West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 1

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u 1̂!!̂ ĵ»>v ̂i£̂;' f%'«it#tiferj( #»i(£̂<jil<f Mff*j*p;*'t«'* ^ !r . . f V - Circulating iv the District of West Vancouverr-Atnbleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundaravc t i .o o per ye«r. Qypress Park, Caulfeild,Wkytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy at iiewaatauda. |i>i(i} Vol. XIII HOLLVBURN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24th. 1938 No. 26 liM "WWW GARIBALDI The opening to traffic of the Lions' Gate Bridge has ohce"* more brought to the fore the auestion.of a road to Garibaldi, and the reservation , and development of th a t area as a park. I'Yom every angle it is entirely desirable that such ,a road should be constructed, and the sooner the better. In the first place it would help to i^lieve unemployment, AvJiichJsAhe*most-serious-<iueation"faeing-Ganadal-today--That ̂ the unemployed m ust be fed and clothed and" hpuscid goes without saying, a'nd it is better both for them *and the country as a whole th a t they should be occupied a t work which will pve th^ni a living and the Goverjiment some return. On this Pacific Coast 1 the unemployment Situation tends to be particularly-acute-during-the- colder--weather,-chiiefly-~on~ac-~- coLint of the mildness of the temperatures and the fact that British Columbia is so largely undeveloped. Outside Greater Vancouver and other towns there is little work to be found in the winter, and men who are horheless and hungry cannot, be blamed for seeking a mild climate. Therefore, it would be well if work on the road could be started this ivinter. Secondl})', the tourist industry is one of Canada's la rg e s t ' sources of revehue. Moreover, it is doubly profitable, because most of the money is not our own but tha t of the American, tourist. For Canada has more to offer in the way of beauty and grandeur of scenery than have our neighbors to the south, and, as it JiappenS, .the mbSt beautiful and the grandest of that scenery is to be found within the confines of our own province. . • • .......... - * , Speaking from a.purely utilitarian standpoint, the chief difference^ between"British'Columbia~iand"the"prairie'provinces*"' is tha t we are long on scenery and short on arable land,'while the reverse is true of them. Consequently, it is up to us to capitalize on the.'advantages with which we have been endowed by nature. -- .-That means-roads and more roads.--Unfortunately, as in. all mountainous cqun̂ ^̂ ̂ buildingas very expensive with At-the.sam e. time,"*t6^^^ ̂ are not coming to enjoy and ANNUAL MEETING HORTICULTURAL ASS'N ,us view our scenery, unless' they can travel, to it on first c l^ s roads. The-dirt or" gravel road is not"enough.-'This applies particularly to the American tourist, accustomed as he is to a network of cemerit or surfaoecl highways .stretching like a grid all over his country. ,- ' - - l- A t Garibaldi is to be found all that has m ^ e our prov- ir;ce renowned -̂ fof natural -grandeur of scenery.~ 'I t ' i s Compar-' atively=onIy;^a:^ver-y--short-distanee^from-^Vancouver,-:Jviierej -most-of-the-tourists-congregate. ̂ -AU-that-i s-needed-is ̂ a-read between them. . * . , We have the men to build the road, and the tourists to use it. Why hesitate.longer ?_ The annual meeting of this association was, held in the An­ nex of the Inglewood' School on Tuesday, evening, and, though the attendance was somewhat " diBappointihg>-*there.^ was plenty- of interest and enthusiasm. The re p o r t of secretary and treasurer were carefully prepar­ ed and both were of a very satis­ factory nature, showing a mem- -bership-of-pvei'-tivo-.hundi'edarid. financially an increased bank bal­ ance. President Brealey in the course of a few remarks explain­ ed the efforts made to improve the status of the society,, and ; also called attention to the three suocessfiil exhibitions, especially |:he initial chrysanthemum show when more than a hundi'ed plants were On show. Thanks were extended to the Municipal Council for financial aid and use of room for committee meetings, to the School Board for free use of auditorium and, annex' for "m eetings; to the'W est'Van News for its splendid publication of the Society, and to exhibitors and all who in any way helped to fu rther the success of the Soci- ..ety.-- Six_.new__ members. •_ were. electe.d to the Board as follows: Messrs Capon, Jack, Oliver, Ran-- . kin,, Simms and Miss Barrow; A discussion took place on_the_ property owned by the^ Society in which several members in­ cluding Reeve Leyland, took pa:rt and^the new board^are'empower­ ed to take action with regard to -jsame.-i_The._firstlmeeting of the -Tiew-'directorate-wilUbe-^held nex t Tuesday evening. SKETCHES FROM MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT TOMORROW NIGHT COMING EVENl'S Don't forget the eight sketcli- es from "Martin Chuzzlewit" to bo given by the Dickens Book Club at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Fri- Tltt>') "1n""'St:™Stephen'iT~"Pnrialr Hall. Proceeds will go to tlx' Christmas Cheer Fund and the now heater i i r th e hall. There will also be a musical program. Tickets, 125 cents. Friday, Dec. Olh--|Xmas Frolic under the auspices of li.O.L. No. 2000, in the Orange Hall. December Mth and 15th--Yule- tide Caroling, by the West Vancouver High Schools, in ---„ih e J ji glen^od.. Audi torlunb^iaL- 8:15 p.m.' All not ■ proceeds ., , will be given toThe West Van- couvm' Santa Claus Fund. CIIAS. II. REALL PASSES LIBERALS TO REPEAT "THE BIG NITE" A t an executive meeting of the West Vancouver- Liberal Associ­ ation held in the Highland Cafe on Monday evening It was decid­ ed to repeat the entertainpient given last year and khowp as 'T he Big Nile" a t whichA'very , substantiallsum was realized and '^'dontributedf to the -Christmas Cheer Fund. 'rhere passed away yesterday at the Seaview Nursing Home, -- Charles Herbert Beall, aged 71 years, of 2486 Haywood Avenue; The deceased is survived by his wife.' Funeral services will be held lit 1 :80 p.m. Saturday from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros Ltd., and commit­ tal will be made in the 1010 ad­ dition on 41st Avenue of Moun­ tain View. Cemetery. DEATH OF MRS. EVA BROWN HOLLYBURN HALL ■SOCCER ~CHURGHES-OF-CHRiSTC Last Saturday_at Com Jones' Park West Vancouverjniade their SCIENTIST A special service fo ry o u n g , people illustrated with lantern Mrs. Eva Brown, widow of the late Peter Henry Brown of Harrowgate, England, passed away last Saturday in her 80th year at the North Vancouver General Hoospital. The deceased is survived by two. daughters, Mrs. F..-T.■'Richardson-and Mrs. C. K. Waite, both resident here, also two grandsons .and five grandchildren. Funeral services were hfild^at l.:30,.p.m. .from S.t, -Stephen's-Ghurch,Hhe-Rev~F;A.-- Ramsey :-officia4:.ing>-:_iandr:inter-: ment was made in the family ^Ibtp~QceairA^1ew^Buriai~PaTkr The Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd. was in^charge of, the funeral.arrangements. U n it e d c h u r c Ih ̂ , ANNUAL B4ZAAR -- Tho-annual Bazaar- and Sale-- of Home Cooking of the. West / Vancouver United Church will be. held under the-auspices of the Women's Association tomor­ row (F riday ),' in the Church Uall. , Fancy work,' novelties, '* aprons, etc. - ; ,-- t - " "Afternopn tea, 25 cents. BRITISH - ISRAEL T he'regu lar weekly meeting of the Dundarave Branch of tho ̂ British-Israel ̂ Wm*ld, Fe,^deration jLQh_M_onday;_.NovembeiL 28_th,_ at 25th and Marine- .Drfvo^:^Xim -speaker, Mr. Breretori of Nb'fd _VanLcmivei:_His_subjec-t.ml!Selec^- tion." This'address is given by special request, repeated from last year. You will find_Mr. Brer_ eton's talk most intere.sting.iand xaiiv vĉ iiv.v,uv" îrauc "ANCIENT AND M.ODERN f>Yit fTfun 'Hi/i INTfliinljinH-Cnn los- -NECROMANCY, ALIAS MES- to S t ' HYPNOTISM. 2-0. views will be beld a t 7 :15 p.m. tomorrow fFriday) in Hollyburn Hall, the subject being "Joseph,' the Redeemer," and the speaker, E. C. Hunt. Ne?dt Sunday, Nov­ em ber'27th, a t 10 a.m. Sunday TOY SHOP T an 'Hi'eTDrdiallv iiivitcd': z-w Thp locals did ti'ot deserve DENOUNCED'^ v^ l be the sub- --./ to lose as-on the run of play they jbet of the Lesson - Sermon in School ^ d Young People s Bible •were the equal of thfe opposition, all Churches of Christ, Scientist. Class. There will be a Gospel St. Saviours got, the breaks of >r, 7 • - the game and the local team did The Golden Text i s : If God not. West \ Vancouver had a be for us, who can be against strong team 'out and every play- us?" (Romans 8: 81): ■ - - er did well, especially J. Fiddes, Among the. citations which who.was' the best half-back ,on comprise the Lesson - Sermon is West Vancouver .should ^uppw t "Aiid they went into tepen iaufti; LAMBETH- WALK C O N TEST you better for.the brand of foot- and'^straightway on the Sabbath The S •ball you are giving them-these-- day .He_entered into-the_syna- pice,s__of-\the fiavs • - ' gqgue,.;and.Tia:UgfLt::4:hem q,s one ._Legion--at the. OrangT^-^Hall om Santa Claus time is here again* and this year the Duncan Law-. son CJjiapter, J.O.D.E., and.The. Rovers will" receive, and repair W. Y. COMMUNITY ASS'N The executive of the W.V.C.A. is working :_jiv_ertime^J:or__th.e Service a t 7 :̂30 p.m. next. Sun­ day-at which Gordon and Wil­ liam Rae'wiU be the speakers. Tuesday a t 8 p.m.. prayer and ministry ' of the Scriptures the speaker being A. Morning. . toys for the local Santa Claus , Fund. - The staff and children of Hol­ lyburn and Pauline Johnson Schools are arranging Monday apd Tuesday, November 28th and .29th, as "Toy Days," akso the staff and students of the West Vancouver High Schools. . Any other toys may be left at the office of Lawson, Walker & Pride, Marine Drive at 17th, or will -be -called-for by- telephoning_ 'w "i^^^^t^^^f'"Thompson, - ,West"' rooms ■'"Angpr'W p PatvFagan, West '2JG-X, or Ross Minions, West 392-R. on Decernber,_lst. j The house committee will be installing ping pong tables and chairs almost at once; while-other furniture will follow shortly. The executive will hold its weekly meeting in thoolub rooms on December 1st. The girls' auxiliary will meet in the club- rooms during the first few days -of the month. Remember the general meet- „ ing in the club rooms oh Decem­ ber Gth at_8 p.m. An.y„.persons:=-- desirin'g information bdfdre.the Seattle All Stars versus West eludes the followfng ' pstssage Floor Show was greatly app^laud- ;«yancouver a t Ambleside Park, from ,the Christian Science text- . ed and the following-ar(:ists per- 2 :30 p.m. / . KrinL- _i-'.cSpixanPA stnd Healfh with frirmpd! Mis.ses Iris Duncan, I.O.D.E. WINTER GARDEN ■ PARTY u'x ix.xu. / . book,-Science and HeaFfh, with formed: Misses Iris Duncan, This IS the feature game ot Kev. to the'Seriptures" by Mary Dorothy Sterling and June For- the season for West Vancouver ■ -n-Y.*.. « a a.*! anf Soccer fans^Be there for sure on -Saturday. ' V. D. 2nd Division Richmond versus West Van­ couver. Baker Eddy: "A Christian Sci- . gie, all of whom were most apt entist's medicine- is Mind, the pupils of Belva P latte l of-the ' divine Truth tha t makes man Robe-Cross Dance School and free!" - '_______________ ' Master George Beck, a pupil of the Betty Cavendish Sohoql of The Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E., a re to be congratulated on theih successful Winter Gar­ den Party.~_ The decorations Were "charming, the gay little BAND NOTICIC 'Friday, IXiCJcmb'er 2nd', at 2:30 p.m. in theH-.egion Hall,. Mrs. J. B., Leyland will pp'en the Bazaar RATEPAYERS' ASS'N TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE L' Teams Blue Bombers Dudes The W est Vancouver Ratepay- Maple Leafs erS---Association-^jare--holdriftg-^^a-- Gan^diens----- general«business meeting and w . v . Sizzlers election of officers at. 8 p.m. next Sockeyes 6 6 luesday, November 29th, in the Tyrnk^^teers Legion Hall. Intending mem^ Hillbillies bers will be welcome. IV 6 0 5 1 4 1 1 2 4 0 4 ■5S Dancing. The"Lambeth W alk-contests Iwere' judged iby Miss.Belva Plat-. Mrs. W right and prizes gained by John Lawson and Ross Minions and t heir respective 1 0 1 4 3 2. T Engagement • Mr.-and Mrs. Harold J. Hob­ son, 2236 BeUevue Avenue, West Vancouver,'make known the en­ gagem ent-of. their only daugh 6 3 1 6 0 Last week's scores: Blue Bombers 16, Hillbillies 2. Dudes 10, Maple Leafs 8. Cariadiens 14. Sockeyes 4, partners, much to the approvaF of all. During the evening four spot prizes were* Awarded. -Mr. U l^m "acted as M:C."T hose^ho- ^booths' ■adding color, particularly the candy - stall-under-the-artistic hand.s of Mrs. Forster and Mrs. McIntyre, The little, pupils of Betty Caven­ dish - w er^ charming in their childish grace and received well fheir~"to n r tr^ f-- bemg- ••h-ekF-ijntier - t he -auspiceiS" were pnable to attend certainly missed a grand-eveningr W.V/Sizzfers 11, Musketeers 7 LEGION W. A. The Canadian L e^on W. A. will hold their u su a l. monthly meeting on Monday, 28th Nov- merited applause. The lucky winners o f the raffles were: Mrs. Therrien, Home Cooking -Cake; Mrs.-Parker,- Preventori­ um Cake ;^M rs.U rbm ar B w e , -the-pictee-;-while-Mrs.-Jay_car-_ ried off the bridge prize. Mrs. of the School Band Women's Auxiliary. The booths will offer a lovely selection for Xmas shop- pens, A - nice variety of home cooking will also be on .sale. ̂ Amid ploa.sant suiiJroundrngs -andW)rchestratTnu^stc;-'tearivi1Tjbe" served. Presiding at the table will be Mrs. D. McTavish', Mrs. G. Brealey,-Mrs.-J.^Richardson- and Mr.s. H. G. JS&rker. There will pe tea-cup reading. Mrs. F. WEST g u il d ' ember, a t 2:30 in the Legion t e r r "i E ^ g ^ e r T u e s d a y , ; November 29th a James Goldie, only son of . Mrs. special business meeting •mil be her pre^nt as^te ^ Goldie and the late T. S, Goldie_ ̂ held a t 7:45 p.m,_in_the Clachan and electo^^^ of North W ahcoaven-.The-mar- a fte r which there will be an il- P'̂ f^A o k f i M l v ^ ^riage mlL take place quietly lustrated lecture o n . E n g l i s h asked-to kindly make a note oi Chrisimas w eek ., ' ^ . Lakes. ' , ' J. j . Thomas, of North Vancou­ ver, did the drawing. The Lam- bpth Walk' Was demonstrated by five couples from the Recreation Cleptre, also by two junior pupils of Miss Molly Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard of North Vancou-' ver gave an interpretation in real Coster "style and "so brought to a conclusion a very successful evening. FrUbviegrove will be guest solo­ ist, and musical numbers \yil],^be played by'members o t the'iBahd.. A t the close of the Bazaar a doll, Afghan and Quilt will be drawn for. WEST VANCGUVER-L;O.Lr 2990 ---- The next^regular "meeting' of rthe lodge will be held December 6th a t the hour of 8 p.m. .sharp. ... J