WEST VANCOUVEB TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Hie Dimoui Lawson Chapter West Vancouver on April 22nd, . / 1920, under the Jurlsuction of' ..........................\ > ^ , the Provincial Chapter of British The Loyal Omiige I/)dK^^ Columbia, arid named after brie L. O, L« No. 2990 . -......juie xioyai uranigre iXKige was wmiuum, Him iiameu auer one VVeat V a n c o u v e r Towns-* instituted in the Masonic Temple Lawson, eon of Mr. and wonK'n's Guild, Canada No, 1, on September 28th, 1926, by the Jol'W Lawson, who paid the orvuiiiaed in 1986, will celebrate officers Of Varioouver County i. supreme sacrlrice in the Great its third birthday In January LO.L No. I, War in September, 1918. with a sustained nsembcarship of ■ ^ met for a number . On May 18th, 1920, the Char- one hundred and fifty. of years in the Duridarave Hall, ter was granted by the National T ow nsw om en^ Guild of̂ which .and p^vious tô jnovin̂ ̂intoJJ^ Chapter, No. 920 on the Re^s-_______ _ • ____ --___I? -.,,othe Chi there are 461 in Great Britain, new Orange Hall, they held\tr:^.bf Canada, /tieveral in New Zealand and Aus- meetings in the St, Stephen's Names as they appear on the / tralia, are the natural develop- Parish Hall. The,lodge has taken Charter are: Myra A. Almas, ment of ,the womenb movement part in .many community func- Eifie Mary Field, Alberta Edg- begun in the 19th century, tions since^ inception, and is ley, Mary Mutchmore, Gertrude known as the Ladies. Discuam ̂ ready at all times to further the Lawson, Fanny Cromar Bruce, Society which met m Kensmg- welfare of the district. Henrietta Wait, Harriett Jack- ton, London,, in .1865, and out of The present officers of the son, Christina Lawson, Ella which the first Women's Suff- lodge are as follows: Wor. Mas- Tearoe. rage Society, was fom ed in 1866. ter, Bro, Fellows j^Dep. Master, Mrs. A. A. Almas was the SHARP & W A H **Builders of Di^inciive Homes*' We havve built And are building many homes in this beautiful municipality, we sincerely hope you will favor us by letting us figure on ypur new home. C. M. SHARPE, 1395 Marine Drive West 719 D. B. WATT, 1462 West 11th St. Bayview 4895-L vvonieris .Guilds arose-in ̂ Engr p n ; Financml ^ y . , Bro. Wal- David Morgan,Mrs..-Peter~Wait,• kind iri|1929,rip Sbotlandlii 1930 lef; Ti*easurer, Bro. Carley; Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. Bernard and in CariMa iii 1936, with the Marshal,*Bro. V. Ferguson; Lee- Hayes. Mrs. W. B. Small is the object of training turer, Bro. J. Ferguson; First present Regent and the Chapterexpress »ji. T. -rr i. 1 . * ------ -------------------------- women by education And social Lommittee, Bro. Hutchinson; has a membership of 64. intercourse to inake their best Tyler, Bro. Parker; Sentinel, Three Primary Life Member contribution to the common Bro. Harron. goodr* Outstanding achievement of the West Vancouver Guild dur ing the past year was the don ation of an oxygen tent^to North Vancouver Hospital. THE MASONIC ORDER ships have been presented by the members to Mrs, John Lawson, Mrs. A. A; Almas arid^Mrs. W. B. Small. . ' The badge is the symbol ofThe Masonic Order has been ^ r e se n M i n ^ s t V anc^v^ the ------------------ ------ , Majesty-- T̂he King; the " Local Officers elected tO serve 4 '^ ; , White Star denoting Purity and for the-period 1938-39 were: _ B.C.R., was formed. It has b^n High Aims, also typifying'the active €\jr since, the l^ ge seven divisions of our Empire; rtm^mg^in the Masonic Hall at upon this, the Union Jack, and 17th-and.Belleyue®Avenue.-- around'-the^whole-a-'band'-sym-- bolic of the Empire bond.' SALADS - LUNCHES - SUPPERS FKBSH VEGETABLE JUICES HOME-MADE PIES A fternoon Teas '■ \-'i[ ... ^ s ■■ ■■ Hot MohIh During Winter MnniltK. T H E SALAD SHOP RUTH KEAtIiNG 500 Granville S t.^ Hon. President : , Mrs. J.. ,B. Leyland; Hon., Vice-President, Mrs. A. M. -O'Donnell; President, Mrs. Cromar Bruce; Vice-Presi dents, Mrs. ,F*'.G-. Hewitt and Mrs. E. < Ford; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. F. J. Bayliss; Recording Secretary, Mrs. D. McTavish; Treasurer, Mrs. J. F o x ; Membership Registrar, Mrs. F. J. Harrop; Press, Mrs. L. Kyle; H ^ s Convener, Mrs. D. W.'Graham; Choir Leader, Mrs. J. H; Smith; Pianist, ,Mrs. T. Turner; Tea "Convener,- tMts. Gr Herring; Sick Visitor, Mrs. A. T. CANADIAN LEGION, WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH 60 SCOUTS AND GUIDES The Boy Scouts are well rep resented in West ■ Vancouver with two troops and. one Sea Scout troop̂ the latter having a whaleboat of their own. Togeth er with two Cub packs, they are The Local Branch of the Legion is the successor to the Great,.̂ 'War. Veterans' Associa tion, v̂hich existed here, up to the time of the appeal by Lord __ ...................... .... ^ •' TXT J ^̂ T * ^ very active, receiving fulL sup- ex-service-men.-West Vancou- - port from- the boys'^aDd "their ̂ ver mempers applied for and re- parents. i,. Cushing; Trading Stall Mrs. ® 60. on ^h^ q ĵ,! Guides have had a G.Fry. - ' .x, t • company in West Vancouver for Group Ghairmen~--Honre Ecô = --also" aT"Browie group.-f or--the-younger_girls.- DUN0ARAVE PHARMACY 2494 Marine DriVe, Dundarave ----W-.L.KBRr Proprietor-- . / PHONE W W est 6 0 6 PATENT MEDICINES, . PHOTO SUPPLIES PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS_________- noniics, Mrs. A. E. Young.;JPra- iriatics, Mrs.'M. Clark; Needie- craft, Mrs. E. Nightingale; Book has been to ex-service mem in; whatev^ way possible," standing committees being ap- ForDEPENDABLEHSED^TARS Both of them have done good v.xcw-1., xTXJLo. jî . o.'.x6ixvjiixis«,xx7, jL.«v/jt». _ ~ J work aud are always ready to 3 STAR SERVICE & PARKING STATION ministration of the Poppy Fund, etc. Branch No. 60 through its i-is-a-mem- of the conununity.ton, Mrs. J._ Bissett. Scrap Book Conveners: Qivics, Local, Mrs" F. Page; ProWnci- Mrs. E.- Whife: " i w S S - % of the British Empire. Ser- . against Hhe ills, Women,. Mrs. B.E.Stehelin. ----- -- ---------------------------------------------------- Humor is nature's remedy / 535 Hornby St., Trinity 1551 Tdephone BRIAN GARNER, West 309-R _______ For DEMONSTRAinON. COURTESY & SERVICE H' • ) vice League, riumberirig about eight million members. --The~193&--officers "of-Branch~ No. 60 are P. Greer,-president; JVr--Tf-^4wo0d7--^ce^presiden S. Rhodes, 2nd vice president;, F.~"^vers,^ecretary; C. Shar- , man, treasurer. DISABLED VETERANS ASSOCIATION (1921) The Personal** Gift ----- Aubrey A.,Clarke, Past Royal Vizier, D.O.K.K. ., who has resided in ^ est Van- . - Ijn Jthe_Jatter:^art-.oLsrl9347 when ex^^^vlcmm^^s~prol^^ were to the; fore, a few disabled veterans rriet on a Wednesday evening, December 12, 1934, in the, office of CfoL Savory for the purpose of forming â branch _TOC4L Trrrsv) l̂^Bfr*oi the D.V.A.' became affiliated with the veteran North' -Shore Toe H as a, unit started in West Van€Ouver"in. IDES' with a~ small group' of six. Since - then it has- grown steadily, being pro moted to Branch status last year, and now has a substantial membership.* ' It owes its name to the Army -Signallers' abbreviation "for Tal bot House in the Ypires SaUent, its first home, and-is-now a part . of f World wide, movement abso- "lutely ' non-denominational and non-politioal, .wHo^ .' riienjbers. are pledged to fellowship and Ser- _yi<^eXorothers. ' .The Bra:nch7;"has ita ^ in the old Dundarave- School at Nelson and' 27th -Street,', where m2etings are held every Wednes day, the first and third [meetings in each month beingî ̂general to .which visitors are- heartily wel comed. For any' iinfofiriatiori' |̂J®Pbone the Secretary at West organization to thus help the good-work being done by-the North Shore Veterans', Council. Present officers are: Presi dent, T. K. , Lightly; 1st Vice- President, Walter H. Kirchner; 2nd Vice-President, Elmer G. Birch, and Secretary-Treasurer, J. D.P Rankin. . We are put into this world to see how much we can stand. .L'"̂ riaplimfinUrigJ;KeJMuniirip.ality arid̂ t^ Citizens . - of )Vest Vancouver ' on the fulfilment of their dream. Home-r>f-Mr.-G. H. Reid, 1905 Bellev-ue-Avenue t - i- . ■I /