West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 14

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.............................. ».. .A,- A--.. ... ... ■> ...... ...f.: ............ ...1--.............. .......... . .......... .....t,.... ..... ^ J V *«p«,«4.»« . r. '- •,-1-<|, - t w »«?«>*,- «'?«<?!»ftaiei*«ê ji6»' 1 «f(W iW%» t MMM* j m m a n h tiA » »tuim . ®l - «■ ̂ '. A •" •̂" "̂ ' *' ' Tp*'- t * I > ' le a ta c y JE d iica tid a " Sllll*M(lll*l*W«*»l(̂ ̂ / ^ by Principal Donald Davidson The story of education in West Vancouver goes baok 27 , years. The first public school was opened in the fall of 19U, when 14 pupils under the principalshp of Miss M. Reid were enrolled In the old Presbyterian Church at the corner of. 17th and Marine. Since that date the evolution of our school system has been a remarkable record of growth and expansion, and .today education in West Vancouver is well abreast of the most progressive school systems of the province. ^ bVom the first temporary quarters in a church "to the up-to-date buildings of today, the pupil has advanced with the limes in his instruotion equipment land transportation. Two large schools -- Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn with an enrollment of 350 boys and girls, endeavor to serve the basic meds for elementary instruction. The elementary division of the public school includes the first six grades and is adjusted to the nature of child life l>etween the ages of 6 and 12 yearn. " ' , ' In our Hchools the pupil Is supposed to acquire the Ifunda- mentals needed in any walk of life. At the completion of the h?4ewîw .# ?iTi j"» » » i|| Phone: Office West 4 IK-MORGAM WMt 482 t W C. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKER (Sftw jNfOlPA 25th and Marine Drive >«swwwn Dundarave, B.C. Established for 20 years *.1 . ! 1 BESTAWHILE CONVALESCENT i<6ME I» n BRIIXIE for you. It will Span,the Gap from weariness to health, nervous despair to the sunshine of life. A Pick-me-up between hospital and home. Quiet, comfortable, cheerful surroundings and, just the right things to eat. ' I Two Graduate Nurses, Reasonable Kates ; 136 27th Street, Waterfront. J course ho is supposed to be able to read, write and express his thoughtu writt«n pr.orally. in correct language, to be expert • in the fundtimentals of arithmetic, to be familiar with geo-</rOnhv linn lliufm-ir r x c i f f n.f U\, n».n.r4n/>/i 1.n»...graphy and history, particularly of his own province, to know simple facts of solence and> the care of his health and through literature,, music, art and other activities to be better .able to enjoy his periods of leisure. - Previoufi to 1936 our schools were of the traditional one- teacher, one-room typo but the larger demands of society C. Howard Rodgers wiiose ship, the Commodore, has been a blessing to the residents of Howe Sound, Ijeing always available for emergencies. He has resided at Horseshoe Bay 18 years; his father^-Joseph Rodgers, is a pioneer of the dis­ trict' having settled there . in 1914.- Mr. Rodgers'- ho\)by,is hunting and fishing. DUNDARAVE LIBRARY and GIFT SHOP 2476 Marine Drive Now Servihi^ the Community for the Seventh Year. MODERN LIBRARY -1 66c Month., ■ m a g a z in e s ; n e w s p a p e r s , g if t s of All Kinds, XMAS GOODS, CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS •nS»t "IW* f "5 ? ■' and the individual and social needs ,ô opr children resulted in a revision of the school curriculum. Changes in the new program of utudies show improvements alohglitthe following neff: 1. Greater attention to the English subjects. , ' . 2. Less number work in the primary giyides and a more: t-ll-n/tflACll nniiM..,.. In ' J.U.._....L. ~..i. i.1,. . ' ___practical course in arithmetic throughout the grades. 'Of"■■'...........' ■ * ' .........................................']• Greater emphasis in health teaching. 4. Closer correlation as among civics, history and the social s|;udie8. ̂ • the three .R's continue to constitute the core of the Elementary School, Curriculum. Reading, writing and' arithmetic have more than 40 per cent of the total time which children snend in school flurimr fhn firaf aiV ' yi.!: >K< (̂hddren spend in school during the first six grades. , In order to provide education for each individual child, in accordance with his ability, new^teaching techniques have been developê J and placed in operation. Time tables have . ................. a'belbeen constructed permitting, a better arrangement for the carrying out of the program. Classes are organized on the rota.ry plan, thereby making possible a considerable measure of specialization in instruction; Handwork, art, science, lib- .rary» health education, music, history and g'eography are all special-talent'and special training f r their woyk.' Eyeyy-effort is being made to-have life inside the school very real and aboundin life activities. The school through its curriculum and teaching touches the pupils from the standpoints of moral, mental and physical &tolRfc=pi^--sehool--^prgtobj3Ms=arTnerf^ci^regi^ West Yan GLEANERS and DYERS1.4 W E S T 1 -f fl V' . are at your service : I, 1,. \ ■ with. 35" years' experience , , , . , CLEANING, PRESSING ' Result--CODRTESY ALTERATIONS . SATISFACTION ̂ and REPAIRS Rea^nable Prices ^ TOM SOOTT, Prop. 7;. FOR TH E BEST 'i.'.'/i';. '̂7* 'r. i i i i i i i i i i ' t 'lilSs5?t::y 'VS'A"/** ir TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, GANDIES, SOFT DRINKS .'• ' Go To .; ■ ' . ^ SMITH'S SMOKE SHOPS AMBLE'SIDE WHARF, West Vancouver C. Wo, Hunter 7 Local. Manager Cunningham Drug Stores' Ltd. 42 LONSDALE AVE.,' ' North Vancouver The leading English and Canadian Tobaccos and Cigarettes/ Try Our' Own brand "ARGYLE MIXTIIRB'l..and -Cigarette- Tobacdo. --^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' respects, but a revieivzof. the objectives of the schools la s^ t forth by most of the progressive school* Systems, shows that character as an objective almost invari­ ably heads the list. " \ ...I The* woi'ld in which our pupils now find themselves has Irwin Park REPA IRS complex atfd excessively needs be an outstanding force-j in the nurture of ___V We Specialize in . RE-GRINDING or RE-BORING CYLINDERS. MARINE AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINESt-Gas or Diesel. SEALED POWER PISTON RINGS - 7 in the nuiture o f - used as a sports and recreation , fO "fd for and up t̂o the ; our schools are directed toward the developnient of skills and Amble-' powers in nunik' thnf will Tu ^ wasjthe^soene of many foot_ t h K y i ' ~ the achievement of ̂(.-hall matches. , This park, comprising about four acres in Dundarave, was so named after ex-Alderman Irwin of North Vancouver, from whom . . . , . ■it ..-I IwaiSj. Tobtainedr---~r...I t .. .has-r--bGCll--m- ----Patterns--for--Bveryv-lVtartne-rEngme -' 'Piston~~Tn~Use"~inr"Brit/i5ft~r'CdtinBfl)iŜ Marine Clutches and Reverse Gears Repaired, and Rebuilt., MEMORIAL PARK ̂ Memorial Park, as its name indicate.s, is dedicated to the memory--of those- from ; Weŝ t „yEST VANCOUVER ^HURGHES^ -McKechnie~Park- Send Your Next Rebore Job to , - Reliance Motor & Machine Works Ltd. -395-Aiexander"Streef ^ This was originally-known as ■TresHe^afkHbtrHias-srnceHbeen-s Douglas 506 i. added to until now it comprises iiierriorv--OT rnnflfr ti-riTYi has-always Hbeen â bout seventeen acres. It faces Vancouver who passed on the Vancouver, where sea on the heights just west fteld orhonor in the '} has, exercised a profound in-. <jf West Bay, and is awaiting ■ tI o " r ia i'te if fs'Th^nd: commute-'development.----------- "some nrch i)f grey granite sur: "in ------------1---- ----------------- -------- r n -S m l b y 7 ^ S w % rsto"* Churdi, Churoh o* E n g& ' ( r W e n d o l y t l .^ ^ " h ^ n ™ e ^ o fth " 4 e & c h '" B p n u t f }-tnade the supreme saerifice"ai'o-- ̂ -- J jQ Q t l t y ^ t l O p p B-tnade -the auprenie s a fe r tf le e -V r r -^ S h ^ h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ veterniiQ n«yl. fVtAii. - - * • ■ y' ̂ . .•■.the - war veterans and' their Iriends and was unveiled by Baron Byng on 3rd July, 1925, " ,/***", Kroeger to i s ; surrounded with a .beaiiti- ; applicant, 'T'm' fully kept garden, fif laiwns and *be men sbrubl^ries and small -trees. ^-®*' expostulated 7- ? b e to k .is siludled on Marine • ~ Seems, -|Bce you could Drive b^w'een 19th and 20th Bftle I do." Streets/ and on the east side there is a wooded section trav­ ersed by a brawling creek which _pines alLthe way from-Holly- burn Ridge. Modernism ^ ^ Xfie Insurance Agent: "Bo lybujvantri-straight life ?'̂ fto spec t: "Well, I like to step oup_ ̂ o e in a while.'*; .Gardenia Cleaners 2152 Marine Drive Finest QualiV Work Guarantee West 858 ^ Men̂ s Dress and Work Shoes o L p u a lity at Moderate Prices. - aV 7 7 - i " t. ^ ' 7̂ FERGUSON'S FOOTWEAR 35S West Pender St. atHonaer St. YaneonYer" i M arine Dr. P hone W est 1 1 7 -■H: W e Buy G O L D AND S I L V E R Nine years of serving the West VahV Public We offer you five of the Best Permanent Waves possible. TWO DUART -Thermostatically controlled heat -- The most^ beautiful and successful.: wave '^-^or-all-types^othaifTLeav^^■ ■■.yi. T* n Ml M w. ...X îl. ' '. V ...>1 ■• ■ ■ < • ■ ,:f .'..tthe Tiaijcjwet,_s(>f t_andJLustrous- ONB MACHINELESS WAVE T he-la test Nestle Wave for women who dislike a machine - -w ave.---------------- . ---------- ONE SOMMER'S NATURALLE the originators of croquignole waving. V AX.SO the Very L a te s t^ 7 A Duart'W ave without mach- , me or chemical pad. It's new ,and proven bv' TEST to be SUCCESSFUL we have it. C om pare o u r prices w hen you* biiy Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry & ISilverware P A C I F I C G O L D T rin ity 3588 600 R obson S t, V ancouver V a e s s a g S( a: s< al a g f( \b al t] .0 -« ei C a f( tl C( d C{ Fa»rS( "̂ le d( w tl w IF al E ir bi P dt tl "b( -is €( k Ley ii^MaWest.iPender^ b r e a k f a s t s , l u n c h e o n s , a f t e r n o o n t e a s a n d d in n e r s A SPECIALTY ? , ' - ̂ T̂ -̂ Pting Pood ' l^onahVPriW Chef: CHRIS STAMATIS, late of Scott's <^^fe Call in after shopping or hefore/or ^ t e r th e theatre .: , ' ai P B oi di cl B ili ti m 77aV?7;77':7y^'