West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 17

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»-M» "P^ -fp - i - •<r«S'A^-^-t<j^^ ^ - i ^ '=?^**jwtj^ .* I'4 ^ k,«W*nt 4 * > I" * r.' *4JM̂* 1* *r i '"'r i ̂ ? 4 ̂.'̂ r̂*̂ , * ^ 'iJ" 40̂ ,,̂ (t **%*»' \'. 1' *;( . -'ry ̂. ■ /■*>,'̂'*.■*"«.: *'> • r ■ '■ . "*•'•> V ■' '•• • . ' t- ■,., !* ^ \r \ -v." - .' ►. V f ?;--i »IrtiWrtBŴ'fr'lfefoAwh*' Hollyburn School ipv -•«»**•«•, ••".."-tf* -̂ *̂t«"""*'«.i \* m»nh^ |% ' *Tl***'*'****Vi **'m %[ 0 r̂ W0 5 '̂ 1 •" , r» -CT - r pr,, r-., '^ ,"*«'l,' '<*»*7W*% r - k are pleased to have taken an active part in the development of the Municipality o f West Vancouver, \ * ----- 'Motorists crossing the new Lions Bridge can enjoy'many delightful drives. % School H ealth Service Caulfeild Park I ) The Board of School Trustees., nurse, teacher or parent.. High ' provides .a full-time health ser- ̂ School children are examined be- vice for the jsohool children of fore engaging in major sports. West Vancouver. Since Septem- All school children ,not ex- ber, 1937, when the North Van- amined ̂by the doctor are given couVer Health Unit assumed re- a yearly physical inspection by sponsibility for the direction of the nurs'e, to determine the con- „ school medical services, the West dition of growth and deyelop- This area was donated by the c«... n/r.. t:i Tir nJ..i.fly»JlJi rs.P p Vancouver School 'Board has been associated indirectly, with the Metropolitan Health Com­ mittee, and has had available the school health facilities, of that lorganizationi The provision of full-time health services for late Mr. F. W. Cdulfeild, one of West VancouveFs pioneers as well as its greatest benefactor. He had it laid out in such a way that the natural contours were taken advantage ,^f in making the walks, and shrubberies.; It covers practically the entire of Caulfeild besides D ealers in a ll classes of Real Estate .............. waterfront __________ ___ ment, yision, hearing, throat and having a fine sheltered bay and posture. The nurse also inspects ..-gandy beach. 4̂lb- se rv ic e s the com m u nity a s a w h o le ia de pendent upon t h e -mu n icip a lity 's b efore ' re-adm iss io n , o f joining th e M etrop olitan ch ild ren w h o h a v e been Area each class monthly for skin dis eases, infections, etc., and makes frequent inspections of classes in which a communicable disease has developed. Another duty of the* nurse is. the inspection,, those Nelson Creek Canyon Pj The above park com^ises a away large area surrounding the Nel­ son ' Creek Canyon, . situated about three-quarters of a mile down stream in a south-easterly direction ..from .Eagle._Lake, It is undeveloped at present. Subdivisions Im proved Properties Acreage - - Lots vice 1, or establishing such a ser -fro m school because of illness, independently, i This practiod'is a. safeguard to ■ The purpose of a school medi- . the individual child, and also popular Reeves of. the cal program,' as .of _aU, public .fng'X e r s . municipality who passed am^y Yinson Playgrounds This area, named after one of tibn of physical defects, and the establishment of ideals and practices which are most con­ ducive to physical, mental and social healthy ent upon co-operation between the parents, teachers and the medical staff. The West Van­ couver school service is entirely preventive. Such medical land T h e nu rse g iv e s ind ividual arid group h ea lth ta lk s , an d co-oper­ a te s w ith th e schcool sta ff in tea c h in g h ea lth a s outlined in th e school curricu lum . She a lso -v ieits-the-hom es-to--4 is€U S s-w ith- .th e p a ren ts a ll h ea lth n e ^ s o f th e school ch ild . In the West Vancouver sbhopls a goitre prevention service has been established this year, and acres on the south side of Ingle­ wood Avenue opplosite Pauline Johnson School. No develop­ ment work has been done there as yet. . .' Cypre^ Park Falls Park -This is a very fine park area still awaiting development. It Jndudes=^thini--it^houndaries Cypress Park Falls, which is one mst-b*̂ arra.pgfid by the parents - Board for mid-morning nourish with the family doctor and den- ment. Both of these services-are tist. Some first aid treatment is supervised by the, school nurse. given by th ̂ pnrse. _____ Medical examinations of school The medical examination of are jiecesSary to deter- British Columbia. Uittl^Moimtain Park This two and a half acre site is-4fxJbe. foupd»^n-the-^asterlyi end of the municipality. On ac- anthe school children affords ̂ opportunity' of'discussing ivith- the parent the need of medical treatment; and of other require­ ments in health habits and prac­ tices; consequently parents are requested to attend- the physical -^^de by p^ents of the inform- mine the physical condition and count of the height of the ground need, for medical treatme'nt.„The wonderful views of the surround- ultimate value from a school ing scenery of sea" and land can health service,, however,. i s , the be obtained there. It is not yet success of its-health teaching.-^ developed. / Suc^ success depends on the use ' , Sherman Park examinations. An effort is made *?e-children examined in the -toha-i ation and facilities provided for them. f- A small'park site has been set aside at Sherman about one mile ranee,;.otherwise physical exam- , [nations by the school d^^r'are' xatrwsuK̂ Pf̂A'.. ■". ' " .....■•■ ,.L ̂'j ' j.,if,TT;;iurao5?:3g'.j»?west of^West Bay and a short The most distressirig situa;tion ;At present at iŝ undeveloped. th a t h a s evqy cpm e t h e ' w a y _ o f .iriade on all children in Grades 1, our orie good ear, is the case of IV, VII and X a l l children, new the maid vvho wqrked for a high- to the"schools; those who were found to have a major defect ori the previous examination, or who have had a severe illness; and those children for whom an examination is. requested by brow fa m ily , arid sim p ly w ore h e r se lf ou t ru n n in g back and fo rth betw een th e d iction ary and th e keyhole. ___ -Altamont Park . ..This are^^of approximately an acre is situatedj.on the shore line south of Marine Drive;̂ ,at .Alta­ mont just west of 59tirstreet. So far no development work has, taken place there. Park Tea°°Rifoffl~s' GiULDS* BUSINESS SCHOOL The S ^ o o l o f In d iv id u al in stru ctioh 406 L u m b erm an s B ldg. : . 509 R ichards -S tre e t 1911 T:TJlSfUHES AftePfloon TEAS ICE CREAM Etc. Marine Drlve"̂ ^ AT THE PARK WEST VANCOUVER EYRL'S CIVIC SERVICE COLLEGE 413 Granville Street, Vancouver Sey. 2615 ...---- ...ir -WWch Do You Want? Suppose you were .tot- ,-ally disabled. Salary "Stopped -- which would you prefer . . $50 Monthly or Sympathy? Which Will Your Family Want? In .case you died or wer6 killed. Which would you rather give your family $2500 or Sympathy If You Liye for 20 years Could You Use Some Ready Cash? You Can Have All This for a $10 Bill Today. =No^Medi<mi=ExaminationrRequiredrrJVIen- and-Women inJGood- Health Between 16 arid SO Yekrs Accepted. -nDN^Tr^WAiT-FOR-MISFORTUNEI-TO 0 VBRTAKE-YOU- Canadian MutuaTnBenefiFAssdciation ' 308 Rogers Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Trinity 5810 ' X. A'"~ ■+- \ -t4̂ «"• ̂t