r̂-,,-̂. ... .v-rv.,'-,-̂,....T-̂ .̂!"."l: ............ . ... . V M00: fiil t."-,iw -=. 4y,c,-W 219 Lonsdale Ave. • AJ Kky 1̂ Parenta* Auxiliary which is proving of much value, - This organization assists the Band in raisi ■ ,i." ing funds for trips and other, special needs. It also brings the parents closer to the work being done. This :̂ ear a Senior Band has been formed. This group meets in the evenings, so that boys who have left school may carry on , wjth their music and before long West Vancouver should have a Senior Band on a par with any musioaj organization in Canada. The West Vancouver Band is very fortunate in Hhving A. W. Delamont' as conductor. Mr, Delamont has won world-wide recognition as a leader of boys' bands, having won the Canadian Championship at Toronto, the , JWorld„Championship.,at. Chica^. ANTIQUE. PUBNITURE SILVER, CHINA, ' c l a s s ; Etc. , ̂ |or Cash . K GENE'S GRILL SpocliillKo in-- ITALIAN DISHES OHIPS, STEAKS. SALADS and DE LUXE HAMBURGERS C2 Lonadula Avenue arid first p lace a t th e Crvjstal B o y s' Stanley Decorators 'fL y ' ' ' ' V"' 1 ̂ ' ' * • ' ' ' ^North Vancouver benefits greatly with the completion of the new bridge, it brings North and West Vancouver together. The north outlet of the, bridge is very close to North Vancouver District's border. , ' . Palace with the Kitsilano _ Band. He has now brought the West Vancouver Band up to the same high standard, only one point separating the two bands at the contests held this year.. J. E. Condon, Principal of Paul ino Johnson School, is organizer and manager. 1*AINT, w a l l p a p e r ^ GLASS PJi6ncH: North, 240 - 252 ' lOO.'l LouHdnlc Ave, North Vniicouvor -rProo Delivery Highlights of the iSchool Band (Contributed) tion of the School Board, which, has supplied all the bass instru ments, drums, uniforms, etc. It also supplies a building for prac tices, concerts and assists at any time when special help is re quired. At present one of the finest musical libraries available | is owned by the Band. ThisI HE West Vancouver Band has held the High School vomr o hiiTidred . School Band was or- Ghimpionship of British Col- ganized in September, umbia ,for the Past^seven years-M ^t"e best o ^ w e s concert 1930, with an enrol- ,,and-in 1936 and 1937 won , the wmtos a.nd sel^tmns, ^ iment of fifty mem- Junior Championship against all 'bers._The fiJst coii- Juriior-Bands. The. Band' has i cert was giv^n May.litp931. , also ̂ , n . s u c p e s s f m ; ; 5 - « ^ ^ ^11 w<i* - , ' " MiioiVui i?Aa+ivfll ceeds from concerts, and dona- Sirfce~that time ther band tias --tidns--from "various==orgainiza- been a great asset to?West Van- Each, boy owns his own couver, being used for, many oc-. The Band today consists oi • TM - _i_ - ^4- l«i « ii* rv l Grace^s Shoppe 1425 Lonsdalo Ave. We specialize in CHILDREN'S WEAR from' infants to 14 years. Sole Agents on North Shore for, BUTTERFLY HOSIERY Smart-Side-Out andBUNTYWOOLS tions. instrument. •7^ THE SPINNING WHEEL 1327 Lonsdalo Ave. 'MRS. S. G. WAKLEY Phono North ^23-L Largest selection of Wool on tho North Shore, over 40 differfi,ptij, varieties; Hand-Knitted Suits and Dresses made to your meas- ' arem"ents by expert knitters. casions. Each year it h ^ ^ p - plied theriiusic for the May Day mg has been the organization of aoyi/i ĵ isrATnoTiips. It has Sinco its organization one nun- ® ̂ ' ■ ^ ^ p a r f annually in the Re- d r a d -^ d -tw e ir iy -e i^ tt^ I geiwic ^ . I t haS hoys h a v e f r o re c e d e d m n^ suppUed-tKe m usic W a i f p M e i P ^ ^ . -I 1 *1 •<- ut. n o Q p f f r k +.liAm - iVTanv tyf tn ŝGr a ? f e h S d ,ir t h e M u m c W r " * theto-'Many of these and has assisted at many others . boys are today taking their held in Vancouver and North places in the leading mu^c^l -^ ^ n c o u v e r ^ ^ a ^ ss is to d -a t -_ ^ a m ^ ^ thr9ughout B.C^ such functions" as >the Corona- Some of t h w m i ^ t i r - b e ^ ^I tion ceremonies; Jubilee week, here. Cybil Haworth, onê School Sports Days, Ch^ch Par- of'the-ori^nal--membe^,»^is--now-»- I arics, etc. Concffl-ts have been with the Vancouver Symphony.. _______ __ Elfstr-om~-has' been with Mart Eenny in the"given at Affibreside-^Wharf-and Ambleside Beach. ^ „p^,,lar Royal York at Toronto for the During the ye®" .two reg ^ar. Tom Timbrell is concerts are given m the In^^ ̂ with'.the Rbssland City" Band wood School. The Band is a_^y ̂ - / atnreseht with th<wood School., ̂ four boys are at present with the ready to assist in any Air force .Band, while several cause' not only in are playing with otheh orches- .-and-bandsjihrpji^^t.1;^^ A lR ^N m T rO T O N G ==«. f '" ' ' ""I Stewart's iSheet Metal Worka - - SHIPWQRK--------- "FurnacesrSawdust-Bumers Gutters, Roofing, Etc. Anything in Sheet Metal. 115 Esplanade West North Vancouver eiAiStfaKxasstii .MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR jADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR Cotr. Lonsdale Ave. & First St. North Vancouver Tel^eidiones;--North-1242,-- - - Res. North 363-Y-l DRESSMAKING SHOP SUITS-and-COAT& TVIade to Order' Phone North 331 733 Lonsdale HANSON'S -'qiome of Good-Eats"- 1517 Lonsdale r̂ci Where you can I buy the best Home-cooked Foods, Meat Pies and Sausage-Rolls'.-Salad^s, Roast Beef, Jellied Chicken, etc. Free Delivery Every Day. Call in or Phone North 557. .■ . tiohg in Vancouver and .^ s ^wen concerts lo r The c in n ^ e s todiel_: •■ -- 4 ^ *1 ' 'i.:.-•••!•-- - "..iK. -- * ' / V I V I n . - r ': . : - is r t'̂ end-^eedy iboys. and girls to canip. Conoerf^ave b'eenrgivpn at the G en era l H ospital, Sha ugh- nessy M ilitary - H ospital, /E sso n - (lale M en ta l H ospital, Tranquille Sanitoriura and m any o th er in stitutions. The Band h as m ade tw o tr ip s through the intorior pf. British Columbia giving' ̂.concerts m Kamloops, Armstrong, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and Prince-- ton. It has -^so visited Ba,nif' and Calgary' is weU'as giving, -concerts--in---North'-^Vanco over,__ _^New-Westminster^and Vic^ ̂ During-these "trips theRaiid^has ' been most enthusiastically. Te- ceived and the. boy's have gain ed much first hand information of other parts of theit own country. ,r', ̂ . . Each year thejBand' spends »two weeks. in, ,'camp; 1 Island, where preparations are wade fonthoGompetitipns-staged_ in connection .with .tlie-Canada - Pacific-Exhibition. -- - The West Vancouver School SIMPSON & LORD ELECTRIC Electrical Contractors "You Wire for Us. -- We'll Wire for You. Prompt and Courteous Service. AmXTHEfAMOUSFOKMULACVIHEHOUSEOFLCIHBRIOGE "If It's Electrical We Have *TT" PhoneT,North.930„ ' or Evening, North 1295-R This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control ̂ Board orjby the Government of British Columbia.^ For your Job Printing try The West Van News I i \ . 'S' ;.' j \s,Ŷ 1'̂ S '. .y-tfefii'J- >!' J i ' V? t\ 'V .V'.AV •'̂