West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 33

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'. ': ^ V r r ; > p < \ * ' - "̂ L ie .- i .0t, Wly t ^ t i t e " d v 2 n t a w of,the W,A. ie "Ser inff «x«"'P̂ ® residentiBl plan- ^he views by placing each Th<* funds raised bv the WA. as British above ĵ y means' of ,teas, bazaars, faith that England and Bnt s the one adjoin- dances, etc., help them to assist fiipiial repose in the future of mg lots are also laid out in such those less fortunate through nntttiii's '̂Gatewarron the^Pac- ** ^ have slightly dif* or distress. The proceeds ffic!" • from the Poppy m rAnilino Estates have " avoid that uniform^ and mon-. j. j„- oh aw of the W.A., con- The Capilpo^ E.siaits_ which a checker-bwrd -^^„ed this year by Mrs. W.B r;« otony wnicn a checker-board ' '̂!. '".kill of S e r n landscBP- would offer. The lots Qreen, is andthet* source where t i c u l i i r sk ill ot mMern la p anywhere from a litUe assistance can be obtained for inB'..¥, British Pacific ®P to anywhere up all ex-sorvice men and de^nd- area en iisn ra to seven acres--the average be- ants, helping them out with med- ing around one acre. v . . j-ntial area British Pacific properties have built an<J com- nlcted a full eighteen-hole cham-t S S ip Kolf course whioh has K" . acclaimed by experts as ndt only for its attri- hospital visitor. Mrs, E. , * Schoolsj ̂ ' Hi 1 < U"";p " Good schooling facilities are available. Not only are there icine, clothing, footwear and things too numerous to mention, certainly welcome gifts where they are needed in the cold St, Stephen's Church weather. ItB .scenic i # n M ^ li. Howdle, makes regular, visits Probably the ,*°f' ,. ." "yer ,»"»>■" f hools, but sev- ̂ shaugllnessy,, Military Hos-.. factor in opening fliia residential wal private schools are Iw at^ ,4̂ , Hospital and Men- area was the construction of the m the municipality, and un- Hospital, at all times taking I largest suspension bridge ?n the , doubtedly further fâ ^̂ ̂ w i agift^tocheer.-TheAnnuaUSe- Rrilish E m pire., The same mte^ be provided ■ with the I general uSon on the 11th November.is, ' eailvhich'flnancedH;he'eapilano--growth--_of --West -Vancouverr.--j;-j-- S ta te s entered upon the even Some private sc h o o ls^ .e o n - reminiscences of the events of wcater project ,ofl spannmg the templating moving, , their msti-, 1914.1918 and the happy feeling ntrance to V an cou ver H arbor, tutions to the,Capilano .Estates, , .v « . f ,........ The Lions' Gate BridgCj which Climate FRED. JONES - BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M. BICYCLES (New and Rccondllioned) , ACCESSORIES and REPAIRS, BICYCLES FOR r IeNT SPORfl'ING G(Joi)S 1439 Marine Drive i.® through The Capilano Estates igently_ L S o u f n atu ra l b ea u tie s o f ascend th e m oun tain sid e from P ir k , p laces Capilano th e contour o f around, 250 f ^ t fa r th e r than f i f t ^ n to 1250 fe e t; w h ile ev en th e Snuteci from^^the h ea r t o f th e lev e ls below th e E s ta te s are par- At" th e - sam e tim e th e ticu lar ly w ell know n fo r th e ir nfiTn'rarbarridr "of th e :Sea and -ladk of fog, According to-:the-; natural , oarr o ,̂ ...... i - 4. i« ,w rainfall recorder at Hollyburn rcity. ti^^ hm^s^from"^ tS SatTori^the depth of harbor fog ""'" and bustle rf a worid pert, rarely r ic h e s to 300 feet above ana uuatic , "Temperatures aver- of brothers all are thoroughly enjoyed by the ex-service men, all present being the welcome guests of the W.A. The. present Officers are: " President: Mrs. C. E; Sharman Vice-President: Mrs. F. Rivers 2nd Vice-President: Mrs. D. W. Graham noise ■ It is well degrees .throughout the that while, no effort was sparea ___ ̂ -pv./vr« n wiim'rnnni nf.......T'l~~ flp- year ra n g in g from a m inim um of o ff ls 32 .degrees for the months of velopment ^ ic h January and February to an ap- residents unique proximate maximum [of 72 de- of creating homes in surrouna _ durine* July and August, I' tags second to non^ t^e' extreme maximum and min-and-attention to pr^tical degrees and 8 degr^s respectively. During Secretary: Mrs. M. Phillips Treasurer: Mrs. M. Partington Hospital: Mrs. E. L. Howdle Local Sick: Mrs. W; Carlfey Entertainment: T. E. Batchelor -i Membership: ' Mrs. T. lYirner, Jnr. "Press Correspondent: . Mrs. J. W. Barnett. For QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE 'try the'* • MAPLE s e r v ic e STATION V TllEDi G.. MALLETT HOME GASOLINE, ETHYL & IVtOTOR OILS . .. . . - FIRESTONE TIRES . .. . , . Tea Room, Confectionery in Connection, ,Tobaccos, .Groteries / ' ' - Teas / ' '■ ' __Marino Prive, betweon Capilano. Estates •uhd '̂LionB* Gate-Bridge--- First stop after you cross the Bridge I dSaiirWere not overlooked. Taxes Firstly, Cabilano Estates were located within a"municipal dis- the summer season there is a conaidtemhl© -'-v̂ EiKiOitioii --betweoiv- the day.anrtight-temperatures, which is very restful. There is little .snow, but the Capilano WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL AND AGRICULTURAL ASSN. r-{Incorporated) trict which has a record ̂for is very restful. There is The West Vancouver Hofti- orderly fiscal administrati^. jjttle ŝnow, but the Capilano cultural and Agricultural Associ- |_This-rgoQ£d_Jis. rofl^tod.-in__tne-- arejequjppedjwith_niod---ation-which-was^rmed^n-J-SlTv- "tax policy-pursued.-Becau^ the gnow-plov^^ facilities to i§ the oldest association in West municipality is in^a sound nn- gj^ar the roads in "case of oc- Vancouver, and, in order that ancial position,--they are now -gasiohal snowfall, particularly at the affairs of the association able to meet their obligations and the higher levels, not only thor- might be conducted in a busi- maintain all. the se^ices n^es- oughly but rapidly. ness-like manner, the association jury on""a system.--o sing e n ,, ̂ r*Ain«c)a "̂ was incorporated underthel^^i^ O D i OPTOMETRIST Trinity 2713 474 Granville St. Eyes Examined, Glasses Pitted, -=s=^Only^hen^iec€S^Y '4 n II Ii t̂ax, which means ho tax on im­ provements. The ̂tax in West Wncouver is 61 iriillsjm the land only. As the- <!Bptish Pacific ano Golf Course ,. . . . The club house of the Capil- • its obiects are:~ To nroinote GoIf™aud=jCountry--Clubr̂ ----- " ------ , , stands on a plaf^u overlooking |̂ g branches, and the beauti- Properties^ha^ put m all nwes- five fairways of what has be- fying of the Municipality of sary-impr.ov®ents and utilities, come in a short time one of the West Vancouver.' the residenits - oh the Capilano famdus~gplf"XT5urses of"Uaip[d^ Two shows are held each year. Estates are a s s e s s on the ^m e It is' a two-storey, rough half- This year the 15th Floral'Fesfi- ] basis as residents of other parts timber . building of - frame "Con- held in June, and the . of West Vancouver. struction with reinforced con- 22nd Exhibition held in Septem- Roads and Boulevards ' ̂ crete and native* stone balconies Splendid roadways rise by and terraces.^ ' almost imperceptible grades to The golf course comprites 165 the upper levels which oveflbok' "acres of rolling country, gener- a panorama of unrivalled natural ously wooded, at ah elevation of beauty. Fir,, cedar, flowering - from 350 to 650 feet above sea degwood, arid other Jndigenou^-" level. The length-of the cham- trees give color, andrseclusion to pionship eighteen-hole course is the homesites; ' The'zentrance . 6,800 yards-from the back tee. ber. The first show held by the association was in 1917, which mcluded a baby show; This year's' officers "are: ~ Officers: Some of my good friends are going to use the swell new Bridge, BUT they can't forget the old days at" the Anchor,--4oe. Congratulations from -jnEr ' . Fully Licensed ̂ _ ' ' r At the Busy Corner Columbia at Alexandra ^ m i (- President: Geo. H. Brealey, Vice-President: E. H. Jupp, ̂ retary: Mrs. D. McTavish brresponding ^ r e ta r y : - - ------ P.D .Q . CAFE The Best in Home-Cooked Meals . We specialize in G E N U IN E P Y R O I L time. Japanese-'Cheyry blossoms fescue, and watered with, an line the "broad entrance leading underground automatic, sprink- to the Estates, known as Taylor ring" system; eliminating the m i , ____ -- IfeaiSureri Saves Motors -- Cuts Expense Simply add a few ounces to gas and oil " '. fl' . tnif 1 ' J if illXh i' I Way. Those who have seen the ̂ need for hose. The greens are cherry feloissoms of Uferirio Park undulating and beautifully biink- at Tokyo, or have been fortunate ^red. There are also many ex­ enough to pass a '"Sakura" sea- amples of fine landscaping from son at Kyoto, will recall the rich green to tee. . ' heavy blossoms-of the-Japanese -- Generally speaking, the Cap- -Cherryrtrees.------- U-------- -̂------^ilano=-Estates-represente^n-ideal------ Mrs. H. P. All^h, F.R.H:sr" " Directors: Mrs. W. K. W ood^k, Mrs. M. 0. Jones, ' ^ W. J. Clifford Robert Holden' A. J. Capon S. Paton J.^D. Rankin a half thousand P̂oŵ r lines and telephones, _ poDnds~of~miriefal~~wax _was_im^ have been "installed. The rates ' asset not only to West Van- ported from Newfoundland last are the same as thoirithat apply couver but to Greater Vancou- month. This substance is a mix- in the niunicipal district.' Water .■ ver and the whole of~the"i)rov-• ture of natural paraffins-oocur- niains bring \th<̂ - Water to the ince. In time it will epme to be ring nanoiiv n̂ai_ry, ô«„.oa__ ___ ____ ______________ _ - usually in coal-measures Lhoundary of eab^Indlrtdual lot. \Eio ^ ^ @ ^ o l THE-j^^ in the municipal district. • Police cn .̂ protection as well -as' fire ̂ pro- ^ - teotion is being takenLare of by Jhe municipal iprb'rtsjpris:. , e "hoard of rindertmterslffawri^ ] West V a n c Q u y e rtp r^ Size* of - Lote ' " ' Cne of the notable attyactions, pecially from thepblri builds ijg and protection' of view, is that no two lots dri the 1141111000 'two lots dri the Capilano' -7' 'a-1 ' "■>*" 'Jii V'! ""9 "The West,Van News wi' bold full pagej WShoiits-bargains4ou<Lan~a^^that, 1 But, bargains bricht and service ' .. rieht, < , : . , " "Cyroma's" the shop for a* that." . CYROMA TEA & COFFEE , - .. SHOP 1706 Marine Drive West Vancouver - F r^ - Delivery West 55, Res. West 280-B> Dimnohd R^ty Co. V. Sharpe C, Sharpe ---- REAi; ESTATE & INSURANCE Our Specialty, __We have a very complete listing of all the better properties for sale, in West Vancouver. 1393 Marine Drive West 719 v,i- mm