. ,M.........„.. .' ........ ',...............,' . . . ....... , -....-'..... . - . ...............' ' ............. ^ ... ..........< -\-- ■' ■ ■ -̂.......... .̂......................."' ' ■■■ ............. -̂ '... ' ■') ' 'h im ■T>BOCREm 8UPPI.EMBN!r OF i m WEST VA^ N E M j; -•«' V '.H J'i * stants. In spite of the addition of six rooms recently, the class- STREET NAMES %fs 7 room spaco. is again toed ^ d The avenu^ In West Vancou- rm m ^. !dA duing the current school yeatf it - ^er run east and --------- division in the laboratory ex- gtart in alphabetical order, viz" S ECONDARY Education is tion to three classrooms of stan- perimental room. . ̂ Argyle, Bellevu^ Clyde, Duch ^̂ maintained- * - -- ' - pality at the Inglewood tion, school programs can be ar- times at West Vancouver High Haywood, Inglewt^, eto. Mar*- School,. whioh houses the ranged by microphone attach- Schools and oc^ionally certain ' me Drive, the main highway, is West Vancouver High Schools-- ment and records can be repro< days arc set aside in order that the only break in this sequence. Senior and Junior. Five hun- duced over the same system. parents and friends may have streets which run north drcd and thirty-five students are The West, Vancouver High the privilege lof watching the south, are numbered, such enrolled and the various curricula Schools Students' Association regular class exercises. To oh- - ~ »iiwi¥i«Kr. ...... ................ . ______ _______ _ Class exercises, io oo- street, 25th Street etc. cover the studies fcm'Grade y i l organizes the extra-curricula ac- serve the change of classes the sequence startin#in the'east to Grade Xni. During the tivities with teachers acting as period alone is an inspiration to and going up as one proceeds' present schiool year there are sponsors and coaches. Regular any one who has the inter^t of west. ' twelve students In Grade XHI» inter-house games are scheduled *̂ 0^% folk m which is Senior Matriculation, for the seasonal sports and inspiration- may cbtnq-to tlmse and successful candidates from crests, chevrons and sohool five hundred young souls asJ;hey this group can advance directly sweaters are gained by team movh to the next to second year University stud- players if they are successful day? Socially adjusted les. There are eighteen, teachers competitors. With the oo-oper- guided chblcCof eburses a ^ thê on the staff, and two additional ation of^the; staff several public development of adequate citizen- . - r 1 teaohers are on . part time ser- performances are provided each ship attitudes are the leading a pioneer oi Vancouver, lorineci ŵo days .per week in year which bear witness to the factors for staff and students at the. Garvin Ice ,& Fuel Co. , i>ractical Arts...... .many interests of the schoollife. ...the West. Vancouver .High Ltd. The firm at that time con- The school is organized on a On account of the growth of Schools. Misted of one truck and a small ' c*omposite plan and students may school population ̂and the in- Mr. Sum Garvin I In April, 1922 Sam Garvin, Whytecliff to Bowen IslandIff. nlnnf qualify, in a large Variety of creasing number of activities the CL maiiuluctuung plant, bince progi-am^In addition to the Magazine Board of the Students' thcui, throiigh (luality meichan- SifStriculation options,. Association..Will noW~relea^ ' disc and good Service, the firm classes are offered for credit, t o - . ..w eekly , new spaper in . order t - . ------ ...--------« -- -- has grown to the point where wards High School Graduation-* keep live news and announce- service between Horseshoe Bay forty-two trucks are oi^rated in such subjects as Practical Arts ■ ments before the subscribers. and Bowen Island, and there are, with an average bf over eighty (Shops and Home Economics), School authorities are aware few jmore beautiful trips any- employees the year round., Commercial and Art; The of. the constantly increasing where than that by Pacific This progressive firm has now school is well equipped with a school attendahce* at the secon- Stages along Marine Drive, along opened a North Shore branch general shop, home economics dary level and a problem of the West Vancouver's wonderful , and the same quality of merch- room, typewriting room, , art immediate future will be that of Shore line, thence by the Sannie andi.se and servica are available, room, laboratory .and, library, additional accommodation. Free Transportation Co.'s ferries to all residents of the North 'Phe combined auditorium and education is extended to all boys across Howe Sound, to Bowen . , / . • , . gymnasium is in full time use and girls until they have reached Island., It might bo pointed but that for the physical education pro- age 18 or the Grade XII level. -------------------^ the employees of the North gram. The demands , for specialization ' The druggist said that the . ..The~:'Sannie.. Transportation Company, run „a regular ferry 3tw" ' Shore Branch are all residents Bell changes are .controlled by these older students, are met only thing he could recommend of the North Shore and the automatically by a master elec- on an individual tim̂ -r'M le basis, for gray hair was respect. branch is under the manager- trie clock. During last spring a when students may select the ship of P. McGillivray who radio I'eception and amplifying courses which most adequately ' The girls do get messed ̂up IS well known to most North unit WS?rinstalled, which per- meet their needs after they have sonietimes when they ride in the Shore residents. mifo fv,̂ t o«,i ai.- -- :-- m._j •-- . -- u^------1. . •* « -mits the reception and distribu- selected the prescribed oon- rumble seat. Cypress Falls * ( ----------■.................................................................... --------------------------- A, .'~V i I ■' s9; J£t phone west 788 ^•ERiuui;^ ̂ -j H ^ . f, "• . - H ' . S [ A ^ A.\ > m I The same quality merchandise and service as given in Vancouver for the past sixteen years are now available to North Shore Resident.*; Garvui Ice and Fuel Co " 2 r |r S S -M a r ln i0 ~ D r jv e ) I V is s t T V a n c o i iv c r.7 'fc*',' I, '-aa--' A A.,t .*.'*-5 A.;.vT.; Av .a,. v.> a. a • .. i'*;, ■ *,x,. J J , '.7--- . lA J V a N rm d n t * 0 7 0 7 L M M ^ ■'.f. ^ xX"" ill 32iS E> 5tfa AveA,Jgtoicoiiigg<H- -- .. -A. ' • ' i ^ \ N t " f *• ' ■* X ••a/; ̂ s " ,7̂,rV7-'V'i>;V'vw;,-vr,' A- , . • ,A ^ ' y, " - ..... I_i.!X.a.i..a:........... ................X'--'...... ."- ...... --T................ y ' '7^ ̂ ' X .4 _ . . , ̂ ^ ' ' V.-.' X' ii '