;S®?#/i?<SsiM»g»5'.«s-v«-rf ' ̂ t f ' ' - • > " *>■ »'* ' - * *'■»■ • »» ̂ I , ' - ' * » - ' * • ' , ' .» * *« • ' # '^ ^ ■ ► '♦ . ,w - '^ V -^w»^4«--3M«•<^*v^» •'<(•*•••>« '■^'-i?.*' ='̂ '--«- --ti • .■ s,v» - 1 ^ - ^ 4 , - « - 1 ini^ V *.<«9W--fc#f,̂ >l»̂SW» -^-" t-- ,f ^ -̂ 1 ,«i'^»*' -wi'*«<' '̂-Sp#-« --» » -- ♦i-,-.«i" V* V 4»'̂ ?i!«83î Miĵ «»iS*%rJft*§SS**as!*®«fe!f?fSft1»6"«'«!?»i?̂ '*̂ ^̂ "PROGRESS SUPPLEMENT** OF THE WEST VAN NEW S VISITOR SEES ACTIVITY HERE mm THE FERRY TRU> TO WEST VANCOUVER M r , George W.Sp«ir». owner of >he;Crui«r _; "(Broxburn, and pro** , niincnt insur&nce offic-'" iai, keenly interested in ' piers, was taken on a tour of inspection re- . ccntly. Mr. Spcir$ (left), expressed amazement ' at the rapid growth of, West Vancouver dur-; > i ing the last ten >̂ cars. !, ■ * *' A , iV ' i f.* S- ^ . - i . ' V It is doubtful whether there is in the whole of the Atnerican Continent a more beautiful short water trip than that by the . municipal . ferries from , West Vancouver to Vancouver ok vice ver^. The time occupied is only twenty-|ive minutes or less, but they are minutes, every on© of which in fine weather is a source .The,M at% :,,'S^^^ ' ■'■■ .'■ '■ --r-o f 'W e st'-V a n c o u •By~GOUNCILLOR S. GISBY- W EST VANCOUViR'S Water Supply isobl^in-1 same time for th ed,from four different of this rapi( l̂y.. \ r i v ' 'NAlsirm TriV.f. ""sources, viz: Nelson \rict. - - " - , . ^ also to make provision at the the greater'needs expfihdihsr f̂dis?: O v v iiV ^ C T j^ ' , 1 J i t % • I •' » • «■ I »i • ri-Pf̂ k 'Cvoress Creek, Brothers S Other interesting details in toek,' alM> fnom the. G^reater: connMtion with the system are ,Aiov _ _ , ̂ as follows,:-- of pleasure to the "stranger and even to those who make the trip every day. The course taken is approxi mately east by west or west by east on Burrard Ifilet, passing through the First Narrows, across whicli now stretches the huge span and sky-raking tow ers of the Lions' Gate Bridge. The bridge itself with its long ramp at the northern end and the high rocky escarpment of Prospect Point on the, south shore together make a worthy entrance to Vancouver's mag nificent harbor. One passes on'the south shore of the- inlet-the-whole, northern side of the famous. Stanley Park from Brockton" to Prospect Points. Owing to the preponder ance there of the fir, spruce and heihlock; the park always looks ' beautiful and always much the same at all seasons of the year, a mass of many shades of green. Vancouver Water Board. .The Nelson and'.Cj^i^ss sup- [ ply takes care of the territory from approximately West Bay to Horseshoe Bay, while Brothers Creek, augmented by» water j taken from the Greater Vancou- ' ver Water Board's-system with * connections at Capilarid and ̂ Keith Roads, suiiplies from the easterly boundary of ,the Muni- Numbenof, Hydrants........ . 180. Number of Gate Valves.... 540' of Service Con- at the end of Number nections 1937 ........... ............... . Additional Services dur- . ing. first 9 months of 1938 140 ;2352 Total to date...i...... ;2492 etton=*ij -- Outstanding Debentures of cipality to West Bay with the the Municipality's W^ter Sys- only exception of the Quin's terns total $361,000.00 and prin- Avenue Lin ,̂ which is solely on Qjpal .and interest requirements the Brothers Creek System, _ thdreon have been fully met.' The length of mains ragingi^- -- :----------- --- -̂--------------- from 4" to 14" in diameter waiSj Just west of Brockton Point is Lumbermen's Arch with" I ts background of well kept lawns , and walks.. On the north shore of. the i?jlet , the eye travels. along the ser- , ried l|ne of the mountains and, the great wooded hogsback of Hollyburn Ridge, which run roughly parallel to the ferry's - course. Here is .contrast, the cohtnast of grey rock and green forest, over which the sun casts his changing rays. Another feature lof the trip is the"unimpeded view of the red at the end of 1937,- 43.30- miles. . To fhis the SentinelHill District, serviced with 6" mains, has since been ,added, making , the total , mileage-of - fliains ̂ at -fhe present--.̂ HmVapproximately 44.30̂ miles. Over and above the forty four • 'o tmiles of mains already-mentio ed there are about thirty miles . of pipes of less than four inches ̂ dimeter which ̂ have been laid, in the more sparsely | settled 'areas. - < FromT these details ijt will be , seen that the system"is"by7no means a negligible undertaking =and=tSat-its successful-iiu«iag-e=..:^ ment and operation-must catlTô r considerable thought and care. f It will also be readily* realized; that as the original units . were constructed iii 1916, sonie por tions must soon be due for re placement. 'In fact -the first- twenty miles of wooden mains,- situated in'the south east comer of the Municipality,' come under this category, and present indi cations ared^i^in* the very nearĵ future it willTie absolutely necr - sunsets on a clear evening oyer the Vancouver Island mountains, lying low on the, western hori zon.' Whether it he a cold winter dusk with windswept, waves and sky pr a summer sea asleep in its mountain cradle, the result- ^an^^anoramaus-alikezbeautifuh™ There are ships-to be metj from the stately.. Empresses to 1:1m ' humble fishing boats. There is the, fairy line of Vancouver's waterfront of'̂ an evening. But •what--ene^fil--never--forgot^s- the restless sea, the green mass es of the forest, land the challeng ing sweep . of the . mountain ranges. ' - Dogwood ̂̂ ees. GAULFEILD Welcomes you _ , îSSR ssm h a v e h a ir - h e a l t hfrT Lustrous Elair, likenbeauSful skin, is just a 'm atter of right care. Occasional visits "tinr our ^air-and~Scalp"s'^eialists will give your Hair that âlive loolc which beautifies Hair receiving expert treatment. Come to 'US" for "deep? Ham .beauty,. / STANDARD 510 West Hastings" St. Sey. 6560 ^ O R E -Right at the Waterfront. TEA SERVED, . PICIVIIC FACILITIES, BOATS FOR MIRE Caulfeild Post Office WELCOME to the,opening of the L IO N S' GATE BRIDGE ■M Thoroughly modern and up^to^date quarters, recently completely altered and renovated, providing the. maximum of comfort for patrons. * , ; DINING ROOM Lunches and Dinners Excellent Semce Parties Catered to ALL ROOMS STEAM HEATED Moderate Rates MRS. G. GALLIA, P ro p rie tress 120 Wear Second Street; " North Vancouver u North 213 . "fv r " V' ' ' I . M ■ . 0 . . . ' oiLHi Hiinm Hi fiifu m im m t oinimoioH tilth HU Out_Door Photographs A m j a t e u r F in ish in g PORTRAITS' H. H. HARPER, Photographers 2160 M arine D rive W est V ancouv '^i B.G. W E S T 5 3 4 Most of the photographs taken for The W est Van News were done by us. LONSDALE LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED Lumber - Lath - Sash and D oors 127 Esplanade W est, N o rth V ancouver, B.C. North 1 4 3 1 FERGUSON'S Moving and Storage Est. 1920 " Licensed Jn North. Vancouver City and District and West Vancouver DAILY FRElGHr SERVIC^J TO AND PROM VANCOUVER Trucks Leave Vancouver--11 a.m. & 3 p.m.; Leave W.est Vancouver--8 a.m. &, 3 '^nrT"~" n o v a t h e a t r e ' 1 4 2 1 L onsdale Ave. NORTH VANCOUVER WELL - COME ^^454-Aloxahder^tT-PIt6heTBou7-429s- ~1628 'Marine-Driy-^Wione-W est- 85- . a ' A Gpmplete PRINTING SER VICE TICKETS in Rolls. Books. StripTor Sin ^ LABELS, gummed or plain GUM SEALING TAPE, plain or printed. Enquiries invited. COMMERCIAL PRINTING NICHOLSON LIMITED . ' Phones: ^Bayview 376 -- 1798 S^ond at Arbutus - - ' Vancouver, B.C. -WheiuinTowaJ/isitVaiicwivei'̂ TWOOPULARTCAFEJ th e MAYFAIR -29-West-Hastings-Street- h '■ T A t i L : 338 W est Hastings Street T asty Foods a t T em p tin g P rices Vî ith unexcelled service. i < ft "" trZ <, f ( J. 1> w * -jf- *