SsBKiSafS ■!<*?• ■'*'>*» ;f : I«««i!»»taŵ i»i"!ijf»s . , ;- fT'/i'.r-';--»'■sv«'i'.%*'.-.-i-i-o., , • - « * - " 'T - '̂ ^ -> '*• '•«>-*Vr4 '.k̂ ^ l i f t -■> !'. 'll'f' A -r Telephpne Developm ent ̂ « || |» M 4#^ wA/ ' v / Ti JLJLJL ffcJ?lilŜw ir îlJlLJIL̂iiî ĥî v' A M BLESID E BEACH This beach, situated immedi ately cast of the ferry dock at. f , , . . .. *U ̂ jj^ogt ~ West Vancmivei^a ielephcme total reach« ed a new high mark of 1,612 on November 1, the British Columbia Telephone Com pany announces. This shows a gain of more than 200 telephones in the municl palitv slrioo the first of the year, and Is nearly double the telephone, total of 10 years ago. Highlight of the year's telephone devel opment in West Vancouver \ya« the open ing of the new WhytecIiiT office, giving service to the area between Caulfeild and Horseshoe Bay, on July 21. Whytecliff's telephone system is aiito ̂ matic. To house the dial equipment a small building was erected on the east side of Marine Drive, opposite the Glen- eagles Golf-Links. The establishing of the new system also involved an extensive outside constructioii program. This in eluded the stringing of 12,000 feet of 60- .................................................. "tre Ambleside, is easily the popular beach in the municipal ity,. , which „then covered it were removed several /ears ago, exposing the sand--O", __«____ beneath, since when it has been wi Mecca for residents from the •joii>r'rawsoi'j' pair cable, in additfon to the placing of a number of new poles and the stringing of open wire. On Noverhber 1, Whytcxiliff had 58 sub- IscWtwrslo telephonejService. .The Whyie- cllfr office is a part of the 'West Vancouver exchange, and its telephone total; is, therefore, included in the West Vancouver total. The History of the telehpone in West Vancouver precedes even ^ ^ a i u awv̂ ut • the incorporation of the municipality. John Lawson, popularly a number of editorials on «in , known as "The Father of West Vancouver," also has the distinction.' subject. hip ol being a telephone pioneer. He played a prominent part in the ' ................ the Mecca for residents - eastern end of the municipality as well as from North Vancoû ver and Vancouver. On Sundays and weekday afternoons and evenings under the summer sun it is crowded with bathers and picnickers throughout its length. A bathhouse has been erected ^for their, convenience and also picnic tables by the municipality, while there are tearoom.s nearby. A short distance off tlie beach a float is anchored for the use of swimmers, and a lifeguard is on duty daily for.the protection of any who happen to get into dif ficulties. Boats are available for - ' those We „ as'our particular child, because for years,,we advocatod_.the clear- ' ing of the stones off this section of our coastline, which made it possible, and it -has since justi fied everythings we .said about • J I"" * A . ■ ' ' 1 /I ■ 1 * i • I triek» M«rine I A ircraft Power Plant* Etc.. Etc. d i e s e l P O ^ ^ E R N .. e»p<» I - ' ' S&ilS? i . bio' full of intarMifoR facta and p lc iK Mall Coupon for Diesel News I * > H I* , 5 stt'*" 'I'f* H em phill D iesel ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 1.165 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada'a Original Exclualve P lead Sclioola Niitili:; Addreas..., C ftr The travelling salesman be came more and more puKzled as to how the store, kept aliye. Finally he asked: ' I "How in the world do you make a go of things at all?" Indicating-the clerk, who was at the far end of the counter, the. storekeeper replied: F ISH E R M A N 'S COVE Fisherman's Cove, a little bay on Howe Sound, with Horsesh(i> Bay forms;what is known as Whytecliff. .'The eastern side of the bay is flat, but a ranipart of high cliffs; surrounds it on its other sides, and its general̂ Well, he works for me, and I land m the centre. The cove r parttular child, becau/o hto. I?.two years^he ™ gits the store.- Then I work for him till I git it back." We asked him one day if he had any organic ailments, and he snarled, "Ne,' Fm not the'leart musical." service, a^d was the B.C. .Telephone Com- established the service without'insisting on, pany s iirst agent when an exchange was opened. - that. Mr. Lawson was appointed agent for the Ml. T Jhe municipality in 1912,. ; company. The first switchboard' ivaS in his . rf. .1 iifnfr nfTifi c Vancouver. It was in his : office, adjoining the post office at Hollyburn, hll Street. Hollyburn, on and he ŝerved as postmaster and telephone family of pioneers had landed*from roperator at the-same time."-* . L o M? through a toll West Vancouver now has direct telephone A.fter the-municipality became incorporated a local telephone h r i S l npflHnrfor'^flli.h^^^ .There were 13 names on the The British Columbia Telephone Com- t r i S that m fm w *fn L k'" "I? PP"y s present commerciar agent is Miss Bar- w £ thov fnnnd thL f m r >>ara Allwork, daughter of. a former chief opor- ̂ they-were still four short of the number required ator. The' cMef operator now is Miss Marv̂ by the relephone Company to open an,-exchaiUe, Mr. Lawson Carmichael,/^d the man in charge offered to take the extra four telephones himself,iut the company A. F. Gibsom ^ ^ small craft of all kinds, and on any summer day in the summer ' a number of yachts and launch- es are to be,'found tied up there. There'is excellent fishing in the adjacent waters, salmon and ' other kinds of fish being plenti ful, and a la i^ tfl^ t of boats are 'available for rent to the viŝ itor either for angling or ing. 'A store and tearoom are located just off the Marine Drive * where groceries or tea and light refreshments can be obtained.. Emergency. Phones 1" The- park; * which'_ abuts on the Drive, is ideal for picnics and itline, Mr Lawson using it in connertionVith his real esS^^^^^ ̂ connectie; with Vaheouver thrê ^̂ ^̂ „ ------T - ®'!'! '̂ •'fi'""?"'C'P"l'ty.l>«c?'ne incorporated a local telephone ine cable laid in 1928. P o lic e .. .. ; , ........W est 4 5 " ® Fire D ep t^ . . . . W est 4 0 0 Inhalator, W.Vaiil. W est 4 5 Inhalator, Caulfeild, W est 6 0 9 _xO space for the convenience of motorists. Fisherman's Cove"is situated right.lon. Marine Drive. Conse quently it can be reached direct from Vancouver either by auto or by the Pacific Stages. ' JL._ - 1 .-, ( ( i y K n o w s That Lofig-Distance Telephone_CalIs- are cheapest every night ^ n d - a l l - d a y ^ § u t k d a y s F ^ A_/_ i V ,»'»1 _ -- --- ---- ---- -------------- three minutes}.: W E ST VANCOUVER TO - * t i Calgary ..................... j i .jq Kamloops.................. 60 Nanaimo.................. , 3 5 Toronto,,..;..,........... ....................' ....... 4.00 Victoria ................... 4 5 Winnipeg....:........................................... 2.25 Goverment Tax Extra > Vi *• h. ^ f. s W> ■* 1. ' . ê-%-* \ ̂ -w Vi V -V . . .'iv V V-.- ^ S 4 .. •'k . O'* ̂ MirortotoBBirTEtEraoiirTo: ,.sŜ i.ii - y . , - I* ill S - 1