i000> irnm̂ mt piMMi mmmmmmrn WNM V >?-'t •*■> V («?" « vv ^ ̂ . y\ % J«? J'=T 'a-q v̂a i^gttiaijEsajsuaEE VAM 'NEWS 5̂#*?>fr:||i#9i!Wfe; W' <knb'EBAHiRS '!■•■?'% S"̂ f' >-rt,'t" In preseiitinf this tui^ietneni to the publie wo wiah to acknowledire with our oincere thanks tho able assistance of responsible ir b r E te r f -^yland and members of the Council and of other oflficials and private cUissens, whose united eiforts have made its publi- cation possible. ' ' It Is hot a bridge supplement, although necessarily a full account of that structure has been given. Rather Is it a Wjcord of what West Vancouver was and has now become. Our main objeot has been to give the story of this very favored municipafity by means of views and the printed word It has been told by those best fitted to speak by reason of ex perience or the position they occupy. ___ __________ ___ and ouns have not been in vain, those who live here may learn And, if their labors some things they did not know, while thor not so fortunate stranger may obtain a bird's eye view of what West Vancouver is physWIi/', climatically, municipally and socially. ,̂ It is haî dly necessary to say that the supplement has been published mainly for those who scarcely know or have never visited our fair municipality. I '*r - ' Wo think that the many who will undoubtedly read its pages will greatly desire to visit us at least. -How many of S f' 1Jf { * f . 1 -«L' these will stay must depend, of course, on the circumstanoes of their lives, which may preclude a certain proportion from doing so, ]por the rest we are not afraid. Like old Mother* Africa, West Vancouver has a certain charm which impels those who once visit her to come again until they finally come* " t o " s t a y . ^ '*'• 1 ^ ™ That is the experience of all who live here now, as'it will he of the thousands who will make their homes within her borders in the immediate future. -Editor. WHY I LIEK TO LIVE ' * ■, 'IN WEST VANCfOPVBK By DAVID. CLABKK West Vancouver, is an ideal . . jppt fQrJiealthy c h ^ as Grown Ups. The children have a wonderful place in West Van. to show what they can do in the various out- cio<loor spo West V|iii ■rts which are ample in NEW BEAVER SANGTUARY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION i l l f'r'Mi In the summer time children have an abundance of time m which to take advantage of our wonderful weather which pre vails throughout the winter as well as the summer. . In the winter we are able t̂o enjoy the privileges behind our, municipality, namely Hollyburn Ridge. Hollyburn is easy to ascend, by going up 21si. The Ridge has a gradual rise to the summit where skiing is plenti ful,! both for learners and the more experienced skiers. Skat ing is also an enjoyable pastime on the Lakek at the top. On the lower levels we haye - the - enj oymen t ,,ofla-::Badmintoii... club which is run on certain evenings. There are also Ping- Pong clubs run during the win-' ter. During the summer there is a Tennis olub formed for the juniors at which keen competi tion is shown. Another sport which has taken us bystorm is the Roller Drama where a lot of us g6 to spend.an evening. Cer tain Lodges sponsor' dances tit the Roller Drome where a lot of us go to spend an evening and CLEANERS lll'f JT * Beatty W asher: Store 9 1 Lonsdale A ven u e - - --- .--Nortli-9 6 7 ---- ̂-- , ■ - ..J.he-,RreBt„,f.ri n̂d.'£>f,the busy _ The West "Vancouver Coiu- heaver (lied a few iqonths ago. munity Association is a new Grey Owl for years had been organisation just formed by the „j. an eve trying to teach.trappers that the. younger generation to promote nfijafllAoix fVig»ctg» iinH Y'nmEiTigi iinrlgir rtna; Vioa/1: all ' ■ : ̂ : T ■ W the summer time we enj oy various kinds of sport. The swimmingv- is perfect, crowds from Vancouver come to needless, destruction of these and combine under one: head all animals would eventually mean sportmg activities of the their extinction. He met With ^ Z i <=>"b rwms ^ e. j situated upstairs in the new some success. His lectures anp Ambleside Block. .stories about vp'ild life interested --------- -----L:_ our people in Canada and.. other countries. Our own country be- ca,me beaver-oohscious, and the famous beaver colony in Prince Albert National Park is a mem orial to his work. Now there is to be, a new sanctuary made in Northern Quebec. A BRIGHTER SIDE There is a much brighter side of the picture, than the- devasta tion of human-life. It is the Canadian Aeroplane on its er- - r - - -- ---- r-- „ -- rand of mercy. During the past "ve by the sea have a lot of fun foiv years, under the^rvices boatmer and sailimr: THp fliiL beaches and enjoy an afternoon of sun. Then there is the fishing which is first rate for salmon and vari ous other fish. .The boating is'another, one o l our advantages. Children who DESIRABLE LOTS I * j ' STILL AVAILABLE A S E A S ID E h o m e ^ .. C O M B IN E D -- including some ATTRACTIVE WATERFRONTAGE 1002 Rogera |Building Seymour 5546 ortnern yuebec. ' ic iv years, under th e Services «xm a -ThiBrTrew^ravemwilhserve-twir"^Fere^-bMhe.Jndi:an^ffafe3 ^ fnnaaa T« fii.rx ei.£i+ nio/>/> +vi.o Bfanch, many of the reserves in Raaerally have bicycles with n u K r k 'bel^eS^caught-wiir-^e out-of-^way part^^^ be re.stricted and this will pre- ,aoa have been visited by plane. , Popular roads and vent them from being totally M jdicine'and supplies were flown the municipality, destroyed. The other purpose is injured brought Finally but not least, one i.1.. V.. .. opt to hospitals. " , which the children of West Van. A complete diagnostic * outfit! câ le much about but are to give the Indians a hunting ground, an urgent need caused 1516 Marine la ck s West 710 Furniture Re-covered, Repaired and ~ Polished. Chesterfields," Chairs, Ottomans, Stools, Built in the British Way Needleppint Mounted. Mattresses Renovated ' Window Shades and Curtain Rods. , \ mm Kf uuiiUy ■ iin urffc ;..fl0vQ, ' CftUSCQ̂ :̂̂ : ̂ : ,q ■/- l bi a i .l v a ■ f*. ^ by the intensive trapping by the finding an X-ray and, electrical ve^ much indebted; to are the white man. ' generator to operate it, was in- f^booJs which' teach them how The sanctuary will cover about stalled. aUhe- resi^tial. schools one thousand square miles and ̂ Ronge and' Beauval enjoyments ot West the federal government has ̂ the.north of Saskatche- Vancouver. . » undertaken the task of trapping 'v*"- tt was taken there, by aero- (Editor's Note: David is a real '...... " ' id~placing them on the--PisJie-from-rftfinee-Alberts. Thi.0 ^Sat^^e-son--Qf-AVest-VaneoHVfirT-- A "certain number of new clinic of the air will be of and has just completed school. -heitvei reserve. Indians- wil be hired to protect--R-reat assistance to the 500 doc-_We wanted to see what the kids the animals. When there is a ®nd dentists whose task it thought of our municipality so sufficient number of beavers in the sanctuary, only Indian trap per's will be allowed to hunt them. Even then, . a careful watoh will be nu(intained to see that the privileges are not abused. is to protect the health of about 11'5,()00 rndians"wh6"Iive in som^ asked him-to prepare,an article.) 800 separate communities of the Dominion. T runMr. Mission .Hills: things at my house." No, there will be no more Golden Hills: "'Probably episodes like the "Trail of '98."' ?he lawn mower and the wash- Instead there is the romance of machine."-------------- -------------- ..j, ,ui A j'eport on fur production ? young m is^ a r y flying to lows that.since-1926 -there-has the Arctic^the pros-shows _____________ "^eir-JT gradual "|̂ <3̂ ease th number of New Whytecliff Exchange -thjSreiWere 112,00(Lpeltacoh?par- r^P^^f^^J'^^^iVon-fire-to-teach ed with 45,000 in 1935-36., Prices Mounted Policeman, on iC-metalHhe^eeks; were good until 1928"ahd then p«~way-^to-his Ibiiely , v ig t h ^ dropped to about one-third in anti order in the far 1932. However, the value for a fi: mi. . ^ pelt in 1930 was two dollars ^ ^ thnlling story dreamed higher than in the year before. ^ im»pncouBaging_develo^.-^^ ment of the piwt decade has been hot just another "Castle in the maimer in which mining, forestry, electrip power and manufacturing industries, have -takeji-up thi^lack-caus^-by a Spain." succession of sub-normal crops. f ^ e e i " i M r " . S r h a I the" 1 9 3 ^ 0 -,ToM traffic through the Can- adian and United States locks of the Sault Ste. Marie Canals in • J increasi^-26-per cent over uncertainties of th^ Tew^^^^^ duction' i t S d a d u t t S indicates tha't oii'the"whofe"Gin ̂ ^ s ^ ^ e ' ^ r cSt^Md* whi^t adians were more prosperous declined 39̂ per cent. The traffic ^an in any y ^ r since '̂ 1931, through the Welland Shin Canal There was an increase of 297 show ed^ in ^ e ^ of 12 5^ v milhnn in pn)duction cent and t l S K S t L w 'million dollars _Qver_the_preceding-year, -rence system,-lTpercent7 "----Hr TheChurch~Edifice ./--y' West Vancouver Christian Sconce Society. 9A im M .1 'T i 'i , .̂.. /________ ___ 1-- 1 ---- .1__ - | l i < v v^; ^.7 i i, > AS N 't * 1 , ,, f