West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 24

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W#'»-'̂ »%'̂ tô l WS« .» «Ĥ# «; 4fPB00REBS STIPPLEMmr* OF THE W EST,V^ NEWS Ed iicational Opportunities EAGL.E HARBOH i» «ir iLt n. , , Situated Around the shores o * ^ ,, „ Ey W. N. MePottald , a deep cove a mile or two north '»®ei^iy-of-^lh#«We«t*¥«neower*Bpaiid*crtf'"Sehool'»̂ 1Vttste«»'*"'*-'**'5.Y'CaMfelId"irfd'hacked*'by woods® lEST VANCOUVER Curricula of recent adoption, and with a mountain skyline. ha« grow'n in half a our secondary school now finds Harbor is ideally located for a :Ilfc-time .djrecUy^aa . .JtaelLJii. ihe ,fortuiwite position„„.gunimer resort., it k**only«A,fm* I inaccessibility h a s of fulfilling the most of mo<iern j,unbred yards from Marine l>ecn reduced by the requirements without difficult prive, from which a motor road provision of reason- and costly adjustments. ̂ i^ads direct to the large parking able transportation, Now that, The only serious problem is space overlooking the two sandy with a direct highway link to the that of growth. All accommoda- ^eaclies, City, lime and tide no man need tion was taxed three years ago q̂ hese beaches are located at wait for, the growth of our Mun- and the secondary school was of the cove where the idpality may be expected to.con- , added to by six rooms. At pres- [ . . the two arms, tinue at a rapid pace. , ent, while there is no conges- - ,, ^jth The same features that make tjon, there is little room for ex- . vvater extending right up to as a pension. The' fUturc in this re- line. Thus nature has Pauline Johnson School West Vancouver unique a store, tearooms, where home- found for big. competitions, as o»'/i cpt*vpH. bath- p 'andstands could easily tennis built on the spit running out infn the water, parallel to the-flont the The C.A.S.A.,-British C oU fi cruising Sn"fo" -/round the cove or over twenty feet deep; whyeh fe -1 much wisdom, and capital in the that has hitherto been so evi- owners have done near luture. Our citi^ns > aie dent. . everything for the comfort'and agreed that less than the best Anticipation has not been, îpnaurp nf visitor*? in planning and public services lacking by the present or past ̂ ' rnn{r„y outside are tied up wcoiuo v*.v- fnr hiVh divine' would be-unworthy~of imturo-s '»-.Ht.h(x>l ofrlcials. Pauline Johnson- ^ s i t u a t e d to one Altdgether^^Eairle Hsrhr. ■ • endowment to our coming Citŷ School was planned and has heat- «ide of the bathing >eaches^_ , "Homes. •; ing accommodation , for an ad- cottages, t o Here also is the up-to-date bath- Educational services' are of diiional wing, .and the grounds wifh ejectiic light, and water, tower, which has 10-metre, ■ , ■,... e,began. ^ which look down on the picnic the support of the people, have acquired as schodl property. Be striven down the years to keep yond this no one can go at pres- , abreast of the times and are ent but, ifth e School Trustees' Iproud today of a schools-organ- faith is rewarded the future ization of the most approved seems, assured, type. The building site at Mathers . .In the early ..days..thp extent. „ and. 17th. Street has once been, of the District, with its sections properly cleared by prior own- of spar.se, population, resulted in ers and is ad'mirably suited to -.tlic..opera.tlon.ol.smalI_detuchcc]... the construction of a secondary units, but the advantages aiid , school plant. On the completion efficiency of larger centralized, of 17th Street to Mathers Ave- Hchools were later accepted, and nue, the schools will be as'con- D R U 0 S T O R E S t ¥ I C L I m I T e D 13 STORES p QUICK DELIVERY 19 PHONES venieht to the residents of Cap- ilano Estates as to the present well populated area.,. It is easy to visualize here a dollegiate square on this commanding site with plants 'land grounds of. the liti ttii ArS .* i * I Ilf. « < ?i ■i . . Jyd ' :. <3(--rj=T '• M- the transportation of pupils ..at a.distance undertaken by an ef­ ficient municipal bus serviOe.-- Eleven years ago a new school wa.s* built at 17th and Ingle­ wood Avenue, which was ex­ pected to accommodate a gen- greatest beaiity and utility. With eration of High School students, proper planning the cost should Six yearis later the school age be no feri*eater and possibly less ̂ was advanced to y8 years by than that of ordinary hew school Provincial Statute with a conse- accommodation. ___________ _ , quent increase in enrolment.. - School organization and staff' inc two elementary schools- are prepared for the greater op- were .al the sanie time-almost portunity for service to the in- T-̂ At this period the creased youth population that is - Hoaui-of-School Trustees inaug- expected, in:the near future and urated are confidehiythat piwipon.^^ known in B.C. as the Junior-High^ be-made as'soon as the need for School. This system was pat- more jaccommodation is appar- terned after the plan that has ent been followed many years by With large, pjroperly, graded LENTHERIC COLOGNE TOILETRIES VITA RAY L IP STICKS PTWDERSjx ___RbycE__ LADY ESTHER FACE POWDER ROUGE _ ----LIP STICK --C R E A M S ------ GRADUATE PHARMACIST .A lways on Duty STORE No. 12 -1S86 MARINE PHONE WEST 37 FREE MOTOR DELIVERY from 8:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M . Here is an economy guarantee to every West Vancouver family. Make a "Buy It at Cunninghaih's" the family slogan with the assurance that our generally as low. and - usually--lower price policy -over-any., .given length lOf, time will show you substantial ■ javings, .The thirteen Cunningham Drug Stores are complete in every way, and feature nationally known and nationally ad- -vertised-merchandise-on-which-manufactur-" '*■1; ■4.'I ,* .....'J3l ' '■J -si ' school authorities in older coun-̂ - .. schools, oentraily located, ade- -tries and was-a-irthmT^-1^^^ and Staffed' own Depaitment of Education, with good, teachers prospective - residents' may be-assured"t;-hat jome ot aft experimental the children of the District are imtui e. It has been standardized well cared for, as far as educa- in the British Columbia Schools ̂tion is concerned. INNOXA .TOILETRIES -Direct from England HOUBIGANT- ers stake their business honor and reputation . -and Cunningham Drug stores Ltd. never .try . td substitute untried ' abd unknown Jiiaiids=====Yxu^wilUalwa^ PERFUMES TOILET WATER DUSTINGflfeW DER FACE POWDER ' Sell You What You Ask Fof^ ~ tm h g J 'Just-as Gopd-.-̂ -̂---- -- - -Not some- EASTMAN KODAKS FILMS ' CARRYING CASES FLASH BULBS " .B A B Y NEEDS CREAMS .. , TALCUM BABY OILS RUBBER PANTS SM OKERS'̂ SUJBELIES ■ PIPES CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCO Charge Accounts Sdlicitied. MAGAZINES -,Your--Favorite- . PERIODICAL NEWSPAPERS SODA FOUNTAIN an.:■»- , ri> .4 'i ri '-V I4i;: 'I'i f s # , r ■ J ia it ie t + !u ltlte C id ; ICE CREAM SUNDAES DRINKS S K I N & T I S S U E yoUr neck w'lth this yduth-inamtaimhg cream. - CLOCKS■ V .< I. , r BIG BENS BABY BENS 'Illum inated and; Plain; ELECTRIC HEATING PAD 'mr West Vancouver is a Tourists' Paradise, the above photo shows the nora.lsv . ti V " ________________ awm, and hsh. Howard Rodger's famous.ship."Go™modore," is ^ n in the distance 'f Vancouvirites visit ^ d play," ■ . , ® on-one of its many niCTcy trips.,; mM m MMBi ISP" mmm l i i ,, i t f- ■> ' ̂ \ , -i-..