'V̂i'̂ !,#'-̂ "̂ f* VT'S '̂ 'i -i * (-t. Ŝ nf ■• "-f̂' r'M?x' V ̂ 'Vi'w-,'! 1,- ̂ '>1̂ •" V̂ i. -î ̂ ̂ 1 j-»fc ̂U. " -it-, | 1"> /, >>;> . 4? . ̂ ^'I'ii.L .. > W ̂ ̂D S, j.o Jf ̂ v <SJ/ -̂t (t- "■ ) . 1 , ̂ T"*' f, >< - *i>K < ̂ ■» ^ * ■vri»«'~'«f>«<î is*'i?-'« w w 'i!f»̂ asi>»i»«!«MW»«̂ >" '1 •-•'^ -'! . u D o n n d o e a b u p d i p « « i!M T!!- / l a l t H l i L W m = s = - = rf tte fc . .-. Jl . :■■ •:•■.■ ............ ..... .............-'■-■■•*« - . . .-.. , . ., . . . . «. . !■ J,jg|̂5S( ' . -A - . ' I, *■ , < I' i 's ".t-v ■'* n 'itUsi it lit t »?l. v.iM 11 ■s 1 . . . 4 , ' I, fl' lk British Columbia extends its warm Felicitations to West Vancouver on ~̂ii,i| ...... ..Tprt, the completion of the Lions' Gate Bridge. A .splendid portal to a splendid port, we see in it but another token of the things to come.. "T The .̂ î reat developments which are rapidly approaching fruition are a generous acknowledgment of the fine amenities which West Vancouver has to offer. But they are more. They are outstanding evidence of a rich appreciation of British Columbia and its vast potentialities, of its inherent stability, and of, the respect and confidence which it inspires abroad. They are a graceful compliment to this the most British of all the Prov inces, and to a people stoittl3r^British-insenGment7-British in alltheiFstand- ' • ' ' - . , ards, in all their loyalties and ideals. < -^%is-magntficent-st^ructure5-this"symphony"-in-^teelris"not"only"a"sublim:F^ conception and a triumph of engineering skill, but also a notable contribu tion to the cause of human progress. Jimkingah^e-3tupendous-4vorks.of_NaljirfijvithJhe_JVork-of-men^^and^r-^ I f symbolizes for us all those qualities of Courage, Vision and Enterprise on which the spectacular growth of this Province is based. We salute the Lions' Gate Bridge; we salute its sponsors and builders!; ' 'h ' 'v we \salute the Progress which it typifies; we see in it another gesture of j, confidence in the^future of British Columbia. =■ 'r/ ' ' , J '■ illl y 1 iff ' ' jIIi i i - . II i!' II-p' 1 ' H M 1 II Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Hon. W. J. Asselstine, Minister ,. ■•. V. }Mm - ■ ■ ■'•.:■ Is I-/, N.̂-i.'. 'v., .'1 -. 's. •.■! •■'. ■■■; - ■ , I- '• p'. ■ >'■■ - •- ■ ■• y - '/ ^ i. . ' * A ,L" V'v- V" : \ ' ̂ ' A ' - '• !1 I " " .t 1 ' ' I ■*, ■' , ' r y> '̂ -'■v •>■ " .•'* A .--V 0 r ' .s* C .■J' ' '̂ V ' - ' '■ , AA-V , ^ !'Sg , , A' ' ; . ; p ' * '̂ .̂ : f. A ^ S|;gi®ifS&iiap£fe®giS'fepjeî K;3f3;:i|gSSiii:lî ^