i'jr ' ..*.J> ■ . .̂', ,v..,.' ?,- ■V7.'«' . u W'* a»i'i ..--.t.'*,-. ' ,s» ....................../■'.JI..J-- .'V'*y >... .!.^-,y.tfrt.'->«^«i'.T*j-£.'«Vi;.u»-i„-.-*' . .K .............................. . . ims'W vvl , . s'. S>-' #- >.A». '*■ « * , ■ '» I ', ■■ " Lions' Gate Bridge, >«VP ̂J. •<' / J? /?*?' « ■' . M >n lil ft. m m t m m l AO fftL- * r - through Stanley Park lead- 48 f t . The four pylons are all ing directly from the cifir identi^l In shape, being crud- streets. This roadway is cut form in plan, and they are all through the'vlr^n forest and is faced with granite from about a concrete-paved, 30 f t high- low watef', . »- way» with a grade-separationNarrows at the^entrance , the elements. Bach strand con- to Vancouver hHa rb o l^ sl8ts of 47"ŵ of which Bridire f a t S l - i S - i m ^ 'S K T wayr with a grade-separation featw iM iU ta , depaitu»e «fronu.. MARKING DEVICE CO. 4S5'll»iiW S t:....Trinity 285S1 Construction Work was started In April, Bronze & Brass Bigtis and Tablets Rubber and Metal STAMPS , Httdî »l l\ndH,rngH, Kngravins InkB, StencilH, Bonin 1 nnd l>io8 Jitn, whei-f the appdacK ̂1 f "' w S t a « « work has prot.^ea-HtpimyT ' luct seems to lose it8olf _ gently walto ^ that is a single cloverleat grade- . Organisation in the forest as it carries the- observation P âWorms outside gepai;ation feature Connecting urganizauon hidiway „ to join, the ̂ Marine bri^^g c L S f t h r s n a n highway ikrith the Owners arc the First Narrows Drive in West Vancouver. Marine Drive. ; Bridge Co. Ltd., whose general ............ Main .structure................X n K s ® S n d "S ^ ^ W ^ * 1 ? " ■ - , ™e"S g e n ^ ^ ^ r s * 'a , ^ M S The m a i n s tru c tu re -o o n s is ts spans. . ^ om the south the bridge is rat & Pratley, of Montreal, with of a centraUnd two side spans 'The two mam towers, 86B ft. ------------------- ----------- --- - ■ - stpcnded fium c 0 n t i n u o u s f J f t GROCERIES Boo Uft for Evorythltn? you .would expect ft Good Grocery Major W. G. Swan as their Van- couver associate. The, total . weight o l s w i^'the srructu™ '"A; ■ ' ; . . ■ ; ;i is about 10,000 tons and the total ,'i' -.1. , cost.of construction'about $5,- and Confectionery to carry. Gardner's Grocery channel, v ir tu a lly iro m sn ore lo 7 - .' r-- K id s p it V e lr ^ ^ c ^ t t M g h heavy, system of Inchor bblts.'̂ water, is more, than 200 feet. .. Cable Anchorage- Each cable contains .61, separate The anchorages for the cables strands of 1 7/16 ̂ in.* These are of th e , gravity type, strands w'ere pre-stressed mark- differ somewhat on the type, but ' two ed and SQcketed at Longueuil, shores. The steel features are Que., by the Dominion Bridge identical, but , the concrete mass Co. and shipped on wooden reels at the south end is substantially- • to the .site. The maximum fig- buried in the gravOlly clay over- ured cable tension is 6,400 kips, burden of Stanley Park, while ̂ so that the average strand load that at the north end is almost is about 105 kips, but each entirely above the gmund level, strand is specified 'to yield at Main . Piers Differ, least 230 kips in tests to destrue- ' -The main piers supporting the tion. The cable strands are laid towers also differ considerably up in tiers forming_a. hexagon, on the two, shores. The south . , . which hexagon is" filled out to main pier consists of two pylons Real Estate Executive whose circular-section by, the' use. of on separate cylindrical caissons firm has been closely-identified oil soaked cedar wood fillers, and . 48 ft.Jn dia. seated on the sand- - with -the growth of West Van- finally wrapped with_a .contihu- /stone rock, but the npri:h_main couver. •mjr* 500,000. -- Taken from the Canadian Engineer. ' inv/S'lir' . ;r FREE DELIVERY WcHt «53 J. I For th e *« NEVER WELL • • • • but NEVER SICK *' N ot well cnouKh to enjoy livinK; y e t n o t glisk enouirh for t.he doctor-- who does no t know th a t d reary , dcprcsBlna .Bt*)iU5_ p f Bcmi;^heuiyh T__Si'm o.of .us pfot It occiiHlonally--- : o th ers .80 ..o ften t l ^ t th e y almoBt forpret -whiit it mennH.io be norm ul or healthy . W ith ncrvcB .onAdp^o. d iec s tto n ifone, th e m ind dopresBed, oUr efficiency la reduced day* by day. Am bition bccoftics s tu n te d , our" IntercBt in thjn'jts a row n h a lf h earted-- th e reason Is because"lTf!T'l51ood s tre a m is w eak, duo t o 'ti lack of som e of the v ita l M inerals on w hich h ea lth and fitness en tire ly depend. I f you only knew w hat L an d 's M ineral Rem edy has accom plished in thousunds of ju s t such cases, you w ould s ta r t ta k in d it a t once, sccind th a t th e co s t is only a few cen ts n day. I t is som eth ind m ore th a n a m ere ,pick-m e-up. The comhlnaUon of .M inera l-sa lts i t colntains enables N a tu re to supply fresh fuel to th e over-w orked H. A. Roberts nerves, fre sh build ind m a te ria l to th e fa tidued cells, a fresh im petus to d ldcstion oand assim ila tio n ---which m eans' new h ea lth and vIdor, w ith a now outltnok on life. , ' Call o r w rite fo r free in fo rm ation . ' uuuoi (, L A N G 'S MINERAL- R E M E D IES 946 ROBSON STREET 1 _ ■ VANCOUVER, B .C ./ I V' ,ri ' '■. \ A BRINGS '/j t-f*' In , - - - r-; over the .' 9p -* magnificent hew roadway through Stanley Park' . V V ' l ? ' V i r ( V " rv,&. i ' ̂ ' h- ---' - r ' ^ 'm t - ■ fc - -U' f i liaiiaiii The Scicctibn o f Hoimesitiih^ ever oft^red in V ancouver SSlî ̂ / ■ ...--------........................ '-- ^ _______ .„.r._____________ -_i-i__ !---------- -- .... .......... - *■.......-- --^ --... !. - / / - c , ' - , ».. - ' , j______ i J T !- i-Dr ' ........ /■' . '̂3 5?S®SWiigS«iSi^^ __ ........................... "> t „ 2- ^ -- tf r r * ^ -- ------ -- /'A - P ^ , a >1 - " > . I / ' f 1? ' -V - £ > ' ' V ■' 5. f l » ' ; / " /'"n/Tf* r'-p '7 / ' ' '- -/iS-V'.* 7 ' ,i4 ' / 'SliSSSlllSli|S®aiMpilEgPi|fteSI|:'ia V ■ ' m.