»-M» "P^ -fp - i - •<r«S'A^-^-t<j^^ ^ - i ^ '=?^**jwtj^ .* I'4 ^ k,«W*nt 4 * > I" * r.' *4JM̂* 1* *r i '"'r i ̂ ? 4 ̂.'̂ r̂*̂ , * ^ 'iJ" 40̂ ,,̂ (t **%*»' \'. 1' *;( . -'ry ̂. ■ /■*>,'̂'*.■*"«.: *'> • r ■ '■ . "*•'•> V ■' '•• • . ' t- ■,., !* ^ \r \ -v." - .' ►. V f ?;--i »IrtiWrtBŴ'fr'lfefoAwh*' Hollyburn School ipv -•«»**•«•, ••".."-tf* -̂ *̂t«"""*'«.i \* m»nh^ |% ' *Tl***'*'****Vi **'m %[ 0 r̂ W0 5 '̂ 1 •" , r» -CT - r pr,, r-., '^ ,"*«'l,' '<*»*7W*% r - k are pleased to have taken an active part in the development of the Municipality o f West Vancouver, \ * ----- 'Motorists crossing the new Lions Bridge can enjoy'many delightful drives. % School H ealth Service Caulfeild Park I ) The Board of School Trustees., nurse, teacher or parent.. High ' provides .a full-time health ser- ̂ School children are examined be- vice for the jsohool children of fore engaging in major sports. West Vancouver. Since Septem- All school children ,not ex- ber, 1937, when the North Van- amined ̂by the doctor are given couVer Health Unit assumed re- a yearly physical inspection by sponsibility for the direction of the nurs'e, to determine the con- „ school medical services, the West dition of growth and deyelop- This area was donated by the c«... n/r.. t:i Tir nJ..i.fly»JlJi rs.P p Vancouver School 'Board has been associated indirectly, with the Metropolitan Health Com mittee, and has had available the school health facilities, of that lorganizationi The provision of full-time health services for late Mr. F. W. Cdulfeild, one of West VancouveFs pioneers as well as its greatest benefactor. He had it laid out in such a way that the natural contours were taken advantage ,^f in making the walks, and shrubberies.; It covers practically the entire of Caulfeild besides D ealers in a ll classes of Real Estate .............. waterfront __________ ___ ment, yision, hearing, throat and having a fine sheltered bay and posture. The nurse also inspects ..-gandy beach. 4̂lb- se rv ic e s the com m u nity a s a w h o le ia de pendent upon t h e -mu n icip a lity 's b efore ' re-adm iss io n , o f joining th e M etrop olitan ch ild ren w h o h a v e been Area each class monthly for skin dis eases, infections, etc., and makes frequent inspections of classes in which a communicable disease has developed. Another duty of the* nurse is. the inspection,, those Nelson Creek Canyon Pj The above park com^ises a away large area surrounding the Nel son ' Creek Canyon, . situated about three-quarters of a mile down stream in a south-easterly direction ..from .Eagle._Lake, It is undeveloped at present. Subdivisions Im proved Properties Acreage - - Lots vice 1, or establishing such a ser -fro m school because of illness, independently, i This practiod'is a. safeguard to ■ The purpose of a school medi- . the individual child, and also popular Reeves of. the cal program,' as .of _aU, public .fng'X e r s . municipality who passed am^y Yinson Playgrounds This area, named after one of tibn of physical defects, and the establishment of ideals and practices which are most con ducive to physical, mental and social healthy ent upon co-operation between the parents, teachers and the medical staff. The West Van couver school service is entirely preventive. Such medical land T h e nu rse g iv e s ind ividual arid group h ea lth ta lk s , an d co-oper a te s w ith th e schcool sta ff in tea c h in g h ea lth a s outlined in th e school curricu lum . She a lso -v ieits-the-hom es-to--4 is€U S s-w ith- .th e p a ren ts a ll h ea lth n e ^ s o f th e school ch ild . In the West Vancouver sbhopls a goitre prevention service has been established this year, and acres on the south side of Ingle wood Avenue opplosite Pauline Johnson School. No develop ment work has been done there as yet. . .' Cypre^ Park Falls Park -This is a very fine park area still awaiting development. It Jndudes=^thini--it^houndaries Cypress Park Falls, which is one mst-b*̂ arra.pgfid by the parents - Board for mid-morning nourish with the family doctor and den- ment. Both of these services-are tist. Some first aid treatment is supervised by the, school nurse. given by th ̂ pnrse. _____ Medical examinations of school The medical examination of are jiecesSary to deter- British Columbia. Uittl^Moimtain Park This two and a half acre site is-4fxJbe. foupd»^n-the-^asterlyi end of the municipality. On ac- anthe school children affords ̂ opportunity' of'discussing ivith- the parent the need of medical treatment; and of other require ments in health habits and prac tices; consequently parents are requested to attend- the physical -^^de by p^ents of the inform- mine the physical condition and count of the height of the ground need, for medical treatme'nt.„The wonderful views of the surround- ultimate value from a school ing scenery of sea" and land can health service,, however,. i s , the be obtained there. It is not yet success of its-health teaching.-^ developed. / Suc^ success depends on the use ' , Sherman Park examinations. An effort is made *?e-children examined in the -toha-i ation and facilities provided for them. f- A small'park site has been set aside at Sherman about one mile ranee,;.otherwise physical exam- , [nations by the school d^^r'are' xatrwsuK̂ Pf̂A'.. ■". ' " .....■•■ ,.L ̂'j ' j.,if,TT;;iurao5?:3g'.j»?west of^West Bay and a short The most distressirig situa;tion ;At present at iŝ undeveloped. th a t h a s evqy cpm e t h e ' w a y _ o f .iriade on all children in Grades 1, our orie good ear, is the case of IV, VII and X a l l children, new the maid vvho wqrked for a high- to the"schools; those who were found to have a major defect ori the previous examination, or who have had a severe illness; and those children for whom an examination is. requested by brow fa m ily , arid sim p ly w ore h e r se lf ou t ru n n in g back and fo rth betw een th e d iction ary and th e keyhole. ___ -Altamont Park . ..This are^^of approximately an acre is situatedj.on the shore line south of Marine Drive;̂ ,at .Alta mont just west of 59tirstreet. So far no development work has, taken place there. Park Tea°°Rifoffl~s' GiULDS* BUSINESS SCHOOL The S ^ o o l o f In d iv id u al in stru ctioh 406 L u m b erm an s B ldg. : . 509 R ichards -S tre e t 1911 T:TJlSfUHES AftePfloon TEAS ICE CREAM Etc. Marine Drlve"̂ ^ AT THE PARK WEST VANCOUVER EYRL'S CIVIC SERVICE COLLEGE 413 Granville Street, Vancouver Sey. 2615 ...---- ...ir -WWch Do You Want? Suppose you were .tot- ,-ally disabled. Salary "Stopped -- which would you prefer . . $50 Monthly or Sympathy? Which Will Your Family Want? In .case you died or wer6 killed. Which would you rather give your family $2500 or Sympathy If You Liye for 20 years Could You Use Some Ready Cash? You Can Have All This for a $10 Bill Today. =No^Medi<mi=ExaminationrRequiredrrJVIen- and-Women inJGood- Health Between 16 arid SO Yekrs Accepted. -nDN^Tr^WAiT-FOR-MISFORTUNEI-TO 0 VBRTAKE-YOU- Canadian MutuaTnBenefiFAssdciation ' 308 Rogers Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Trinity 5810 ' X. A'"~ ■+- \ -t4̂ «"• ̂t