*1 îW' „ ffli V , J1<'„<, •#»# ■ , kr'S«V-l-*»f Y'>®'*"*'^+**"'*"'*^*'■+ "*'̂ '" * i I,f . - - *W „ ».. « -,p,t̂Vt̂T' ~ S F' FF̂Fv F̂,FF FF ̂ ̂ F.̂.* i» J«f* % M,, MF>6«rt,;F „f '5̂'S"F"FŴ«W*Ml?̂FFFFFFF)F'FF)ry.SlFSF̂i%,S |sŜ Ff. F F̂̂F J<fF?F .J <» F ̂ F f , , flFF F,f f , Ff F-j ff f, f , , ,,1 f f , f If? f ;f f j ̂ ̂ F * ?f F F '/ ' ̂ ' F? FŜF J <fla -!«• ̂ WfV'Ktj?̂ #> 1̂ U'Vl;. - vH j->i »•<>. - , *^ ■J-' »■ .( „ < ' f it f j (Mv ->f • -. v »t- _ ; i-f ,-t <. ?. ̂ ?■ <W. <6* «*. V*r«»«? Vft W-J- t» 'J,t «i,̂ >Pri«̂ l- I,ii.̂ŝ̂ ««iw.r-.p,,fff ,wg«.tsp- (fiwvwi-' SPOBT ,«< D KECBEATION IN WEST VANCOUVER #ŵf> »̂ jfS-jji A-e'111 #» '*̂ '̂ •wt ^ Due to the mildiicKH of the mate and Hh location on the aeashore at the loot of a forest ' " clad' mcuntain known as Holly- burn Ridge, West Vancouver is B.n ideal spot for sport and re- , creation. The local ruirby and ' . socerr football learns have made a name for themselves in Great er Vancouver, a.s have the mem bers of the swimming club. The tennis ciiib is' very active and has excellent clay courts, and ,, baseball is also played in the summer. I^r those who prefer something less strenuous tliere is lawn bowling, the local club .m First West Vancouver Municipal Council, 1912, and the Municipal Hall greens being amengst the best to be found in Greater Vancou ver, while particulars of the two golf clubs appear in other sec tions of this supplement. Much badminton is played 1 C<iiOJS4PJLJiM£dhfirS ĈF . I*» •,4t00V,' HO LLYBURN F U N E R A L H O M E O F H A R R O N B R O S . L T D . NORTH VANCOUVER 122 Weft 6th St, North 134 WEST VANCOUVER Phone We*t 134 MlltiP___ ________ VANCOUVER 5J Bait lOA Ave, ^Pelt, 134 Ix'ft torright -- W. B. Carter, Engineer; Geo. Hay, Councillor; , . , Cbas. Nelson, Reeve; T. F. Merrick, Councillor; S. Gintzburger, during the winter months, when Councillor; J. H. Mather, Councillor; G. H. Peake t̂Clerk: Hollyburn Ridge with its great* _____________________________ =========================̂ ̂ :'Plateau is the centre for/4he i , .. thoy.sunds fpom Wost Vancoiiv.er er * thrushcs, warblcrs, tanagers, and the city who enjoy skiing ̂ WEbl VANCOUVER etc., are well represented. i and hiking. By "SELBOURNE" Often in summer bn the Ibnely ft' ■' ■'■. .(T**̂ -• . , higher reaches the lovely ,spng The consumption of ooke is in ti One of the lovelier.aspeCts of of the hermit thrust and ToWns- creasing In Canada. It is used the wooded hinterland of We t̂.......ends solitaire is very pleasing to . very largely as a domestic fuel, Vancouver iij its abundance of the lover of bird life. * as well as in blast furnaces and varied forms of feathered life. One could, write volumes of cupolas, manufacturing, mining PYom early spring to late fall this wonderful Hollyburn Ridge and smelting. Ontario uses neiir- all the migrants indigenous to and its denizens, of its future ly twice as . much coke as the the north-west ..are to.be found, .as, a National Park, the playr rest of Canada combined, in its woods and valleys, while ground of Greater Vancouver. '<5 4̂ -, ; Q . > ■, -I' s ,* throughout the remainder of the The time will come, no doubt, Canada's export of beef cattle year we have a large number of when the whole region including to the United States has dropped feathered permanent residents. Mts. Harvey, Strachan, Black about one million dollars from Gilbert White's, wordsi about--Mountain and.-the Lions, will be . a-year ago, to 271,000, but to iHampShire being "Full of woods the Mecca of tourists from other the United Kingdom has risen and streams and therefore full parts of Canada and U.S. for in from $25,000 to $468,000. of birds", holds equally good scenic grandeur the site is second with West Vancouver, and the to none in British Columbia, fact also, that in 1926 the Pro- ,The National Parks Commis- vincial Government set aside an ,sion has an organized system of area from Seymour Creek bn the and road building which, cast to Cypress Creek on the applied here would' makea beau- west and from the seashore to tiful. mountain country easy of the-crest of the watershed as a access, game reserve, has been very -- --=-------------- ' - • '■ ■ ■ ■ . *rr-' Memorial Arch on Marine Drive, \yest Vancouver greatly responsible, for thejn r -̂ r crease in the number of our furred and feathered residents. • Columbia deer are often seen on the lower slopes,' while white- tailed deer are numerous in the high woods. The black b̂e?rriEr-htHh !̂(Q^ enough to be a nuisance to s^n- ers of cabins around the ski- . camp.s. 7"hat pest, the cougar, is some. l ime.s-fi.-ravblg-4dsi4:Qî T-4>m-t-he . wilds of Mt. Harvey and aft oc casional visit from a roving band of timber wolves has been noted .,n(?ar the Capilano headwaters. The coyote and fox ,are not seen, in our_woods, but mink and ftiarten are fairly--numerous Quite recently the writer watch ed a family of fiVe raccoons in a large alder. Tf ■.is noted that of late the Vfirying hare is iftcreasing in the -\W)G(lsr ■ Beauty Spot . The pheasimt, Mongolian and rmg-neck, are numerous, the big «ooty ur blue grouse being a l s o ___ plentiful and surprisingly tanie. As a resulFof the rapid'im- fn slopes seem provement in 'general economip moreasing conditions last year, the farmers gi'ouse and of Canada , spent about 60 per T O V A N C O U V E R B Y B U S Pacific Stage Lines welcome the opportunity to provide the new bus ser vice over the Lions'. Gate Bridge between Vancouver and north shore H^oints. - - ' ^ The network of routes operated by Pacific Stage Lines.covers the lower j u m aJuLof-British-ColumbiaHinking-up-nrgan-andTural coiuttiinir t i ^ y frequent .schedules. Using tj,e newest type deluxe equipment,, in the hands of empteyies of long experience and skUled in the giving of safe and dependable service,- a ,ific.Stage Lines are equipped to give an improved transportetion to the West and North Vancoiiver'districts. ---------------- . , /-.r.„c7r,r....,------*_ -^ 'land The aomesfic sales-at wholesale prices amounted to 30 cd migi ant^ f̂rom thb.south. ,^1 milion doljars. , , ^ Conneetmg earners of Paeifle Stage-Lines afford direct connections to ^ points south and east in both Canada and United Stated, thus linking -th e north shore district^ with th^fincipaTt?avel routes of the eontinent. Marine Drive near West Bay IfldL.. ."'J',...... ̂ ..1 ..a.,..,,....................F,........ ... .. .' /i r - . ..1-̂ ' 4 ^ \ 1 ' i *. J q .r '. •< J ' I , I , =' ' >t' ' rr t - ̂ r>-' " ■ .......... ... ... • ..... ,...t j v ....-I... vA ' ..