths made from the finest of pure wool uis' "All* g»lT!heni»*'^airry ih e Union' Label.- Orders completed in,- U i ! v / ' Fit guaranteed ..;........................................... Fries $27.50 and $35.00 1412 MARINE DRiVE WEST VANCOUVERMrLEOD'S MENS WEAR A sphalt P re tiiix f o r y o u r DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED rlwno North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, Wool lOO-Y INSTAL D E L C O NOW (Product of General Motors) - A I R - € O N D m 0 N E R S •*01 v&aawfl»WiBa»Kaas!3aea C o a l C a n be installed under Home Improvi^mcni ' ___ S t o k e r s -- Plan oif National Housing Act. t t U m e r S ' on Display at R ; E . JO H N S T O N CO ., L T P B. C. DISTRIBUTOUS ̂ v . ̂ „ 1070 Homer St., Vancouver, B. C. , 500 Fort St;, Victoria, B.C. , Estimates cheerfully furnished by.l BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. .BNGmEEU8^^,^CONT^^^^^^ • Specializing in Air Conditioning G. W. H. JACKSON, Manager 1483 Morino Drive ■ Wert 41 ..... .... * *U n e g a g L ie s th e H e a d th a t W e a rs g C r o w n . '* B V T : .„„Thc explosion .which was not-. Mrs. ,.GcorK̂ ' . Palmer <>{ Pâ l:., iced by many here ul 7:45 a.m. clilTe Avenue, has iHdurned home Wednesday was caused by the from Vernon where she has biHiu bia.stingoutof the old Vancouver visiting lier. brother, R. J. water main on the Indian Ke- Cooke. serve. ♦ * ♦ . * ♦ ♦ ♦ Carter--Rudolph ' N. Williamson Jr., of 1717 With Rev. F. A. Ramsey olVici- Bellevuo Avenue, has movetl to. ating, the maiTiage of Marion lOGG 11th Street. Nancy, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. * * * F. W. Rudolph, to Mr. Lmdsay H. Harrison of 1750 Bellevue P. Curler, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Avenue, is moving at the end of M. Carter, was solemnized Satur- Ihe month to 1840 Haywood day evening at 8:80 o clock in Avenue. • St. Stephen's Church, We.st Vî n- . Frank Vyvyaii, 1748 Fillton couvor. ' Avenue, will take the leading Shaggy while ohrysanthc- , acting 'part and Philip Watts, mums and palms adorned the ̂ 1GG9 24th Street, the leading altar for the ceremony, and vocal part at a.xhoralai»^ivity, mauve, gold and white clirysan- nm\r' **Th6 ■Pinding^f' thc^-ihf^™theTTium»Fwith~palniH?-aiid^u to iSj given by the Purcell Hall iimn leaves, banked the chancel. School of Church Music next rail. month in St. James Audltoriuhi."- Given in marriage by her lather, the bride was attended , R. F. Harrison of, 1912 Ingle, b.y |'ei'/ist®;'. Mrs. Alan Glovo- mood Avenue, was pioking rasp- land ol Ilalmend, Albcrtu ns terries off the vines in his matron-ot-honor, and Miss Ito^ garden last week. This is eer- McRae as bridesmaid. Mr. Glen teinly unusual for this time of Schnotor was groomsman, and . 4.u_ vpnr ii.shers were Mr. Reginald Berry, ̂ ̂ *' 4i ♦ ; ♦ Victoida,, and Mr. Alfred Staley.. Miss Barbara Allwork, agent Miss , Ruby .Hicks sang during here for the B.C. Telephone the signing pt the register. Company, has resumed her u* ' j 'Ji, princess duties following a.ftw days',ab- . mode fashioned the ffowp te the sence due to sickness. ' f'*',®', toglht oj®"♦ > ♦ ' tended in points over her hands, , " ^ is s ..Lovona Harris sailed on and the long skirt widened into the Aorangi yesterday for Auck» a fan-shaped train. Her fnlle landr*New Zealand. Mrs'.' Harris " ve,il,̂ hel(̂ m place with a coronet - entertained' a -few- friends at. a hlossorns, cascade! in S tr a tto n 's B A K E R Y HOME-MADE ____BREAD™-:-.. FUliSH DAILY Tun varieties to suit every taste Meal Pies Cookies •-- Ki'cJes ('likes - - Pastritts Units ami UoIIh Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 V Easy on th e Head is th e M odern Wireless Permanent Wave . as given by the ' \ 1517 Bellevue Avenue. A num- team, and her bouquet w.is a J her of nice gifts being received fh^l^r of ralismnn roses, lily ol by the guest of honor. ^ o r a - ^ a y p ersonality (^hoppjL -1^36-Marine IDriy^ the^valley and violets., , * ♦ ♦ - ' For her sister's marriage tl̂ e k . Mrs.-B. Stitt, .now residing in inatron; of honor .wor4 a-«9,wn ! Tacom'a, Washington, .with b6h -~ . M daughter, Mrsr-Cliff Welsh, is a style, wiipeaddress of oldjoW visitor in the city and West Van- ostrich tiijs holding a short Pfoiv r̂ ____ matching-veil. Her bouquet was ^ couver. ̂ _̂_ bronze arid gold chrysarithe- 1 ̂̂ ™ ̂ ̂ .. mums. Adfumn-tinted chrysanthe-. The, bridesmaid's gown of 7 in rirh nrofusion decorat- a^ thyst blue velvet also was m M " in'Vsneouvef,"'Thursday evening^ was of .matching- yelvet-flowei-s.; daughter of Mr; and, Mrs. ohrysanthemums i»mposed her H o lly b u r n T h e a tr e THU RSI) AY, FRIDAY ami SATiniDAY MATINEE Novcnilu'r 24lh| 2r»tli vS: 2Ulh • - 'College Swing' -; . • a 1 ,MO ;, ■ 'H A W A IIA N BU CK A RO O ' ' ■ ■ ■ 1 . SATURl'lAY EVE. &. MONDAY ' < November 2(ltli and 28tb • . m 1 THE KlT/i BROS. " Kentucky 1 Moonshine ' ,ulHO . ■ ' ■ ■ ' , 'r ' " THE OLD MILL" : - 1---------- THE HIGHL&NDS 1393 Marino Drive ' Phono West 671 LUNCHEONS - TEAS DINNERS Catering for Parties Auspices West Vancouver United Church -.Û- S a le o f H o m e G o o k ih g I TOMORROW^ (Friday) ■ in the CHURCH HALL • ^^ic-3^^rky-Novelt-iesr-A-pronS7--etC7---"=-- -A-f-ternooh-Tea^S-cents. L l a U K X l L C X A/X : XTXX . • WfAAVLrt f , - y Charles H.- Webster of West bouquet.. . . Vancouver, to Mr. Archibald (Archie) Dewar,- son- of Mrs. " UiewaFana'T iT e^ a t^D T Jn d a^ S . R e r Gordon bride and groom receiving; with performed the ceremony at~8^ occasion Mrs. ' ' 1 1 ' Rudolph-wore-a goWn of mid- ' S - 'her m arriate -the b r i d e . . .n'Kht-.bJueJace :M rsr Carter's - wore traditional ivory satin and ®heer d S a r d e a i t e r G l e a n e r s . --------- 21̂ 2-M ariiil! -Drive-- '----- ' Finest and Most Uji-lo-Date DRY-CLEANING & PltESS.lNG Smart Alterations; Neat Repair We Call and'Deliver Free Phone West 858; h r t ^ n d h e r h a t ^ c tu re m odel in ; p lace W ith a .co rone t o f s i lv e r m a tc h in g to n e . West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 FREÊ SPECIALS, delivery R o lle d R ib 22c lb. 'S ir lo in R o a s t ^ 5 c 4 b . :R u in p -R o a s t S h o r f l^ ib s - 9 c lb . I S c ^ b l b . p k g . P o t R o a s t l $ c Ib . ,Lamb̂ Stew 2 lbs (or 25c. First Grade Mbsr 78c Spreadeasy BAKEASY J -O c -p e rJb _ t Fletcher's No. 1 BACON 15c per pkt. Bacon 12c per pkg. Bfipder Lamb -- - - - - 14c~lb Breast Lamb 2 lbs,; 25c. Roast Veal' 18c lb. Veal Stew ' , 2lbs4 25c irtovr^a -TT̂ cir hmiVYiipf' w as o f G u ests w ore reefeived befo ro ii S a n ^ r s e s V d paielt pink , « ^ r c & \t e a Z l r . donned a travelling oc^m e dirysanthemums and flowers in ' Mr. Edward , Costet ..was the Vancouver. ̂ ̂ ̂ ^ ^^isAnan and-Tishers -were_Mr. J ^ K t D e r o s ^ ^ M c i- B r u c e . lowing: Bl'ECIAL OFFER Paiutaiiig ' & Paper-Hung,ing 20% Oir All WallpupeiK "Wwlc--floIuj--at-^Redneed- Winter ■ Prices S. Tl. SRiGUiY, lletroraloiL 1440 Marine l.)rive PliOiies: Wx'st 702 or .700-Y» Landscape & General GARDENING Expert Work by Day or Contract Have that Rockeiy, Lawn or Perennial Border renovated'now --------- ^LISSLIK'STONE -------- Phone Evening: West "84 West 306-X ' r ^ X '-o T a ir m "T r ' t 1 S . Mis.s- McRae- was ■ points, Mr«. Dewar wore a sm art . „ Mi<s« Rnrlolrnh'q briries- S - - f w e S « - . -r-eturn- they will resldgTTrVan.=---^"^^-"-. ♦ . ♦ A. cl SEAKLE/t P̂ 'D̂® W ^ o ' Fertilizers of All Kind.s, _ ADCO Woodr Coal, Builders' Supplies ■Jf couver. ♦ ♦ ♦ Shower Honoring Miss Violet Murrell,, of 2303i King's Avenue, who;^ H^orth-taRes^place-dft-N ovent--- her 24th, Miss Evelyn Olsen and Mrs. A. Mac.Leod were recent shower hostesses at . the home of * the latter. Mrs. T. B. Haworth- and Mrs. E. Graef presided over the tea table which was appoint- ed-with-pink-arid-white-chiys-- anthemums. J - Band Auxiliary d> . • . . .. Sale of W ork and Home Cooking FRIDAY,: DECEMBER 2nd 4^EG10N-HALL Afternoon Tea,_2_5c. Tea-cup Reading EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) . 1522 Marine Drive ' " "MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT" TOMORROW (Friday) in ST. STEPHEN'S PARISH HAIX at 8 p.m. ..... " Proceeds to Xmas Cheer Fund and Heater for Hall ̂ ^ MUSICAL PROGRAM' V . Tickets, 25 cents