,̂f a f *4 ,.« v̂ 'tt-, H 7 i * ̂ If t i 4' ̂ 1 *■ t 4t ̂ ^I ^̂ '>^9 I ^ 4ts##«v?i» #► T> ■ $ A 4 ir ■( if * ? THE BRIDGE THAT SAVES The Store thar -51 ̂ j ■̂y J, } . I? I *' f If' t ■..'i . \ k l ' r ÎSvr- ■<- rr ySH ;ls '■■yf r ^ ^ ;̂ '̂ l(('r<<'h (o tin* .MiijfsHtyKpaii th a t 'I iiM'Vit hinda tiu* (iui'cii of ratifir ( itu^ (o/!iic> fairest tfiouKii >'omiK»*st of her HulMirhiiii (iauKiilers.i VVe.hliare joiir pride in Ihm'ii^ served . Itv one of the Kinpire's most heuuliful liridjies. West Van- eouver is novs 'wilhiit Iwenve ininutes of the t 'enire of oiir «reat ('ily. Keeping pace witfi the general pro>»reK,s our W 'i ' » S % I «real store of five huKe floors of f2 ,lMMi square feet of floor spjiee is siluafi'd in the lieart of llie retail husiaesn , / Heclion just two hloeks south of the iludson's Hay and ̂ is slock(*d wilfi all (he newest iind tnoHt>want<'il styles of .iniKlern and period furniture. Don't pass up (he t:f«'a( ' "•••.>. Worrall Store, it's a deliKhtful treasurj* house ui furniture par e\i'ellenc(> and a veritaliie gold tuine to llirifly home |^io\ers. 'lake time to eheeh (lihse values. .Signed, » WlIJdAM WOKKAM,. COMPLETE LIVING ROOM SUITE OF Ten I i Pieces $ 9 9 8 5 V Complete "SlinOK SUIMUKK REST' Iil<:i) - ( nRSTIORFIKLI) (IROUr ruiisist,ii)g' of Ihe new'sprhig' mattress ovei'padded lied ('lieslei'lielil ill new l"reiieli_ Velour and two full size nveistnd'i'd mnteliing' eliairs ainl all genuine solid VS'nlniH (ahles, plus lamps, (*te.. to eoinplete a perfect, elfieient ami arlistii' (6 l"l 0 0 " d l living room ensenihle. 3| I AmfbVV Conijdete group .................... ........... y NEW ART TABLE LAMPS e iio ien o r r iv u nk w st y i.ks ('liesterliehl Suites, some have the much wanted ,tear drop arms, three-jneee, suite fully guaranteed in hoth tapestry and velours or damask covering.s. [ \'our ehoiee per .'i-piW'e suite.............. ̂U(l I I tvl. III $79.50 Hoautiful M" tmd li!" J'ottery Vase Lamps ' fitted with plai.n tailoi'- . ed or genuiriu" hand. puiiHed' floral shneie ̂ A really # | r ji'i'ir'spSial .. Complete Boif(Ioir" TianTpĤ "~; Dainty little lamp witli the daintiest of pleated shades, some with Tot- tery Vase and others with Ci'ome Motal stan dards. (A gift that is sure to jilease) Complete „ MODERN TAP SUITES Of three full size comfortable iiiecesTTi a.choice of ......................... > '«, 1 .1 • /'I . I I t t modcni tapestry coverings; full Webb constructionl '̂:^l('lly as .skel<died this delightful Modern .i-pi('ce (■h('.sterliel(l comes luniutilully •̂ vjt]) rovcrsihlc spring pillow A b" a ' a a cushions. $ 1 . 9 5 TRI-LITE LAMPS & SHADES liided in genuine Helgiaii Velour and tlie groiip is eorhpTete wIlli Artistic Metal Hridgi SlMiid and Shade, Modern Living-room 'J'Phle, I'iiid r i 'ahle. Art Pottery, Table 'Lamp . Your choice per-.'l-jiiccc Suite.............. - and Shade and a real Silk Cushion. ■ . ' ■ $59.50 MODERN ̂ DINING ROOM SUITE of Nino CW Pieces $ 1 3 9 5 0 Coniffiet̂ "' THE NISWnST o r NEW DINETTES , _ ' ■ ■ . . - ■ J- ' ; Graceful modern style buffet fitted with an almost ilnheiievalilc number of draws, and lots of cupboard^ .space, complete, with extension table With now con-' coaled jack-knife ex leaf, and for upholstered chairs choice o f Walnut, Aiiplcwood and ... A A various hard enamelled-finishes. - ^ n A M i l Pgf O-piece Suite - ............................. - CHINA - BUFITET 6-pc. SUITE ■'ndv̂ new -stylo China Buffet Cabinet is in increas ing demand.'" This (j-piece Suite is particularly inter- -e.sLing-;-_it - conies-in- the-choicest--of--new-nut-brown-- W'alnut matching veneers, has convenient ex. table and -I i-eally handsome dining chairs Choice of several cojored fahricoid ' seats. .Per O^piece Suites .................. $89a85 A modern style D-pmee genuine nial.rnTed AVaJmiL Din ing Suite- con.sislingof .Credenza Bulfefe,- (h-edeiiza China I'anj-fiet, a hew style KxLension j'ahle and G substanti'al yet comfortable I)inin;̂ >' (.,'nan\s,v - ' r*'"' * W e ' h a v e every rea- we are. offering the' ̂ Tri-hte val-; ue in the' city. Grace ful, sturdy and heavily c o n structed stan dards in new English bronze finish. $9.90 ' Each Complete with full size tail- ored p a r c h - men shade* with fringe edge 01:- gehuin̂ T̂iinSF' painted g-laze • _,..p a r c h m en t shades^' A 9-Piecc Period Dining Kooiii Suite m d --g-I^A^td'-U l-= ttji(4 ^ .k ; I v l i - diaingi chairs with slip seats, jeIus large inatehing Bullet, China ^ T Cahinet ami - very largo Extension Dining Table; all in., beautitul -<p JL yf v inateluvd. Walnut facings. ■ ; ^ MODERN iVATER-FALL SUITE . - * . I ■ ' 'T'or less than $ 1 0 0 you may become tiip ̂owner of a new .modern G-piece Dinette Suite with, the new water-fall .or-fashion-flow rounded--fronts;--A suite Lliat.has an instant and immediate appeal. Ask to see this new. creation of modern 7Vr t-fuT'i'iitui'c. -- r-----̂ • JNmRECJLBRIDGE-LAMk- Heavy .g i^e fu l metal standards fitted with the choicest anck most c&lorfuP painted and plain, shades, y "G oTnp fetSTT.... ....... ..:.......... $7.45 I'ei-. G-picces ^99aB5 Extra Special! .. 4-pc. W alnut Bedroom Suite $79^° We have gathered together several of our choicest moTlcn-ately iirieed .suite.s each an .exhibition of stylo, <iua_lrt.v. and utmost-dollar, value. You-will he aiUazed with what really good'furniture so little money can bu^n _ . miD'WALlID'nFRAME Pull-Up - CHAIRS with genuine solid "Wal n u t : frames and spring- filled seats in coverings of odd gray and pleas in g , tap e s try co ver in gs Each:;,;' ' ■-.■■'t.,' e. SECRETARY'S DESKS and _ Per-l-pi.eeo Vniiiety Suite on sale at per suite • ' ___ .. Wonderful celcHlon " .......■---- $ I-. . . .. siyh^-\Vitvi'lsor - Din'eree .v-Chums; -' beautiful ' • finish in Natuiial*/\,-pptew6 od. with inarooh . hr green trrnn Alt'in genuine'hardwockl',. ̂ r green trrinj Alt'in genuino'diardwockl',. L. PcT o-iiieee Suite.'............ ........................ Special ; Your Choice .... FLAT TOP DESKS CONVENIENT PLAN OF BUDGET TERMS /I^RADE-INS _ACCEI»TED GAY TAILORES HASSOCKS Beautiful Folding Top Desks in genuine A\'aliiut. similar to'«sketeh hut without: the hoo.k secretair to}i. A delight fill selection. .Each $2949 Elovafor . Service to ■'i Hiiirp Floors Secretair Dosk.s similar- to sketch in both nuulern and period styling'. RiSi- - •. SIT ilje - -so 1-j d - AV-a mu t-- V'our choice, eawh. An extra large Ohe'st with an extra large base, cedar'fined drawer bonoatli -- reaHV clvoice. 0 vien ta I--and' Cross-cHi --NYii Inut- ■veneor.s. ■■ ■ --Free . Greater ALin- couver Delivoriek'. Fri'c Storage and Insurance until re- ; .quirt'd. A11 . Xmas Deli vcries N eal 1 y ' MV rapper- and. liihhqn Tied' and /ragged. in new colorful hard . -vvearing leatherette fitted . with semfr detadhed' so f t . ka- pock cushion topsi' j --Se-veral--sty-lô s--anc' colors, eacK S p im w a itw t Coffee Tables Some: with extra "shelf, some :with-7turned' pedisfal tripod leg's; each, .makes ' Each $ 6 . 9 5 ■ Extra large lar̂ urious fire-side, hassocks of $3.95 The H ouse o f Furniture Par Excellence S 3 9 G ran ville Street